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Copyright © 2023 Hin Hung Wong

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Academic year: 2023

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An examination of the function of the Adam-Christ typology in the Adversus Haereses of Irenaeus, against the background of the gnosticism of his time. The project aims to raise the truth of the resurrection (both Jesus' bodily resurrection and Christians' future bodily resurrection) among the Iban and Chinese Christians of SCAC. The Great Commission of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ calls us to go to all nations (including Malaysia) and make all people (including the Malaysian Muslims) disciples of Jesus Christ.

Fifth, I would like to thank all my professors, my editor (Michelle Tipton), and all the SBTC staff. My gratitude is also felt in Malaysia (Sam Wong, Alan Wong, Victor Sia, Kie Won, Rev. Tiong Lee Chiong, SCAC and all GMC participants) and China (Wang Shi Jun).


The first objective was to assess the knowledge of the Resurrection at Gloria Methodist Church (SCAC). 1 Corinthians 15 epitomizes the classic discussion of the truth of the resurrection in the New Testament. The discussion of the three texts proved that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the apologetic presentations of the apostles.

Justin appealed to the bodily resurrection of Christ on the first day of the week (Sunday). The thesis of chapter 3 is that the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection was the central message of the patristic apologists. In session one we emphasized that the center of the Christian faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In session three, we looked at the biblical truth about the future resurrection of Jesus believers. The second was to develop an eight-lesson curriculum on the truth of the resurrection.

Table 1. Identity and gender demographics
Table 1. Identity and gender demographics

Assessment of the Knowledge of the Resurrection of the Resurrection

Curriculum Development and Evaluation and Evaluation

Since the curriculum adequately addresses the truth of the resurrection and is biblically, theologically, and historically sound, I have accomplished the second goal (my score is 95 percent).

The Increase of the Knowledge of the Resurrection of the Resurrection

A second strength is that the participants gained confidence in answering the questions of the Muslim teachers and missionaries about the resurrection of Jesus. For example, they are confident in sharing the seven biblical accounts of eyewitnesses of the Jesus after the resurrection, which is also the internal evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. Moreover, they also know how to share the historical works of the patristic apologists, which are the outer evidence of the resurrection of Jesus.

The participants gained a lot of knowledge from the Bible and the historical works of the five patristic apologists. The third strength is that Paul's three admonitions in 1 Corinthians 15 and the teaching of the Great Commission strengthened the participants to stand firm in the truth of the resurrection and devote themselves fully to Christ's evangelistic work, such as the work of Christ's Great Commission will never be in vain. A fourth advantage is that Chinese Christians and indigenous Iban Christians could come together to attend the eight-session curriculum.

Most of the church members of GMC's Malay-language congregation are Iban (about 80 percent), while Chinese are a minority (about 20 percent). The project showed the unity of the Church; Chinese Christians and Iban Christians study together to be ready to face and evangelize Malay Muslims. A fifth advantage is that the curriculum was the first apologetics curriculum ever embedded in the GMC that addressed Muslims.

However, we must not stop our work because of restriction and threat, because Muslims also need the salvation of Jesus, and the Great Commission also calls us to make Muslims disciples of Christ. Therefore, we should do something for our Muslim friends with the skills we have learned from the curriculum. When they know more about it, it will help them in their relationships with their Muslim friends, Muslim teachers and even Muslim imams.

Would Do Differently

Justin Martyr Defends the Christian Faith

At the same time, he also spread the newly formed Christianity, especially with the emphasis on the divinity and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, we worship the true God, Father of all virtues, [and] His Son who taught us these things." (Marcovich 1994, 12) Justin explains that the way Christians worship God is different from the sacrifices to pagan gods.; He says: “He does not need blood and drink offerings and incense. We worship Him] through the word of prayer and thanksgiving for everything we receive.

This is my blood and he gave it to them alone" (First Apology 66,3). Parvis and Foster Justin Martyr proclaim the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. a) The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is one of Justin's central teachings. In his first Apology, he mentions the crucifixion of Jesus: "[Jesus Christ] was crucified under Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the time of Tiberius Caesar" (First Apology 13:3).

It says: “And on Sunday we all gather together because it is the first day that God changed darkness and matter and created the world, and Jesus Christ our Savior rose from the dead on the same day. For they crucified him the day before the Sabbath and the day after the Sabbath, which is Sunday, when he appeared to his apostles" (First Apology 67:8). He says: "God the Father of all intended to take Christ to heaven after he had raised him from the dead, and to keep him there until he smote the demons who were his enemies" (First Apology 45:1).

The resurrection of Christ is the central message of the apologist Clement of Rome. An examination of Clement's works will support this thesis by showing his appeal to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of the believers of Jesus Christ.

The Background of Clement of Rome (AD c.30-c.100)

Although Clement did not put his name on this letter (Chevallier 1846, 25), Eusebius confirms that Clement was the author of this letter to the Corinthians.

Clement Proclaims the Crucifixion of Christ

Clement Proclaims the Resurrection of Christ

An examination of the works of Irenaeus will support the proposition by showing that he appeals to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of believers in Jesus Christ. Heresies III; Letter to Florinus, on the sole sovereignty; Letter to Blastus, on Ghost; Against Heresies IV; Letter to Victor, on the Ogdoad; In return for. Although the mind is temporary in this material world, it never belongs to this material world.

One day, "souls would finally be able to escape matter completely and sink into ultimate spirit." (Payton Irenaeus proclaims the crucifixion of Christ. a) For Irenaeus, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was God's love for mankind, as he says, "He bound the strong and loosed the weak and gave salvation to the work of His hands by destroying sin.

Irenaeus Proclaims the Resurrection of Christ

He claims that "[Jesus Christ] shall come in the same flesh in which He suffered, and shall manifest the glory of the Father" (Against Heresies III 16.8). The resurrection of Christ is the central message of the apologist Ignatius of Antioch. An examination of the works of Ignatius will support the thesis by showing his appeal to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of his believers.

The Background of Ignatius of Antioch (died AD c.110)

Ignatius Proclaims the Crucifixion of Christ

Ignatius Proclaims the Resurrection of Christ

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central message of the apologist Tertullian. A review of Tertullian's works will support this thesis by showing his appeal to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of his believers. He was highly educated (both in Latin and Greek schools); . therefore he had a wide knowledge of Greek and Roman history and thought.

Tertullian Proclaims the Crucifixion of Christ

He advocates: "We cease to worship your gods from the time we discover that they are not gods" (Apologetic and Practical Treatises X). Tertullian points out that the gods of the pagans were created by men. being as such both God and man. He suffered, died and rose from the dead and was exalted to the right hand of the Father [and].

Despite his tendency to complain about polytheistic teachings, Tertullian maintained that the Trinity is the way to understand one God.

Tertullian Proclaims the Resurrection of Christ

Epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Ignatius, and of the First Apology of Justin Martyr: An Introduction and Brief Remarks Illustrative. No one before Muhammad had denied Christ's death on the cross. a) Islam has consistently opposed the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary for centuries. We should point to passages in the Old Testament which foretold the sufferings of the Messiah, and also those passages in the New Testament where the Lord Jesus Himself foretold His own death.

We must trust in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to draw near and . witness to our Muslim friends. Of course, we can give them the New Testament and some parts of the Bible. e) Do not use counterfeit Bibles. Therefore, we should persevere and give ourselves completely to the Lord's work (1 Cor 15:58).

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." First, we must be firm in the truth of resurrection, because they are skeptics who ignore the truth of resurrection, for example the Muslims. The Great Commission of the risen Lord Jesus Christ (Matt The risen Lord appeared to his disciples, some still doubt his resurrection.

The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, vol. Clement of Rome and Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas: With an Introduction Containing a History of the Christian Church in the First Century. This project seeks to train the Chinese Christians and Iban Christians of the Bahasa Malaysia Ministry congregation of Gloria Methodist Church (GMC) in


Table 1. Identity and gender demographics
Table 3. Pre-test results regarding general knowledge of the resurrection  Survey Question  Church leaders
Table 2. Age demographics
Table 4. Pre-test results regarding biblical knowledge of the resurrection  Survey Questions  Church Leaders


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Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, during the 2017-2020 period ORIGINALITY REPORT PRIMARY SOURCES jurnalmka.fk.unand.ac.id Internet Source Submitted to Universitas Airlangga