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A Correlation between student’s Self Esteem and English Achievement of SMPN 5 Ponorogo in academic year 2015/2016


Academic year: 2024

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This study is conducted to observe what correlation of students' self-esteem and achievement in English. Title of the correlation between students' self-esteem and achievement in English in the eighth grade of SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year of. How is the self-esteem of the students of the eighth grade of SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016?.

Is there any relationship between students' self-esteem and English achievement of the eighth grade of SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016?. To find out the self-esteem of students for the eighth grade students of smpn 5 ponorogo in the academic year. To find a significant relationship between students' self-esteem and English achievement of eighth grade students of smpn 5 ponorogo in the academic year.

The importance of self-esteem

High self-esteem is more sensitive to criticism from the environment, but accepts and expects verbal and non-verbal input from others to evaluate oneself. An individual with high self-esteem appreciates the valuable more than what is owned, important and valuable, and trusts the view and also his own experience as a truly correct and true experience. 17. 13 Self-esteem should be the result of positive things someone has done in their life, such as learning in school or helping others, not a birthright.

14 better control yourself and others, so the mentioned will push to form his self-esteem that is positive or high, and so act on the contrary. If the individual efforts according to the demand and expectation, it means that the individual possesses the interest that can help to form high self-esteem. Some clarifications conclude that self-esteem has different aspects that is power, the individual able to influence others.

Standard and Character of Self Esteem

Third aspect that is virtue, individual can meet the existing norm in society and religion norm. Individual with moderate self-esteem tends to own the experience the picture took a fancy, owning a lot of equation individual owns high self-esteem. An individual with low self-esteem must feel less self-confidence in the assessment of abilities and what he owns.

People with low self-esteem become afraid, ashamed, hate themselves and do not accept themselves. Low self-esteem is the manifestation of higher level of fear and more manifestation of feeling depressed.

English achievement

17 to determine students' mastery in a certain academic field.23 Achievement is the result of student mastery in the learning process. This achievement can be expressed in terms of grades and test or exam results, also in English learning. For most of these students it is most important, but also in learning in any content class where reading in English is required.

Writing is the mental work of figuring out ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader. According to the concept above, it can be concluded that learning achievement is the result of student's learning after teaching process in harmony with the teaching object in specified period. If someone has a high intelligence and the talent in some object, it has learned, so the process of your learning will go well and achieve success.

The correlation between student’ s Self Esteem and English Achievement

When a state residential community is made up of well-educated people, especially high school kids, with good morals, it would encourage the kids to study hard. 22 In learning English, there are 4 skills that need to be assessed, which are listening, reading, speaking and writing. The relationship between self-esteem and listening achievement is that the student has high self-esteem, so they tend to have confidence in their ability to listen to the items given in English, than they mentioned, so the student can undoubtedly answer to the question given in faith without doubt.

The relationship between self-esteem and reading performance is when individuals have high self-esteem and they should feel the teacher's confidence at the time they ask to read petrified and also read in front of the class without feeling afraid or ashamed. Therefore, a person with high self-esteem can get the good value if he or she is able to act as it should be performed, fully believes in it. The relationship between self-esteem and speaking is when individuals have high self-esteem and they need to feel the self-confidence of the other moment, individuals with high self-esteem are not afraid to make the mistake in speaking, although the individual is less fluent, but they are not ashamed and learn to always be able to speak English.

The relationship between self-esteem and writing is when the individual has high self-esteem and should feel the confidence of the moment to write. The individual with high self-esteem must feel to believe that they are able to write better and realistically accurately. 23 Although they sometimes make mistakes, individuals with high self-esteem will appreciate what they have written.

Previous Researcher Findings

This journal explains that there is a positive and significant correlation between student self-esteem and student speaking skills. Three statements show that all correlations between self-esteem and performance are positive.

Theoritical Framework X: student’s self -esteem

Is there any relationship between students' self-esteem and English achievement of grade eight in SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016. There is no relationship between students' self-esteem and English achievement of grade eight at SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016.

Research Design

27 questionnaire and English language achievement was taken from the documentation of student achievement in English, taken from the documentation of the final test. The questionnaire score and students' achievement were used to examine whether there was a significant correlation between students' self-esteem and English achievement or not.

Populasi and sample 1. Population


Instrument of data collection

The dependent variable of this research is the English achievement at smpn 5 ponorogo in the academic year. The researcher uses item validity using the formula product moment correlation. This means that the numerical results produced by the indicator do not change due to the characteristics of the measuring instrument itself.41 Reliability is the consistency of the result if the indicator or question is repeated under similar conditions.

Technique of data collection 1. Questionaire or angket

History of SMP N 5 Ponorogo

Before the publication of the decree for the establishment of ST (Engineering School) dated August 25, 1956 with number 4361/B/III, in fact Ponorogo Engineering School already existed under the name STP (Ponorogo Engineering School). However, with the publication of the decree STP villa- School with the major in Electrical Engineering Building and the years of the education period. Date April 2, 1965, the publication decree of the Minister of Education and Basic Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 58/DIRPT/BI 965, the integration/improvement of the content of which/.

Year 1903/1904 issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, dated October 5, 1994, issue about the change of ST and SKKP becomes the SMP, and ST negeri 1 Ponorogo becomes the SMP negeri 5 Ponorogo. Due to the publication of the Director General SK, the department of primary and secondary education declined in primary and secondary education, SMPN 5 ponorogo was designated as junior. After SMP changed, the name became SLTP (year 1997). SMP 5 became SLTP - PPK/ SLTP with a proficient program or in the year 2000 with the title SLTP plus.

Geographical Location of SMPN 5 Ponorogo

43 the teaching and learning process will go well, so that the goal of education will be maximally achieved. a) Conditions at school. In the process of learning and teaching activities, the existence of a suitable and infrastructural medium is necessary. Such an infrastructural medium is something that can facilitate the work and speed up the implementation of program teaching and education in SMPN 5 Podokrožje Ponorogo.

In an educational institute, the role of principal and teacher is very important, especially as student teachers. A special duty is that they educate and instruct the students in activity teaching in order to be reached by the medium and goals that are expected.

Data Description

Student’s achievement of SMPN 5 Ponorogo

The data analysis in this research is to give the form about class VIII of the student's English achievement in the second semester. Calculation to find the mean and standard deviations of the variable achievement in English of eighth grade SMPN 5 Ponorogo. The calculation result is if it is categorized more than 79, the student's self-esteem is high, but if the score is less than 75 it is categorized, the student's self-esteem is low and the score between 75-79 is the student's self-esteem is moderate .

The correlation between Student’s Self Esteem and English Achievement

Discussion and Interpretation 1. Discussion

It described the outcome of documenting student scores for student self-esteem and English achievement. From this, it found that the score of student self-esteem on the eighth grade questioner of SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016 was moderate by scoring 57 students. The correlation between the student's self-esteem and English performance that finds out significant correlation in the amount of 0.538906 more than r table = 0.232.

So, H0 is rejected, there is a significant relationship between student self-esteem and English achievement of grade eight in SMPN 5 Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016. It means that the increase in the student's self-esteem was followed by the increase in the students' achievement in English. Finally, it can be concluded that the student's self-esteem was good increasing students' English achievement in SMPN 5 Ponorogo.


English teachers are suggested to enrich their teaching skills and take part in increasing students' self-esteem levels. Refer to the result of research, should to give more attention to the student's self-esteem level, because it was found to have positive correlation with the student's performance. Parents should pay more attention to their children's psychology, especially self-esteem, so that children are prepared to face all challenges and problems in life to achieve a successful life.

Dedmond, Self-esteem: The relationship between urban and suburban fourth-grade girls' self-esteem.


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