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Academic year: 2023



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Bell, D. A. (2010). China's New Confucism: Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

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Katzenstein, P. J. (1996). Introduction: Alternative Perspectives on National Security. Dalam P. J. Katzenstein, The Culture of National Security:

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Nye, J. J. (2004). Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. New York:

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Reus-Smit, C. (2005). Constructivism. Dalam S. Burchill, A. Linklater, R. Devetak, J. Donnelly, M. Paterson, C. Reus-Smit, dan J. T. True, Theories of International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: hal. 188-21.

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Sheng, H. (1994). A Concise History of Communist party of China. Beijing: Foreign languages Press.

Solingen, E. (2007). East Asia: Denuclearization as the Norm, Nuclearization as the Anomaly. Dalam E. Solingen, Nuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia and the Middle East. Princeton University Press: hal. 118-140.

Wang, C. dan Madson, N. H. (2013). Philosophical underpinnings of the Chinese legal system. Dalam C. Wang, dan N. H. Madson, Inside China's Legal System. Cambridge: Chandos Publishing: hal. 27 – 44.

Xiufen, L. (2011). The Confucian Ideal of Great Harmony (Datong 大同). Dalam L. Xiufen, The Daoist Account of Change, and the Theory of Socialism in the Work of Li Dazhao. Asian Philosopy: hal. 171-192.

Zoglmann, M. (2019). Honored Thesis: Xi Jinping and Confucianism: Legitimacy and a National Moral Identity. Colorado: University of Colorado Boulder.

Artikel Jurnal

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Aslam, F. (2016). Confucian Philosophy and Chinese Ethnic Minority Policy: A Case Study of Xinjiang. Jurnal: Journal of Historical Studies. Hal. 36-53.


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Duchâtel, M., dan Schell, P. (2013). China's Policy on North Korea: Economic Engagement and Nuclear Disarmament. Jurnal: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Hal. 1-66.

Gaber, H., dan kawan-kawan (2017). Seismological investigation of September 09 2016, North Korea underground nuclear test. Jurnal: NRIAG (Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics). Hal. 278-286.

Garver, J. W. (2001). The Restoration of Sino-Indian Comity following India’s Nuclear Tests. Jurnal: The China Quarterly. Hal. 1-25.

Godbole, A. (2015). China’s Asia Strategy under President Xi Jinping. Jurnal:

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Guoliang, G. (2005). Missile Proliferation and Missile Defence in North-East Asia.

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Hu, S. (2007). Confucianism and Contemporary Chinese Politics. Jurnal: Blackwell Publishing Inc. Hal. 136-152.

Jiang, Y. (2019). Sanctions Are An Important Tool In China's North Korea Diplomacy. Jurnal: Danish Institute for International Studies Policy Brief.

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Kim, S. S. (1994). The Dialectics of China's North Korean Policy in a Changing Post-Cold War World. Jurnal: Asian Perspective. Hal.5-36.

Lee, H. (2014). Rising China and the Evolution of China-North Korea Relations.

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Li, C. (2006). The Confucian Ideal of Harmony. Jurnal: Philosophy East and West.

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Liu, M., Su, C., Wang, F., dan Huang, L. (2020). Chinese cross-border M&As in the “One Belt One Road” countries: The impact of Confucius Institutes.

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Medeiros, E. S., dan Fravel, M. T. (2003). China's New Diplomacy. Jurnal: Foreign Affairs. Hal. 22.


Meick, E., dan Salidzanova, N. (2017). China’s Response to U.S.-South Korean Missile Defense System Deployment and its Implications. Jurnal: U.S China Economic and Security Review Commision. Hal. 1-16.

Miller, N. J. (2010). Pragmatic Nationalism and Pragmatic Nationalism and CCP.

Jurnal: Inquiries Journal / Student Pulse. Hal. 1-26.

Ni, P. (2018). The Silk Order:A philosophical perspective. Jurnal: Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute. Hal. 1-56

Odgaard, L. (2013). Peaceful Coexistence Strategy and China’s Diplomatic Power.

Jurnal: The Chinese Journal of International Politics. Hal. 233-272.

Pan, S.-Y. (2013). Confucius Institute project: China's cultural diplomacy and soft power projection. Jurnal: (Asian Education and Development Studies) Emerald Group Publishing. Hal. 22-33.

Paradise, J. F. (2009). China and International Harmony: The Role of Confucius Institutes in Bolstering Beijing's Soft Power. Jurnal: Asian Survey / University of California Press. Hal. 647-669.

Ronga, Ma. (2007). A new Perspective in Guiding Ethnic Relations in the Twenty First Century: De-politicization of Ethnicity in China. Asian Ethnicity 8 (3). Hal. 204.

Rosyidin, M. (2012). Mengapa tidak berperang? Norma Politik Luar Negeri Cina dan Konflik Laut Cina Selatan. Jurnal: Andalas Journal of International Studies. Hal. 137 - 151.

Samaruga, M. (2013). The influence of Confucianism in Chinese Foreign Policy (1971 - 2013). Jurnal: University of International Relations. Hal. 20.

Song, J. (2011). Understanding China's Response to North Korea's Provocations:

The Dual Threats Model. Jurnal: Asian Survey. Hal. 1134-1155.

Tang, P. S. (1973). Mao Tsetung Thought Since The Cultural Revolution. Jurnal:

D. Reidel Publishing Company. Hal. 265-278.

Ts'ao, I. J. (1975). Confucius In The Middle of The New Cultural Revolution Today. Jurnal: D. Reidel Publishing Company. Hal. 1-33.

Wemheuer, F. (2016). Mao's Last Disaster: The Cultural Revolution. Jurnal: The Cultural Revolution: A People’s History. Hal. 432-441.

Wu, B. (2001). The Chinese Security Concept and its Historical Evolution. Jurnal:

Journal of Contemperary China. Hal. 275-283.

Yip, A. (2015). Hongkong and China: One Country, Two System, Two Identities.

Jurnal: Global Societies Journal. Hal. 20-27.

Yongpeng, F. (2018). Harmony in Diversity. Jurnal: Beijing Review. Hal. 1-4.

Zalta, E. N., Nodelman, U., Allen, C., dan Anderson, R. L. (2019). Mencius. Jurnal:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Hal. 1-3.

Zhang, D. (2018). The Concept of ‘Community of Common Destiny’ in China’s Diplomacy: Meaning, Motives and Implications. Jurnal: Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies. Hal. 2-4.

Zhang, J. (2015). China's new foreign policy under Xi Jinping: towards ‘Peaceful Rise 2.0’?. Jurnal: Global Change, Peace & Security. Hal. 5-19.

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