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Academic year: 2024



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Muhammad Wahyu Suryandi Adam1*, Abdul Hakim2, Lu'mu Taris3

1Deparment Information Technology Education, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. Universitas Ichsan Sidrap, Jl.

Jendral Sudirman, Pangkajene, Sidenreng Rappang, Sulawesi Selatan.

2Departrment of Educational Technology, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Jl. A. P. Pettarani, Makassar, Indonesia

3Department of Educational Technology, Graduate Program, State Universitas Negeri Makassar, Jl. A. P. Pettarani, Makassar, Indonesia

*Email: muh.wahyu.suryandi@unisan-sidrap.ac.id


This research is a research development that aims to develop product assessment instruments for learning outcomes using a valid, practical, and effective Computer based test to help teachers accelerate the distribution of questions and find out the value of student learning outcomes quickly. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) development model with a ten-stage Dick & Carey development model, namely: analysis of needs and goals, learning analysis, analysis of learners (students) and context, formulating performance goals for work, developing instruments for test kits, developing learning strategies, developing and selecting learning materials, designing and conducting formative evaluations, make revisions, and conduct summative evaluations. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and tests are then analyzed descriptively qualitatively and descriptively descriptive statistics. The results showed that developing assessment instruments for learning outcomes using the Computer-based test could facilitate teachers in quickly recapitulating the value of learning outcomes for students. Developing learning outcome assessment instruments using the computer-based test is considered valid, practical, and effective. It is obtained from the results of expert validation, teacher and student responses, and the success of learning outcomes. Teachers are expected to use product learning achievement assessment instruments using the Computer-based test in daily tests, UL mid-semester exams, and periodic end exams periodically.

Keywords: Assessment, Learning Outcome Assessment, Computer Based Test


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk instrumen penilaian hasil belajar menggunakan Computer Based Test yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk membantu guru dalam percepatan pendistribusian soal serta mengetahui nilai hasil belajar siswa dengan cepat. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan Research and Development (R&D) dengan Model pengembangan Dick & Carey sepuluh tahapan, yaitu: analisis kebutuhan dan tujuan, analisis pembelajaran, analisis pembelajar (siswa) dan konteks, merumuskan tujuan performansi atau untuk kerja, mengembangkan instrumen atau alat tes, mengembangkan strategi pembelajaran, mengembangkan dan memilih bahan pembelajaran, merancang dan melakukan evaluasi formatif, melakukan revisi, dan melakukan evaluasi sumatif.

Data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan angket, wawancara dan tes yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan statistik deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan instrumen penilaian hasil belajar menggunakan CBT dapat memudahkan guru dalam merekapitulasi nilai hasil belajar siswa dengan cepat.

Instrumen dipenilaian hasil belajar menggunakan CBT dinilai valid, praktis dan efektif, hal tersebut diperoleh dari hasil validasi ahli, respon guru dan siswa, serta keberhasilan nilai hasil belajar. Diharapkan kepada guru agar menggunakan produk instrumen penilaian hasil belajar menggunakan Computer Based Test dalam pengujian ulangan harian, ujian mid semester, dan ujian akhir semester secara periodik.

Kata kunci: Penilaian, Penilaian Hasil Belajar, Tes Berbasis Komputer

How to Cite: Adam M.W.S, Hakim A, L Taris (2022). Development Of Learning Outcomes Assessment Instruments Using Computer-Based Tests At SMA. Indonesian Journal of Educational Technology, 1 (2), 114- 128.



The function of the assessment will be very important and very useful if the making of the assessment instrument is carried out in a good and correct way. An assessment instrument or test is said to be good if it meets several criteria. Therefore, teachers are required to have adequate understanding and abilities both conceptually and practically in the field of learning evaluation to determine whether the mastery of competence as a learning goal has been successfully mastered by students or not so that students' abilities are always monitored for their development by educators both every day and every year. Learning hours end of each subject. Widoyoko (2009) defines assessment as an attempt to formally determine students' status regarding various educational interests. Educational assessment standards are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2016, article one, paragraph two, that assessment is a process of collecting and processing information to measure the achievement of student learning outcomes.

The transition of times in human life that has ended today has brought the era of modernization, known as technology, in which everything or activity is based on the digital world. Munadi (2016) argues that the purpose of learning technology is more in practical activities by integrating knowledge, skills, and attitudes to form competence. Educators also need to view technology as a means of information in schools that can be used to make it easier to carry out their duties and activities to carry out educational innovations related to assessment instruments by utilizing learning media as a tool to accelerate determining the value of student learning outcomes taken during the learning process.

Educational technology 2004 was put forward by The Association of Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) in Pribadi (2018) that โ€œEducational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources." Suppose it is observed from a number of these keywords. In that case, the role of educational technology can be interpreted as a study and ethical practice that seeks to assist and facilitate the learning process and improve the performance of people who learn or learner through the creation, use, management, processes, technology, and resources that are in accordance. Riley & Carle's (2012) study, entitled Comparison of two Bayesian methods to detect mode effects between paper-based and computerized adaptive assessments: a preliminary Monte Carlo study, concluded that Computer-Based Tests provide several advantages compared to carrying out tests using paper and pencil tests Among them is a scoring system that is automatic and reduces the burden on respondents or test takers because it is easier to work on questions in the form of a computer-based test than a paper-pencil test.

The presence of technology provides fresh air to teachers in determining learning outcomes in cognitive aspects through Computer Based Tests because before the presence of a learning outcome assessment tool in the form of Computer-Based Tests in the school environment, determining learning outcomes was a scourge for teachers in recapitulating grades and it takes days and distribution of


teaching and educating.

In addition, the Computer Based Test program used by schools requires a Virtual Harddisk Drive (VHD) with files up to tens GygaBites which can be downloaded on the education center server or obtained directly by local education policymakers which are commonly used during simulations, rehearsals,, or other activities. Computer-based national exam.

Based on the observations of researchers who are also Computer-Based Test-based test technicians, there is a need for an instrument for assessing learning outcomes using a Computer Based Test that can be used to accelerate the distribution of questions and to know the value of student learning outcomes quickly. Based on the background description, the researcher is interested in conducting research titled "Development of Learning Outcomes Assessment Instruments Using Computer Based Test (CBT) at SMA Negeri 10 Sidrap".


Research This is a research and development (Research and Development) instrument for assessing learning outcomes using a Computer Based Test. The development model used is the Dick

& Carey (2001) model. Researchers chose this model because this development model is systematic to produce a certain product. The development steps include: 1) analysis of needs and objectives; 2) learning analysis; 3) analysis of the learner (students) and context; 4) formulation of performance goals or for work; 5) development test instruments or tools; 6) develop learning strategies; 7) develop and select learning materials; 8) designing and conducting formative evaluations; 9) make revisions;

and 10) conduct a summative evaluation.

The Research Subjects

Subjects of this study were two validators consisting of media experts and content experts, 2 ICT subject teachers, and 22 science class XII students consisting of 9 male students and 13 female students. SMA Negeri 10 Sidrap has been supported by computer laboratory facilities suitable for testing the learning outcomes assessment instrument using Computer Based Test.

Development Procedure

Based on the research and development model (Research & Development) model of Dick and Carey (2001), there are ten steps to developing learning outcomes assessment instruments using Computer Based Test, which can be explained as follows:

1) Analysis of needs and objectives: The first step is to determine what they want after learning residents carry out learning, while the learning objective is to determine what students can do after participating in learning activities.

2) Learning. analysis This learning analysis requires skills relevant to the learning material, a fun learning process involving student activity in the classroom, procedures according to the indicators to be achieved, and tasks according to students' thinking levels.

3) Learner (student) and context analysis. The second and third steps can be carried out sequentially or simultaneously (simultaneously). The results of this analysis obtained information regarding


who the user is, what class or level, age, and in what situation the material or materials and products are used.

4) Formulating performance goals. The general objective is to provide material according to the indicators of the objectives to be achieved by students in the material using the menus and icons contained in the graphic creation device.

5) Developing assessment instruments. This process is related to making question instruments by looking at the criteria or rules in developing assessment instruments based on aspects of the material, construction, and the use of good and correct language, which then the question instruments will be integrated using a Computer Based Test and determining the question instrument. Made according to Competency Standards and Basic Competencies in ICT subjects for class XII odd semesters.

6) Development of learning strategies Learning. Strategies are designed using the Computer Based Test as a computer-based test using question instruments developed by researchers with initial activities reinforcing the use of applications to educators and students as well as proctors as admins on the Computer Based Test.

7) Developing and selecting learning materials. Developing assessment instruments and selecting computer-based learning materials in the form of Computer-Based Tests as an instrument for assessing learning outcomes and choosing CBT requires arguments or reasons. Then, Computer Based Test will become an instrument for assessing learning outcomes and presenting this product to school residents as a tool/media for the final assessment.

8) Designing and developing formative. This formative evaluation consists of three stages: individual evaluation by media and materials expert validation, small group evaluation carried out by prospective users as a trial phase consisting of 10-15 students, and field evaluation, a program trial With large groups.

9) Revising. Formative evaluations are summarised and interpreted to determine the assessment instrument's weaknesses so that the product developed is of good value as a reference for instrument questions on exams or computer-based tests. However, if there is no discrepancy in this product, there is no need to revise the product to be released.

10) Summative evaluation. This learning outcomes assessment instrument stage can be disseminated to potential users with approval by local policymakers.

Data Collection Techniques

techniques used to collect data in this development research are questionnaires, interviews, and tests. Material and media experts and teacher and student responses validate this research questionnaire. Through interviews, data can be obtained in the form of qualitative and quantitative.

Questions and unclear answers can be repeated and asked again with a more focused and meaningful,


as long as it does not influence or direct the respondent. The test uses a multiple-choice that is presented in a software program.

Data Analysis Technique

This development research used two data analysis techniques, qualitative descriptive techniques, and descriptive statistical analysis. Data analysis was carried out to determine the quality of the learning outcomes assessment instrument using a Computer Based Test regarding validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This qualitative descriptive analysis was used to process data from the results of a review by material experts and media experts. The results of this data analysis are then used to revise the product of the learning outcomes assessment instrument using CBT. Meanwhile, descriptive statistical analysis was used to process the data obtained through a questionnaire of validation assessment criteria by experts, teachers, and student responses in descriptive percentage form. Assessment of learning outcomes assessment instruments using a Likert scale according to Sugiyono (2016) in the following table;

Table 1. Assessment guidelines for learning outcomes assessment instrument sheets

Answer Options Score

Very Good 5

Good 4

Enough 3

Poor 2

Very Poor 1

Validity and practicality analysis

Data obtained from the validation assessment experts are then processed and analyzed using the formula used to calculate the average score of each aspect are


๐‘ฅ = average score of each aspect of validity and practicality โˆ‘๐‘›๐‘–=1 ๐‘ฅ๐‘– = total score for each aspect of validity and practicality

n = the Number of items for each aspect of validity and practicality.

After obtaining the average score for each aspect, the score is restated in qualitative form. The aim is to determine the average score for each learning outcomes assessment instrument aspect. The assessment criteria for the learning outcomes assessment instrument used is a 5-scale conversion, according to Widoyoko (2016), as follows:

Table 2. instrument Computer

Score Criteria

๐‘‹ > ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– + 1,8 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– Very Good


๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– + 0,6 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– < ๐‘‹ โ‰ค ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– + 1,8 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– Good ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– โˆ’ 0,6 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– < ๐‘‹ โ‰ค ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– + 0,6 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– Enough ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– โˆ’ 1,8 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– < ๐‘‹ โ‰ค ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– โˆ’ 0,6 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– Less

๐‘‹ โ‰ค ๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– โˆ’ 1,8 ร— ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– Very Poor


๐‘‹ฬ… ๐‘– (average ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™) = 1

2 (๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘  ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™ + ๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘› ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™) ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘– (standard deviation ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™) = 1

6 (๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘  ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™ โˆ’ ๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘› ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™) ๐‘‹ = ๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘’๐‘š๐‘๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ 

Table 3. level of validity and practicality

Average score interval Criteria

๐‘‹ > 4,2 Very Good

3,4 < ๐‘‹ โ‰ค 4,2 Good

2,6 < ๐‘‹ โ‰ค 3,4 Enough

1,8 < ๐‘‹ โ‰ค 2,6 Less

๐‘‹ โ‰ค 1,8 Very Poor

The instrument for assessing learning outcomes using a Computer Based Test is valid if the minimum qualification level of validity obtained is good.

Practical analysis

This effectiveness data is obtained from the level of completeness of student learning outcomes by calculating the percentage of mastery learning using the following formula:

๐‘ = ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘ข๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘  ๐‘คโ„Ž๐‘œ โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ฃ๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š๐‘๐‘™๐‘’๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘‘ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘›๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘ข๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘  ๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ x 100

Converting the results of the percentage of mastery learning into qualitative values based on the criteria for assessing mastery learning according to Widoyoko (2016) as below;

Table 4. The criteria for assessing learning completeness

Percentage of completeness (p) Classification

๐‘ > 80 Very Good

60 < ๐‘ โ‰ค 80 Good

40 < ๐‘ โ‰ค 60 Enough

20 < ๐‘ โ‰ค 40 Less

๐‘ โ‰ค 20 Very Poor


Learning outcome assessment instrument uses a development model Dick & Carey as follows;

Analysis of needs and objectives

Based on the results of interviews with principals, teachers, and students through direct observation and analysis of objectives, the principle requires competence to input assessment instruments into CBT and the need for media/assessment tools to accelerate the recapitulation of learning outcomes.-based CBT programs offline. Students expect computer-based exams to be hands-


on for them. The analysis results aim to improve the ability to formulate instruments and increase educators' confidence in inputting instruments into the CBT form.

The Learning Analyst

The results of the learning analysis include skills. Namely, students can show and use the icon menus in the graphic maker software. In the process (observing and conducting experiments), students can show the icon menu contained in the graphic creation software with various variations, shapes, and colors. This procedure occurs when learning begins with initial, core, and final or closing activities.

Assignments will be inputted using a Computer Based Test (CBT).

Analysis of learners (students) and context

The Number of students in class XII science consists of 22 students consisting of 9 male students and 13 female students. Based on the age of class XII IPA students are 16-19 years old. The ability of students in class XII IPA is very good. They quickly understand the learning objectives presented.

Formulating performance goals

The general objective is to provide material according to the indicators of the objectives to be achieved by students in the material using the menus and icons contained in the graphic creation device. The results of the performance objectives are described in the following table;

Table 5. Results of Analysis of Performance Objectives

No. Skills Performance Objectives

1. Students can show the icon menu contained in the graphic creation


1. By preparing teaching materials or graphic-making material modules, students can find the menus and icons in graphic software.

2. Through cooperative learning, students can mention the icon menu on the graphics software.

3. Through the lecture method, students can understand the graphical software icon menu functions.

2. Students can use the icon menu contained in the graphic maker


1. Students can find the menu icon for bitmap and vector graphics software

by demonstrating.

2. Students can use the CorelDraw and Photoshop software icon menus through individual practice.

3. Students can create graphics with various variations, shapes, and


1. Students can create images using vector graphics and bitmap software by giving assignments.

Stage of developing an instrument or test


The instrument is a question instrument as an assessment of learning outcomes by determining the cognitive domain following the presentation of learning materials. The instrument has been formulated into 30 multiple-choice questions (multiple-choice). This learning outcome assessment instrument has been formulated following the Competency Standards, Basic Competencies, and the learning objectives achieved.

The stage of developing learning strategies.

Implementing the assessment of learning outcomes using a Computer Based Test requires a computer server to accommodate assessment data. Computer specifications for the server Computer Based Test of which are; a) a desktop (not a laptop); b) have a processor of at least 4 cores with a clock rate of 1.6 GHz (64 bit); 3) RAM of at least 8 GB DDR; capacity Hard drive of at least 250 GB;

5) Operating System: Windows Server / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Linux Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit); 5) software: xampp, google chrome; 6) Have LAN CARD (NIC) 2 units that support GigaByte; 7) the number of servers at least 2 units, 1 unit is used for backup; 8) equipped with UPS (hold 15 minutes).

For computers Client used by examinees to access web-based CBT applications, computer specifications for the client can be low. It is just that the number of clients must follow a 1:3 ratio (1 client for 3 participants), and the number of clients connected in 1 server should not be more than 40 Units. Computer specifications client Minimum CBT1) desktop or laptop computer; 2) have a monitor of at least 11 inches; 3) use processor minimum single-core; 4) RAM of at least 512 MB; 5) operating system: Windows XP/Windows 7/Windows 8 / LINUX / MAC / Chrome OS; 6) Application Software:

Web Browser (Chrome / Mozilla Firefox) and Xambro; capacity hard drive of 10 GB (free space); 8) have a LAN Card; 9) have a sound card complete with headset/earphone exams listening SMA/MA and SMK10) have a backup of at least 10% of the total client.

Stage of developing and selecting learning materials

The process of inputting assessment instruments into a computer-based exam in the form of a Computer Based Test as a tool for assessing learning outcomes. Computer Based Test has offline so that there is no need to access the internet, which can consume a lot of network data usage. Besides that, it is also equipped with several components that can make it easier for teachers to recapitulate final grades efficiently. The selection of these learning materials can also help educational actors in schools as a form of educational innovation in assessing learning outcomes. The following is a CBT product display as follows:


Figure 1. Display for admin or proctors. Computer Based Test

Figure 2. menus Computer Based users admin or proctor

Table 6. menus and display functions Computer-based test

Guidelines for learning outcomes assessment instruments

Home screen, in general, to find out all available button functions.


Display student data to add or delete students and provide username and password.

Display to confirm upcoming exams/tests.

The following test confirmation display will add exams/tests and set the schedule and time allocation.

The display for question management functions to add questions either manually or using import using an excel file.

Display test results to determine student learning outcomes; the final score can be known, and the results are downloaded in an excel file.

Conduct formative

Evaluations individual evaluations are carried out by experts/validators within the scope of the Makassar State University Postgraduate Program for small groups, and it is done by randomizing the names of students who are willing to number 10 people. In contrast, field tests are carried out in the school computer laboratory by including all participants. Students who are in class XII IPA.


Based on comments and suggestions from material experts, improvements have been made to the material that still needs to be corrected. The comments and suggestions for material improvement, namely; There are still some answer choices in the question text that are not arranged alphabetically, conclusions about the learning outcomes assessment instrument using the Computer Based Test, namely CBT can be used without revision, while the revision results from media experts, namely; the color of the icon needs to be revised, it is necessary to add an option button to display student test results, the application is not responsive/not mobile friendly; 4) The upload needs to be added.


Conducting a summative evaluation

After the trial, it turned out that the product of the learning outcomes assessment instrument developed by the researcher received a positive response from the teacher.

The results of the data analysis of validity, practicality, and effectiveness Table 7. Data validation analysis results by media and material experts

No. Aspect


Total Avera

ge Category Materi



1 Material/Content 5 5 5 Very Good

2 Construction 5 5 5 Very Good

3 Language 5 5 5 Very Good

4 Physical 4.3 4.3 4.3 Very Good

5 Appropriateness of font

selection 3.7 3.7 3.7 Good

6 Evaluation 3.7 3.7 3.7 Good

7 Display 3.6 3.6 3.6 Good

8 Language 5 5 5 Very Good

Average All Aspects of Assessment 4.4 Very Good

Based on table 7, the average score for all aspects of the assessment is 4.4. Regarding the five- scale score conversion formula, it is known that the average score (x), which is 4.4, lies in the range of 4.2, which states that the validity of the assessment of learning outcomes using the Computer Based Test (CBT) is in the "Very Valid" category.

Graph 1. Data from the analysis of practicality data by the teacher.


Based on graph 1, an assessment score was obtained with an average score (x) of 4.6. So the assessment results with a percentage interval of 4.6 are at 4.2 with the "Very Good" category. In conclusion, the assessment of learning outcomes using the Computer Based Test (CBT) is very good and practical.

Graph 2. Data from the analysis of practicality by students

Based on graph 2, an assessment score is obtained with an average score (x) of 4.5. Then the assessment results with the interval are at a percentage of 4.5 in ๐‘‹> 4.2 with the category "Very Good."

Table 8. Data on the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of student learning completeness in ICT subjects

No. Number of

correct Score Students

completed Total Description

1 30 100 1

20 Completed

2 29 96.67 3

3 28 93.33 9

4 27 90 6

5 26 86.67 1

6 17 56,67 1 2 Not


7 15 50 1

The results of data processing from table 8 in the form of a percentage level of completeness of learning outcomes using a Computer Based Test (CBT) are as follows;


Figure 3. Score completeness

Based on table 4.10 that, the completeness of student learning is 20 people with a total of 22 students. So, the average score is 20/22x 100 = 90.9. Suppose the percentage of student completeness reaches 90.9, which is in the qualification ๐‘> 80. In that case, the effectiveness of the learning outcomes assessment instrument using the Computer Based Test (CBT) is in the "Very Good"



The learning outcomes assessment instrument produces a computerized assessment system using Computer Based Test (CBT) as an effort to make it easier for teachers to know the value of learning outcomes quickly and accurately. The Computer Based Test (CBT) program is also an evaluation tool that can be used by teachers in daily exams, mid-semester exams, and offline-based semester exams. The design of the development of learning outcomes assessment instruments is developed on the basis of analysis of the formulation of questions by subject teachers. Then the questions are inputted using the Computer Based Test (CBT) application which is equipped with various features, such as participant data functions to add students, tokens to start a test, test confirmation to prepare subjects to be tested by determining the time by the teacher, question management to add subjects and input question numbers, and finally test results which function to find out the value of student results and teachers can download them in Microsoft Excel format so that student value data can be known quickly and accurately. The learning outcomes assessment instrument using Computer Based Test is declared valid, practical, and effective in terms of the results of validation by media and material experts, teacher and student responses, and student learning success in the excellent category.


The learning outcomes assessment instrument is an evaluation stage in the world of education to determine the learning outcomes pursued by students. Assessment is also part of the minimum criteria regarding the education system that exists throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic


of Indonesia, namely the Education Assessment Standards. Along with the development of the world of technology, the wheels of life in the field of education continue to make improvements/improvements for the continuity of the progress of science and technology (IPTEK).

Technological developments can be seen with various functions and their respective benefits that make human resources more instant or efficient in carrying out their activities. In line with these developments, the industrial revolution 4.0, commonly called cyber-physical systems, has changed daily human life.

Determination of assessment instruments or questions is not just formulated; some rules or steps must be understood to form the right formulation. Because when the exam takes place, there are obstacles for students who arise about mistakes in developing question instruments by teachers and become concerned that the questions formulated sometimes have never been studied during the learning process. As explained in the previous chapter, Uno (2008) argues that "the question is not necessarily in accordance with the indicators to be measured. Meanwhile, good questions are questions that have good quality. The question is said to be of good quality if it measures what is to be measured and the question must be aligned with the learning objectives to be achieved". Based on this theory, the formulation of questions must be aligned with the learning objectives to be achieved so that students are able to know how to work on the instruments that the teacher wants to develop.

The presence of Computer Based Test (CBT) is expected to facilitate all activities of the activities of education or staffing staff in schools and can reduce school expenditure budgets, such as stationery needed by students when the written test exam takes place. With this policy and the support of learning technologists, CBT applications can be recommended as an assessment of learning outcomes in every school. The learning outcomes assessment instrument using CBT starts from the analysis of school needs.

Learning outcomes assessment instrument using Computer Based Test (CBT) is an assessment tool product that can be offline or online. The features in CBT have been equipped with various features, such as: inputting student data and subject matter banks, and arranging exam/test schedules according to the time of implementation, to recapitulate the final results of the learning outcomes assessment. Seeing the various features that have been equipped in CBT can make it easier for educators or education personnel to streamline their workload in determining student learning outcomes.


It is expected that teachers use the learning outcomes assessment instrument product using Computer Based Test (CBT) in testing daily tests, mid-semester exams, and periodic end-of-semester exams.

1. Schools are advised to improve the standard facilities and infrastructure needed for computer laboratories, training, or workshops on the use of information and communication technology.

2. It is expected that researchers develop learning outcomes assessment instruments according to



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