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The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of “Destroy The Illegal Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta


Academic year: 2023

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Volume 12 Number 1 Article 8

April 2023

The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of “Destroy The Illegal The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of “Destroy The Illegal Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta

Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta

Fina Sunardiyah Pawito Pawito

Albert Muhammad Isrun Naini

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Sunardiyah, Fina; Pawito, Pawito; and Naini, Albert Muhammad Isrun (2023) "The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of “Destroy The Illegal Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta," Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia: Vol. 12: No. 1, Article 8.

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The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of

“Destroy The Illegal Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta

Fina Sunardiyah*, Pawito


, Albert Muhammad Isrun Naini


*Corresponding author, Magister of Communication Science Program Sebelas Maret University, finasunardiyah@student.uns.ac.id

Article Information Received (10/5/2022);

Received in revised form (26/02/2023);

Accepted (05/03/2023);

Available online (21/04/2023)

Keywords/Kata Kunci

Illegal cigarettes; digital socialization; excise; duty; and education oriented


Circulation of illegal cigarettes is a crucial issue in Indone- sia and getting worse during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Ille- gal cigarettes are an alternative solution because legal cig- arettes are too expensive. The high price of legal cigarettes caused by government regulation on excise an duty. Pub- lic’s understanding about bad effects of cigarettes needs to be improved, because the health expense caused by smoking is much higher than the excise on tobacco prod- ucts. Based on this problem, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness strategy of The Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta in suppressing the circulation of illegal ciga- rettes through digital socialization. This type of research is qualitative research and uses a qualitative research de- sign, data collection techniques in this research are obser- vation, interviews and documentation. The research result shows that the implementation of digital socialization by the Surakarta Customs and Excise to suppress the circu- lation of illegal cigarettes is already effective. Digital-based socialization is a suitable strategy in disseminating per- suasive information. The consideration of the socialization strategies success of the Surakarta Customs and Excise is supported by informants’ opinions who say that educa- tion is an important aspect that can support the society’s understanding about illegal cigarettes. The development of technology and information make the information dis- semination access gets easier and unlimited. The digital socialization is done with educational poster media, tradi- tional performing arts held virtually, educational video pub- lished through digital platform proved effective referring to the total content views which are more than expected. The socialization needs to be improved furthermore.



According to Law Number 39 of the year 2007 (Presiden, 2007) about excise is ex- plained that excise is a government tax lavied to certain goods which have certain classification and characteristics, i.e. the consumption needs to be controlled, the cir- culation needs to be supervised, the usage is able to cause negative effect to the society or environtment, and the usage needs imposition of government levy for justice and stability. Excise belongs to indirect tax category due to the tax subject who has to bear the first excise is a producer or importer. The law Number 39 of the year 2007 (Presi- den, 2007) about excise mentions that the taxable goods in Indonesia consist of tobacco, beverages containing ethyl alcohol. The definition of import duty in Article 1 Point 15 of Law Number 17 of the year 2006 (Presiden, 2006) about the alteration of the Law Number 10 of the year 1995 about Customs and Duty, “Import Duty is the government levy based on the law which is given to imported goods,” juridically. And Article 1 Point 15a defines that “Export duty as government levy based on this law which is given to exported goods.

The supervision and the controlling of taxable goods in the form of cigarette and alcoholic beverages are done due to the negative effect in the long term that needs to be controlled and it is hoped that the circulation does not happen freely. Therefore, the government performs supervision and excise collection in the contribution form related to the government revenue through excise and duty (Syawie, 2016). There are three theories of excise collection which are applied in some countries, such as sin tax, a tax which is collected because it is considered violating the applied social norms associated with consumptive action on an object, pigouvian tax, a collected tax done because the process is considered creating negative externalist toward a person’s consumptive act, and the last one is consumption tax, a collected tax performed for government revenue as the basic purpose (Surono & Purwanto, 2018).

Cigarette is government revenue that has the characteristic as the main group be- sides collected excise toward alcoholic beverages and ethyl alcohol due to the excise of cigarette in the tax sector (Presiden, 2007). The revenue of cigarette and tobacco in every year has significance position, even it can exceed specified target. The main revenue of excise is cigarette and tobacco that causes a lot of cigarette companies do illegal cigarette circulation in Indonesia as the cigarettes for sale are not attached with properly done of excise tape. The purpose is the company and the businessman of the cigarette do not want to add company expense associated with payment obligation to the government in cigarette excise. The circulation of illegal cigarettes is a violation done by cigarette company or businessman. Although the Customs and Excise Office has done the duty in accordance to the procedure to take care that problem, but the cir- culation of illegal cigarettes is still done by cigarette company or businessman. There are still a lot of violations for that due to the difficulties in reaching out the cigarette company and businessman in Indonesia because the production place establishment is not suitable with the applied law. In the end, Customs and Excise Office has diffi- culties in taking care of that matter and it needed to be learned in detail related to the problem.

Media becomes the initial shelter of information delivery. Next, the innovation is adapted by small group of people called early adopter. Then, it is learned by opinion leader from the early adopter and it is tried by him or herself. After that, it is decided whether the innovation is useful and ask people to adapt or not. Media has an import- ant role in the development which is associated with diffusion promotion and adoption toward social innovation and technic which are important to modernization.

The institution that manages excise duty is called Customs and Excise. In general, Customs and Excise has supervising function of incoming and outgoing traffic of goods from the Customs Territory and performs the duty collection. Customs and Excise Of-


fice is an institution that must be exist in every country and it belongs to conventional institution, such as court, police, and military. These institutions have been existing since the country is held.

The increasing of excise rate has considered many aspects, including health as- pect, labor continuity, eradication of illegal cigarette, and the country’s revenue. In the situation nowadays, the government does not only focus in the economic growth or inflation, but also concerns in controlling of excise policy as the resultant from four elements, including health, industry in its chain supply, i.e. tobacco farmers and the workers, illegal cigarettes, and the country’s revenue.

There is Customs and Excise Institution in Indonesia that has function to increase the economy growth and to protect Indonesia from the entry of prohibited and restrict- ed goods (Pradhifta, 2016). Customs and Excise known nowadays is an institution that can be trusted by society in the service and in the supervision. Those are supported by excellent service (Service Level Agreement)(Hutagaol, 2019). Customs and Excise In- stitution has done many improvements inside the institution or outside the institution, such as public complaint (Hutagaol, 2019).

The public relation officers attend every office event, collect the digital documentation, and create written report. Then, the digital documentations and the written reports are pro- cessed to be the news ready to be published into the society. Besides that, the public relation officers will review and explain about the newest and popular regulations of Customs and Excise.

The public relation officers have duties and responsibilities in giving socialization to the society about the strategic programs planned to reach the organization’s goals (Cukai, 2016). It can be seen from the definition of the public relation above, one of the public re- lation’s function is having responsibilities to socialize programs done by the company[19].

One of the strategies done by public relation officers to give supervision toward illegal cigarette circulation in Indonesia is by giving sign to every cigarette product that has paid the excise. The Directorate General of Customs and Excise obligates every cigarette which is traded in the whole Indonesia region must have excise tape which is specially given by Ministry of Finance of the Republic Indonesia on the cigarette packaging. As explained in the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 39 of the year 2007 in Article 7 Point 4 (Presiden, 2007).

Digital socialization is an effort to deliver information about a modernization or an up- date of technology uses which is usually connected with the presence of internet. The ex- istence of digital technology helps various works, starting from making, changing, saving, and delivering information and also disseminating fast, qualified, and efficient information.

Socialization is a process that keeps happening in our life (Mead, 1972). Socialization can be interpreted as every activity aimed to tell, to persuade, or to influence the society to keep using the produced products and services.

The existence of digital technology will give an easy communication where the commu- nication can happen fast, whenever, and whenever. It means that the existence of internet, there is no influence of distance because it can be solved by the existence of mobile phone or direct face to face communication like video call, webcam, and also the communication can happen via email and social media such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, TikTok, You- Tube, etc.

By way of digital socialization, the society will know the use and the important role of

the digital technology. However, the digital technology users must use it wisely. Therefore,

the maximum advantages of the digital technology can be felt. Hence, policy is needed for

the application and the use of the digital technology.


Diffusion of Innovation also can be connected with information dissemination process of each step to take the decision whether the offered products are accepted or refused.

Meanwhile, digital socialization here is an effort done to tell the update or the digital information to the public. It aims to let every person to know the existence of an institution or organization with the digital technology use.

The circulation of illegal cigarettes is caused by a lot of demand accepted by cigarette businessman in the low middle class due to the given price is relatively cheap (Malang &

Rokok, 2018). The illegal cigarettes production which is traded a lot in society is made by cigarette businessman through home industry in private property which the process is not known by Customs and Excise Office and the production process is helped by their workers.

Many circulations of illegal cigarettes that happen in the society give negative effect to the government and tobacco production industries that must pass cigarette production circula- tion done in cigarette excise that can add the government revenue.

The head of Counseling and Information Service Department of the Customs and Ex- cise Office in Surakarta says that the amount of cigarette consumption in Indonesia keeps increasing year after year that causes high cigarette demand in Indonesia. The result is de- manding Customs and Excise to add the supervision in illegal cigarette circulation, includ- ing cigarette circulations which are not attached with the excise tape and cigarette circula- tions which are attached by fake excise tape. The supervision done by Customs and Excise Office aims to create expected performances and also to minimize illegal cigarette circula- tions done by cigarette businessman by doing direct supervision, including inspecting and reporting from the place and also indirect supervision by reading written report and spoken report. Besides supervising, prevention is needed toward society’s action. In this case, the Surakarta Customs and Excise applies digital-based socialization strategy to prevent the increasing number of illegal cigarette consumption. Although this strategy is not a new one, but the effectivity of this socialization strategy cannot be confirmed. Referring to the problem background mentioned above, the researcher is interested to do the research about the strategy of the Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta in destroying illegal cigarette circulations with digital socialization strategy.

2. Literature Review 2.1 Diffusion of Innovation

According to (Haryadi, 2018) diffusion of innovation is one of communication theo- ries which is used a lot in various things, mainly associated with socialization of new ideas. The essence of this theory is explaining how a thought or a new idea is commu- nicated to a culture. This theory is explained about focus of thought or new idea that are able and possible to be adopted by a society or certain culture.

The diffusion theory is introduced for the first time in 1962 by Everret M. Rogers who explains about the way of introduction and adaptation of innovation by a commu- nity (Rogers, 2019).

The main purpose of diffusion of innovation is the innovation is adopted in thought, science, and technology by individual or group of certain society. There are four innova- tion characteristics that are able to influence adoption rates from individual or group of certain society(Wisenblit, 2019).

a) Relative Advantage, the new innovation is better than the previous innovation or the new innovation is worse than the previous innovation.

b) Compatibility, the harmony which is related to how an innovation can be told fit to the society condition, the culture, and the values in the society, and whether it


is suitable with the existing needs or not.

c) Complexity, the complexity which is related to how complex the innovation that can be understood and be done by adopter.

d) Triability, an innovation will be easier to be adopted when the innovation can be tested in the real condition. The innovation is suitable or not, can be known when it is tested.

2.2 Excise and Duty

According to (Hidayat, 2018) excise and duty means additional cost for goods that have potential harmful characteristics or side effects for the users. One of it is the derivative of tobacco products, such as cigarettes. Based on Law Number 39 of the year 2007(Presiden, 2007), the collected excise and duty products can be given to the goods that belong to luxury or high value, but they do not belong to daily needs. This happens to balance the imposition of the collected excise and duty to be equal between high paid consumers and low paid consumers. The collected excise and duty aims as loss guarantee for the consumers when someday they get the impacts of the goods that they consume.

Excise and duty can be translated as the collections performed by the government to exported and imported goods and the goods that have special characteristics (Widayanti &

Sriwijaya, 2019).

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise is under and is responsible to Ministry of Finance and lead by the Director General of Customs and Excise that has purpose to serve business interests of international trading and has important role in supervising and managing the country’s revenue, including from the collection of import duty, export duty, and import tax sector (Kementrian Keuangan, 2018).

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise is one of institutions that works in in- ternational trading activities. The general duties that must be done by Customs and Excise are as follows:

a) Managing and supervising the government revenue from import and excise sec- tors (Revenue Collection);

b) Performing law enforcement(Cukai, 2022) and protection policy;

c) Giving technical guidance and instruction to the businessmen;

d) Facilitating international trading transaction.

2.3 Cigarette Excise

According to the Law Number 11 of the year 1995 and the Law Number 39 of the year 2007, excise is the government’s collection given to certain goods that have classifications and characteristics set in the excise law (Presiden, 2007). One of goods that fulfills the characteristics is tobacco products. Tobacco excise in the Law Number 28 of the year 2009 about local taxes and local levies is declared as cigarette excise (Indonesia, 2009). However, the Law Number 28 of the year 2009 does not explain the definition of the cigarette excise.

According to (Fadillah & Kiswara, 2012) cigarette excise plays an important role in con- trolling the consumption of the derivative products of tobacco, especially cigarette. Higher excise means higher price for tobacco products. It is hoped that it can withstand or decrease the society’s consumption toward tobacco and cigarette (Fadillah & Kiswara, 2012).

In 2022, the government officially has determined the policy of excise rate in tobacco

that increases 12.5% in average (Cukai, 2022). This result is based on the cabinet internal

meeting decision lead by The President of Republic Indonesia.


2.4 Public Relation of the Customs and Excise Office

The public relation of Customs and Excise is an institution that has important role in the events and the implementation of excise and duty. In addition, public relation of Customs and Excise also ensures the information received by society about excise and duty. Public relation as media relation is the role of the public relation as the informant to the society and media (Cukai, 2016). Media and public relation have mutualism symbiosis relation (Partha- wa & Krisyantoro, 2015).

The coverage of the public relation is delivered to the media to be published and reaches society. The media absorbs news from the public relation as the review material about what happens in society. Customs and Excise considers the importance of the decent communi- cation with the society. Therefore, the society is getting to know the duties and the functions of Customs and Excise. In daily, the public relation officers will report about office activities and disseminate the newest and well-known regulations in society.

Besides that, the public relation of Customs and Excise also has responsibility to be able to help Directorate General of Customs and Excise in doing some main tasks of Ministry of Finance in Customs and Excise. According to the policy appointed by Ministry of Fi- nance and securing the government policy related to the goods traffic which incoming and outgoing of Customs Territory and the collected of import duty and excise and also another government’s collections based on the existing laws (Cukai, 2016).

In this research, the concept to deliver digital socialization is the concept of a Public Relations campaign. Public Relations is a process of interaction or communication built by an organization with the community as a public to produce reciprocity from a com- munication that has been established. The reciprocity in question is to increase public or community participation in a program that uses the concept of Public Relations. This Public Relations-based program must be implemented on an ongoing basis in order to produce a good community view or perspective. According to (Khoerunnisa, 2018) Public Relations is a communication created by an institution with the public.

Meanwhile, the definition of a campaign is an activity or action carried out systemati- cally with the aim of influencing the public as the target target. In addition to influencing the public, the campaign also aims to gain support by the public regarding a program that is being run. The target target of the campaign is the public with capacity or in large numbers.

This campaign action is carried out on an ongoing basis with a period of time that has been determined by an institution.

With this, the definition of a Public Relations campaign is a campaign that is carried out by establishing relationships with the public to influence and gain support from a large group or public. According to (Sugianto, 2018) a Public Relations campaign has the mean- ing of a communication that is established between an institution and the community with the aim of overcoming problems that exist in the public or society.

2.5 Public Relation Strategy to Destroy Illegal Cigarettes

Public relation strategy is significant to the company or the organization, besides for the public relation itself to do its’ works. Public relation strategy can help the public relation officer in deciding on what actions that must be chosen to reach the expected targets and purposes. By having public relation strategy, a public relation officer in the company will work systematically and more structured (Ruslan, 2017).

The public relation strategy is also important to be done by government institution, such

as the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. One of goods in Indonesia that is charged


of excise is cigarette as regulated in The Republic of Indonesia Law Number 39 of the year 2007 Article 4 Point 1 (c)(Presiden, 2007).

Besides that, the strategy performed by the public relation officers of Customs and Ex- cise to destroy illegal cigarettes in Indonesia is by giving socialization about illegal ciga- rettes. In the socialization of illegal cigarettes, the Public Relation Department of Customs and Excise gives an education to the society about the excise applicable law, the risks that can appear from illegal cigarette trading, and the ways to identify the characteristics of il- legal cigarettes.

2.6 Digital Socialization

Socialization is an effort to deliver information to the public that aims to give under- standing to many parties about what have been delivered and can be worked out in the daily life and a teaching and learning in society (Sari, 2017). The socialization itself is significant since if there is no socialization, it can be confirmed that whatever our purposes to ourselves or other people cannot be achieved.

Socialization is a general concept that can be interpreted as a process where we learn by having interaction with other people, about the way of thought, feel, and act when ev- erything is the important thing in producing an effective social participation (Mead, 1972).

The digital socialization is an effort done to deliver information to the public. Mean- while, as we know that the socialization that has been done cannot be forever easy in the delivering because the refusal can happen. Therefore, the advantages and the disadvantages of digital socialization cannot be separated from one and another.

The advantages of digital socialization are as follows:

a) The existence of digital socialization will help the complete data in the transmis- sion process.

b) With the existence of digital socialization, the society knows about the flexibility of communication system given by the digital technology. The digital technology through ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) can deliver various infor- mation in a single network. ISDN is a big information that consists of many information components that can be pictures, data, and voices. Those data can be moved and accessed easily by using certain equipment, such as flash drive.

c) There is cost efficiency system with the existence of integrated circuit (IC) tech- nology which is usually called chips that has an extraordinary impact. This equipment makes the previous computer technology that must use huge, heavy, and not practice machine and componence is replaceable by chips which is more stable, practice, and longer power in the usage. Hence, the expensed cost in the maintenance is cheaper.

Besides that, there are disadvantages of digital socialization as follows:

a) The mistake of digitalization is when doing the changing process from analog signal to digital signal, the information concept in the real life will pass digitali- zation step or the information is modified into signal. The digital and the digital signal are chains of certain codes. This thing needs to be worried if the original information concept in the real life cannot be presented correctly and nicely when digitalized.

b) The world domination of analog technology, until now the world is still dominat- ed by analog technology. Due to a lot of communication information forms which use analog system, the devices also use analog devices.

Electronic series are more complicated and complex, the digital technology is one thing that cannot be mastered easily because digital technology is one of update and


modernization technologies. Therefore, it needs proficiency and understanding rou- tinely to master it.

2.7 The Relation of Digital Socialization and Diffusion of Innovation

Digital socialization is one of important things that must be delivered to the society because of digital socialization, all of parties will know the important information of the digital technology use which is significance in daily life. Based on relevant research related to digital socialization conducted by (Assauqi, 2022) digital socialization is able to increase public awareness related to illegal cigarettes related to criminal law and the dangers for consumers.

Diffusion of Innovation is a dissemination process of new products or innovations from the source to the public (Rogers et al, 2016).

Digital socialization and diffusion of innovation have connection to each other. By giv- ing digital socialization, it will make diffusion of innovation easier. Both of them are im- portant and related to each other. Therefore, a serious and deep effort are needed. If it is viewed from definition, those two things have the same purpose to deliver information to the public or the society that aims to maximize the digital use in daily life. Behind that, the use of technology wisely is needed here because with the wise use will meet the maximum benefit.

2.8 The Relation of Digital Socialization and Strategy of the Public Relation of Customs and Excise’s Office

Public relation strategy is an effort done by public relation officers to do their works that aims to do their various works easier (Cukai, 2016). The public relation strategy here is related to take the right decision which is done to minimize the risks and to increase the ex- istence of institution or organization. Strategy done by public relation is significant because it can help the institution to decide the actions that must be done.

The connection between digital socialization with public relation strategy is to make the public relation department, especially of Customs and Excise to do their works easily. With the help of digital and internet, the public relation department will be able to finish their work easily and fast. As we know that technology in nowadays life holds important role to the continuity and the progression of life. With many offered conveniences, the public relation department is able to deliver information about Customs and Excise to the society easily by delivering important information via social media or internet.

3. Research Methodology

This research uses qualitative research. According to (Fatin, 2020) qualitative re- search is a research that aims to produce findings that cannot be reached by using statistic procedure which tends to be used to investigate society life, history, behavior, functional of organization, and kinship. This research focuses on investigating the so- cialization strategy effectiveness of Customs and Excise Public Relation Department of Surakarta in Destroying Illegal Cigarettes.

By using qualitative research, the results of digital socialization related to the de- struction of illegal cigarettes emphasize the perspective generated by the community.

If this digital socialization goes well then public awareness related to illegal cigarettes can increase, and fully support the activities of destroying illegal cigarettes by imple- menting the steps given. This is a good perspective generated by the community from the digital socialization of the destruction of illegal cigarettes.


Qualitative approaches are required to supply more profound experiences that can help analysts and interventionists to distinguish relevant drivers of smoking behavior and boundaries to cessation in this populace. A qualitative “approach” may be a com- mon way of considering approximately conducting subjective inquire about. It depicts, either expressly or certainly, the reason of the qualitative investigate, the part of the researcher(s), the stages of inquire about, and the strategy of information examination.

Qualitative investigate centers in understanding a investigate inquiry as a human- istic or hopeful approach. In spite of the fact that quantitative approach could be a more solid strategy because it is based upon numeric and strategies that can be made equitably and engendered by other analysts. Qualitative strategy is utilized to get it people’s convictions, encounters, demeanors, behavior, and intuitive. It generates non-numerical data. The integration of qualitative inquire about into mediation thinks about may be a inquire about methodology that’s picking up expanded consideration over disciplines. In spite of the fact that once seen as logically incongruent with test inquire about, qualitative investigate is presently recognized for its capacity to include a modern measurement to interventional considers that cannot be gotten through es- timation of factors alone.

Qualitative investigate is characterized as a advertise investigate strategy that centers on getting information through open-ended and conversational communica- tion. This strategy isn’t as it were almost “what” individuals think but moreover “why”

they think so. For case, consider a comfort store looking to move forward its support.

A efficient perception concludes that the number of men going by this store are more.

One great strategy to decide why ladies were not going to the store is to conduct an in-depth meet of potential clients within the category. Qualitative investigate pointed at understanding people’s encounters and discernments. Each step of six-step prepare of topical investigation was taken after, with codes distinguished through an inductive and deductive handle, which at that point educated the beginning set of themes. Nu- merous dialogs among all creators educated the reexamined subjects displayed in this think about (Mozeleski, 2022).

This research uses qualitative approach based on positivism philosophy. Positivism view is a view that emphasizes in reality separated to the part and the law applied in society. The type of used research is qualitative with documentation study where the research objects are texts and scripts got from the institution publication information and related scientific articles.

A Public Relations campaign has 4 stages, namely:

1. Defining the Problem

This action is carried out to find out the problems that exist in the public and is carried out by means of observations and interviews with the parties concerned.

This observation is to determine public behavior in responding to a policy imple- mented by the institution. Then the problems found can be described clearly and coherently.

2. Conducting planning and programming (Planning & Programming)

This action is taken to develop a Public Relations campaign strategy to deter- mine the objectives and campaign techniques that will be used to achieve the success of a program.

3. Taking action and communication (Taking Action & Communicating)

The stage for implementing a program as an effort to establish communication by the institution to the public. This stage is carried out with the aim of creating an impression or perspective from the target public.

4. Evaluating the Program

This stage is carried out to conduct an assessment of the program campaign ac- tivities that have been carried out to determine the success of a program.


This research uses observation or observation activities to find out the existing problems. Therefore, this observation activity has the following guidelines:

1. Visiting the research location directly with permission from the party concerned.

2. Observing the behavior of the object of research 3. Observing public action against institutional policies 4. Observing the policy of the Surakarta Customs office

As for interview activities, researchers have the following interview guide:

1. Show respect to the interviewee.

2. Ask questions by making eye contact.

3. If the researcher does not understand something said by the interviewee, then the researcher should ask questions.

4. Pay close attention to the interviewee’s responses 5. Giving the interviewee time to consider the answer.

Qualitative research prioritizes the data quality. Hence, statistical analysis is not used in qualitative research. Besides that, there are methods used by researcher, in- cluding:

1. Collecting information or data with brainstorming to the societies who consume cigarettes by applying in-depth interview method to get a valid information.

2. Introducing socialization program of the Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta to the public to know the public’s perception toward the existence of digital so- cialization as the effort to prevent illegal cigarettes circulation in Surakarta.

4. Results

Referring to the research result through documentation methods via the website of the Surakarta Customs and Excise, obtained information that the Surakarta Cus- toms and Excise gives socialization to suppress the circulation of illegal cigarettes.

The administration and the publication of the Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta explain that the Government of Central Java Province through the Law Bureau orga- nizes socialization of Illegal Excise Selling Law Consequence to the representatives of market merchants in Sukoharjo and managements of The Indonesian Employer Association (APINDO) of Solo Branch and surrounding on Thursday, 24 March 2022.

Issues related to the illegal cigarette started to rise, such as issues of producer and consumer, as well as labor. The requests battled for by the specialists experienced a alter, where some time recently freedom, the requests of the specialists got to be a de- velopment in arrange to attain autonomy. Within the post-independence time, there has been a request for way better work assurance rights so that this triggers the devel- opment of issues in work relations involving producer and customers. Along with the expanding issues within the field of producer and customers, the producer consider the significance of a gathering that’s able to become a gathering for communication and trade of thoughts to resolve different issues that emerge within the field of producer and customer. interface of the government and managers. In a broader scope, the gath- ering can voice the goals of managers to the government and other organizations, both at domestic and overseas, which are related to the world of producer and customers.

This socialization is done offline. In this socialization event, Iwanuddin Iskandar delivers the greeting by pinning the essence of the event that the organized socializa- tion is a beneficiary form Revenue Sharing Fund of Tobacco Excise (DBHCHT) to sup- press the circulation of illegal cigarettes in Central Java Territory (Bea Cukai Sura- karta, 2022).


Figure 1. Socialization Event of the Surakarta Customs and Excise Source: bcsurakarta.beacukai.go.id/

Besides offline socialization, the Surakarta Customs and Excise drives socialization program through traditional performing arts. The digital socialization is one of the Sura- karta Customs and Excise strategies done via social media in Instagram with the publica- tion of request poster and video that contains illegal cigarette information.

In offline intelligent, the estimate of one’s group of onlookers is limited by the physical measure of the room; in online intelligent, there’s barely any constrain to group of onlook- ers estimate. Sharing content online is simpler and more available than sharing it through mass media (e.g. tv, radio), permitting a greater number of individuals to broadcast more substance to more people (e.g. posting, tweeting, and live-streaming as much and as fre- quently as they select). As a result, many individuals can get to a altogether bigger gather- ing of people more easily and rapidly online than offline (consider, for instance).

People and firms can moreover learn approximately their audience’s inclinations and tailor messages particularly to them. For illustration, machine learning models can gauge social media users’ individual properties with shocking precision (beneath one demon- strate, accurately recognizing Democrat or Republican 85% of the time; and coordinating a message to an audience’s identity makes strides its adequacy. In spite of the fact that individuals tailor messages offline as well, the method of fitting is bigger scale and more datadriven online. Advertisement campaigns can be outlined to extend the probability that they are shared (i.e. go viral and firms regularly use social media to put through with shop- pers and increment buy eagerly. When utilizing social media, both a firm’s communication fashion and an advertisement’s fit with customers can impact the degree to which custom- ers believe and feel socially associated to the brand.

Traditional performing arts held as a virtual event for 13 days is funded by DBHCHT.

These traditional performing arts also show Traditional Media Communication Forum (FK Metra) Boyolali who raise a message to be alert in pandemic and the danger of illegal cigarettes (Bea Cukai Surakarta, 2021).

Music is maybe the foremost widespread of the performing expressions and is found in each society, most regularly as an fundamentally portion of other performing craftsman- ship shapes and other spaces of intangible social legacy counting ceremonies, happy occa- sions or verbal conventions. It can be found within the most assorted settings: sacrosanct or debase, classical or well known, closely associated to work or excitement. There may moreover be a political or financial measurement to music: it can describe a community’s history, sing the acclaims of a effective individual and play a key part in financial exchang- es. The events on which music is performed are fair as shifted: relational unions, funerals, customs and starts, celebrations, all sorts of excitement as well as numerous other social capacities. Move, in spite of the fact that exceptionally complex, may be portrayed essen- tially as requested substantial developments, as a rule performed to music. Separated


shape its physical viewpoint, the cadenced developments, steps and motions of move fre- quently express a estimation or temperament.

Figure 2. Socialization in Destroying Illegal Cigarettes with Traditional Approach Source: Instagram of the Surakarta Customs and Excise, 2022

In spite of the fact that eagerness to undertake cigarettes was most noteworthy among nicotine clients, center bunch talks demonstrated that Instagram posts advancing cigarettes held request for people over smoking statuses. The essential components that made offer were the seen dependability of the Instagram account, appealing plan and flavor visuals, and advancement of flavors and nicotine levels that met individual inclinations. Post request was decreased by references to vaping subcultures, markers that the post maker did not take nicotine habit genuinely, and FDA-mandated nicotine caution articulations. Non–tobacco clients were especially drawn to posts including nicotine-free cigarettes with appealing vi- sual plans and flavors known from nourishments.

Besides organizing virtual traditional performing arts, the Surakarta Customs and Excise also releases a poster which is published in Instagram. It can be seen in picture 3, it is known that the Surakarta Customs and Excise socialize digitally about the things that related to illegal cigarettes. This poster contains the information of cigarette types that belong to ille- gal cigarettes, such as; 1) cigarette tape of fake excise, 2) cigarette tape of different excise, 3) cigarette tape of secondhand excise, 4) plain cigarettes without excise tape (Bea Cukai Surakarta, 2021)

Picture 3. Illegal Cigarette Socialization Poster


Source: The Surakarta Customs and Excise, 2022


The socialization effort is completed with the socialization of request video pub- lished in Instagram. In this video, the Surakarta Customs and Excise tries to remind the businessmen that illegal cigarette selling gets firm criminal penalty. One of the penalties if the individual still sells the illegal cigarettes, there will be potential pay- ment of fine which is 10 times of the excise and the criminal law for 5 years regulated in Article 54 Law Number 39 of the year 2007 (Presiden, 2007).

Instagram, one of the foremost prevalent social media stages among youths with around 1 billion clients around the world in 2021 is considered the moment biggest source of social media promoting counting e-cigarettes. The stage is domestic to sub- stance from e-cigarette stores, brands, wholesalers and social media influencers—for illustration, models, bloggers, brand envoys with 1000 to over 1 million supporters who post e-cigarette and e-liquid substance on sake of brands for financial stipend or other non-monetary rewards (eg, free e-cigarette supply in trade for advancement). In reac- tion to the US Nourishment and Medicate Organization (FDA) notices approximately unapproved promoting of e-cigarettes as altered hazard tobacco items at schools, a few major e-cigarette brands, counting JUUL, intentionally suspended their social media youth-oriented promoting. In 2019, Instagram prohibited all around the world branded e-cigarette substance (that highlights or is impacted by a trade portion.

Picture 4. Destroy the Illegal Cigarette Socialization through Video Source: Instagram of the Surakarta Customs and Excise, 2022

The society stigma about Customs and Excise tends to be taboo. The general reason is the concept of Customs and Excise that cannot be separated from export and import activ- ities. Meanwhile, the truth is Customs and Excise also given toward certain consumption things which are regulated. Cigarettes and tobaccos are the examples of the pointed things.

According to the in-depth interview with three correspondences as the active smokers, the results are as follows:

“Cigarette is like a source of life, my brain performance as if gets slower when I do not consume cigarette. However, I have just known that there is an illegal cigarette. The social- ization of illegal cigarettes also does not reach the whole society yet. Hence, it needs to be upgraded.”

Informant A (26) interviewed on 20 April 2022

According to information obtained through informant A, informant A is an active smoker

who smokes every day. As an active smoker, informant A was not fully aware of the sale and


distribution of illegal cigarettes. It can be said that informant A never knew about the exis- tence of illegal cigarettes. And informant A hopes that there will be thorough socialization related to illegal cigarettes so that they are better known by the general public and consider using cigarettes after knowing that there are illegal cigarettes. The existence of socialization will create a good perspective for the public.

“I am an active smoker. So, the economy change which is difficult in Covid-19 Pandemic urges me to consume cigarette which is not sold legally. In short, cigarette without tag as long as it is cigarette, I feel enough. The situation urges the society to do so, besides the ig- norance of society about the illegal cigarette and the law impact. It makes the society feels it is not a serious matter.”

Informant B (42) interviewed on 21 April 2022

According to information from informant B, informant B is an active smoker who is aware of the existence of illegal cigarettes. Due to economic demands during the Covid-19 pandemic, informant B did not care about the impact of the illegal cigarettes he consumed.

Informant B also did not know that the use of illegal cigarettes would be related to criminal law.

“I have seen the poster about illegal cigarettes because I am an active social media user.

Hence, I understand the information of illegal cigarettes. Besides that, the information shown in the social media is easy to be accessed and the information dissemination is wider, especially if it is created more interesting.”

Informant C (21) interviewed on 21 April 2022

According to informant C, explaining that informant C considered the posters on social media about illegal cigarettes very interesting to present. However, informant C said that it would be even more interesting if the government was able to hold so- cialization related to illegal cigarettes so that the information obtained by the public could be evenly distributed as a whole. This shows that some people or the public con- sider socialization related to illegal cigarettes to be very important to be widely known.

Because in fact there are also some people who take it lightly regarding the spread of illegal cigarettes. Digital socialization increases the perspective of the community to work together in destroying illegal cigarettes.

Aside from digging information via interview with the informants as active smokers, the researcher also tries to get the information through The Head of Counseling and Informa- tion Service Department of the Surakarta Customs and Excise. The focus question in this interview is the background of socialization strategy and the implication toward the efforts to destroy the illegal cigarettes. In this interview, The Head of Counseling and Information Service Department of the Surakarta Customs and Excise expresses that socialization is considered as one of strategic programs because of the socialization, the Surakarta Customs and Excise is able to educate the society about illegal cigarettes.

Low genuine cigarette costs, populace growth, rising family livelihoods, and mechaniza- tion of the kretek industry have contributed to sharp increments in tobacco utilization in In- donesia since the 1970s. The lion’s share of tobacco clients are smokers, and the tremendous larger part of smokers (88 percent) utilize kreteks, or cigarettes made of tobacco and cloves.

Smoking predominance is 34 percent, and 63 percent of men smoke. Per capita grown-up

tobacco utilization expanded by 9.2 percent between 2001 and 2004. Given the delay of up


to 25 a long time between the time of smoking take-up and the onset of numerous chronic diseases, the negative wellbeing impacts of increments in cigarette utilization are being seen as it were presently. Up to one-half of today’s 57 million smokers in Indonesia will pass on of tobacco-related ailments.

The traditions law states that extract ought to be utilized to diminish utilization of to- bacco items and control their dispersion since they are unfortunate. In hone, the essential calculate taken into thought when setting the tobacco assess rate is the yearly revenue target.

The framework proceeds to advance holes in costs between items, tobacco has gotten to be more reasonable over time, and smoking predominance among children has expanded strongly. Cigarette costs and charge rates in Indonesia are moo relative to other countries, and genuine cigarettes costs have remained steady since the 1980s. The current charge rate (37 percent of deals cost) is moo compared with the worldwide benchmark of 70 percent, and the rates are underneath the greatest passable by law.

Besides that, socialization method with digital approach i.e. poster publication, virtual performing arts, and video socialization are rated strategic due to almost the whole Indo- nesia society have smartphone connected with internet. Therefore, the information dissem- ination and message delivery via socialization are able to delivered more optimal without ignoring effectiveness and efficiency. The research result based on the documentation study and in-depth interview to the active smokers and The Head of Counseling and Information Service Department of the Surakarta Customs and Excise is able to give a depiction to the researcher about the society condition, especially related to illegal cigarettes and the efforts of the Surakarta Customs and Excise to destroy illegal cigarettes.

5. Discussion

The discussion of the application of the PR concept in the digitalization socialization program is in the first stage related to the discovery of problem definition carried out by observation and interview activities. Researchers observed how the public behaves towards the Surakarta Customs and Excise office policy to destroy illegal cigarettes.

Because in fact the sale of illegal cigarettes is still rampant among the public. This observation resulted in the discovery of problems related to the public who do not fully understand the impact of selling illegal cigarettes. Then the researchers conducted in- terviews with related parties at the Surakarta Customs and Excise office with the aim of collecting data and working together to create and develop a Digital Socialization program to destroy illegal cigarettes. After collecting data, researchers and employees of the Surakarta Customs and Excise office designed a Digital Socialization program with various strategies.

In the process of planning and programming digital socialization, the parties of the Surakarta Customs and Excise office carefully plan the program, prepare what mate- rials will be delivered in the digital-based socialization program including virtual tra- ditional sedni performances, posters and then socialization videos with explanations using clear language and able to be understood by the public. This digital socialization is an interactive communication activity, not only delivering material in a lecture but also being able to provide clear visualization to the public. Especially in virtual tradi- tional art performances that are considered to be able to convey the impression or per- spective of the public well through visualization of actions related to illegal cigarettes.

Not only enjoying the art performance, but the public is able to understand the mes- sage given. Because the material presented with clear visualization is more effective in making the public able to digest in understanding material related to illegal cigarettes.

Through digital socialization the public is able to follow the steps in illegal cigarette


destruction activities.

Socialization is one of strategies from Public Relationship Department controlled by The Head of Counseling and Information Service Department. It is a strategic program to educate the society, especially about the illegal cigarettes and the impacts of the ille- gal cigarette circulation. Based on the research result, it is known that the Surakarta Customs and Excise does illegal cigarette socialization with digital approach through the following activities:

1. Virtual Traditional Performing Arts, a performing arts held for 13 days as the sequence of the Surakarta Customs and Excise’s program in destroying the cir- culation of illegal cigarettes. The combination of traditional arts is chosen due to the socialization context impressed more integrate with a factual condition of society. Besides that, this program gives opportunity to the artists who cannot express their work optimally during pandemic.

2. Educational poster of illegal cigarettes as it is mentioned above, is known that the educational poster contains illegal cigarettes types which are even not known by society. The types of cigarette that belong to illegal, including 1) cigarette tape of fake excise, 2) cigarette tape of different excise, 3) cigarette tape of secondhand excise, 4) plain cigarettes without excise tape.

3. Socialization video that belongs to message delivery media attracting the audi- ences’ attention lately due to the delivered information via video that can be un- derstood faster. In addition, the right visualization support makes the audiences are more interested in gathering the delivered information.

According to three social media methods used, the Surakarta Customs and Excise coordinates publication and socialization through digital platform, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. These are done due to the digital information dissemination is proved to be effective and efficient.

What is maybe indeed more befuddling to Indonesian shoppers is that the govern- ment wellbeing directions have not kept up-to-date with the developing body of infor- mation. The government control is powerless within the region of buyer data. Though the direction does call for wellbeing notices on cigarette bundles, as it were one wellbe- ing caution is authorized for utilize, and there’s no least estimate.

What is maybe indeed more befuddling to Indonesian customers is that the govern- ment wellbeing controls have not kept up-to-date with the developing body of informa- tion. The government control is powerless within the range of customer data. While the control does call for wellbeing notices on cigarette bundles, as it were one wellbeing caution is authorized for utilize, and there’s no least measure. The moment suspicion behind buyer sway is that the customer alone bears the dangers and costs of utilization choices. Smokers, be that as it may, force physical and budgetary costs on others and on society as a entire. A Jakarta-based clinic ponder assessed that yearly healthcare costs for inpatient treatment of tobacco-attributable sicknesses.

The consideration of the socialization strategies success of the Surakarta Customs and Excise is supported by informants’ opinion who say that education is an import- ant aspect that can support the society’s understanding about illegal cigarettes. Even though most of the society urged to consume illegal cigarettes. However, the existence of socialization and understanding about illegal cigarette regulation, the society is able to consider their action.

Referring to those things, the digital socialization strategy of the Surakarta Cus- toms and Excise to destroy illegal cigarettes can be categorized as an effective. This is supported by the fact that the educational video view uploaded via Instagram reaches 799 views (Bea Cukai Surakarta, 2021).

The report concludes with five proposals. To begin with, the tobacco extract frame-


work ought to be rearranged by killing the generation levels, applying a uniform par- ticular charge, actualizing assess increments over all items, and consequently altering the particular assess for expansion. Particular excises that force the same assess per cigarette are more compelling in disheartening cigarette utilization. Charge increments that point to decrease utilization got to be higher than the common rate of swelling and expansive sufficient to balanced salary development. Moment, the greatest legitimate- ly passable extract charge rate for all tobacco items ought to be connected to switch the drift of expanding cigarette reasonableness and to begin to address the critical burden of tobacco-related ailments. Assess levels that accomplish the worldwide benchmark, or fundamentally particular instead of advertisement valorem, assess would have the most prominent wellbeing affect. Third, the work era objective of the tobacco assess framework.

In spite of the fact that all tobacco items are hurtful to wellbeing, an increment in smoking might be anticipated to have a broader run of genuine wellbeing issues when compared with chewing tobacco. Breathing in tobacco smoke conveys tall levels of nicotine to the brain exceptionally quickly. Smoking kreteks supplanted chewing betel and tobacco. Numerous provincial men, and smoking got to be widespread after the mechanization of the kretek channel. Low genuine cigarette costs, populace de- velopment, and rising household incomes contributed to a huge increment in smoking predominance and utilization.

The implementation of the Digital Socialization program PR campaign can influ- ence the public to work together in carrying out illegal cigarette destruction activities.

The digital socialization program also describes the provisions of criminal law and laws related to the distribution of illegal cigarettes. The public can actively participate in participating in this socialization activity. From the existence of this digital social- ization activity, it can increase self-awareness in the public so that they can contribute to efforts to help stop the distribution of illegal cigarettes. The public is able to under- stand the language in the explanation on the poster related to the introduction of ille- gal cigarettes. When the public is able to recognize the overall understanding of illegal cigarettes, this action not only destroys illegal cigarettes but can also influence public action to stop the consumption of illegal cigarettes. With this digital socialization pro- gram, the public is very enthusiastic to come in order to follow a series of program activities and is equipped with adequate facilities.

Furthermore, program evaluation will be carried out after the implementation of socialization. Evaluation is conducted to determine the extent to which the digital so- cialization program is able to achieve the objectives that have been set or not. Program evaluation is carried out by providing a questionnaire that contains questions related to the socialization that has been carried out. The results of the answers from this questionnaire will determine the success or failure of this socialization program to be implemented by the public. After filling out the questionnaire, it can be found that the average of all answers from socialization participants shows a good perspective in con- tributing to destroying illegal cigarettes. From this evaluation, digital socialization in destroying illegal cigarettes can influence the public and get support from the public.

6. Conclusion

Referring to the research result and the discussion above, it can be concluded that digital socialization is one of education innovation oriented toward the development of information technology. Destroying Illegal Cigarettes Program is one of the Surakarta Customs and Excise’s programs controlled by the public relation department of the Surakarta Customs and Excise. Every program is related to the efforts of destroying illegal cigarettes funded by Revenue Sharing Fund of Tobacco Excise (DBHCHT).


The socialization strategy used by the Surakarta Customs and Excise applies digi- tal approach with an assumption that the digital information dissemination is faster, effective, and efficient. The digital socialization is done with educational poster media, traditional performing arts held virtually, educational video published through digi- tal platform proved effective referring to the total content views which are more than expected. Nevertheless, the socialization needs to be improved. This assumption is supported by informants’ opinions that not many people know about illegal cigarettes, but they think that by having the right socialization, the society will understand the illegal cigarettes and the impacts.

The difficultness come from the prices. These thinks about too conclude that in- crements in real cigarette costs through tobacco charges seem contract financial im- balances in wellbeing. In numerous high-income nations, tobacco is an inferior great.

In any case, in Indonesia, salary flexibility is positive, and cigarettes are ordinary merchandise. Decreases in utilization coming about from higher cigarette costs are counterbalanced by increments in utilization since of rising family livelihoods. Keeping tobacco costs tall through normal increments in charge, hence, has demonstrated com- pelling in creating both positive wellbeing results and expanded government income.

In any case, the affect of cost and assess measures on wellbeing and incomes depends on a number of variables, counting the structure of the showcase, industry reactions to charge increments, family reactions to costs, the degree to which customers substitute cheaper tobacco items, the structure and execution of the assess, and other related government approaches.

The financial guideline of customer overeignty suggests that shoppers make the leading choices almost how to spend their possess cash. This argument is based on two suspicions. The primary is that customers make educated choices with full information of the costs and benefits of their choices. The moment presumption is that individuals bear all of the dangers of their utilization choices; that’s , their activities have no taken a toll or affect on others. Tobacco utilize abuses both of these suspicions.

The affect of cost and charge measures on health and income depends on the struc- ture of the advertise, industry and customer reactions to assess and cost increments, and the usage of the charge. The current tobacco assess structure itself is complex, based on the sort of tobacco item, mode of generation (machine or hand-rolled), and industry generation scale. It has advanced over time to consolidate different and some of the time clashing objectives, counting not only revenue era but too business and he promotion of little businesses. The arrangement has generally acted to ensure little firms by decreasing request for items from expansive firms through increments in their retail costs and assess rates.



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