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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh





Ira Rahayu Kurnia *) Syayid Sandi Sukandi, SS, MA **) Rika Afriyanti, M.Pd ***)

*) Program StudiPendidikanBahasaInggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat Email: Kurniapadang02@gmail.com

**) StafPengajar Program StudiPendidikanBahasaInggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat Email: Syayid@gmail.com

***) StafPengajarProgaramStudiPendidikanBahasaInggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat Email: Rikaafriyanti21@gmail.com


Research COPS choosing a strategy that aims to help students improve in writing. The population of this study is the high school students of class X in KARTIKA 1-5 Padang. Researchers took samples using cluster sampling where researchers choose a class X, the experimental class X2 and try out class X3 . Researchers used a pretest to see the students' ability before treatment were tested in class X2 as many as 10 questions in 90 minutes. After that, researchers taught for eight sessions in class X2 using COPS strategy. Last Test form posttest is to determine the difference in the average value of students as researchers do treatment. Before that, the researchers did try out as many as 10 questions within 90 minutes of class X3. Bassed on research results, this study indicates that the COPS strategy provides significant effects on the wriring in SMA SMA KARTIKA 1-5 Padang. This is evidenced by the high value of the average student when posstest than pretest.

Therefore, it is expected that teachers can use in teaching strategies COPS Writing Skill Abstrak

Penelitian ini memilih strategi COPS yang bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan siswa dalam menulis teks.

Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X di SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang. Peneliti mengambil sampel menggunakan cluster sampling dimana peneliti memilih kelas X, yaitu kelas X2 untuk eksperimen dan kelas X3 untuk kelas try out. Peneliti menggunakan pretest untuk melihat kemampuan siswa sebelum melakukan treatment yang diujikan di kelas X2 sebanyak 10 soal dalam waktu 90 menit. Setelah itu, peneliti mengajar selama 8 kali pertemuan di kelas X2 menggunakan strategi COPS. Test terakhir berupa posttest yaitu untuk mengetahui perbedaan nilai rata-rata siswa setelah peneliti melakukan treatment. Sebelum itu, peneliti melakukan try out sebanyak 10 soal dalam waktu 90 menit dikelas X3.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi COPS memberikan efek yang signifikan terhadap wriring di SMA SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang. Hal ini ditunjukan oleh tingginya nilai rata-rata siswa ketika posstest dibandingkan pretest. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan kepada guru untuk dapat menggunakan strategi COPS dalam pembelajaran Writing Skill

Keyword: COPS Strategy, on students’ wrinting improvement



Teaching is a comunication among the teacher and the students in the class room in where teacher will give materials for the students and also make the students understand about materials that are given by the teacher himself. Teaching writing also has the same role while the teacher is explaining topic to students. Teacher doesn’t only explain, but also exploring the students’ ideas to make their writing ability better than their writing ability before. ideas are crucial thing to construct the good writing with components, include grammar, vocabulary and machanics.

Teacher is to be able to guide students in exploring and expressing th ideas when writing process. Nunan ( 2005:98 ) states that writing is a combination of process and product. The process refers to the act of gathering ideas and working with them until they are presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible to readers. The concept that writing is a process is very useful to young writers, where a person selects, develops, arranges, and express ideas in unit of discourse. It means that the ideas are necessary in writing process where teacher plays important role in helping and guiding the students to explore their ideas to get good writing result.

As the observation done by the researher at SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang, she found that students have problem to develop and explore their ideas in writing. The researcher realizes that the fact is not suitable with the target of learning English for Senior High School based Curriculum 2006 (SBC) is to make the students able to write text such as short functional text and monolog text. Short functional texts includes announcement, advertisement, and warning, etc. while monolog text consists of narative, recount, exposition, procedure, news item, etc.

Nunan ( 2003 : 88 ) states that writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to explore them, and organizing them into statement and paragraph that will be clear to the readers. It can be concluded From that exploring ideas are important thing in writing to make the readers understand about the ideas. Students writing problems that are found by the researcher at SMA KARTIKA 1-5 Padang, included the mechanic such as Capitalization, Overall, Punctuation, Spelling.

Based on the problem found, it is better for teacher to develop teaching writing strategy. The teacher has to find appropriate strategy to apply in order to be success in the teaching and learning process. With the appropriate strategy, the teacher can make students interested in teaching and create the new atmosphere in the class becausein the strategy there will be easy guidence and instructions to follow by both teacher and students.


This research was expected to know the effectiveness of COPS strategy on students’ writing improvement. Therefore, the researcher chose the experimental design. Gay and Airasian (2000:367) state that experimental research is type of research that can test hypothesis to know the cause and effect relationship. In this research, the researcher chose The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design which was part of the Pre-Experimental Design, because he wanted to know the effectiveness of COPS strategy on the students’ writing improvement

In that class the researcher had given pre test in the class treatment for the students by giving 10 topics, they were 5 topics for narrative text (Maninjau Lake, Snow White, Cinderella, Takuban Perahu, Malin Kundang), and 5 topics for descriptive text (My Best Friend, The beautiful Bali, My Family, Personality My Cat, Jam Gadang). After got pre test score in in pre test, the researcher gave the treatment to it by using COPS strategy with different topic. Then, after did treatment in different time, the researcher asked the students to write by using COPS strategy in the same topics with pre test. Just like Gay and Airasian (2000:

109) state that a realistic time schedule is very important for a researcher to do the research itself.

Therefore, the researcher took several times to measure the effect of COPS strategy in teaching writing. Thus, the researcher had taken eight meetings to see the effectiveness of the COPS Strategy itself.

This research can be described in a design at the table 1 as the bellow:

Table 3.1

Class Pretest Treatment Posttest Class



X : Treatment in the Experimental class by using COPS Srategy

: Pretest in the Class Treatment : Posttest in Class Treatment Population and Samle

Population is the total number of the students in the research. In this case, the researcher had chosen the tenth grade at SMA KARTIKA 1- 5 Padadng who were registered in academic year 2016/2017. the researcher used cluster sampling in this research to get the sample where the sample had been selected in group randomly. the researcher found 2 classes which has normal class, X2 and X3 . In finding the normality, the researcher used the lilifors Test. After the normality was known, the researcher decided which class that had been the class treatment. In this research, the researcher had chosen X2 as class treatment, because it was normal class

In this case, the researcher had taken the writing test that was used to know the knowledge and


3 performence of the students after got the treatment in

their writing. Here, the teacher provided some topics, they are 5 topics for Narrative text (Maninjau Lake, Snow White, Cinderella, Takuban Perahu, Malin Kundang), and five topics for descriptive text (My Best Friend, The beautiful Bali, My Family, Personality My Cat, Jam Gadang). Then, the students were asked to choose one of them and developed it into an essay.

In this research, the validation of the test had used content validity because the test that was given is related to the syllabus. It means that the achievement of the students in writing could be seen after the students followed the learning which was given by the researcher. In this research, the researcher gave the test to measure the students’ writing and the test had been form of writing text (narrative text and desciptive text).

The researcher was the first scorer and the English teacher was the second scorer. After that, the researcher calculated the score that had been given by the researcher and the English teacher. Then, the researcher combined the score to get the final score.

The researcher found out the correlation of the score that come from different scorers by using Product Moment formula which is suggested by Ridwan (2012:217) to measure the reliability of the test. The formula is:

(∑ ) (∑ )(∑ )

√{ ∑ (∑ ) }{ ∑ (∑ ) }


= The value of reliability

∑X = Students’ score from the researcher

∑Y = Students score from the English teacher The data of this research had been taken from the students’ score; they are the pretest and posttest score where In this test, there were several indicators that became the focus of measurement and it was related to the scoring rubric of the writing itself such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. Firstly, the researcher calculated the differences of the score by comparing the posttest and pretest score. Here, the posttest score subtracted to the pretest score for every student’s score, the formulation is as below:

D= X-Y Where:

D`= the Difference X = Pretest Score Y = Posttest Score

Secondly, the researcher find out the mean of difference by using formulation that suggested by Gay and Airasian (2000:489), the formula is:

̅ Where:

̅ = Mean of difference

∑ = total of difference (posttest- prestest)

= total of the sample

After got the mean of difference, the researcher will calculate the t-test. As stated by Weir (2005:241) t-test will tell the significant difference.

Thus, in this research the researcher uses the formula that is suggested by Gay and Airasian (2000:488), the formula is:


(∑ ) ( )


t = the value of the t-observed D = the difference between score of the posttest and pretest

̅ = the mean of difference ∑ = sum of the difference = total of the sample

After the researcher calculated all of the score, the researcher got the value of ̅ . Not only that, but also the researcher calculated normality both pre- test and post-test where those class were normal class.

Thus, in this research the researcher describes the hypothesis as bellow:

. It means that COPS Strategy is effective on students’ writing improvement for tentth grade of SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang

. It means that COPS Strategy is not effective on students’

writing improvement for tent grade of SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang


Based on the hypothesis of researcher above, the researcher found some findings, they are the researcher found that the mean of difference from the pre-test and post-test score was 74,5. Then the researcher found that t-calculated was 29,7. It is bigger than t-table where t-table 2,06 at the degree of freedom 23 and at the level of significance 0,05. Therefore, it could be concluded that the COPS strategy is effective on students’ writing improvement.


Based on the conclusions above, In a research, the researcher will find the data that will be researhed by the researcher himself by using some design, in this research, the researcher uses One-Group Pretest- Posttest Design that still part of pre-experimental research design. The researcher uses the X grade students of SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang that consist of 10 classes as the population and chooses one class as the sample. In this case, the researcher use class X2 as the sample of the research.

In this research, the researcher use pre-test and post-test score from the class treatment that have been chosen. The researcher finds out the means of difference between pre-test and post-test and the mean


4 of difference was 74.5. Beside that, the t-calculated

was 29.7, it was bigger that t-table (2,06) at the degree of freedom 23 and at the level of significant 0.05.

Therefore, it can be conclude that the COPS strategy is effective on students’ writing Inprovemet.


In the name of Allah SWT, the researcher would like to express his best thanks to Allah SWT, the most merciful and gracious God who has given his lots of grant and knowledge in order that he eventually able to complete this thesis as one of the requirements of getting the Strata One (S1) degree at English Department of STKIP PGRI West Sumatera. In completing her thesis, the researcher has gotten a plentiful guidance, help, advice, suggestion and constructive critics from many people. In this occasion, the researcher would have to extend her special gratitude to the following individuals. First, Syayid Sandi Sukandi, S.S, MA. and Rika Afriyanti, M.Pd. as advisor and co-advisor who gave ideas, suggestion, guidance and time from the earliest stage of this thesis accomplishment. Second, Rani Authila, M.Pd, Armilia Riza, M.Pd and Sri Elmiwaty, PhD as contributors who gave valuable contribution and suggestion to the improvement of this thesis. Third, Armelia Riza, M.Pd and Mayuasti, M.Pd as the head and secretary of English Department who gave valuable contributions for the researcher. Fourth , the greatest appreciation belongs to her parents, father (Oyong, ALM), mother (Djalina) and brother (Afrizal). Last, his gratitude is also showed to the headmaster of SMA SMA KARTIKA 1 – 5 Padang.who had given an opportunity to do this research in the school.


Gay and Airasian. 2000. Educational Research Competences for Analysis and Application.

New Jersey: Prentice Hall Company

Nunan, David. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching: Singapore: Hill Education Nunan, David. 2005 Practical Language Teaching:

Firs edition: New York: Grow Hill Press Weigle.(2009).Assesing Writing. United

Kingdom.Cambridge University Press


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