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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "ENGLISH TEACHERS’ REMEDIAL TEACHING (A Case Study at SMKN 6 Padang)"


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Neni Oktavia Murti Sari *)

**) Mayuasti dan **) Handayani. SB. Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Pengajaran remedi dilakukan untuk memperbaiki dan mengurangi kesulitan dan kelemahan siswa pada materi tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menemukan teknik yang digunakan guru dalam pengajaran remedi berdasarkan dengan standar pelaksanaan remedial dari departemen pendidikan nasional tahun 2008.Peneliti juga ingin menemukan bagaimana guru mengimplementasikan teknik pengajaran remedi dan alasan guru dalam memilih teknik pengajaran remedi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah guru Bahasa Inggris SMK Negeri 6 Padang. Adapun jumlah guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolah tersebut adalah 5 orang. Dalam menentukan responden, peneliti menggunakan purposive sampling teknik.

Jadi, peneliti menetapkan 4 guru sebagai responden dikarenakan pengajaran remedi yang dilakukan oleh guru selama penelitian. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan observasi dan interview. Kedua instrumen tersebut digunakan untuk menemukan teknik yang digunakan guru dalam pengajaran remedi, bagaimana guru mengimplementasikan teknik didalam kelas dan alasan guru dalam memilih teknik dalam pengajaran remedi di SMK Negeri 6 Padang.

Hal pertama yang dilakukan peneliti adalah melakukan observasi dengan menggunakan field note dan observation checklist sebagai alat selama observasi. Setelah itu, peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada setiap guru. Dalam menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan tematik analisis dari penjelasan Boyatzis. Dari data penelitian, peneliti menemukan bahwa setiap guru menggunakan teknik yang berbeda-beda dalam pengajaran remedi. Dan penerapan dalam teknik disesuaikan dengan teknik yang digunakan serta guru memiliki alasan yang berbeda untuk memilih teknik dalam pengajaran remedi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap guru menggunakan teknik dalam pengajaran remedi, menerapkan tindakan dan aktifitas sesuai teknik serta memiliki alasan dalam pemilihan teknik pengajaran remedi.

Keywords: Remedial teaching and the remedial teaching technique

*) Penulis




Remedial teaching is a process for the students who do not achieve the target value from teacher. Teachers give the test again to that student.

It is needed by teacher to solve students’

weaknesses and difficulty about the previous material. It is defined by Sharma (2009: 22)

“remedial teaching is the teaching that is undertaken for providing remedial education to those who are in need of such education for overcoming their deficiencies, weaknesses and difficulties related learning activities pertaining to some area or aspects of a particular subject”.

Furthermore, teachers have many acts to revise students’ weakness, difficulty and deficiencies in remedial teaching. It depends on students’behavior while teaching learning process which makes they do not understand the material overall and get under mark. Teachers have many techniques that can be used in remedial teaching who did not achieve teachers’ target. Thus, teachers apply in the English class especially for the student who needs to revise their mark or remove their weakness and difficulty. In the fact, remedial teaching has many components must be considered by teacher.

Numerous components are teaching material, the type of test, and the technique remedial. In implementing the material, teacher can do spoken and written test. It can be supported by using many techniques in remedial teaching. In deeply, the teachers apply and use different technique in remedial teaching.

Nature of Remedial Teaching

Remedial is an important part in teaching learning process. It is given opportunity to the students to revise their value and remove difficulties and weakness of particular material. It is supported by Martin (2001: 8) a remedy which defined as a means of revising or removing some errors and weaknesses, to make right, correct. This theory explains that remedial is how to remove and revise students’ mistake and error, to get goals they are correct. Dealing with this theory, Divese and Pearer (2002: 112) add definition remedial as teaching focus on recurrent or persistent students’

mistakes. It should also pay attention to errors that indicate important gaps in the learners’ English or persistent misconceptions about English. From definition, it can be explained that remedial teaching only focuses on mistake, error, misconception for the student in English material and most attention to remove it. Many aspects that make students’ do error and mistake on the material. It is caused the situation in the class, teacher’s explanation, and less motivation during teaching process. Dealing with this statement Edger, Duff and Rico (2007: 102) define that remedial teaching is a morale-building and an

interest-building enterprise for the students.

Remedial teaching is a continuous process. It involves testing, teaching, reading and retracing.

Based on the theories, remedial is an activity which is focus on students’ mistake, error, misunderstanding or misconception, weakness, difficulties about previous material. Moreover, remedial teaching helps the student who needs it to get more comprehension, remove and revise it by using test again.

Technique of Remedial Teaching

According Permendiknas (2008) about the guidelines and principles of remedial teaching explains the techniques of remedial teaching are:

a. Class Teaching

In this teaching, teachers give more explanation for specific material by using some media. Teacher will conduct this teaching technique of the class that have much number students who those need remedial teaching.

b. Individual Tutorial Teaching

By using this technique student who do not complete yet can get much help in removing, revising and reducing their weakness, deficiencies, difficulties and problem individually from teacher.

Students are guided be able to improve their ability and achieve the teachers’


c. Assignment teaching

Teacher emphasizes for discuss a task on certain and particular material which be areas students’ weakness. Students are provided much assignment to push up them to think hardly in revising their difficulties on test term directly.

d. Peer Tutorial Teaching

Peer teaching students who have high achievement in teaching leaning process.

This teaching is expected be able to make students comfort and desire while they can share their difficulties of their classmate.

In usual, students have interesting to group work in overcoming their deficiencies.

Factor in Choosing Remedial Teaching Technique

As we know, some students have some problem in teaching process normally that makes they cannot finish evaluation correctly, do not achieve the teachers’ target and getting low achievement than other students. It may comes some aspect like internal or external for each individually. Meanwhile, teachers provide the adjustment teaching technique can improve they failure during remedial teaching. Students have


3 improvement into self-potential to overcome their problems, mistakes, weakness and deficiencies. In fact, such stated by Denham and Burton (2003:

519) state that many factors will affect teachers in choosing remedial teaching technique in the class.

They are; students’ age and students’ cognitive developmental, students’ motivation, the remedial time, cooperation, and ultimately outcome. Next, Sree and Rao (2004: 225), they define that, teaching is focused properly paced, and individualized is based on through and specific information about the learner. But if good teaching is based on assessment, it is guided by perceptive consideration of such things as; resources available, viable teaching alternatives, and realistic outcome.

On other sides, Tara (2005: 231) explains that many factors influence the generation of alternative remedial; time available, resources, point of view about reading and the reading process, number of students, characteristics of students and others. It can be explained that factors more focus on students’ needed than teachers’ needed. It appears teachers considerate all of aspect to achieve students’ value and encourage comprehension. In this way, teachers analyze character of students and number of them before do remedial teaching.

Teacher as better motivator than ignorance, will provide the certain time and task that is suitable with students’ characteristics. In summary, the factors are; the timing, the resources, and students’

needed, characteristic, the material that is being problem by students.


The design of this research was descriptive qualitative study. Iskandar (2009:60) explains that descriptive study is a research method that gives a description of phenomena that is investigated by describing the value of either one independent variable or more variables. Additional, Arikunto (1986) explains that case study is a descriptive approach which is this research is done detailed and deeply to certain. Descriptive study was chosen, because researcher wanted to find out about technique of remedial teaching in the English class in SMKN 6 Padang. It might be infered that descriptive research concerned to the description about case something that was felt by the subject of the research. There were four English teachers at SMKN 6 Padang were be participant. In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling as a technique in choosing the participants. According Burke (2014: 264), purposive sampling was a technique in take sample based on consideration and certain set and goals in getting information.

Moreover, the researcher collected the data through observation (field note and observation checklist) and interview.


The result of observation checklist

Based on the table above the researcher got finding that had been answered the research questions on Chapter I. It was about technique of remedial teaching that was applied by English teacher and the implementation of the remedial teaching technique.

1. For answering the research question was about technique of remedial teaching by English teacher the researcher did observation. In deeply, the researcher used observation checklist and field note. By doing observation, the researcher found 4 techniques applied by different English teacher. Those techniques were class teaching, assignment teaching in partner, assignment teaching in group and peer tutorial teaching in group.

2. Through observation and interview, the researcher found information was about the implementation of technique by English teacher in remedial teaching.

During observation, the action and activities were dealing with the theory was proposed from Permendiknas (2008) on observation checklist was provided by the researcher.

N o

r e s p o n d e n t

Class teachi ng

Indivi dual teachi


Assignment teaching

Peer tutorial teachin

g D

a y 1


D a y 2


D a y 1


D a y 2


Da y 1st

D a y 2


Da y 3rd

Da y 1st

D a y 2


1. A 2 2 0 1 4 1 4 0 5

2. B 2 2 0 0 4 4 0 0

3. C 2 1

0 0 2 2 5 5

4. D 3 3 0 0 2 3 0 0


4 There were implementations were done by each of English teacher. By doing interview, the researcher found much information related the implementation of the technique in remedial teaching. The teacher informed action and activities did in remedial teaching.

Thus, reason of choosing the technique. The instrument used was interview. The findings can be seen as follow;

3. For answering the research question was about the reason of the factor was choosing remedial teaching technique by English teacher, the researcher used interview as the instrument. The researcher found different reason for each of English teacher. Those reasons were students’ need, number of students, students’ ability/characteristics, resources, time available and facilities.

English teachers’ reason in choosing the remedial teaching



In getting the data, the researcher used two instruments; observation (observation checklist and field note) and interview. There were 18 indicators of observation checklist and field note. On interview the researcher gave 6 questions to complete the observation’s checklist and to find depth information related teachers’ reason of choosing the remedial teaching technique.

Based on the research findings, the researcher found for each of teacher chose different technique in remedial teaching. Those techniques were; class teaching, assignment teaching in partner and group, and peer tutorial teaching in group. They

implemented some actions and activities related the technique was chosen. Moreover, teachers have different reason of choosing the technique. It was caused by students need, number of students, students’ ability/ students’ characteristics, resources/material, time available and facilities factors.


A. Denham, Susanne., & Burton Rosemary. (2003).

Social and Emotional Prevention and Intervention Programming for Preschoolers.

New York: Kluwer Academic/Prenum Publisher

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (1986). Pengelolaan Kelas dan Siswa ‘Sebuah Pendekatan Evaluatif’.

Jakarta: CV Rajawali

Burke, J. R. (2014). Educational Research:

Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approach. Thousand Oaks, California:

SAGE Publications, Inc

Depdiknas, 2008. Sistem Penilaian KTSP; Panduan Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran Remedial \.

Jakarta: Dir.PSMA

Divese, Paul., & Pearer, Eric. (2002). Success in English Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press

Edger, Marlow., B.G Duff, Venkala. & D.Rico, Bhaskara. (2007). Teaching English

Successfully. New delhi: Aorora Offset Press Iskandar. (2009). Methodology penelitian dan

pendidikan social. Jakarta: Gaung persada Press

L. Martin, Joice. (2001).Light Bright ‘A Bright Idea for Bright Mind’. Waco: Prufpock Press, Inc Sharma, Promila. (2009). Teaching of Life Science.

New Delhi. Balaji Offset

Sree, Kandi Jaya., & Rao, Digurmaty Bhaskara.

(2004). Methods of Teaching Science. New Delhi: Tarun Offset Printer

Tara, C.S. (2005). Reading Problems of Learners.

New Delhi: Roshan Offset Printers, Delhi N


Particip ants

Remedial Teaching Technique

English teachers’




Assignment teaching in group

 Students’

ability/stude nts’

characteristic s

 Facilities

2. B Assignment

teaching in partner

 Number of students

 Resources/m aterial 3. C Peer tutorial

teaching in group

 Students’


4. D Class teaching  Time



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FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION FINDINGS Based on the result of observation, in implemented teaching methods by English teachers in teaching, there are some techniques that was used by the