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an error analysis of using word order in recount text

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Academic year: 2023

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AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF USING WORD ORDER IN RECOUNTING TEXT IN THE TENTH GRADES OF SMA MA'ARIF 05. What kinds of errors in the use of word order in the recounting text made by the tenth graders of SMA Maarif 05 Padang Ratu. What is the dominant factor that caused word order errors in the recounting text made by the tenth grade students of SMA Maarif 05 Padang Ratu.

Definition Of Analysis

And then students made mistakes, and these mistakes could be detected, evaluated, and categorized to explain something of the system operating within the student, which led to an increase in the study of student errors, called error analysis.3. Thus, researchers and foreign language teachers came to understand that mistakes made by a person in the process of building a new language system should be carefully analyzed, as they can be held in some of the keys to understanding the acquisition of the language. . C and Richard Schmidt, Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Fourth Edition, (Longman: Great Britain, 2010) p.

Source of Error

An error cannot be corrected by itself, and an error can be corrected by itself.6 Actually, error and error are different, but both can be analyzed if we know the problem. Another expert who discusses the source of errors is Richards in schumman and stenson in his article "Error Analysis and Second Language Strategies". In fact, it is hardly anything to write about transferring grammatical and stylistic elements from the native language to the target language.

Classification of Errors

Regarding the above explanation, the writer concludes that global error is higher in the hierarchy than local error. Researchers and teachers of foreign languages ​​managed to understand that mistakes made by a person in the process of building a new language system should be carefully analyzed. It is significant because it shows a student's progress, shows how a language is acquired, what strategies the student uses, and the student can learn from these mistakes.

The Concept of Word Order 1. The Definition Of Word Order

Simple Noun Phrases

In a single word noun, only the main word is used and the sentence is described as a simple noun. If a determiner precedes the main word, the sentence is still grammatically described as a simple noun phrase. It is important to remember that pronouns can also be the head of a simple noun phrase because they act as a substitute for a noun.

Complex noun phrase

In these examples, the main word for each noun phrase is in bold, and the additional information is underlined. Different kinds of words and phrases can be used to expand a noun phrase, and it is important to be able to recognize and identify these. Such elements are called quantifiers because they serve to quantify the italicized noun that follows them.

The word order errors

The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a specific time in the past. We use the past tense to describe and tell an event or situation that happened in the past and has passed. Usually when a noun or noun phrase has been used once, a pronoun is used to avoid repetition of the same noun or noun phrase.

Second-person pronouns, examples of words that represent the person or persons being addressed. Third-person pronouns, examples of words that represent people or things other than the speaker/writer and listener/reader. Punctuation marks used for punctuation, for example: periods/full stops, commas, semicolons, question marks, apostrophes, capital letters, etc.

Period The punctuation mark (.) is placed at the end of a sentence or at the end of a word that has been shortened. The Comma The basic purpose of a comma in life is to tell the reader that there should be a slight pause in the sentence. For example: Today is a good day. short for "is") The dog bit its tail.

Capital letter A capital letter is a letter of the alphabet in the form of and. larger size used at the beginning of sentences and names printed in capital letters.

The Concept Of Recount Text

The Generic Structure of Recount Text

It is important to include when, who, what, and where, and sometimes why, to help the audience know what we want to retell. 25. Series of events, in this part students focus on providing details of who, what, where and when.26 This means that students explain the story.

Language Features of Recount Text

Example Of Recount Text

Types and Characteristics the Research

Fifth, the qualitative research accepts and uses one or more strategies of inquiry as a guideline for the procedure in the qualitative study. Then the last, the qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply with outcomes or products. The research will be done to explore the phenomenon about students' mistakes and consider the importance of quality of students' writing that needs to be investigated.

Therefore, the author decides to use a qualitative approach to investigate and analyze the common mistakes on students' writing.

Data Resources

Data Collection Technique

This method was used to find out the students' reason why they made mistakes related to redundancy in their writing performance. We hope to know the causes of the mistakes that the students made in their sentences. It means that the researcher conducts the research using the document such as the task of making the recount text. In this research, the writer seeks the subject of the first semester of undergraduate students in the tenth grade because these students have material and experience.

Writer will then analyze the result of retold text based on their knowledge of word order. The process of data analysis can make sense of text and image data.5 The author will apply Miles and Huberman Model to analyze the data. Data collection is the step when the author collects all data used to complete the research.

The researcher collected data using field notes, transcription, typed interview notes and optically scanned material for the general codes and themes from the participants. The researcher prepares to analyze the students' data for retelling text using word order. The entire data on the students' data for retelling text using word order had been read to gain a deeper understanding.

The researcher will code and then label the data about students reporting recount text using word order.

Figure 2. Analysis Components of Miles and HubermanModel 6
Figure 2. Analysis Components of Miles and HubermanModel 6


Determination of focus on the research and formulation of the questions The questions must be collected to focus the research. The determination of case and arrangement of questions of the research is the basic foundation of the research. The preparation of the suitable research instruments is one of the factors that determine the accuracy of the research data.

Description of Data 1. Research setting

Masque 2. Library


General Description of Research Data

The kinds of word order error made by students at tenth grade of SMA Ma’arif 05 Padang Ratu

Based on table above, it could be seen that the number of mistakes made by the students about word order was 98 mistakes. The most common errors found in usage Misorder in noun distribution were 28 errors, Misorder in noun phrase 21, Omission of subject and verb 13, Omission of object 10, Omission of predicate 14 and the last Omission in sentences was 13 error. After calculating the number of errors, the researcher wants to describe in detail about the type of errors the students made about word order.

The recapitulation of types of errors in students' narrative text based on error analysis theory. From the tabular data analysis above, the researcher obtained the frequency of word order errors found in the students' retelling text. The factors that caused word order errors in the recitation text of tenth graders from SMA Ma'arif 05 Padang Ratu.

The Factors That Caused Word Order Errors In Recount Text at Tenth graders of SMA Ma’arif 05 Padang Ratu

In this case, most students answered that they know what the recount text is.

When do you do write a recount text?

In this case, most students write a recount text in class when they are learning English.

Do you know the generic structure of recount text?

Do you use a dictionary when write a recount text?

What do you feel in the class when write a recount text?

What do you think about the teacher English in your class?

Is writing a recount text difficult to you?

In your opinion, what factor that make you difficult to write a recount text?

AW Kurangnya pengetahuan Saya masih bingung karena saya tidak mengerti aturan dalam bahasa Inggris. AWK Overgeneralization Saya masih belum mengerti konsep kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, jadi saya hanya menggunakan konsep yang saya tahu. Kecerobohan JYS Saya tidak berhati-hati dalam membuat kalimat jadi saya lupa banyak istilah bahasa Inggris.

LS Overgeneralisasi Penguasaan struktur bahasa Inggris saya masih kurang, sehingga saya sering menyamakan pola kalimat dengan kalimat lain yang hampir sama. Kecerobohan NS Saya masih bingung karena sedikit sekali yang saya ketahui tentang aturan bahasa inggris sehingga membuat saya kurang semangat untuk mempelajarinya. Terjemahan RI Ketika saya membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris, saya sering membuatnya dalam bahasa Indonesia dan kemudian menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kecerobohan SBR Saya masih bingung dalam memahami konsep bahasa Inggris, sehingga saya sering melakukan kesalahan saat mengurai kalimat. USA Translation Karena saya sering membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu kemudian menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggris. YRB Kurangnya pengetahuan Saya tidak pandai menggunakan aturan bahasa inggris karena saya tidak yakin dengan aturannya.

YAY Kecerobohan Saya masih belum mengerti pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga membuat saya malas mengerjakan soal.

Table 8  Factor that caused the errors  Number
Table 8 Factor that caused the errors Number


Based on the data analysis above, several factors can be found that caused the respondents to commit errors. The dominant factor that caused word order error in recount text made by students at tenth grade SMA Ma’arif 05 Padang Ratu is carelessness English concept. This result indicates that internal factors such as ability, interest or motivation become an important factor influencing the teaching learning process to get the best result.

In addition to internal factors, external factors also become an important element for the success of the learning process.


In the questionnaire section, some students said that the most difficult in making repetitive text is English concept. The lack of knowledge made the students less of an idea and difficult to arrange word in a sentence in addition to the grammatical. In line with the above questionnaire result, the students made word order mistakes because they still do not understand with the pattern in English sentence, so it made the students feel difficult to master about word order.

Related to the sources of errors, the researcher can draw a conclusion that the cause of errors committed by the students is intra-language transfer, because those errors occurred as a result of learners' errors. Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher can summarize the conclusion of this research as the following. Based on the data analysis, the researcher would eagerly conclude this research that some types of errors were still found, some types of errors with the use of word order in recount text among students at grade ten of SMA Ma’arif 05 Padang Ratu.

Based on students' responses to questionnaire, the researcher summarized the cause of errors made by students. In quiz section, some students said that the most difficult to make recognition text is the English concept.


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles : An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd Ed), Addison Wesley, New York, 2001.


Figure 2. Analysis Components of Miles and HubermanModel 6
Table 8  Factor that caused the errors  Number


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