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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "THE ETHIC VALUES OF JALALUDDIN RUMI'S POEMS Siti Anida Maghfira Akhyar"


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Siti Anida Maghfira Akhyar Abstract:

Literatur adalah cara untuk mengekspresikan perasaan dan imajinasi manusia melalui kata-kata. Beberapa ahli berpendapat bahwa literatur adalah bahasa tulisan yang digunakan manusia untuk menyampaikan ide-ide dan perasaan yang mereka rasakan. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, puisi adalah salah satu jenis dari literatur.

Di dalam puisi setidaknya ada 5 nilai yang terkandung, seperti; nilai keagamaan (nilai relijius), nilai etika, nilai filosofi, nilai estetika dan nilai moral.

Dalam artikel ini hanya akan menganalisis salah satu dari kelima nilai tersebut, yaitu nilai etika, dan puisi yang akan di analisis adalah puisi-puisi karya sastrawan islam ternama yaitu jalaluddin rumi. Ada 5 puisi yang akan di analisis, yaitu: Be Lost in The Call, Through All Eternity, Be With Those Who Help Your Being, Because I Cannot Sleep and the last is The Guest House.


literature, ethic value, poem.

A. Introduction

Literature is the word which has much meaning. Kenny in Mustofa says that literature is the tool that used by human to express feeling, imagination, ideas, thought to the world. It is the simple way to says not only the imagination but also the values which contain in literature.1

According to Klarer, literature is the author written expression to

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1Muthmainnah Mustofa, Literary Works-Life and Love, Student’s Book English Literature and It’s Teaching. (Malang: Unisma, 2014), p. 1


show his idea.2 But, the literature is more than just show author’s idea, literature shows us not only the art of the world but also literature explains us the meaning of the nature of life, culture and tradition.

Meanwhile, jabrohim argues that literature is created within society as the reflection toward social indication and social problem around society.3 it means that literature made by society to describe and reflect the social phenomenon in that certain era.

Literature has three generals forms, they are drama, poetry and prose. Drama is the art which shows by actions. Poetry is the literature which shows the technique in making the meaningful sentences. Prose is the ordinary of written language.Poetry as one of literary form which has meaning as poetry or poems as one of the literary form is an the technique to expressing idea to be meaningful sentences.

Poetry is the most universal language, it uses not only by primitive people but also civilized people also cultivated it.4 poetry is an imaginative awareness of meaning include rhytm, sounds, and meaning as the emotional response. The nature of poetry of poetry is an authentic and individual mode of expression to be almost impossible to define. Poetry is the creative writting in verse especially for expresing deeply about feeling, noble thought and beautiful words composed with experience of communication.5

Poetry contains not only figurative language, and theme but also values. There are many values that we can find in it, such as religious

2Mario Klarer. An Introduction to Literary Studies (Second Edition), (London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2004). p. 1

3Jabrohim, Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: PT. Hanindita Graha Widya, 2001). p. 59

4Thomas R. Arp & Greg Johnson, Sounds and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (Thirteenth Edition), (USA: Wadsworth Cengange Learning, 2012).


5C. Lewis, Poetry For You: A Book for Boys and Girls on the Enjoyment of Poetry, (GR: Basil Blackwell Oxford, 1959). p. 12


values, philosphical values, moral values, aestethical values, and ethic values.

Based on mulyana in mustofa, religious values are ethical principles/belief which found in religious traditions. It has a very strong truth than other value because it refers to truth and belief of almighty.6meanwhile, philosophical values is the study of goodness and fundamental problem, such as the connection of reality, existence, knowledge, reason, mind and language.The third is ethical value, it related with human moral or act to other people in their life. It likes moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity and the branch of knowledge that have strong relationship with moral principles (Oxford in Mustofa).7

The fourth is aesthetical value is a branch of philosophy that contained with nature of art, beauty, and taste with creation and appreciation of beauty. The last is moral value. It cannot be separated from ethics. Macmillan says that moral is a practical lesson about right and wrong conduct, often in an instruction story such as a fable or parable.Moral values are the standard of good and bad things, which govern and individual’s behaviour and choice.8

Those are the brief explanation of five values which is included in poetry, but, in this article writer only analyzed about ethic values for five poems of Jalaluddin Rumi.

B. The Theories of Ethic Values

Ethic is the moral behaviour (Longman Dictionary of American English). Ethics deals with morality which focused for distinguishing between something good and bad in the world, human actions and human’s character.

According to Mustofa says that ethic is concerned with the

6Muthmainnah Mustofa, Op.cit., p.16

7Mutmainnah Mustofa, Op.Cit., p.25

8Muthmainnah Mustofa, Op.Cit. P.57


justification of human’s moral practice. It is the rules of human’s behaviour such as right and wrong of human’s actions, and virtuous and unvirtuous of human’s character.9

Ethics can be divided into some kinds, like ethics to God, ethics to other people, ethics to nature and ethics to ourselves. Ethics to God is an ethics that describes the relationship or connection between human and God. Humans believes that is a powerful substance that has created world. By their religion, and as a religious mankind, human have to be closer to God, give thanks and pray to God and always do everything because of God.

Another one of ethics value is ethic to other people. As social creatures, of course human need to live together with another human. In living together, human needs rules to protect and guide their life in society. Society will give good respond if we have good attitude and always follow the society’s rules.

The next one is ethics to nature. It is part of ethics to God and ethics to people. Nature or environment have close relationship with both values. Keep the nature is the one way to give thanks to God.

Besides, good environment brings positive effects for human’s attitude.

The last one is ethics to ourselves, it is about the relationship between human and their way of life and their live. This ethics is the rules that guide human to life well. The ethics that shows the guideline that should be done in human’s live (Mustofa).10

C. Summary of Jalaluddin Rumi’s Poems

Before entering into the analysis of the poems, the analyst will provide brief summary for each poems. First, summary of the first poem, i.e. Be Lost in The Call. Be Lost in The Call tells the story of the curiosity of servants to his God who is created two worlds, heaven and hell. It is intended that the servants were able to see, feel and want to

9Muthmainnah Mustofa, Op.Cit. P.47

10Muthmainnah Mustofa, Op.Cit. P.46


get heaven to see how terrible hell. It can only be achieved with the spirit of serving the Lord and surrender of all His will. Not by complaining over every situation, without forget to always be grateful.

Besides, in this poem also tells why God created two opposite sides, good thing and bad thing. It is none other than the Lord's servants that can learn and think which one is better between the two. To determine which better between the two, is needed patience and endless learning.

Patience in learning of use the time to do good thing, cleanse soul and heart for good future and avoid the bad thing. This poem conveys deep messages which is addressed to the servants of God to always have patience and approach to God.

Second, is Through All Eternity. It is about the story of immortality that only belongs to God. Tells how the servant love and adore his God.

Then, only servant’s love to his God which is gain the world and everything in it.

Third poem is Be With Those Who Help Your Being. People must always helping each other. Not only to fellow human beings, but also to any of God's creation. Other than that, this poem also advise people not to become arrogant and indifferent. If we can get a lot of happiness to help others, why still hesitate to do it?. So, That’s the main point of this third poem.

The next poem entitled Because I Cannot Sleep. This poem about longing to immediately see a servant of God. All the time, every time, every second praise and worship to God, cannot wait to meet up, make the heart restless over the wait. Which can be done simply adore the thousand names of God and be patient belonging to meet until the day of judgment arrives.

The last poem is The Guest House. Every human being is likened to a house where every things coming. Whether it is happiness, hurt, luck, and other losses. As humans, we also have to be respect and smile with all of God’s creation. All that must be addressed and accepted gracefully and patiently. It must be remembered that it was all a test from God, because those are the things that will eventually ease the way to meet God. That is the message of this poem.


Those are the brief summary of five poems from Jalaluddin Rumi.

After read the poems, the analyst can take the main point of those poems. Those poems describe about how to be good servant and how to be a good person in life. The poems gave many beautiful suggestion which are useful in life.

D. Analysis of Jalaluddin Rumi’s Poems

This section discusses about the analysis of five poems above.

Analysis here will only explain about ethical values which is contained in each poems. There will be 10 data which is taken from the poems. The first, begin from the first poetry of Jalaluddin Rumi entitled Be Lost in The Call. The first data is:

“Spirit, find your way, in seeking lowness like a stream.

Reason, tread the path of selflessness into eternity”

Based on the data above, it shows ethic to people. Why? Because it tells and invites other people to always have a spirit in their life. The sentence “spirit, find your way, in seeking lowness like a stream” means that the author tries to told reader and all of people to always have humility. The word “lowness” means humility. Tthe second sentence of this data “reason, tread the path of selflessness into eternity” means that if we always try to do good things or try to always humility to other people we can get the best things, too. We can get the best eternity in hereafter if we always do the good things and humility. It is the reason of that.

We must remember God. Everything we do, whenever and wherever we are. It is clearly showed in next data which is taken from the same poem, it is:

“Remember God so much that you are forgotten.

Let the caller and the called disappear;

be lost in the Call

Based on the data above, it shows ethic to God. Why? Because as a whole, the data above invites people to always remember God. We


can see it in the words "Remember God", it’s clearly indicates ethic to God. Wherever, whenever, whatever we do as human beings, we must always remember that God has given many favors and graces. We think that God is everything to be kept in mind.

The third and fourth data are taken from Jalaluddin Rumi’s poem, entitled All Through Eternity. These data are :

he is the knower and the known, the seer and the seen;”

It shows ethic to God. Author is well aware that God is all- knowing and the known, as well as all-seeing and also visible. God was only fitting for us to attribute the praise. The ethical value in this case is when we say God is “he is the knower and the known, the seer and the seen”. It is ethic to God.

The fourth data:

“They have together

since the beginning of time- Side by side, step by step.”

Those data indicates ethic to people. The word "they" showed humans, and the word "together since the beginning of time, Side by side, step by step "shows that since the first man was created, people have always been and must live together. Living along with helping each other and go hand in hand is already a human nature. It is very quite describe that humans do instructed to always live together, side by side is not hostile and always help each other in terms of goodness, until the end of time. These are ethic to people.

The fifth and the sixth data are taken from Be With Those Who Help Your Being. These are:

“Be with those who help your being.

Don't sit with indifferent people, whose breath comes cold out of their mouths.

Not these visible forms, your work is deeper.”

Based on the data above, show ethic to people. It calls on the


people to always help each other. The list above is also calling for human to live side by side and has the same goal in life. Do not be like most people who can only criticize and advise, but the action and the work is more important. Action and work always to help each other.

The sixth data is:

“A chunk of dirt thrown in the air breaks to pieces.

If you don't try to fly, and so break yourself apart, you will be broken open by death,

when it's too late for all you could become.”

It clearly shows the ethics to people. It is shown clearly in the sentences “If you don't try to fly, and so break yourself apart, you will be broken open by death, when it's too late for all you could become”.

That sentences contain nice advice that people are always trying to do good while they had the chance. Doing good is something that is emphasized in our religion. When we do one goodness, another will come. Before it’s too late and only regret that we have. This is the ethic to people because it tries to make people to always do good while there is a chance.

The seventh and also the eighth data are taken from Because I Cannot Sleep. The seventh data is:

“O Love, You who have been called by a thousand names, You who know how to pour the wine

into the chalice of the body,

You who give culture to a thousand cultures, You who are faceless but have a thousand faces,”

It indicates ethic to God. Why? Because it shows praise to God.

We can see in the sentence “ O, Love, You who have been called by a thousand names”, it means that the author realize that God is a superpower, having all of things. Praising God with His beautiful names.

Besides that, when said that sentences, the author seems admired God.

We can see when he said that God has thousand names. “God has a


thousand names”, has a thousand names here means having a lot of beautiful names that describes and shows the perfection of God. How could someone has thousand names? How could someone has perfection? It is impossible, but for Allah, there is no impossible. Only Allah is perfect and has perfection. As we know, as humans, we are well aware with all to an almighty of God. There is nothing similar to Him.

It is ethic to God.

The eighth data is:

“O Love, You who shape the faces of Turks, Europeans, and Zanzibaris, give me a glass from Your bottle,

or a handful of being from Your Branch.”

The data above indicate ethic to God. Why? Because, the author realizes that God has had super authority in creating His servant, we can show it in the sentences “O, Love, you who shape the faces of Turks, European and Zanzibaris”. In the other sentences “give me a glass from your bottle, or a handful of being from your branch”, indicates that the author realize that he can ask and complain about his destiny only to God, because, God always helps His servant. We know that God has everything, God is mighty and almighty creator of all things, Allah can do what he want, and always help His servant who obey to Him, this case showed in that sentences. Nothing resembling Him. Therefore, it is appropriate that we ask and complain all things to God, nothing is impossible for God. When we ask Him, it will be granted by God. As the Words of God in Surah Al-Mu'min (60) :

“And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, [i.e. Believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. Do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islamic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!".Ethical value in this case is when we complained and asked only to God.

The ninth and the last data are taken from The Guest House. These are:


“Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out for some new delight.”

Based on the data above, indicate ethic to the people. Because it calls for always being friendly to others. We can see it in the sentences

“Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture”. Anywhere and anytime we should always strive to be good and do good to others.

Eventhough the person is not better than us, even though we do not know the person or even if it was just a small animal or plant. But we still have to do good, because everything in this universe is God's creation and the degree of all beings are equal in God, only distinguishing deeds.

Oftentimes, our good works has big meaning for other people, and often they bring the blessing of God and became the remover of our sins. Therefore, we have cheer up in doing good. We can see that message in the line “still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight”. The good thing that is done will bring the other virtues.

The last data is:

“meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.

because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”

The data above indicates ethic to people. It is very clearly shown in the data above. In the sentences “meet them at the door laughing and invite them in”. As humans, we have to always smiling, friendly and good to others is extremely required. When we meet someone, we have


to always keep smile and touch the hearts of others with sincerity. In the other sentences “Be grateful for whatever comes”, It shows that we have to be a person who always please others. Be people who always bring peace and happiness for others. We always respect and appreciate the existence of other people, and also make the hearts of others be happy.

This data talk about something beautiful that we have to do to other.

Pleasing others is one of the ethical value. That’s the good suggestion for us as human being and as servant of God.

E. Conclusion

Based on the results of the data analyzed above, it was concluded that the dominant ethic in these poems is the ethic to God and to people. As we know, ethic to God and to people very closely related.

Because when a person is ethical to God, of course he will also ethical to fellow creatures of God, and when someone is ethical to the creatures of God, surely he also ethical to God. Therefore, try to always apply both to God and to God's creatures. Those poems contain very good values that could be used as an example and a handle to always be kind to God and God's creatures. They provide many wonderful suggestions for our life, so that we can make them as a reminder to be habitable better, and keep trying to improve ourself better and better.

Giving awareness and increase the love of God.



Lewis. C. 1959. Poetry For You: A Book for Boys and Girls on the Enjoyment of Poetry, (GR: Basil Blackwell Oxford)

Jabrohim. 2001. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: PT.

Hanindita Graha Widya)

Klarer, Mario. 2004. An Introduction to Literary Studies (Second Edition), (London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group).

Mustofa, Muthmainnah. (2014). Literary Works-Life and Love, Student’s Book English Literature and It’s Teaching. Malang:


Arp, Thomas R& Greg Johnson. 2012. Sounds and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (Thirteenth Edition), (USA:

Wadsworth Cengange Learning

---, http://www.poemhunter.com/mewlana-jalaluddin- rumi/

---, http://www.gratefulness.org/poetry/guest_house.htm


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