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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor


1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor


(A Study at MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya)

Yolanda Adistia1), M. Khairi Ikhsan, M.Pd2), Dra. Yelliza, M.M.Pd, M.M3)

1)English department student, college of teacher training and education (PGRI) West Sumatera e-mail : yolanda.adistia@gmail.com

2) English department lecturer, college of teacher training and education (PGRI) West Sumatera

e-mail : khairi_ikhsan@yahoo.com

3)English department lecturer, college of teacher training and education (PGRI) West Sumatera e-mail : yellizajr@gmail.com


This research was to describe about the factors influencing students’ motivation in learning English.

The aim of this research was to have a clear description about intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influencing students’ motivation in learning English at MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya. This research was conducted using survey research. The participants of this research were 76 students of XI IPA, XI IPS and IPK at MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting sample of this research. The instrument of this research was questionnaire. There were 23 statements in the questionnaire. From the findings of this research, showed that the percentage of the intrinsic factors is 54% and the extrinsic factors is 46%. It means that the intrinsic factors are more influenced students’ motivation than extrinsic factors in MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya. The most influenced factor on intrinsic factors was the students’ goal to be well in English and the most influenced factor on extrinsic factors was the using of media that implemented by the teacher in learning English. This research was expected to give contributions for the teachers, the students and the future researchers.

Motivasi memiliki peran penting dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan menentukan sukses tidaknya siswa dalam belajar. Motivasi dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor; (1) faktor intrinsik, (2) faktor ekstrinsik.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan secara jelas faktor instrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris di MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Survey dengan partisipannya adalah siswa kelas XI IPA, XI IPS dan IPK di MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya yang berjumlah 76 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah berapakah persentase faktor instrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Instrumen penelitian adalah questionnaire dengan 23 item pernyataan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase dari faktor instrinsik adalah 54% dan ekstrinsik 46%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor intrinsik lebih mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dari pada faktor ekstrinsik. Faktor instrinsik yang paling mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris adalah keinginan mereka untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik sedangkan pada faktor ekstrinsik adalah penggunaan media oleh guru dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi guru, siswa dan peneliti selanjutnya.

Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Faktor Instrinsik, Faktor Ekstrinsik


1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor


Motivation plays important role in teaching learning process of English as the foreign language. It plays a crucial role in achieving the desired goals and lead students study hard and enthusiastic in learning so that they can enjoy learning in the classroom. It has function to direct learning activities and it is one of the factors that determine the successful of the students’ learning process in the classcoom especially in learning English.

According to Mc. Donald in Hamalik (2011: 158), motivation is an energy change within the person characterized by affective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction. It means that motivation is needed by someone in achieving a goal, including learning goal.

For the students, its goal is succcess in learning and earn a good grade. If students have high motivation they will try hard to achieve the succesful in learning and vise versa. High and low motivation to learn depends on several elements that influence it.

If learning motivation is high then the learning activities will be implemented optimally.

Conversely, if learning motivation is low, the learning will not be performing well.

Factors that influence learning motivation arise from within students themselves (intrinsic factors) such as students’

interest, students’ ability and students’

condition. It also arises from students’

environment (extrinsic factors) such as the inluence of peers, families, teachers, facilities and so on. Just like any other foreign language, learning English is not always an easy task for non-native English speakers (Sheorey in Liu, 2014). It causes many students in Indonesia have low motivation in learning English. They think English is difficult and uninterested subject so that it makes them lazy to learn English.


The word motivation derives from the Latin verb movere meaning to move.

Motivation concerns what moves a person to make certain choices, to engage in action, and to persist in action (Ushioda in Griffiths, 2008,

19). In addition, Broussard and Garrison in Lai (2011: 4) define motivation as the attribute that moves us to do or not to do something. It is clear that motivation determine whether someone do or not to do something. It can be from inside or outside of someone.

Furthermore, Zafarghandi & Jodai in Alqurashi (2014: 388) argue that motivation is considered an internal momentum, reason, need, and activator, which cause a person to move and reach a particular purpose. It means that motivation make someone try hard in reaching his goals or purposes and vise versa.

Types of Motivation

According to Marsh (1996: 27-28), intrinsic motivation refers to motivation without any apparent external reward – the motivation for learning comes entirely from performing a particular task. Meanwhile, Extrinsic motivation is experienced by students when they receive a reward, or avoid punishment, or in some other way unconnected with the task, earn the approval for particular behavior. It is clear that students motivation can be from within students themselves or from their external experiences such as they want a reward or avoid punishment that is given by the teacher.

In addition, Moore (2001: 222) proposes that instrinsic motivation is what learners bring to the learning environtment, that is, their internal attributes; attitudes, values, needs, and personality factors.

Extrinsic motivation origanates outside the individual and is concerned with external, environmental factors that help shape students’

behaviours. This theory explains that intrinsic motivation is often difficult to change and when change does occur, it usually occurs slowly because it internal attributes of the students. Contrary, in extrinsic motivation, teacher has crusial role in classroom environment.

However, in social-psychological perspective by Gardner and Lambert in Mahadi & Jafari (2012) argue that there are two types of motivation: integrative and instrumental. The integrative motivation means learning the language with the intention of participating in the culture of its people.


1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor

And instrumental motivation suggests and implies that a student learns the language in support of a purpose relating to occupation or further useful motive such as getting a better job, a higher salary or passing an examination.

These two types of motivation can affect and control the procedure and outcome of learning.

Factors that Influence Students’ Motivation in Learning English

According to Brown in Tsao (2008) states that factors that may have a promoting or hindering effect on motivation include: (1) personal factors: one's intelligence, aptitude, perseverance, self-evaluation, needs, self- expectation, etc., (2) familiar factors: parents' encouragement, educational levels and foreign language abilities, (3) school factors: learning experiences, the teacher, teaching methods and materials, and (4) societal factors: societal values, cultural backgrounds, learning environment, etc. It means that there are many factors that influence students’ motivation in learning. It is not only from students themselves, but also other factors such as families, friends, school, teachers, culture, environments,etc,. School and parents have role to give facilities that needed by students in learning. Besides, monotonous teaching method that applied by teacher can also make students less interesting to the lesson.

In addition, Uno (2012: 23) argues that motivation to learn can arise due to intrinsic factors such as desires and wishes to success, learning needs, and expectations of aspiration. Whereas extrinsic factors are respect, condusive learning environment and interesting learning activities. In other word, students’ motivation is influenced by their desire to success, they learn the lesson to get a good mark and achieve their goals. Learning activities must be created by a teacher through a variety of ways, for example the teacher use the learning method that preferably by the students so that they can motivate to learn.

Morever, Dimyati and Mudjiono (2013: 97) suggest several factors that influence motivation to learn as follow:

a. Cita-cita atau Aspirasi Siswa (Students’

goals or aspirations)

An aspiration which is satisfied can increase the students’ willingness and enthusiasm for learning. Someone’s aspiration will strengthen

the spirit of learning and direct the learning behavior.

b. Kemampuan Siswa (Students' Abilities) The desire of students need to be followed by the ability or skill to achieve it. Abilities will strengthen students' motivation to perform development tasks.

c. Kondisi Siswa (Students’ Conditions) Conditions include the students' physical and mental conditions. A student who are sick, hungry, tired or angry will annoy attention in learning.

d. Kondisi Lingkungan Siswa (Students’

Environmental Conditions)

Students’ Environment can be a state of natural environment, residence, peer relationships and social life. As a member of society, the students may be affected by the surrounding environment. Friend or peer can influence students’ motivation in learning, especially in learning English. For example, a smart students who has friend with lazy students, he will be a lazy student too and vice versa

e. Unsur-unsur Dinamis dalam Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Dynamic Elements in Learning)

Students have feelings, concerns, wishes, memories and thoughts are transformed by the experience of life. Experience with peers give influence on motivation and learning behavior.

Cultural environment such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television increasingly reach students. All these environmental elements dynamize learning motivation.

f. Upaya guru dalam Membelajarkan Siswa (Teachers’ Efforts in Teaching Students) The interaction of students and teachers on a daily basis affect the growth and mental development of students. The teacher has an important role in motivating students to learn in the classroom, especially in learning English. Reward and punishment given by teacher also influence students ‘ motivation in learning.

It is clear that they divide the factors that influence students’ motivation in learning English into two factors. First, intrinsic factor or internal factor such as goals or aspirations of students, students’ abilities, and students’

condition. Second, Extrinsic factors or external factor such as students’ environmental conditions, dynamic elements in learning and


1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor

teachers’ efforts in teaching students. Both of these factors are very influenced in students’

learning motivation. If a student is hungry, he/she can not be focus in learning and it will influence his/her motivation to learn and vise versa. Teacher also has important role to encourage students’ motivation in learning, a reward that given by teacher will make students study hard to achieve a good grade.

Condusive enviroment also influence students’

motivation, it can make students entusiastic and comfortable in learning.


The design of this research was survey research. According to Creswell (2012: 376), survey research designs are procedures in quantitative research in which investigators administer a survey to a sample or to the entire population of people to describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of the population. The population of the research were 76 students of eleventh grade in MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya and chosen entire population as the sample. Creswell (2012:

382) states that it is also possible in survey research to study the entire population because it is small and can be easily identified.

The data was gotten by distributing the questionnaire sheet to the participants.

According to Gay et al (2011: 396), a questionnaire is a written collection of selfreport questions to be answered by a selected group of research participants. Then, the data was scored by following formula:

Source: (Sariyanto et al 2-14)) FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION

1. The percentage of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influencing students’ motivation in learning English.

Figure 4.1 Percentage of Each Factor From the calculation of the data (see table 4.1), it showed that percentage of intrinsic factors was 54% and the percentage of extrinsic factors was 46%. It was clear that the intrinsic factors were more influenced toward students’ motivation in learning English than the extrinsic factors.

2. The intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influencing students’

motivation in learning English.

Figure 4.2 Responses of Intrinsic Factors

Percentage = x 100%


1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor

Figure 4.3 Responses of Extrinsic Factors

There were 23 items in the questionnaire. Items 1 to 10 and 23 for intrinsic factors and item 11 to 22 for extrinsic factors. In intrinsic factors, item 1 has the highest score with score 365 and became the most influenced factor on intrinsic factor while item 23 has the lowest score, 274. Item 1 defined that the students’ goals or aspiration in learning English. It meant that the students in MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya learn English because they want to be well in English. In extrinsic factors, item 17 has highest score, 349 and item 16 has the lowest score, 176.

Item 17 defined that students in MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya were glad and enthusiastic in learning English when the teacher used interesting media in learning.

It can be concluded that the percentage of intrinsic factors that influencing students’ motivation in learning English based on the questionnaire that distributed to eleventh grade students at MAN Koto Baru Dharmasraya was 54% and the percentage of intrinsic factors was 46%. In meant that intrinsic factors are more influenced their motivation in learning English than extrinsic factors. Then, the most influenced factor on intrinsic factors was students’ goal to be well in English and the most influenced factor on extrinsic factors was the using of media that implemented by the teacher when teaching

English. If the teacher used interesting media will make students glad and enthuasiastic in learning English and vise versa.


From the findings and discussion above, it can be concluded that (1) the percentage of intrinsic factors was 54% and the percentage of extrinsic factors was 46%. In means that intrinsic factors are more influenced their motivation in learning English than extrinsic factors. Nevertheless, those factors have to be realized by the students themselves, the teachers or others that related to the students. (2) the most influential factor on intrinsic factor was students’ goal to be well in English and the most influential factor on extrinsic factor was the using of media that implemented by the teacher when teaching English. If the teacher used interesting media will make students glad and enthuasiastic in learning and vise versa.


The researcher would like to express her deep gratitude to advisors; Mr. M. Khairi Ikhsan, M.Pd and Mrs. Dra. Yelliza, M.M.Pd, MM who have been kind and willing to give their a lot of times, energy, opinions, suggestions, and support in composing this thesis.


Alqurashi, F. (2014). The Effect of Motivation on EFL College Students’

Achievement. Studies in English Language Teaching. 2(4), 385-400.

Retreived on February 16, 2016, from http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.ph p/selt/article/viewFile/265/245 Creswell, John., W. (2012). Educational

research (4th ed). Boston, MA:


Dimyati & Mudjiono. (2013). Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.


1)Researcher 2)First Advisor 3)Second Advisor

Gay, L., R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P.

(2011). Educational research competencies for analysis an application. (10th ed). New Jersey:

Pearson Education, Inc

Griffths, C. (Ed). (2008). Lesson from Good Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hamalik, O. (2011). Proses Belajar Mengajar.

Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Lai, E,. R. (2011). Motivation: A Literature Review. Pearson’s Educational

Report. Retreived from

http://www.pearsonassessment.com/r esearch

Marsh, C,. J. (1996). Handbook for Beginning Teachers. Melbourne: Addison Wesley Longman Australia.

Moore, K,. D. (2001). Classroom Teaching Skills (5th ed). New York: The McGraw-Hill.

Sariyanto., Supardi, I., & Husin, S. (2014). An analysis on factors causing undergraduate students’ difficulties in writing thesis. Thesis published in FKIP UNTAN, Pontianak.

Uno, H., B. (2012). Teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.



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