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General Crime and Domestic Violence

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Dewi Astuti Hasibuan1, Asan Petrus2*

1,2Department of Forensic and Medicolegal, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara


Background: Crimes against women are common nowadays, not least in the household.

Domestic violence is commonly referred to as Hidden Crime which has an impact on women who experience persecution. Mid-May 2020, the people of Sihujur village, North Tapanuli district were shocked by the news a housewife with the initials N.M who works as a farmer every day is abused by her husband's siblings at her home while going to go shopping to the market.

Case Report: It is reported that a female victim, initials NM, a housewife in Sihujur village, Tarutung sub-district, North Tapanuli district, was abused by her husband's brother, resulting in injuries to her face. The victim reports to the police and the police immediately follows up on the report, then medical examination and treatment are carried out and a Visum et Repertum is made.

Result: The victim found abrasions on the upper lip, abrasions on the front gums of the upper jaw and abrasions on the chin due to blunt force.

Discussion: Based on the background and interviews with victims and investigators related to the case, the victim actually experienced physical violence/general crime by the suspect and violated the Criminal Code and the victim experienced domestic violence in the form of neglect of the household by her husband.

Conclusion: From the results of the examination, it was concluded that as a result of the suspect's actions the victim suffered abrasions on the upper lip, upper front gum and chin which did not cause obstacles in carrying out his daily work as a farmer in accordance with Article 352 of the Criminal Code. And the victim's husband could be subject to sanctions in Article 49 Law no. 23 of 2004 concerning Domestic Violence is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of 3 years or a fine of 15 million rupiah and additional penalties.

Keywords: Blunt trauma, Domestic Violence

Journal of Medical Care Research and Review

Received 9 May 2022 | Accepted 8 Jun 2022 | Published Online 10 Jul 2022

DOI:https://doi.org/10.52845/MCRR/2022-7-3 JMCRR 5 (7) , 12631266 (2022)

ISSN(O)2589-8949|(P)2589-8930 IF:5.555




Many crimes against women occur today, not least in the household, so that the Law on Domestic Violence No. 23 of 2004.

Domestic violence is any act against a person, especially a woman, which results in physical, sexual, psychological misery or suffering, and neglect of the household, including threats to commit acts, coercion or unlawful deprivation of liberty within the scope of the household. household, namely husband, wife, children, people who have family relations or blood relations, marriage, breastfeeding, care and guardianship who live in the household or work to help the household and stay in the household.

Domestic violence is commonly referred to as Hidden Crime which has an impact on women who experience abuse and violence by close families as a result of neglect by their own husbands, with many factors so that women are considered unable to take care of their children.

polemic in the community, which often leads to legal problems. Domestic violence actually occurs a lot but is often not reported because of several things, such as fear of being known by others because it is considered a disgrace in the family, fear of being reported will make the problem worse.


It was reported a case of a woman with the initials NM, the victim of a housewife who works as a farmer in Sihujur village, Tarutung sub-district, North Tapanuli Regency, experiencing abrasions on the face after being mistreated by someone on Saturday, May 16, 2020 at around 7.30.

WIB. The victim reported to the police

NORTH TAPANULI RESORT, Tarutung District on May 16, 2020 and the Police immediately followed up on the victim's report by taking the victim to the Huta Baginda Health Center, Tarutung sub- district for a medical examination of the condition and to get treatment or treatment and a Visum et Repertum was made.

according to a written request from NORTH TAPANULI RESORT POLICE, Number: B / 30 / V / 2020/SPKT dated 16 May 2020.

From the anamnesis, it was found that General Identity: Name/ Initial NM, Gender Female, Age 34 Years, Height 150 cm, Weight 55 kg, Skin Color Brown, Farmer Occupation. Based on the anamnesis of the victim and investigators who asked for information directly from the victim when reporting that prior to the persecution there had been an argument between the victim and the perpetrator who was still a relative of the victim's husband, which forced the victim to give up custody of the victim's child to the perpetrator, because the perpetrator thought the victim would not able to support the life of the victim's child who had been abandoned by the victim's husband, it caused an argument and ended in the victim being hit and pushed until he fell which resulted in abrasions on the upper lip, upper front gums and chin.

Examination results on the head Found blisters on the upper lip, with a length of 0.5 cm wide 0.5 cm about the midline of the body. With the characteristics of the wound: red, irregular shape, uneven wound surface.

There were abrasions on the front gum on the upper right jaw, measuring 0.5 cm long MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL

Asan Petrus et al.



and 0.5 cm wide about the midline of the body. With the characteristics of the wound: red, irregular shape, uneven wound surface.

Image 1. Looks like a scratch

A bloody wound was found on the chin with a length of 1 cm and a width of 0.5 cm along the midline of the body. With the characteristics of the wound: red, irregular shape, uneven wound surface.


In this case examined a woman, aged 34 years experienced:

a. There were abrasions on the upper lip, with a length of 0.5 cm and a width of 0.5 cm along the midline of the body. Characteristics of the wound: irregular shape, uneven wound surface. There were abrasions on the front gum on the upper right jaw, measuring 0.5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide about the midline of the body. Characteristics of the wound: irregular shape, uneven wound surface.

b. A bloody wound was found on the chin with a length of 1 cm and a width of 0.5 cm along the midline of the body. Characteristics of the wound: irregular shape, uneven wound surface.

c. Based on the results of the examination and the theory above, it shows that the victim had abrasions in the form of red color and peeling of the skin epithelium over the wound, and a damaged skin surface was found. This results from scratching / scratching with a pointed object. From the red blisters, based on the theory, it is estimated that the time for the abrasions to occur on the victim's right upper arm is about 2-3 hours because the characteristics show that the wound is still fresh, red in color and blood and serum are found, there is no scabies. The wound was the result of blunt trauma, namely: a forced ruda caused by a blunt object on the surface of the body and resulted in injury.

d. The qualification of the injury suffered by os is Minor injuries, namely wounds that do not cause disease or obstacles in carrying out their daily work as farmers.


Having examined a woman, aged 34, based on the theory, examination results and discussion above, it can be concluded that the victim suffered blunt trauma to the lips, gums, and chin. Wounds are considered as minor injuries because they do not cause obstacles in carrying out their daily work as farmers in accordance with Article 352 of the Criminal Code.





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