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Implementation of Elementary School Blended Learning during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Implementation of Elementary School Blended Learning during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Wahyu Wulandari

IAIN Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia Wahyuwulandari111@gmail.com


Education in Indonesia has undergone many significant changes caused by the emergence of covid 19. As a result, the learning system applied also underwent changes due to adjusting conditions. Blended learning is a combination of offline and online learning models. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the blended during the COVID-19 pandemic at the elementary school level. Blended learning can be implemented in learning either offline or face-to-face or online or online.learning online are WhatsApp, zoom, google meet, google classroom, google form, edmodo and so on. The method in this study uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The process of collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. The implementation of the blended during the COVID-19 pandemic is more capable of creating innovative learning than just applying online learning.


Keywords: Blended Learning, Elementary School, Covid 19 Pandemic


The world health organization (WHO) in March 2019 stated that more than 200 countries in the world were affected by the corona virus or commonly known as covid 19 (Selviani, 2021).

The impact of the emergence of covid 19 has caused the Indonesian government to take several policies to break the chain of the spread of the virus. These policies include movement at home, eliminating holidays or collective leave, large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and a ban on going home (Ihwanah, 2020). This condition also has an impact on the world of education. Learning that is usually carried out by teachers who can interact directly with students in the classroom must now be carried out online at their respective homes (Rigianti, 2020).

Online learning is carried out by utilizing platforms groups whatsapp, zoom, google meet, and google classroom to help the learning process (Sofyan and Abdul, 2019). The teacher's role is not only being the only source of information in the learning process because it is helped by technology. Therefore, teachers must be good at utilizing technology and the internet in accordance with the expectations of education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, namely the generation that is internet and technology literate (Yanti, 2020). The application of the learning system that underwent these changes caused the application of online learning to experience various obstacles, both from students, teachers and parents. From these obstacles, an innovative blended learning which is expected to make


students more interested and their learning objectives can be achieved (Mukarromah, 2022).

Blended learning is a combination of online and offline learning models by being integrated with technology (Fajriyah, 2020). Students can access learning materials according to the teacher's guidelines and if they have difficulty they can ask questions directly during offline learning. So that the blended learning suitable to be applied in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic (Amanto, 2021). According to Riinawati (2021) blended learning is a combination of online learning by utilizing internet networks and gadgets as well as offline learning that is carried out directly in the classroom. Implementation blended learning by dividing students in one class into two groups alternately every day (M. Makhin, 2021). Each group carries out offline learning by taking turns online. To be able to run optimally, collaboration between teachers, students, and parents is also needed (Nelliraharti & Murnia Suri, 2021).


This type of research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research design. According to Fadli (2021) qualitative research is research that involves researchers in a context of natural situations and events being studied. Qualitative research according to Sugiarto (2015) is a type of research which is described based on facts that have occurred so that it is in the form of descriptive not numbers. Qualitative research has the aim of exploring a particular event or context with the aim of being able to explain in depth about the thing being studied (Murtadlo & Siti, 2021). The purpose of this study was to obtain


detailed information about the application of blended learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor, Tuntang District, Semarang Regency. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews and documentation.


Based on the results of direct observations and interviews with researchers at MI Tarbiyatu Aulad Jombor, it was found that the blended learning model is a learning model that is considered efficient and effective during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to only applying online learning. The following are some of the obstacles experienced when implementing online learning:

1. Teacher Problems in the Application of Online Learning Learning

Applications that can be used to support online learning are very diverse. Such as WhatsApps (WA), Google Form, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Youtube, WA group, Tuweb, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet etc.

However, looking at the background of students and parents of MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor students, not all of these applications can be used. As an example of using the Zoom meeting. The application is actually good for learning, teachers and students can interact directly with students. However, the drawback of a face-to-face application like this is that the internet quota used must have a good signal and is wasteful. Meanwhile, for SD/MI children, many who do not have their own cellphones still use their parents' cellphones, so they have to adjust the parents' schedule so that the cellphones can be used. So,


for the implementation of learning with such applications, it is necessary to consider a lot more.

2. Student Problems in the Application of Online Learning

The application of online learning has been almost carried out for approximately 2 years. children are getting bored with online schools. Usually students go to school, can meet friends, play with friends and can also interact directly with teachers, this is required to be able to study independently at home. Elementary/MI children still need a lot of guidance from teachers and parents. With the implementation of online learning, many students cannot learn independently so that the material presented by many students does not understand it. As a result, students are lazy to do assignments from the teacher on the grounds that they do not understand the material.

3. The Problems of Parents or Guardians of Students in the Application of Online Learning

The implementation of online learning as it is today, requires parents to play an active role in guiding their children to study at home. Not a few parents are also busy working so they do not have time to monitor their children in learning. Meanwhile, for SD/MI ages, especially those in the lower class, parents still really need guidance in learning. There are also cases where children often don't do assignments because their parents don't monitor student learning progress. In addition, sometimes there are parents who are housewives, can monitor their children when there are assignments, but the parents do not understand the material for their children's assignments.


So that the child does not do his job. The success of online learning can be concluded not far from the role of parents.

With several obstacles encountered, both from teachers, students, and parents, then the head of the MI Tabiyatul Aulad Jombor madrasa studied by applying a new learning model, namely blended learning.is Blended learning a learning model that combines online learning with offline learning. This learning model also helps prevent covid19.

a. Implementation of Blended Learning at MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor

The process of implementing blended learning at MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor goes through the planning, implementation and evaluation stages.

1) Planning

The planning stage is the most important stage in implementing a learning program with the aim that it can be carried out properly (Sumarni, 2020). This stage includes setting goals or things to be implemented, implementation time, ways to implement them, targets to be achieved, and conveying the formulation of decisions to related people so that they can be understood and implemented (Surjanti, 2021).

Learning planning is carried out such as the curriculum used, the lesson plans used include the lesson time used, learning objectives, making teaching materials, and materials for learning evaluation (Rasyidiana, 2021). In planning the most important thing is that the teacher must


provide two kinds of RPP (Learning Implementation Plans), namely offline learning RPP and online learning RPP. The difference between the two types of lesson plans is the learning media used, evaluation in learning, as well as learning strategies and the task collection system. RPP made in the form of a word or pdf file. In addition, with the implementation of the COVID-19 emergency curriculum, schools must also strictly adhere to health protocols.

2) Implementation

According to Dwiyogo in Rahmani (2022) the implementation of blended learning must pay attention to several compositions, namely:

a) 25/75% means that the process of face-to-face or offline activities is provided 25% of time while 75% is for online activities.

b) 50/50% means that the process of face-to-face or offline activities is provided with 50% time, while 50% is for online activities.

c) 75/25% means that the process of face-to-face or offline activities is provided 75% of time, while 25% is for online activities.

It can be concluded that the application of the blended requires careful consideration from both teachers, students and parents.

Currently at MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor using the COVID-19 emergency curriculum, which is to implement 50% offline and 50% online learning. The implementation of blended learning offlineEach class has an average of 30


students, so that every day only 15 students enter while the rest do online learning. So, children carry out face-to- face learning only 3 times a week.

The implementation time of the lesson that is applied is a shorter number of hours, which is usually 1 hour of lessons with a duration of 35 minutes, now it is only 30 minutes. In addition, the implementation starts at 07.00 to 10.00. Learning begins with habituation first, namely dhuha prayer, memorizing short letters and reciting the Koran. On Friday, a brief tahlil was held. The implementation of offline learning also pays attention to health protocols such as when entering the school area, every morning there is a teacher on duty to check the temperature first, school residents must always wear masks in the school environment, keep their distance and wash their hands diligently.

Implementation of blended learning also starts at the same time but the implementation is more flexible because assignments are collected during offline learning. Learning begins with habituation as it was done at school first, but its implementation at home with parental guidance.

Teachers provide materials and online evaluations. The platforms that are often used by MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor teachers are whatsapp, youtube, google form, google classroom. If there is material that you do not understand, then more details can be asked with the teacher when learning offline at school. Learning objectives and evaluation forms are adjusted in the lesson plans according to the respective subjects that have been made.


3) Evaluation

Evaluation according to Idrus (2019) is an effort to determine the value according to the provisions, things that can be assessed such as objects, processes, performance, people, activities and so on. In determining a value, it can be obtained by comparing it with criteria and evaluators and can also take measurements (Nurlaili, 2021). The 2013 curriculum in the assessment system is known as authentic assessment. This assessment covers 3 domains, namely knowledge, attitudes, and skills (Yasir et al, 2021).

Implementation of blended learning in the assessment process at MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Jombor is carried out directly and online both in the assessment of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Assessment of daily assignments during offline learning can be carried out directly in the classroom. For online learning, it can be carried out directly as well as when carrying out offline learning at school. But if daily tests are carried out, teachers often make online via Google Forms or Google Classroom. The implementation of UTS (Middle Semester Examination) and UAS (End Semester Examination) is carried out directly in schools by means of one class divided into 2 shifts , namely the the morning shift and shift in order to keep reducing crowds that cause Covid 19 transmission. Authentic assessment according to the 2013 curriculum is good Therefore, the assessment of attitudes, knowledge and skills can be carried out during offline learning, but online learning is likely to be more focused on the assessment of attitudes and knowledge, such as attitude assessment, it can be seen that the


responsibility for doing the tasks that have been given is serious and the assessment of knowledge can be seen from student results. after doing the task.


Implementation of the online learning system has encountered various obstacles, both from teachers, students, and parents. With this, there is a need for an update in the application of learning, namely the application of a blended learning. This learning model is considered more effective when applied during the COVID-19 pandemic.learning model blended includes 3 stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation.


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