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Academic year: 2023



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Roza Eka Putri*),Yulmiati, SS, M.Pd**, Rika Afriyanti, M.Pd**) Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat Yulmiati66@yahoo.com

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat rikaafriyanti21@gmail.com


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi dari pendekatan project based learning oleh guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Bukittinggi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Bukittinggi yang sudah menggunakkan project based learning.Untuk pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan instrument yaitu menulis Observation Checklist, FieldNote dan kamera video. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Bukittinggi belum menggunakkan beberapa dari lima langkah dalam melakukan pendekatan project based learning, yaitu memperkenalkan topik, memberikan pertanyaan, berkolaborasi memecahkan masalah, bekerja sama untuk menyelesaikan project dan mempresentasikan produk. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa belum semua langkah yang digunakkan oleh guru seluruhnya sesuai dengan indikator. Sehingga dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Bukittinggi sudah menerapkan project based learning tapi belum optimal.


The background of this research is to describe how is the implementation of project based learning approach in teaching English at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi. This research is qualitative research. The partcipants in this research is 2 English teachers at SMAN 2 bukittinggi who have implemented project based learning. In collecting data, the researcher use obsevation checklist, field note and camera video as the instrument. Based on analyis of the data, the researcher conclude that English teachers at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi did not used five indicators in implementing project based learning, there are introduce real issue, give essential question, create problem solution collaboratively, do activity to complete the project and produce presentation. It can be conclude that not all of the procedures switc with the indicators. It can be interpreted that English teachers at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi have implemented project based learning but did not optimally yet.

Key Word: Project Based Learning, Teaching English


Project Based Learning is one of approach in student centre learning. In Project Based Learning the students will be more active and creative. Project Based

Learning engage students in learning knowledge and skill because in project based learning the student will create task based on the topic that they want. Next the student will present their task.


Project based learning aims to engage students in the investigation of real-life problem and develop student’s creativity, problem solving skills, and lifelong learning.

Project based derived from a teaching learning model that empower students to be more creative and more receptive to becoming independent thinkers and problem solvers.

In implementation Project Based Learning approach, there are some procedure. There are some procedure of Project Based Learning like teacher shows a video or song related with the material or project that students will discuss, teacher gives a question to students that will be focused of project, teacher asks students to answer the question,teacher asks students to find out and write the answer of the question, teacher devides students into groups, teacher asks students to solve the problem collaboratively, teacher asks students to complete the project collaboratively in group and the teacher as a guide, teacher asks students to present their product in front of the classroom and the last one is teacher evaluates student’s project.

Based on my observation at SMA N 2 Bukittinggi, the English teacher has implemented project based learning in teaching English, but didn’t optimally yet.

The teacher did not use a video but she read a dialogue and she used her hands to act the character in the dialogue because she want the students familiar with her voice and helped the students to catched the idea from video. The teacher did not ask the students to wrote the answer of the question, but the teacher asked them to answer the question orally. The teacher invited students to answer the question if the students did not raise they hand to answer the question. In group discussion, the students share their opinion, idea and argument to do the assignment and find the answer of the assignment collaboratively.

Project Based Learning will make students to be active and more creative.

Because the students will demand to design task, be asked to create problem solution. If the students able to design their task, create problem solution, be creative, it means that the students be a centre in learning process.

The purpose of the reseacrh is to describe the implementation of Project Based

Learning in teaching English at SMA N 2 Bukittinggi.

As a foreign language, English being a subject that should be learned by students.

Many students state that English is so difficult. In teaching English, there are four basic skills, there are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. According to Gutteridge (2000:7), teaching English begins by accepting this general notion of what imaginative literature is and why we ought to approach it as something real and unique.

It means that English is unique and real. To learn English we begins by accepting and imaginative literature.

Moreover Rao et all (2003:1) explainEnglish language teaching is challenge for many teachers everywhere in the world. It means that, if English be a challenge, the teacher should be used interested method or approach to make students understand and interected in English class. Then, Rao et all (2003:2) state that in teaching foreign language (English) also the teacher should do well to keep natural process in view. As far as practicible, new language items should be presented in appropriate situation real or contrived. It means that the teacher must use language that appropriate based on situation in the class.

Then, Goodwyn (2005:1) state that English is vitally important and typically it is described as the most important of all school subject, principally because reading, writing, speaking, and listening are needed to a greater or lesser degree in every other school subject, and for adult life. It means English so important subject ar school and in a real life for students. In addition Verghese (2007:3) states that English is being learnt and used all over the world not out of any imposition but through the realisation that it has certain inherent advantages. It means that English is international language that used by the people to communicate each other.

Based on expert expalanation above, the researcher summarize that English is important subject to be learned. In English there are four basic skill. They are listening, reading, writing and speaking. English not only important to learn in the class but also in the real life.


There are several definitions about project based learning approach by many experts. According to Michaelson in Thomas (2000:2), Project-based learning (PBL) is a model that organizes learning around projects. According to the definitions of project based learning handbooks for teachers, projects are complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities;

give students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in realistic products or presentations.Then, Vinson in Rico (2004: 378) states that Project Based Learning connects students with challenges that are motivating, putting students in charge of seeking knowledge and selecting and generating the activities they will pursue as part of completing the project. It means that project will give challenge for students.So the student will be motivate in learning English. In addition, Moss in Rico (2004: 378) states that Project Based Learning is an instructional approach that contextualized learning presenting learners with problems to solve or product to develop. It is mean that the students will find solution for the problem and will produce a product. Furthermore, Fried Booth in Rico (2004:378) states that Project Based Learning is an opportunity for students to take on tasks that are consequential.

Investigation based on real world problems provide instructional tasks that are contextualized, and appropriately challenging for targeted students. The English that is practiced in class in connected with the English used in real life environments. It means that project based learning will give challenge and opportunity in do their task.

In addition, Luke et all (2011:89) state that Project Based Learning is an individual or group activitiy that goes on over a period time, resulting in a product, presentation, or performace. It means that the end of the project based learning are product, presentation or performance by students but still guide by a teacher. The students do a project by their group with collaboratively.According to Bender (2012:1), Project Based Learning is an instructional model based on having students

confront real world issues and problems that they find meaningful, determine how to address them and then act in a collaborative to create problem solution. It means that the student will have a problem based on real world, and they will find the solution in a group discussion. Project Based Learning may be defined as using authentic, real world project, based on highly motivating and engaging question, task, or problem, to teach student academic content in the context of working cooperatively to solve the problem. It means that the student have an authentic real project, design task by themselves and find the solution with collaborative.

Related to several definition of the project based learning above, it can be concluded that project based learning is an approach that having students confront real world issues problem that they find meaningful, collaboratively to create problem solution, do activities in completing the project and do the product development.

In project based learning the student will be divided into groups, althought they are divided into groups every member of group have a responsibility. Because of the own responsibility, they have to active and creative thinking.

According to Bender (2012:31) there are some characateristics of project based learning. First, Anchor, an introduction and background information to set the stage and generate interest. Second, Collaborative teamwork is critical in project based learning experiences and is emphasized by every proponent of project based learning as one way to make learning experiences more authentic. Third, driving question, the driving question should both engage students’ attention and focus their efforts.

Fourth, feedbeack and revision, scaffolded assistance should be routinely provided either by the teacher or within the collaborative instructional process. Feedback can be based on either teacher or peer evaluation.

Futhermore, the fifth characteristic is Inquiry and innovation, within the broader driving question, the group will need to generate additional questions focused more specifically on project tasks. Sixth, opportunities for student reflection within various projects is stressed by all proponents


of project based learning. Seventh, process of investigation, guideliness for project completion and artifact generation can be used to frame the project. The group may also develop time lines and specific goals for completion of various aspects of the project.

Eight, publicly presented product, project based learning project are intended to be authentic examples of the types of problems students confront in the real world, so some public presentation of project results is a critical emphasis within project based learning. Nineth, student voice and choice, student shouls have a voice in some aspects of how the project might be undertaken and be encouraged to exercise choices throughout.

Craigh et all (2014:2), expalain that project based learning has some procedures.

First, introduction, the teacher launches the project with an event such as a video, discussion, guest, speaker, field trip, or scenario. Second, Essential question, the teacher present a question that will be the focus of the project. Third, Research an Write, students research the essential qiestion, discover answer, draw conclusions, and generate solution. Fourth, product creation, students create a multimedia product to present their project information, such as media kit, public service announcement, blog, web page or poster.

Fifth, presentation, students present their project to the approppriate audience such as middle school staff, parents, or community.

Sixth, Evaluation and reflection, the teacher and students booth assess learning and performance using a rubric, teacher feedback, and student self-evaluation and reflection.

There are several advantages of project based learning by many experts. According to Westwood (2008:33), there are eight advantages of project based learning. First, the project approach can be applied in almost all areas of the curriculum. Second, projects have a real world orientation and promote meaningful learning by connecting new information to students past experiences and prior knowledge. Third, students learn valuable processes and skills for gathering and analysing data. Fourth, students are responsible for their own learning, thus increasing self-direction and motivation.

Furthermore, the fifth benefit is the learning process encourages various modes of communication and representation. Sixth, the approach encourages use of higher-order thinking as well as acquisition of facts.

Seventh, the approach develops deeper knowledge of subject matter and the last advantages is the approach also increases team-working and cooperative learning skills.


The design of this research is descriptive study that describes the phenomenon that happens in the field. It is supported by Gay and Airasian (2000:275) a descriptive study determines and describes the way things are. Typical descriptive study are concerned with the assessment of attitudes, opinions, preferences, demographics, practicsm and procedures. It means that descriptive research design is a research is a research that started of collecting and analyzing that data to find the answer of question The researcher chose this design because the researcher wants to describe how the teacher implement the project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi and how the implementation of project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi is.

In order to get the data for this research, the researcher needs a contribution from participants. According to Gay and Airasian (2000:20) participants are group of people who participate in a research project.

The researcher will conduct the research in SMAN 2 Bukittinggi. According to Gay and Airasian (2000:138) purposive sampling also reffered to as judgement sampling, the researcher select sampling based on his or her experience or judge of the group to be sampled. In this research, researcher choose three English teachers of this school as participants of the research, but one of the English teacher get off day, because of the reason the researcher choose two English teacher.

In this research, the researcher used observation as the instrument. According to Gay and Airsian (2000:145) instrument is a tool or something that is used to collect the data. According to Ary (2010:431) observation is a basic method for obtaining data in qualitative research. It means that


observation is one of important instrument in collecting data in qualitative research. In this research, the researcher do observation while the teachers are teaching in the class due to know how implementation of project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi is.

During the observation the researcher used field note, observation checklist, and video recorder to help in gathering the data.

In the observation process, the researcher comes into the classroom to see how the English teacher implement project based learning in SMAN 2 Bukittinggi. In the classroom, the researcher sat in the back and fills the observation checklist and field note to facilitate researcher in conducting the data. The researcher chose the instrument because the researcher wants to describe how the teacher implements the Project Based Learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi and how the implementation of the project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi is.

Therefore, the researcher can understand the implementation of project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi in natural setting. In deciding the indicators for these instruments, the researcher takes an adopted the explanation of the project based learning on the indicators that proposed by Craigh and Bender. The indicators are Introduce real issue, give essential questions, create problem solution collaboratively, do activity to complete the project and produce presentation.

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed all the data. The data analysis in this research was conducted based on the technique of analyzing qualitative data by Gay and Airasian (2000:293) state that in analyzing the data of descriptive has to follow these phases :reading / memoing, describing, classifying and interpreting.

Reading/memoingThe beginning step in analysis was reading / memoing, becoming familiar with the data and identifying the main themes. In this part, the researcher read all of the data from observation. It was done to make the researcher familiar enough with data which has been gotten. Describing.The next step was decribing examining the data in depth to provide detail description of setting, participants and activities. In this part, researcher will describe how the implementation of project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi after reading the of

obesrvation. ClassifyingThe following step was classifying, categorizing and coding pieceof data and phsycally grouping them into themes. In this part, the researcher classified the data from observation related to the procedures in implementing project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi.

Interpreting.The last step was interpreting and synthesizing the organization data into general understanding. In this part, the researcher interpreted the implementation project based learning at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi.

On the other side, The researcher analyzed the data that had been gotten in processing data collection. In this case, Gay, Mills and Airasian (2000: 239) explained that steps for analyzing qualitative data:

reading/memoing (the researcher read data.

The data were writing product that had been written by sample of the research), describing (the researcher separated writing products based on setting (time), and events.

First, writing products that have been collected in try out test. Second, writing products that have been collected in test, classifying (the researcher separated the data based on level of each explanation criteria.

That used rubric) and interpreting (the researcher interpreted meaning about how the college students explore their critical thinking in writing analytical exposition text at the fifth semester of STKIP PGRI, West Sumatera).


The researcher founds findings after conducting the research and analyzing the data. That is about how is the implentation of Project Based Learning approach in teaching English at SMA N 2 Bukittinggi.

These were as follow:

1. In introducing real issue as first indicator. There are two sub indicators. The first subindicator is teacher shows a video or song or dialogue related with the material or project that students will discuss.

The teacher has implement the first sub indicator by showing video to the students about the expression of showing symphaty. This video duration about three minutes and


the teacher asks the students to listen carefully or the teacher reads a dialogue about suggestion and ask the students to guess the topic based on the dialogue that teacher reads by using her hands to act the charcaters in dialogue.The second sub indicator is teacher gives a question to students that will be focused of the project. The teacher has implement the second sub indicator by teacher gives question related with the video or dialogue that the teacher shows to the students.Teacher asked the students about the topic of the dialogue or about the topic of video.

2. In Giving Essential Question as the second indicator has two sub indicators. The first sub indicator is teacher asks student to answer the question. The teacher has implement the first sub indicator by teacher invites students to answer of the question about their topic that they study at the time. If the students know the answer, they can raise their hand. The second sub indicator is teacher asks student to find out and write the answer of the question. The teacher has implement the second sub indicator by the teacher asks student to write the answer in front of the class or the teacher asks the students to answer the question orally.

3. In Creating problem solution collaboratively as the third indicator has two sub indicators.

The first sub indicator is Teacher divides students into groups. The teacher has implement the first sub indicator by both of the teacher divides students into groups. One group consist of five until seven members. The second sub indicator is teacher asks students to solve the problem collaboratively. The teacher has implement the first sub indicator by teacher gives assignment to the students, and the student must find the answer with groups by share their opinion, idea, or argument

4. In Doing activity to complete the project as the fourth indicator has one sub indicator. The sub indicator is teacher asks student to complete the project collaboratively in group and the teacher as a guide. The teacher has implement the sub indicator by teacher instructs the project that they will be done and the student must do the project in groups. The teacher gives limited time to do the project and teacher walks to each group to guide the students about their project that they do.

5. In Producing presentation has two sub indicators. The first sub indicator is teacher asks students to present their product in front of the classroom. The teacher has implement the first sub indicator by teacher asks students to put their project in white board or the teacher asks students to present the dialogue in front of the classroom by group performance. The second sub indicator is teacher evaluates student’s project. The teacher has implement the second sub indicator by teacher gives comment about the student’s project and the teacher asks the students understanding about the topic or material.


In this research, the researcher describe how is the implementation of project based learning approach in teaching English at SMA N 2 Bukittinggi , the purpose of this research is researcher describe how is the implementation of project based learning approach in teaching English at SMA N 2 Bukittinggi. Dealing with this statement, the data from this research is the teacher has implemented project based learning approach in teaching English at SMA N 2 Bukittinggi.The English teachers at SMAN 2 Bukittingi did not implement project based learning approach optimally yet, because the teachers did not do all the procedures of project based learning. The first participant did not show a video for introduce material to the students and ask the students to


answer the question orally. The teacher should do all of the procedure in implementing Project Based Learning because if the teacher did not do one of the procedures project based learning, the teacher can not got success in implement project based learning in teaching English.

Related to conclusions above, the researcher suggested to the teacher who implemented project based learning, the teacher should know the procedure and characteristic of project based learning itself.

Besides that, the researcher is hoped this research can give benefits for education environment.


Alhamdullilah, praise to Allah SWT the researcher finally finishes this thesis with title “The Implementation of Project Based Learning Approach in Teaching English”. This thesis is written to fulfill the requirement to obtain S1 Degree of English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.The writer also expresses deepest gratitude to Yulmiati, S.S, M.Pd and Rika Afriyanti M.Pd as researcher`s advisors who has guided the researcher to complete this thesis and gave valuable knowledge, advice, suggestion and support. Then, thanks also addresses to Dr. Martin Kustanti, Sesmiyanti M.Pd, and Melati Theresia, M.Hum as the examiners gave very valuable contribution, suggestion, comment, and correction to improve this thesis. The writer also thanks to Armilia Riza, M.Pd as the head of English Department STKIP PGRI West Sumatera and Mayuasti, M.Pd as the secretary of English Department STKIP PGRI West Sumatera. Then, thanks to Sesmiyanti, S.S, M.Pd as the academic advisor who has given her best guidance to the writerr in complementing this thesis.

Moreover, the writer extend sincere gratitude to family, beloved mother and father and brothers and all families and friends who have loved her given the supports, prayed in every opportunity they have motivation in finishing this thesis. The writer realized that this thesis may have several weaknesses. Therefore, any comment, suggestion, and criticism are expected to come up in ordering to make good thesis.


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Craig, Carolyn and Schyrlet Cameron.2014.Project Based Learning Task.United States of America:Mark Twain Media Inc.

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Gutteridge, Don. 2000. Teaching English.Canada:James Lorimer &

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Luke, Christopher and David and Mary.

2011. Research Informing Practice-Practice Informing Research. United States of America:Information Age Publishing Inc.

Rao, D. Bhaskara,Marlow Ediger and B.S Venkata Dutt.2003.Teaching English Successfully.New Delhi:Discovery Publishing House.

Rico, Diaz Lynne T.2004.Teaching English Learners.United States of America:

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Verghese,C.Paul.2007.Teaching English As A Second Language.India:Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd.

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