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Academic year: 2023



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Modesta Unes1, Iriany Kesuma Wijaya2, Antonius Ali Wutun3

1STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: modestaunes838@gmail.com

2STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: Irianykesumawijaya1959@gmail.com

3STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: aliwutun@gmail.com


The purpose of this reseach is to determine the improvement of students reading comprehension through Just-in-time teaching at the second grade of SMK KARTIKA XX-1 Makassar. This resaerch used pre- experimental method with one design of pre-test, teatment, post-test. The sample in this reseach was 20 students from the second grade of SMK KARIKA XX-1 Makassar in 2019/2020 academic year. The result of this reseach indicates that just-in-time teaching can improve students comprehension in reading narrative text. It was proved by the students mean score in post-test was higher than the mean score in pre- test (83>65), the t-test value was higher than t-table value (11.307 >2.093). It can be concluded that Just- in-time teaching is significantly in improves students comprehension in reading narrative text.

keywords: Just-In-Time teaching, reading comprehension.


Language is the most importance thing for the people as a means of communication. It is essentially a means of communicating both orally and in writing. People used English to express their ideas and wishes to other people, such as helping when they need others helps, so that close relationships can be maintained between members of the group. Based on researcher’s experience in teaching practice at senior high school of KARTIKA XX-1 Makassar in 2019 where English has been studied from the seventh to the ninth grade students, their reading comprehension still need to be improved because there are three common problems that students find in the field of education especially in reading English text. The first is that they usually find difficulties in the comprehending the text if they do not know the meaning some words in the text. second, the students will get bored because of the activities and strategies in learning reading that appear to students are monotonous. At last, the lack of vocabulary can make students often fail to answers the question from the passage itself. The object of the research is to find out whether the use of Just-in-time teaching technique strategy improve reading ability of second grade students at SMK KARTIKA XX-1 Makassar. The scope of this research is the use the just-in-time teaching technique strategy to improve students Reading Comprehension. The researcher focused on reading comprehension especially in narrative text. The level of comprehension in this research is literal reading and critical reading.

Novak (2011), in his research Just-In-Time teaching, an interactive engagement pedagogy used across disciplines and across the academy, now in its fourteenth year. the pedagogy has proven effective in improving classroom and fostering deeper learning. Based on the previous findings above, we can conclude that teaching should be focus of learning English. Collaborate learning will be one of the solution that researcher applied in the classroom. The method and subject of the researchers reported


29 above were different from the method and the subject used in the research. While this research used the pre-experimental method and the population of this research in SMK KARTIKA XX-1 Makassar.

Just-in-time teaching is a strategy to help improving reading ability. According Green (2010), Just-in-Time teaching technique pedagogy is to develop a direct link between pre-end in- class activities by making use of preparatory web-based assignments commonly referred to as JiTT exercises.

these exercises usually require students to read, view, or to carry out and activity and to answers related questions.

Most Teacher make the pre-class assignment due at least 1 hour before class. this allows the teacher to review the students answers before class. in most cases, teacher use this review to make adjustments to the planned classroom activities. if the teacher feels that the students have mastered a topic, she may reduce or eliminate discussion of that topic during class. teacher using just-in-time teaching often use quotes from students responses to the pre-class assignment as talking points during the class period. this emphasis on student work as the starting point or as a touchstone during class helps to make the class more student-centered, and promote interactive learning.


The researcher applied pre-experimental method with the one group pre-test, post test design.

The students were given pre-test and then treatment which consisted of the four meetings, and finally they were given the post-test (Gay,2012). The population of this research was the second grade students of Smk Kartika XX-1 Makassar. The population was one class, each class consisted of 20 students. The total number of population was 40 students in academic years of 2019/2020. As the sample of this research, the researcher employed purposive sampling technique. The researcher choose one class with the total number of students 20 students. The class of SMK KARTIKA XX-1 Makassar.

In the collecting data, the researcher employed multiple choice test. It was applied in the pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was intended to see the students reading comprehension before giving treatment and the post-test was meant to know the students comprehension before giving treatment by using just-in- time teaching.

The data were collected through pre-test that was given to see the students’ prior ability or knowledge in reading skill. After giving the treatments the researcher administrated post-test. In the post- test, researcher distributed the reading test and answer sheet to the students. In the test, the students use asked to answers the question based on the text reading. The test aimed to see the students achievement after being given treatment.

The data were analyzed by using inferential statistics in which percentage score to see the students achievement in reading comprehension. the steps undertaken in quantitative analysis employed the following formula:

multiple choices

a. Correct answers: 1 b. Wrong answers: 0

Scoring the students correct answers of the pretest and posttest by using the formula:

𝒔 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 x 100

(Gay 2012)

Classifying the students score as follows:

- Score 96-100 is qualified as excellent - Score 86-95 is qualified as very good - Score 76-85 is qualified as good - Score 66-75 is classified as fairly good -Score 56-65 is classified as fair.

-score 36-55 is classified is poor -score 0-35 is classified very


30 Calculating the mean score of the student pre-test using the following formula:

𝑥̅ = ∑X


Where :

𝑥̅ : Mean

∑ 𝑥 : The Sum of all score N : Total number of subject

(Gay, 2012)

Finding the mean score of the difference scored by using formula:

𝐷̅ = ∑D

N Where:

𝐷̅ : The mean score

∑ D : The sum of Difference score N : The total number of the sample

(Gay, 2012)

Test of significance calculating the t-test to indicate the significance between the pretest and post- test with value of the t- test using the following formula:

t = 𝒅̅

√∑𝒅𝟐−( (∑ 𝑫 𝑵 )) 𝑵 (𝑵−𝟏)

Where :

T : Test of significance

𝑑̅ : The mean of difference between the pair score ∑𝐷2 : The difference between two pairs of score (∑𝑑2) : Squares the sum of the D

N : Number of the student


Table 3. Classification, frequency and rate percentage of the students pre-test score No classification Range Frequency Percentage (%)

1 excellent 95-100 0 0

2 Very good 86-95 0 0

3 Good 75-85 0 0

4 Fairly good 65-74 8 40

5 Fair 55-64 8 40

6 Poor 35-59 4 20

7 Very poor 0-30 0 0

total 20 100

The data on table three classified the frequency the rate percentage of the students achievement in pre-test (before teaching reading Just-in-time-teaching reading). It can be obviously seen than none of them was classified in excellent, very good. no students (0%) were classified into fairly good category eight students (40%) were classified into fairly eight students (40%) were classified into poor four students (20%) were classified into very poor.

Table 4. classified frequency and rate percentage of the students post-test score No classification Range Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Excellent 95-100 0 0



2 Very good 86-95 4 20

3 Good 75-85 12 60

4 Fairly good 65-74 3 15

5 Fair 55-64 1 5

6 Poor 35-59 0 0

7 Very poor 0-30 0 0

total 20 100

The data on table 4 classified the frequency the rate percentage of the students achievement in post-test( after teaching reading Just-in-time teaching).wanted but so (JiTT) strategy were 4 students very good sore,12 students got good score, 3 students got fairly good, 1 students got fairly. so total number of sample were 20 students.

Hypothesis testing

To find out degree of freedom (df), the formula used is as in the following:

df = N -1, where (N=20) df = 20-1

df = 19 Table 9

T-test value T- table value Result

11,370 2,093 Improve

Thus the value of t-table was 2,093. for the level of significant (D)=0,05 and the degree of fredoom (df)=N-1: 20-19 comparing with the table value 2.093.

Table 9 shows that for the value of t-test was greater than the t- table (11,370> 2,093). it indicates that be null hypothesis (H0) was rejected means that there was improvement of the students reading comprehension. it means that there were significance difference between the pre-test and post-test of the students improvement after teaching narrative text by using just-in-time teaching strategy. in addition, it can be said that the just-in-time teaching is effective to improve the students comprehension especially in narrative text.


The discussion deals with the interpretation of the findings delivered from the data analysis. the description of the data collected through reading test was explained in the previous section. it showed that the students reading comprehension was improved. it was supported by the result of frequency and the rate percentage of the students pre-test and post-test. the students score after giving treatment in teaching reading by just-in-time teaching strategy was better than before giving treatments.

Before the researcher used a just-in-time teaching technique to handle the students, the researcher gave the students the pre-test. The test consisted of 20 student numbers in multiple choices. It was meant to provide students with prior knowledge of the comprehension of reading. After that, the students were taught with just-in-time teaching strategies, which were expected to increase students ' comprehension of reading. The researcher gave the post-test the final step of this study. The goal is to recognise students ' accomplishments in reading comprehension after being taught using a just-in-time teaching technique.

Refer to both pre-test data, it can be seen that the overall pre-test score (x1) was 1300 and the overall post-test score (x2) was 1660, gain or difference between matched (xD) was 360, and gain square(D2) was 7050 It can be concluded that the total post-test score of students was higher than the total pre-test students after just-in-time teaching was taught using the narrative text


32 During pre-testing, the students ' percentage and level of reading comprehension through the use of narrative text There were 8 pretty good score (40%) of 20 students, 8 students scored reasonably (40%) of 20 students, 4 students scored badly (20%) of 20 students, and no students scored outstanding, quite good, very bad.

In post-test frequency and student performance ratio, there were 4 quite good score (20 percent) out of 20 students, 12 students received good score (60 percent) out of 20 students, 3 students received fairly good score Of 20 students, 1 student had a decent score (5 percent) of 20 students and none of them had a poor, very bad and excellent ranking.

By looking at the data, the use of narrative text was shown as a just-in-time teaching in teaching students reading comprehension, in particular Smk Kartika XX-1 Makassar's second grade, In addition to the students ' frequency and performance ratio, the other data showing the students ' achievement were the students ' mean pre-test score(1300) and post-test score(1660)

The another cases also shows to improved of the students ability in reading comprehension was also proved by value of t-test, and t-test of this research was 11.370, and t-table 2.093. It explained that the value of t-test was higher and value of t-table, and in other word 11.370> 2.093, because t-test was higher than t-table. it was concluded that there was significance difference between the students result in pre-test and post-test.

The criteria used to reject or to accept the hypothesis said that the null hypothesis was rejected when the value of the t-test was grader than the value of t-table. after the understood this criteria the researcher concluded that the alternative hypothesis of this research was rejected. it mean that the students score pre-test and post-test were significance different.

from the discussion above, it can be concluded that the second grade of SMK KARTIKA XX-1 Makassar have a good comprehension after learned reading subject by used just-in-time teaching. they have improved their reading comprehension used this strategy. As in Prasojo (2015), in his research Just- in-Time teaching (JiTT) Media facebook gets a good rating. by using t-test analysis two party and one party learning outcomes between the classes that use the model of learning with media facebook JITT higher than the class that does not use the model JITT. based on the result of the students questionnaire responses JITT learning model with media facebook is included in good criteria.

finally, the was a significance different between the resulted of pre-test and post-test. In other word, used just-in-time teaching as a good media in teaching in learning English reading was effective to improve the students reading comprehension. And then to finish this research the situation when the researcher did the research was different in pre-test, treatment and post-test. Similar with Ambarwati (2017), in her research The first, the use of learning methods Just -In -Time teaching is effective in an effort to increase learning interests of learners. Second, the use of learning methods Just-in-Time teaching is effective in improving the learning achievement of learners.


Based on the finding and discussion in previous chapter, it is concluded that the use of improve students reading at just-in-time teaching strategy significant in teaching reading. It can be seen from the students mean score in reading comprehension pre-test was (11.370) which shows significant improvement the mean score of students in reading comprehension of post-test was (2,093) with degree freedom (df)=N-1=19. it mean that is significant teaching reading through just-in-time teaching strategy.



Ambarwati. 2017.Effectivitas penggunaan metode pembelajaran Just-in-time teaching (jitt) dalam upaya peningkatan minat dan pretasi belajar pada mata pembelajaraan pkn kelas v111 SMP angkasa adisutjipto kabupaten sleman.

Gay. 2012. Educational Research, Competencies For Analysis and Applications. Eight Edition. Pearson merril prentice hall: North Asia.

Green .2015. Introduction to just in time teaching (JiTT) Just-in-time teaching :across disciplines, across the academy. sterling virginia: stylus publishing,llc.

Novak,G.M. 2011. Just-in-time teaching, new directions for teaching and learning 129 :63-73.

Prasojo 2015. Pengaruh model pembelajaran just-in-time teaching (JITT) Dengan media facebook. inovasi pendidikan fisika http://jurnalmahasiswa.unesa.ac.id/inex.php.

home.vol 4,no 1(2015)


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