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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh






Dian Vitasari Samudi1*, Nuraeni Kasim2, Antonius Ali Wutun3

1STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: dianvitasarisamudii@gmail.com

2STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: nuraeniypup@gmail.com

3STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: aliwutun@gmail.com


The objective of this research is to find out whether the use of watching situation comedy “modern family “can improve students’ listening ability at SMP YP PGRI Makassar. This research used pre- experimental method. The population of this research was the second-grade students of SMP YP PGRI Makassar in academic 2021/2022. The total sample of the research was 20 students and used purposive sampling technique in one class. The result of the data analysis showed that there was significance difference in students listening ability, where the students score in post-test was higher than score in the pre-test (78.33>49.66) and the result of t-test was higher than t-table (11.51>2.145).

Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that by Watching Situation Comedy

“Modern Family” With English Subtitle can improve students’ listening ability at second grade students of SMP YP PGRI Makassar.

Keywords: Watching Situation Comedy, English Subtitles, Listening Ability.


English is a universal language because it is used by most countries in the world as the main language. In addition, English is one of the important international languages to be mastered or learned. Some countries, especially former British colonies, place English as a second language that must be mastered after their mother tongue. Many students in Indonesia are finding English subjects in their schools obnoxiously hard to learn. They often get frustrated when their English teacher comes into their class to teach them all about English. But, despite all their fed-up feeling about learning English, their parents always push them to master it. All because of the one doctrine that have been told and told through all generations in this country: “In order to rule the world, you have to master English, because it is an international language”, and which we cannot deny, that the doctrine is true.

The important of teachers to develop an interest in learning English is needed, teachers are considered a source of knowledge and learning resources by students. Teachers in carrying out their functions can act as motivating encouragement, facilitators, dynamists, and good judges. The role of the teacher as a motivator, dynamist and so on becomes very important in the world of educators. Indonesian is a tool for communicating orally and in writing.

Communicating is understanding and expressing information, thoughts, feelings and developing science, technology and culture. The ability to communicate in a complete sense is the ability to discourse, namely the ability to understand and or produce spoken and/or written texts that are realized in four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Students do not know why English is important to them and their interest in learning English depends on their teacher.


Definition of Listening

Wallace (2012), stated that listening is a critical skill because it allows language learners to receive and interact with language input while also facilitating the development of other language skills. However, when compared to writing, reading, or even speaking, the development of listening


367 skills received the least systematic attention from teachers and instructional materials. While language learners are frequently taught how to plan and draft a composition or deliver an oral presentation, they are rarely taught how to approach or manage their listening when attending to spoken texts or messages. Despite the fact the students are exposed to more listening activities in the classroom today, they are still left to develop their listening skills on their own with little direct support from the teacher. One possible explanation is that many teachers are unsure of how to teach listening in a principled manner. We believe that every language teacher needs to have a clear understanding of the processes involved in listening and in particular how strategies can be used to manage comprehension efforts. A teacher also needs to know how to harness the potential for learning inherent in every student, to help

them achieve success in developing listening and overall language proficiency.

b. Procedure of watching situation comedy modern with English subtitle

According to Valli (2020) There four steps of watching situation comedy modern with English subtitle. Here is the procedure for watching situation comedy family modern,

1) The researcher explains about the listening ability and watching situation comedy family modern.

2) Preparing a short film that will be used in classroom.

3) Students write unknown vocabulary and practice pronouncing.

4) The researcher gave several questions to the students related to the films they had watched.

5) Students apply the words that have been obtained into everyday life.


This research uses a pre-experimental design with one group of pre-test and post-test. The sample of this pre-experimental research were the second grade students of SMP YP PGRI 4 Makassar. This class consist of 15 students. The researcher collected the data by using a test. The test was constructed by the researcher based on the standardized procedure of making the test. The test is divided in two-part, pre-test and post-test, the pre-test was given in the beginning of study to get students’ achievement before the treatment. The post-test were used to know the students’

achievement after giving treatment by using watching situation comedy modern family with English subtitle. The data were collected by administering pre-test and post-test. The data then were analyzed by using some techniques as follows:

1. Formulating the scoring of the students’ correct answer of test as follow:

Sudjana, (1999)

2. Formulating a formula in computing the frequency and percentage of the students’ score by using the following formula:

Notation: P : Rate Percentage

F : Frequency of the correct answer N : The total number of students

Sudjana, (2006) 3. Calculating the mean score of the students’ answer by using formula:


X : Mean score

: Sum of score in the group


368 N : Number of samples

Gay (2012), 4. Classifying the way to find out the students’ score.

The following scores are described below:

Tabel 1. The Classification of Students’ Test Score

Score Classification

95-100 Excellent

85-94 Very Good

75-84 Good

65-74 Fairly Good

55-64 Fairly

45-54 Poor

0-44 Very poor

Depdikbud, (2017) 5. Determining the various significance between the pre-test score and post-test researcher, the test

value is determine using the following formula:


Where :

t : Test of significance D : Score change

The mean of diferent score N : Total number of sample



A pre-test was given to the students before having the treatments which aimed to know the prior listening ability of the students. Post-test was given to the students after having the treatments which aimed to know the improvements in the students’ ability after they got the treatments. In the pre-test, the researcher administered a listening test to the students, and then after they did the pre-test, the researcher gave treatments for four meetings, at the end of the meeting or the sixth meeting, the researcher conducted post test.

Table 2. The Students Rate Percentage of Pre-test

NO Categories Classifying Number of students Precentage %

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0

2 Very good 86-95 0 0

3 Good 76-85 1 6.66

4 Fairly good 66-75 1 6.66

5 Fair 56-65 4 26.66

6 Poor 36-55 3 20

7 Very poor 0-35 6 40



TOTAL 15 100

Based on the table above, students pre-test score were classified into several criteria, dealing with students assessment system, the classification, score percentage, were presented as follow:

Excellent = x 100% = Very good = x 100% = Good = x 100% = Fairly good = x 100% = Fair = x 100% = Poor = x 100% =

Very poor = x 100% =

From this table it can be seen that there was one student (6.66%) of 15 students who get a good classification score, one student (6.66%) of 15 students fairly good classification score, four students (26.66%) of 15 students fair classification score, three student (20%) of 15 students poor classification score, the score was dominated by very poor classification where 6 students (40%) of 15 students got a very poor classification. None of the students was got excellent and very good classification.

Table 3. The Students Rate Percentage of Post-test

NO Categories Classifying Number of students Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 1 6.66

2 Very good 86-95 3 20

3 Good 76-85 7 46.66

4 Fairly good 66-75 4 26.66

5 Fair 56-65 0 0

6 Poor 36-55 0 0

7 Very poor 0-35 0 0

Total 15 100

Based on the table above, students post-test score were classified into several criteria, dealing with students assessment system, the classification, score percentage, were presented as follow:

Excellent = x 100% = Very good = x 100% = Good = x 100% =


370 Fairly good = x 100% =

Fair = x 100% = Poor = x 100% =

Very poor = x 100% =

From this table it can be seen that there was one student (6.66%) of 15 students who got excellent classification score, three student (20%) of 15 students very good classification score, seven students (46.66%) of 15 students good classification score, four student (26.66%) of 15 students fairly good classification score. There were none of the students got fair, poor and very poor.

Table 4. The t-test of students vocabulary achievement

Variable t-test value t-table

X2-X1 11,51 2,145

Table 4 above showed that t-table was smaller than t-test value of the students listening test where the value of t-test was 11,51 and t-table 2,145. It showed the students t-test was higher than t- table. It can be concluded that there is significant different between the result of students pre-test and post-test. Following the statically analysis of t-test and the result showed that the students listening ability is better than before. The data which obtained from the statically analysis indicate that there is significant different between students listening ability before applying the treatment and after applied it. Beside that we can see the result of the t-test, the researcher found that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test. The difference was seen after comparing it with value of t- table. This means that there was a significant difference result of the t-test before and after teaching and learning process.


The data descriptions were collected through the Listening test. The sample of this research is the second-grade students at SMP YP PGRI Makassar. The researcher collected in pre-test and post- test. The type of test used was essay tests with a total of twenty numbers for each test, the researcher assigns the same test and test item. In increasing the students listening ability, the researcher used by using Watching Situation Comedy Family with English Subtitles Technique to make the students interest and easier understand about listening ability. The students scored increase because the researcher in learning refers the watching a simple video to students.

The first meeting of teaching learning process, the researcher greeted students by saying “good morning” and all of students answered by saying “good morning Mrs.” friendly. The meeting started by praying, greeting, and checking attendance list, before giving the material, the researcher gave some questions, for example “what do you know about listening” some students could answer it but they used Indonesian language. It could happen because they usually discussed it in Indonesian language. Therefore, the researcher explained about what is listening in English, first before the researcher explained about the Materia, the researcher had given the pre-test. At the beginning of teaching learning process, the researcher gave explanation about the material that is listening ability.

Based on the results students score above. It was found that the students vocabulary in a descriptive text was gradually increasing. There was a good impact of Watching Situation Comedy

“Modern Family” With English Subtitles Technique toward increase of students ability in listening.

All of the result of instruments after accomplishing the classroom action research revealed the good result from improve students listening ability by Watching Situation Comedy “Modern Family” With English Subtitles Technique. The students admitted that they were interested in this technique.


371 They felt enjoy in doing listening test. The students seem motivated and confident in learning listening. This is along with the result found by Nuraeni (2014) Considering the explanation above the researcher concluded that the research was successful and the Watching Situation Comedy “Modern Family” With English Subtitles Technique was effective way to increase students listening and to strengthen students memory in listening. The increase of students ability in listening can be supported by increase of students score of SMP YP PGRI Makassar.


Based on the result of the data analysis, it could be concluded that the result of the test that the students were taught using Watching Situation Comedy “Modern Family” With English Subtitles Technique has successfully increased the students listening ability, and they got higher score than before. The total score in pre-test was 745 and the total score in post-test was 1,175. The mean score of the students pre-test was 49,66, while in the post-test was 78,33. For the level significance 0,05 and the degree of freedom (Df) = 15-1 and t-test value was higher than t-table value was (11,51≥ 2,145) so the alternative (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It can be concluded there was significance differences between the result of pre-test and post-test which indicated that Using Watching Situation Comedy “Modern Family” With English Subtitles Technique could help the students in build up their listening ability. Furthermore, Using Watching Situation Comedy “Modern Family” With English Subtitles Technique can strengthen students listening ability. It is effectively in teaching listening at second grade of SMP YP PGRI Makassar


Humerah, I. T. (2014). Improving Students' Listening Ability by Watching Situation Comedy"

Modern Family" with English Subtitle at the Second Year of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao Gowa (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar).

Gay et al. (2012). Educational Research Competencies For Analysis and Application. Tenth Edition.

Pearson Education, Inc. The United States of America.

Nuraeni, C. (2014). Students’ Listening Comprehension: Effect of Teaching Media and Learning Motivation. Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 6, 19-27.

Sudjana. 1996. Metoda Statistika. Bandung: Penerbit Tarsito

Sudjana, Nana. 2006. Tuntunan Penyusunan Karya Ilmiah Makalah-Skripsi-TesisDisertasi. Bandung : Sinar Baru Algensindo.

Valli, E. (2020). " Prepare to Phil the Agony of Dunpheat": Translation of Puns in the Finnish Subtitles of the Situation Comedy Modern Family.

Wallace, M. P. (2012). Searching for a new approach to listening. Accents Asia, 5(1), 8-22.


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