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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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The aim of this research is to show that the Learner Centered Instruction can improve the reading comprehension among the eleventh grade students of the Islamic Senior High School (MA) Al-Hidayah Raman Utara. The result of this research shows that Learner Centered Teaching plays a positive role in improving the reading comprehension among the eleventh grade students of the Islamic Senior High School (MA) Al-Hidayah Raman Utara. It can be concluded that Learner Centered Teaching can improve the reading comprehension among the students of the Islamic Senior High School (MA) Al-Hidayah Raman Utara.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca pada siswa kelas 12 MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa kelas 12 MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara. Skripsi senior ini berjudul “Meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dengan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa di kelas XII Madrasah Al-Hidayah Raman Utara tahun pelajaran 2018/2019”.


  • Background of the Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objective of the Study
  • Benefit of the Study
  • Prior Research

The result of reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara. Reading comprehension through the use of learner-centered instruction at the second grade of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara East Lampung”. Regarding the problem limitation above, the author wants to identify the problem formulation which is "can the use of learner-centered instruction (LCI) improve the students' reading comprehension and the learning activities at the eleventh grade of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara East Lampung?".

According to the problem formulation above, the aim of the study is to improve students' reading comprehension and thus learning activities using learner-centered instruction in the eleventh grade of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara East Lampung. Another other similar research is titled “Improving Students' Reading Comprehension through Cooperative Learning in Class VIII G of Smpn 1 Sewon in the Academic Year Of” by Chandra Gusta. While the technique used by the writer is student-centered instruction to improve the student's reading comprehension.


The Concept of Reading Comprehension

  • The Concept of Reading
  • The Concept of Reading Comprehension

Independent reading can be taught if students have understood reading aloud, reading silently, and reading with comprehension. Reading comprehension skill differentiates an active reader from a passive reader who just reads the text without understanding its meaning. Et.al, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Disabilities, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2007), p.8.

Moreover, according to Lems, reading comprehension is about how we can understand from the text and not how we can read the text.13. Based on the definition above, it can be said that reading comprehension is not only reading competence, because there are interactions between text and background knowledge. There are several reasons to assess reading comprehension and the skills and knowledge involved in reading.

The Concept of Learner Centered Instruction

  • The Definition of Learner Centered Instruction
  • The Principle of Learner Centered Instruction
  • The Role of Using Learner Centered Instruction
  • Procedure of Using Learner Centered Instruction
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Learner Centered

The writer prepared a format for the evaluation of students' activities after the learning process of teaching. f) The writer guided the student to learn English based on the curriculum. In addition, in II. cycle, the average grade of the students is higher than in the first cycle. The following is a table of illustration results in I. and II. Support is provided by increasing student scores from pretest to posttest I and from posttest I to posttest II. 3. The result of students' learning activities in I. and II.

34;..spirit of refinement which has characterized the art of Yogya for centuries.(Section 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning. Some people considered Atkinson "the man with the rubber face." In fact, he has a really funny face with a unique smile. Rowan Atkinson is quite a thin man.” (Episode 2) The word “thin” has the same meaning as….

Action Hypotheses


  • The Operational Definition of Variable
  • Setting of Study
  • Subject of Study
  • Action Plan
  • Data Collection Method
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Indicator of Success

After answering a few questions, the writer used a posttest to determine the student's reading comprehension. The above table shows that the results of the students in posttest II are different. Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that student-centered instruction can improve students' reading comprehension.



Result of the Research

  • Description of Research Location
  • Description of Research Result

The result of students' reading comprehension was obtained by a test consisting of a pre-test and a post-test at the beginning of the research and at the end of each cycle, while the students' activities were obtained by observing the students' learning activities. First, the colleague opened the class with a greeting, a prayer, a review of the attendance list and an inquiry about the state of the students. During the observation, the researcher analyzes the learning process, the students' activities, the material and the result of the activity on the basis of the compiled observation paper.

Subsequently, the students who did not meet the minimum standard criteria were 79.16% or 19 students below the <75 interval. In addition, the researcher has prepared an observation sheet consisting of a list of the students' names and a list of the activities of the students that will be observed while teaching the learning process. That is 83.33% of the students scored at least 75 for the minimum standard criteria and on the other hand cycle II was successful.

Based on the above result, the researcher states that the learning process in II. the cycle was successful because the students' activity reached a percentage of >75%. Comparison of student results after exam I in cycle I and after exam II. Comparison of students' reading comprehension results after exam I and results after exam II in cycle II.


  • Result of Students Learning
  • The Comparison of Score in Pre Test, Post Test I and
  • The Result Of Students Learning Activities in Cycle I and

In this research, in order to determine whether the students have mastered the written narrative test after implementing the treatment, the researcher conducts the post-test I. It has been shown that most of the students have not yet passed the minimum standard criteria of at least 75. At this stage, the researcher continues with cycle II, because the result after exam I in cycle I did not yet meet the minimum mastery criteria, which is 82% of the minimum standard criteria passed.

The author presented the post-test II to measure the student's ability after implementing the treatment. Based on Table 16, the student average was 83.25, showing that most students have achieved the Minimum Standard ceiteria (MSC) at least 75. Comparison of the score in Pre-Test, Post-Test I in Cycle I, and Post-Test II in Cycle II.

Comparison of pre-test reading comprehension, post-test I in cycle I and post-test II in cycle II. Based on the result of the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it is known that there is a significant positive increase in the scores of the students. Comparative results of students in reading comprehension in the pretest, after test I in cycle I and after test II in cycle II.

The pupils' attention to the teacher's explanation from the first meeting to the next has increased. The interaction between students and teacher can be increased from the first meeting to the next. Then, from the explanation of Cycle I and Cycle II, it can be inferred that the use of Learner Centered Instruction improves students' reading comprehension.

From graph 10, we can see that there is an increase in the average score and the total number of students who have passed the test from pre-test, post-test I to post-test II.


The use of method in learning is very effective, so the teacher can use student-centered teaching as one of the media to overcome problems that arise in learning English, especially reading comprehension. He has been listed in the Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy. More than half of it is forested land and part is mountainous, with 15 of the mountains still volcanically active.

Indonesia's motto is Bhinneka tunggal Ika, which means unity in diversity, symbolizing the unity of the people despite their ethnic and cultural origins. You can see the charm of the beach especially in the evening when the sunset stands out. The length of the beach is about one kilometer and it is a public space accessible to everyone.

From this place you can also freely look at the sea and watch how the sunset slowly turns reddish on the horizon line. The name of the male turtle is Donatello, and the name of the female is Rafael. They are very easy to keep. Why is it dangerous to touch the edge of a turtle's shell while it is sleeping?

I live in Durham Castle, because the Castle is part of the University, with about thirty other students. In the middle of the town there is a big hill called the Dathok mountain. Due to the topography of the region, Kediri is called a cool town by the locals.

The cigarette factory dominates the town's economy and employs the majority of the female workforce.



Based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it could be deduced that the use of Learner Centered Instruction method could improve the students'. Researchers used Learner Centered Instruction as a method in the learning process, and as we can see above, there was a significant increase in results from post-test I to post-test II. It can prove that the use of student-centered teaching can influence and improve students' learning outcomes and can also help students' reading comprehension in the classroom.


Yogyakarta is one of the most important cultural centers of Java, the seat of the powerful Javanese empire of Mataram from which today's Yogyakarta has inherited the best traditions. The researcher surveys the learning process student in class XII MA Al- Hidayah Raman Utara.




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