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increasing students' writing ability by using sentence


Academic year: 2023

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The objectives of the research were to determine the increase in students' vocabulary and language use using the sentence reconstruction technique in students of the eleventh grade of MA Manongkoki Kab. While students' use of written language increases from the diagnostic test to cycle I and from cycle I to II. When practicing English writing, the sentence reconstruction technique can make students active in writing.

Problem Statements

The advantage of using sentence reconstruction technique in writing is that students can easily get an idea and start writing. After seeing jumbled words that can be used as a basis for their own sentence-building work, students are encouraged to think about the correct ordering of sentences. the sentence. Based on the above explanation, the researcher decided on a sentence reconstruction technique in classroom research to enhance the writing skills of MA Manongkoki.

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Scope of the Research

The Sentence Pattern

The subject is the word or group of words in the sentence that is being talked about and that serves as the starting point of the expected action in the passive construction. A complement is a word or group of words used to complete the meaning of a predicate (verb). They are conjunctions that show the relationship between the nouns that follow them and one of the basic sentence elements: subject, verb, object or complement.

Table 2.1. SentencePattern
Table 2.1. SentencePattern


Adverbial clauses are the clauses that perform the function of the adverb that modifies verb, adverb, etc. In the passive sentence, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. Frank stated that in English grammar, voice refers to the active or passive use of a verb. The active voice is used as passive voice when making a clear statement about an action; that is, “the doer” of the action is the grammatical subject, and “the recipient” of the action is the grammatical object.

Table 2.2. TheFunctionofNounClauses No. The function of noun
Table 2.2. TheFunctionofNounClauses No. The function of noun

Sentences Reconstruction Technique

In our reconstruction paradigm, we assumed that the help provided guided the parser to order the text according to some evolving set of schemata. Kintsch, 1974 We initially chose to examine sentence order, because text reconstruction from randomly ordered discourse is a process and thus susceptible to instructional influences. We initially chose to examine sentence order because text reconstruction from randomly ordered discourse is a process and thus susceptible to instructional influences.

The first structural element of discourse we examined was at the level of sentence order. In general, we found that the correspondence between the reconstructed sentence order and the original order did not consistently predict comprehension level (Keenan and Culler, 1988). Darry, 2009 Traditional theories of sentence construction focus entirely on the mechanisms by which the parts of a sentence are combined.

The main dependent measures were idea unit recall, original sentence recognition, and agreement with the original sentence in the paragraph cluster.

Defenition of Descriptive Writing

A description of a person, place or object will be easily understood by the reader if it is well organized and written clearly. Begin the description with a topic sentence that introduces the person, place, and object and, if possible, give a general impression of the subject. When using spatial order, we present details in the order in which they exist in their place, such as left to right, top to bottom, and/or front to back.

On the other hand, we can grab the reader's attention by starting with the strongest details and continuing with less striking details that reinforce the impression created by the first detail.

Conceptual framework

This research followed the main classroom action research study, which took place in two cycles. The above conceptual framework refers to the use of sentence reconstruction technique for writing skill in the classroom. This process of teaching and learning writing using action research in the classroom, which contains two cycles, namely: the first cycle and the second cycle.

The series activities in the first cycle are Lesson plan planning based on principle teaching of sentence reconstruction technique, implementation of sentence reconstruction technique, Observation and Reflection and second cycle as the same with the previous cycle. The realization of the second cycle is continued and repaired from the first cycle to increase students' writing ability, focusing on vocabulary and language use. This chapter deals with research design, variables and indicators, time and subject of the research, research instrument, the procedure of data collection, technique of data analysis.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework.
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework.

Research Design

  • The Planning
  • Action
  • Observsation
  • Reflection
  • Observation
  • Indicators

Arranged the writing test for each cycle to know the increase in the result study after they studied by using sentence reconstruction technique. The researcher gave some clarification for the play .the research explained the students' mistakes in writing. The researcher gave the students a competency test (post-test) to measure their performance of the lecture in writing.

The series of activities like planning, action and observation would be continued by reflection to analyze the failure and success of the learning and teaching process. The difficulty that the researcher found in Cycle 1 is that students still have difficulty organizing their writing to be a good sentence or paragraph using Sentence Reconstruction Technique. To correct the weakness found in cycle 1, the researcher revises the lesson plan in cycle 2.

The researcher explained how to make a sentence into simple sentence with used sentence reconstruction technique. Students were encouraged to write legibly and accurately, but not to disrupt the flow of their ideas. So in this phase, the researcher asked the students to collect their final writing to measure the students' performance after implementing the writing process approach.

The independent variable was sentence reconstruction technique which was the method used by the researcher in teaching writing to the eleventh grade students of MA 1 manongkoki.

Subject of the Research

Research Instrument

The Procedure of Collecting Data

Excellent to very good 4 Effective complex construction, few mistakes in agreement, tense, pronoun and preposition. Good to Average 3 Some errors in agreement, tense, pronoun and preposition meaning confused or obscured.

Table 3.1 Language Use Assessment
Table 3.1 Language Use Assessment

Technique of Data Analysis

In particular, this chapter presents the research cover with the description of the students' increasing figure from Vocabulary and Language Usage.

Table 3.3Classifications of the students’ score No Rate of Score Categories
Table 3.3Classifications of the students’ score No Rate of Score Categories


The Increase of Students’ Writing in Term of Vocabulary

In Table 4.1 indicates that there was an increase in the students' vocabulary in writing with the help of reconstruction technique of Diagnostic test after cycle I and cycle II (D-test

Table 4.1 proves that using sentence reconstruction technique in teaching and learning process was able to increase students' vocabulary in. Figure 4.1 showed that the increase in students' scores in cycle II was higher than cycle I and diagnostic test. Because the students' average score increased from 4.55 to 6.79 improved 7.95, it is classified as good and has achieved standard score in MA.

Table 4.1. The Increase of the Students’ Vocabulary in Writing The
Table 4.1. The Increase of the Students’ Vocabulary in Writing The

The Increase of Students’ Writing in Term of Language Use

To clearly see the increase in students' language use in writing, the following diagram was presented.

Table 4.2: The Increase of the students’ Language Use inWriting.
Table 4.2: The Increase of the students’ Language Use inWriting.

The Increase of the Students’ Writing Ability

This was proven by looking at the increase in the students' writing ability in Diagnostic test after cycle I to cycle II namely.

Figure 4.3. Chart of the Mean Score Students’ Writing Ability
Figure 4.3. Chart of the Mean Score Students’ Writing Ability


The Increase of Students’ Writing Ability in term of Vocabulary and Language Use

The increase in the Students' Writing Ability in terms of Vocabulary and Language Use from D-test to cycle I and cycle Icycle II improved significantly through the use of sentence reconstruction technique. In D-test the students' average score of the students' Writing in term of Vocabulary was 4.55, and Language use was 4.39, but after evaluation in cycle I the students' Writing in term of Vocabulary improved to 6.79, and Language use was 6.68. While in cycle II, the students' average score improved to 7.95, and Language Use improved to 8.02.

The researcher concludes that the sentence reconstruction technique is a good method to use in teaching writing because the sentence reconstruction technique is also student-centered and uses contextual approaches received from the school. The sentence reconstruction technique encourages students' confidence in their problem-solving skills and works to make them independent learners. The sentence reconstruction technique allows students to become producers rather than consumers of knowledge and can help them develop communication, reasoning and critical thinking. It can be concluded that the use of sentence reconstruction technique can improve writing ability in terms of accuracy and fluency of eleventh grade students. MA Manongkoki Kab.Takalar was efficient.

The Increasing of the Students’ Writing Ability

The first section deals with the conclusion of the findings and the second deals with suggestions covering recommendation regarding the classroom implication of the findings and to further related researchers.



Tujuan Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran : - Metode ceramah

Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal

Kegiatan Akhir

Materi Pembelajaran

Kosakata tentang (kata benda, kata sifat, kata kerja dan kata keterangan) - Bagian kalimat seperti subjek, klausa dan objek III. Kata kunci klausa subjek selalu berbentuk kata benda dan kata ganti. Kosa kata tentang (kata benda, kata sifat, kata kerja dan kata keterangan) - Bagian-bagian kalimat seperti subjek, predikat dan objek - Kalimat acak (kata campuran).

Guru menjelaskan bagian-bagian pidato dalam kalimat - Guru memberikan kosa kata tentang bagian-bagian pidato. Siswa mengoreksi kalimat sesuai struktur kalimat yang benar - Siswa menyusun kalimat acak (campuran kata) menjadi kalimat yang benar C. Menyebutkan bagian-bagian kalimat seperti subjek, klausa, dan objek - Menyebutkan bagian-bagian ujaran seperti kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan I .

Guru menjelaskan bagian-bagian kata dalam kalimat - Guru memberikan kosa kata tentang bagian-bagian kata B. Kosa kata tentang (kata benda, kata sifat, kata kerja dan kata keterangan) - Bagian-bagian kalimat seperti subjek, klausa dan objek - Teknik rekonstruksi kalimat. Kata kunci klausa subjek selalu berbentuk kata benda dan kata ganti.

The National Monument or "Monas" as it is popularly called is one of the monuments built during Sukarno's era of fierce nationalism.

The Raw Score of the Students in Diagnostic Test, Cycle I and Cycle II The total raw scores of the students’ Vocabulary which focused on Noun

Cycle II

Always (adj.) 1 Tomorrow (adv.)

Always – is – for school – she – punctual

Mary – took – and – the bus - Samanta

Was – the – school – far – her – from – home

Bongo is almost as a big as a human 2. There is an orangutan in bandung zoo

She comes from a dense forest on the island of kalimantan 4. Bongo has brownish fur, and walks with two feet

She hasphysical feature similar to a human 6. People call her bongo

She is mammal, taht means she gives birth to her children and breast feeds them

My favorite thing


Table 2.1. SentencePattern
Table 2.2. TheFunctionofNounClauses No. The function of noun
Table 2.3. The Function of Adjective Clauses AntecedentNoun
Table 2.4. The Classification of Adverbial Clauses Classification Subordinating conjunction Example


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The division of the experimental group and the control group was done by looking at the results of the pretest scores for all group members and then divided based on the acquisition of