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Indonesian Policy in Ratifying The 2015 Paris Agreement


Academic year: 2023

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Indonesia, as a developing country, accepted the norms of the 2015 Paris Agreement by ratifying this agreement. It was found that 170 of the 195 participating countries of the UNFCCC have accepted the norm of the 2015 Paris Agreement by ratifying it (UNFCCC Sites and Platform, 2016 ). Indonesia has adopted the norm of the 2015 Paris Agreement by accepting, signing and ratifying the agreement.

In this study, the depth of the data analyzed is Indonesia's policy in ratifying the 2015 Paris Agreement. Meanwhile, the causal relationships between the variable it focuses on is the relationship between the impact of the norms of the 2015 Paris Agreement and the policy of Indonesia ratifying the agreement . The three conditions analyzed in the concept are Indonesia's legitimacy regarding the 2015 Paris Agreement, the relevance of the 2015 Paris Agreement, and the internal characteristics of the 2015 Paris Agreement norms.

Public opinion then showed that the majority of the public (63%) supported it as part of the Paris Agreement of 2015 and the Indonesian government should be involved in the agreement. The form of the international agreement was then the Paris Agreement of 2015 which was later also supported by the majority of the public to be accepted in Indonesia. From the data above, it appeared that there was no domestic unrest in the form of Indonesian public opinion about the 2015 Paris Agreement threatening the reputation of the Indonesian government.

As a hegemonic state acting as a norm undertaker of the 2015 Paris Agreement, the country's role could be seen when the US statement contained the recognition that climate change is one of the biggest threats in the world and the US as a developing country, material incentives on climate change were also an interest that Indonesia sought to be one of the contents of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

According to the intrinsic characteristics of the norm, two issues need to be analyzed in order to analyze Indonesia's policy in ratifying the 2015 Paris Agreement. Indonesia will ratify the 2015 Paris Agreement due to sufficient knowledge to avoid violations of the norm. According to Streck, Keenlyside and Unger (2016, p. 6), the 2015 Paris Agreement as a norm is very specific about the principle of the agreement.

It can be seen from these facts that the sustainability of the 2015 Paris Agreement could not yet be analyzed, so these circumstances were not matters that affected Indonesia in the ratification of the 2015 Paris Agreement. At COP-20, the acceptance was of the standards of the 2015 Paris Agreement internationally visible in key decisions that became the precursor of the agreement called "Lima Call for Climate Action". Thus, the prospect of the 2015 Paris Agreement's existence was still subdued so that it was not a condition that influenced Indonesia's ratification of the agreement.

From COP-17 to COP-20, all delegates representing Indonesia in the negotiation process to establish the 2015 Paris Agreement were not required to include external parties.

World Citizenship Principle on The 2015 Paris Agreement

This was in line with President Jokowi's speech at COP-21, cited by Mahbub (2015), stating that Indonesia should approve the adoption of the agreement because climate change has an impact on coastal areas and forestry aspects in Indonesia. Meanwhile, when Indonesia signed the Paris Agreement of 2015, the Minister of LHK as cited by Murdaningsih (2016), stated that climate change has an impact on habitat aspects in Indonesia. This indicates that the 2015 Paris Agreement guarantees Indonesia as a developing country to overcome the effects of climate change through financial assistance and technology transfer from developed countries.

That was because Indonesian public opinion was confident that local, state and national governments already played a role in climate change. Meanwhile, the prominence of the 2015 Paris Agreement was a condition that influenced Indonesia in ratifying the agreement. Then, in the Intrinsic Characteristics of Norms, the Content Indicator of the 2015 Paris Agreement was met.

However, the intrinsic features of the 2015 Paris Agreement were not the cause of Indonesia ratifying the agreement. Accessed 29 October 2018, http://www.beritasatu.com/kesra/148916- indonesia-minta-kesepakatan-tertulis-di-cop-19.html. Accessed 20 December 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/mar/07/obama-administration-pays-out-500m-to-climate-change-project.

Debat Publik: Melawan COP 19: Isu Kritis dan Kepentingan Indonesia Maju dalam Negosiasi Perubahan Iklim Warsawa. Diakses pada 31 Oktober 2018, http://iesr.or.id/2013/11/diskusung-public-menuju-cop-19-isu-kritis-dan-kepentingan-indonesia-yang-diusung-pada-negotasi- perubahan - iklim di Warsawa/. Diakses 7 November 2017 https://www.kemlu.go.id/id/kebijakan/isu-special/Pages/PerubahanIklim.aspx.

Diakses 29 Oktober 2018, http://ditjenppi.menlhk.go.id/kcpi/index.php/info-iklim/dampak-phenomenon-permanent-iklim/229-perpenal-iklim-di-indonesia. Diakses 29 Oktober 2018, https://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/environmental-life-dan-. forest/16/04/29/o644ua368-indonesia-menandatangani-perjanjian-paris-perubahan iklim. Diakses pada 12 Desember 2018, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office us-china-joint-presidential-statement-climate-change.

Accessed September 30, 2018, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office statement- president-paris-climate-agreement. Accessed on 02 December 2018, https://www.ojk.go.id/sustainable-finance/id/publikasi/prinsip-dan-kesepakatan-internasional/Pages/Paris-Agreement.aspx.


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i except as provided for in subparagraphs aii and aiii, the year of entry into force of this Agreement for any Party in accordance with Article 30.5.1, Article 30.5.2 and Article 30.5.3