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View of The Influence of Profile, Connection, and Interaction Factors in the Success of Getting a Job Using Linkedin Social Media


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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 3 (2023)

e-ISSN:2621-606X Page: 1962-1978



Fifi Tirtoprodjo1

Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia fifi.Tirtoprodjo@binus.ac.id


Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia sfenrianto@binus.edu

The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1962


A Human Resources Management (HR) survey shows that 95% of 541 HR professionals use LinkedIn to recruit passive candidates. Thus, LinkedIn users are increasingly professionalizing their profiles. However, data found that as many as 87% of people on LinkedIn use fake identities. It aims to add a connection with other companies in a way that looks professional. This study aims to determine the effect of the LinkedIn profile on individual success in getting a job because it is based on the high number of fake accounts. This study used a quantitative method, data collection was carried out in the form of a questionnaire and distributed over 20 days to 100 people. This study used a Likert scale. There are 5 Likert scale categories for answer choices: strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. This research model consists of 6 hypotheses, namely: The effect of profile on connection; The effect of interaction on connection; Profile influence on LinkedIn usage; the effect of interaction on LinkedIn usage; the effect of connection on LinkedIn usage; The influence of using LinkedIn on success in getting a job. The hypothesis is accepted if the T Statistics value is > 1.96. Based on calculations with the 6 hypotheses, the results are all correct except for the effect of connection on LinkedIn, for an assessment <1.96 with a total of 1,078. Then it was found that the most positive effect was in the effect of using LinkedIn on success in getting a job with a statistic of 10,159.

Keywords: Getting A Job, LinkedIn, Profile Factor, Social Media


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1963 INTRODUCTION

Currently, technology is developing rapidly and along with this, technology has become one of the necessities that must be used in everyday life. The same goes for using social media. Popular social media for self-expression, communication, and self-promotion, (Komarudin & Budiyanto, 2023). Today’s social media platforms create the art and science of mass communication at different levels. Unknowingly, users can display and promote themselves more and more, this can also lead to the goal of finding a job (Dijck, n.d.).

Today, recruitment through traditional means is considered less. The main reason is that this method only focuses on a small and limited pool of potential candidates, but does not give organizations access to the highly sought-after talent that may exist in semi-passive and passive candidate pools (Koch et al., 2018).

In the quest to find these candidates faster and cheaper, new sourcing tools have been created via electronic and social media, (Hunt et al., 2014). One such platform is LinkedIn.com. (Brandi Watkins & Smit9h, 2018) mentions that millennial job search strategies are changing and that social media is used extensively in the recruitment process (El Ouirdi et al., 2015), it has been argued that LinkedIn serves as a conduit for recruiting and selecting candidates (Ecleo & Galido, 2017). LinkedIn is a social media site used almost exclusively for building professional relationships. It is a professional networking site that has become a widely recognized tool since its launch in 2003.

According to its website, as of June 13th, 2013, professionals were joining LinkedIn at a rate of about two new members per second in 200 countries. Furthermore, it has representatives from all Fortune 500 companies from its inception (Hosain & Liu, 2020). In a recent Human Resources Management (HR) Survey, 95 percent of the 541 HR professionals surveyed indicated they use LinkedIn to recruit passive candidates who may not apply. Out of LinkedIn, 58 percent report viewing Facebook and 42 percent cite Twitter as a site they frequently visit for recruiting purposes (Karl et al., 2016). Furthermore, Ollington et al. (Ollington et al., 2013) interviewed 25 recruitment specialists in New Zealand and found that the most popular site used to find and attract job candidates is LinkedIn (90 percent) (Zide et al., 2014).

According to (van de Ven et al., 2017), it is clear that recruiters regularly use job- related social networking sites such as LinkedIn in screening their candidates. It is also


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1964 clear that people infer personality traits based on social networking site profiles, and this information in turn influences the evaluation of whether a person is suitable for a job.

However, it is not known how accurate the personality inferences from social network work-related profiles are if the profiles presented are complete, as shown in the image below, some profiles do not have photos.

Figure 1 Profile Examples

Professional networks (connections), are defined as “individuals” efforts to develop and maintain relationships with others that have the potential to assist them in their work or career (Baumann & Utz, 2021), Professional networking allows “users to create profiles based on their professional affiliations and connect to contact professionals within and outside their professional network”.

Using an online network may make connection easier for several reasons, the first is that sending or receiving a contact request usually only takes one click. Then, online networking supports searching network users by recommending business contacts to connect, (Steinfield et al., 2013). Thus, it will be easy to connect with experts from various fields and from all over the world. However, in reality on LinkedIn, there are still many users who have very few connections. These conditions will make it difficult for users to get the benefits of LinkedIn as expanding connections (Cubrich et al., 2021).

From the data listed below, the source is LinkedIn.com, it appears that the post has little interaction from LinkedIn users (LinkedIn.com).


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1965 Figure 2

Interaction Examples

A platform such as LinkedIn is deliberately designed to encourage and increase social interaction. This research was conducted to analyze the use of LinkedIn to get a job for job seekers (Davis et al., 2020).

Figure 3 LinkedIn Blog

In previous research, it was stated that currently social media can increase its function as a self-promotion platform for recruits, these platforms are Facebook and LinkedIn (Zide et al.,(Zide et al., 2014). Then, in South Africa, zthey use LinkedIn as a platform to follow (following) their international colleagues (Koch et al., 2018).

(Adikari & Dutta, 2020) explained that on LinkedIn, there are 87% of people use fake accounts. It aims to increase connection with other companies by looking professional but, using a fake profile. The fake profile harms the overall network trust and can be presented by significant cost in time and effort in establishing connections based on the fake information. Unfortunately, the fake profile is hard to be recognized. (Johnson & Leo, 2020) explained that everyone must be careful in looking for a job on LinkedIn. The research also mentioned that the success of an individual in getting a job on the LinkedIn platform is also influenced by self-efficacy.

From the explanation above, the researcher is interested in investigating the influence of a LinkedIn profile on the success of an individual in getting a job. Therefore, the researcher will conduct research entitled “The Influence of Profile, Connection, and Interaction Profile on The Succes of Getting a Job in Using LinkedIn Social Media”.


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1966 REVIEW OF LITERATURE


According to Edwin A. Locke, a profile is a set of factors such as education, experience, skills, and personal characteristics that form an individual's identity as a prospective employee. This profile provides insight into a person's abilities and qualifications in the job search situation. Gary Dessler, a leading academic in the field of human resource management, describes a profile as a "combination of an individual's characteristics, background, qualifications, and skills that can influence their success in seeking and maintaining employment." John L. Holland suggests that a profile involves the compatibility between an individual's personality type and interests with the desired type of job. The profile reflects how an individual's characteristics and preferences align with the demands and culture of a specific job.


Mark Granovetter is a renowned sociologist who has developed the theory of

"Strong Ties" and "Weak Ties" in social networks. According to him, weak ties in networks are more important in providing access to different information and opportunities compared to strong ties. This is highly relevant in the job search context, where weak ties can help individuals gain access to a wider range of job opportunities. Ronald Burt is a sociologist and management expert who highlights the role of "structural holes" in social networks.

According to him, individuals positioned between different network groups have better access to unique information and opportunities that may not be reachable by others. In the job search context, individuals bridging various social groups can leverage these structural holes to access a more diverse range of job opportunities.


According to Mead, individuals learn about themselves through interactions with others and the attribution of symbolic meaning to situations. In the context of job search, individuals can shape their self-image and respond to others' perceptions in interactions, which can influence how they approach job-related situations. Howard Becker suggests that individuals can be influenced by labels or judgments directed at them by others. In the job search context, interactions with employers or colleagues can affect perceptions of an individual's abilities and qualifications, as well as influence job opportunities. Herbert


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1967 Blumer proposes that social reality is formed through interpretation and the meaning individuals ascribe to interactions. In job search, the meaning attributed to interactions with employers, co-workers, and the work environment can influence an individual's perception of job opportunities and demands.


"Success in getting a job" is an individual's achievement in successfully finding, acquiring, and starting a job that aligns with their qualifications, interests, and preferences.

The definition of "success in getting a job" is broad and can be interpreted based on an individual's perspective, resources, and specific context. The approaches taken by experts in measuring or defining success in getting a job may vary. Peter Warr associates success in getting a job with job satisfaction. According to him, success in getting a job occurs when individuals feel satisfied with the job they have, feel valued, and have the motivation to grow in that role.


This research used the quantitative method to test and prove the hypothesis that has been made through various tests and data processing. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire that was distributed to the sample from the population that had been determined. In this research, a measurement scale was also used and the scale used was Likert Scale. The Likert Scale was used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or a group of people concerning a social phenomenon. With the Likert Scale, the variables used were elaborated into the variable indicators. Then, these indicators were used as benchmarks for compiling instruments which can be in the form of questions or statements on the questionnaire. There are five Likert Scale Categories for the answer choices consisting of: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), and strongly agree (5). The data collection was carried out in the form of a questionnaire and distributed over 20 days (Sugiyono, (Sugiono, 2016)). The following is the population of LinkedIn Users in Indonesia.


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1968 Figure 4

The Population of LinkedIn Users in Indonesia

The total sample was determined in this research by the Slovin formula as follows:

The calculation of the Slovin Formula is as follows:

𝑛 = 𝑁

1 + 𝑁(𝑑)2 𝑛 = 16.000.000

1 + 16.000.000 (1%)2 𝑛 = 16.000.000

1 + 16.000.000 (0,0001) 𝑛 =16.000.000

1 + 1600 𝑛 =16.000.000

1601 𝑛 = 99,993 𝑛 = 100 (𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑)

The result of the Slovin formula is the sample used is 100 people.


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1969 Figure 5


This research model consists of 6 hypotheses, namely:

H1: The effect of profile on the connection H2: The effect of interaction on the connection H3: The effect of profile on the LinkedIn usage H4: The effect of interaction on the LinkedIn usage H5: The effect of the connection on the LinkedIn usage H6: The effect of LinkedIn usage on success in getting a job

Table 1

Indicators of Research

Variables Journals Indicators

Independent: Profile

Factor Graph Model- Based User Profile Matching Across Social Networks, 2019

1. Features 2. Profile Contents 3. Complete 4. Update 5. Accurate 6. CV


Networking via

LinkedIn: An

examination of usage and career benefits, 2020

1. Network 2. Connection Additions

3. Connection 4. Feedback 5. Job


What Are Meaningful Social

Interactions in Today’s

Media Landscape?

A Cross-Cultural

1. Interaction 2. Like 3. Comments 4. Postings 5. Feedback 6. Job


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1970 Survey, 2018

LinkedIn Usage

Networking via

LinkedIn: An

examination of usage and career benefits, 2020

1. The Effect of the Posting,

Interaction, and Connection in Using LinkedIn 2. The profile helps to get a job


Success in getting a job

Come for a Job, Stay for the Socializing:


Received from

LinkedIn Usage, 2018

1. LinkedIn gives opportunities to get a job

2. Active adding connection

3. Active in posting and interaction


Figure 6

SmartPLS Loading Factor

Table 2

Rule of Thumbs Analysis Model in PLS (Ghozali & Latan, 2015)

Validity and Reliability Parameter Rule of Thumbs Convergent Validity Loading Factor 0.70 for Confirmatory


0.60 for Exploratory Research

0.50 for Exploratory Research

Average Variance

Extracted (AVE)

0.50 for confirmatory and exploratory research


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1971 Discriminant Validity Cross Loading Another measure of

discriminant validity. It is expected that each indicator block has a higher loading value for each measured latent variable compared to indicators for other latent variables.

AVE Square

Root and

Correlation between Latent Constructs

Square root AVE >

Correlation between latent constructs

Reliability Cronbach's Alpha 0.70 for Confirmatory Research

0.60 is still acceptable for Exploratory Research

Composite Reliability

0.70 for Confirmatory Research

0.60 - 0.70 is still acceptable for Exploratory Research

X1 Variable Profile (P)

Figure 6 shows the indicators; P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 in the Profile variable having a loading factor > 0.70 comply with the rules in table 2 so that all of these indicators can be used.

X2 Variable Interaction (I)

Figure 6 shows the indicators; I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 in the Interaction variable having a loading factor > 0.70 fulfill the rules in table 2 so that all of these indicators can be used.

X3 Variable Connection (K)

Figure 6 shows the indicators: K1, K2, and K3 in the Connection variable having a loading factor > 0.70 fulfills the rules in table 2 so that all indicators can be used.

LinkedIn Usage Variable (PL)

Figure 6 shows the indicators; PL1, PL2, and PL3 in the Perceived Usefulness variable have a loading factor > 0.70 fulfilling the rules in table 2 so that all indicators can be used.


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1972 Variable the Success in Getting a Job (KP)

Figure 6 shows the indicators; KP1, KP2, and KP3 on the variable Success in Getting a Job having a loading factor > 0.70 fulfills the rules in table 2 so that all indicators can be used.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that indicators are valid and invalid through the table bellows:

Table 3

Convergent Validity Test

No Variable Indicators Loading

Factor Information

1 Profile (P)

P1 0.860 Valid

P2 0.846 Valid

P3 0.839 Valid

P4 0.718 Valid

P5 0.895 Valid

2 Interaction (I)

I1 0.709 Valid

I2 0.800 Valid

I3 0.858 Valid

I4 0.786 Valid

I5 0.836 Valid

I6 0.797 Valid

3 Connection (K)

K1 0.814 Valid

K2 0.809 Valid

K3 0.811 Valid

4 LinkedIn Usage (PL) PL1 0.882 Valid

PL2 0.850 Valid

5 The Success in Getting a Job ( KP )

KP1 0.852 Valid

KP2 0.808 Valid

KP3 0.844 Valid

Based on the table below, it can be seen that Average Variance Extracted (AVE) >

0.50 it can be said that the model has met the Convergent Validity requirements well thus it will be continued with the Discriminant Validity test.

Table 4

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Information

P 0.695 Valid

I 0.638 Valid


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1973

K 0.658 Valid

PL 0.750 Valid

KP 0.697 Valid

Based on table 4 it can be seen that Composite Reliability for all constructs > 0.70, this shows that all indicators used to measure latent variables can be said to be reliable.

However, in Cronbach's Alpha not all of them constructed >0.70 like PL, and rho_A not all of them constructed > 0.70 like on the PL, and having a construct <0.70 which is still between 0.60–0.80, then the indicator is included in the category of moderate reliability but acceptable. So, it can be concluded that the measurement model is good and meets the validity and reliability.

Table 5

Construct Reliability and Validity


Alpha rho_A Composite Reliability

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Information P 0.889 0.895 0.919 0.695 Reliability I 0.886 0.896 0.913 0.638 Reliability K 0.740 0.741 0.852 0.658 Reliability PL 0.668 0.673 0.857 0.750 Reliability KP 0.783 0.786 0.873 0.697 Reliability Hypothesis

Hypothesis testing is done by looking at T Statistics. The hypothesis is accepted if the T Statistics value is > 1.96. The results of testing the hypothesis in table 6 are as follows:

Table 6 Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis Statement Value Information H1

Profile has a positive effect on Connections



= 3.532

Accepted H2

Interaction has a positive effect on Connections



= 3.420

Accepted H3 Profile has a

positive effect T

Statistics Accepted


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1974 Hypothesis Statement Value Information

on LinkedIn Usage LinkedIn

= 4.358


Interaction has a positive effect on the LinkedIn Usage



= 5.867



The connection has a positive

effect on

LinkedIn Usage T


= 1.078



The use of LinkedIn has a positive effect on Job Success



= 10.159


Profile Effect on Connection

It is known that the calculated t value is 3.532 so, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Due to the calculated t value being bigger than the t table 3.532 > 1,96. This shows the profile on the connection that is felt to be significant. This means the quality of the profile that is filled is very useful for the LinkedIn users such as features in the profile. Thus, it can be interpreted that the higher the quality of the profile, the more it affects the success of getting a job. Likewise, in the previous research by (Ecleo & Galido, 2017). Produce the quality of the profile so, it is easy to categorize and easy for users in Philippines.

The Effect of the Interaction on the Connection

It is known that the calculated t value is 3,420 so, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Because the t count is less than t table 4,581 > 1.96, this shows the quality of the interaction on the connection that is felt to be significant. This means that the influence of interaction is felt by LinkedIn users. As in Joanna Davis’ previous study, (Davis et al., 2020) the influence of influential interactions in the success of getting a job that is felt by LinkedIn users. The existence of active interaction from the LinkedIn connection that is owned will be able to add a lot of information for individuals, especially those looking for work. Strong or weak interaction bonds can predict the benefits of the information obtained (Baumann &

Utz, 2021).


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1975 The Effect of the Profile on the LinkedIn Usage

It is known that the calculated t value is 4.358 so, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Because t arithmetic is greater than t table 4,358>1.96. This shows that the influence of the profile on the use of LinkedIn is significant. This means that the influence of existing profiles is easy to use and useful for Indonesian LinkedIn users. (Ecleo & Galido, 2017) produce Profile quality so easy to categorize and easy for users in the Philippines. (Punn et al., 2020) confirms that social media profiles of job seekers have an impact on the recruitment process.

The Effect of the Interaction on the LinkedIn Usage

It is known that the calculated t value is 5,867 so, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Because the t count is less than t table 5,867 > 1.96. This shows the quality of Interaction on the use of LinkedIn which is felt to be significant. This means that the quality of interaction that is built makes it easier to use LinkedIn for LinkedIn users in Indonesia.

Likewise in previous research by (Davis et al., 2020), the effect of interaction is influential in the success of getting a job felt by LinkedIn users.

The Effect of Connection on LinkedIn Usage

It is known that the t value is 1.078 so, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. Because the t count is greater than t table 1.078 <1.96. This shows that the ease of connection influence on the use of LinkedIn is not significant. This means that the connections built do not influence LinkedIn users in Indonesia to get jobs through LinkedIn social media. Based on previous (Wang et al., 2009) who adopted the external variable of the D&M model into the TAM model proved that perceived ease of use does not affect the intention to use.

However, based on (Buettner, 2017) the influence of connection affects the success of getting a job.

The Effect of Using LinkedIn on Job Success

It is known that the calculated t value is 10,159 so, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Because the t count is greater than t table 10,159> 1.96. This shows that the influence of the use of LinkedIn felt by LinkedIn users on the success of getting a job affects the interest of LinkedIn users significantly. This means that the use of LinkedIn greatly influences the success of getting a job for every LinkedIn user in Indonesia.

Likewise in previous research, (Davis et al., 2020) proved that perceived usefulness has a


The Influence of Profile, Connection ….. 1976 significant positive effect on LinkedIn use for job success. Past behavior, attitudes, and actual behavioral controls are related to LinkedIn's effectiveness in helping individuals find jobs (Carmack & Heiss, 2018).


Based on data analysis from the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded: a) Profile affects connection, so to be able to connect, each user’s profile must be filled in according to the format provided by LinkedIn; b) Interaction affects Connection, Interaction between LinkedIn users such as Posts, Comments, and Likes will increase connections between users; c) Profile influences LinkedIn usage. A completely filled-out profile will help in daily LinkedIn use so that other users can recognize it; d) Interaction affects LinkedIn usage, as well as the interaction between users, will increase the likelihood of being recognized by users so that LinkedIn usage will be maximized; e) Connections do not affect LinkedIn Usage, Connections are many but if Profiles and Interactions are not carried out then it will not affect on LinkedIn Usage

The influence of using LinkedIn has a positive effect on success in getting a job through LinkedIn social media. With regular use of LinkedIn, it will automatically make it easy for users to interact so that they will be successful in getting a job through LinkedIn.


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