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Academic year: 2023



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Research Question

How is the implementation of English teaching in Islamic boarding school Al- Urwatul Wutsqa Sidrap Regency. How a teacher incorporates Islamic value in teaching English materials in classroom activities in Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Sidrap Regency.

The Objective of the Research

Mochlis Ekowijayanto in his research "Integration of Islamic values ​​in the implementation of English teaching: The perspective of students of Islamic education". 4 Ekowijayanto Mochlis, "Integration of Islamic values ​​in the implementation of English teaching: The perspective of students of Islamic education", (Universitas Nurul Jadid, 2020). 33 Hayatun Nufus, “Implementation of Islamic Value Integration in English Teaching SMP Al-Hikmah Surabaya Academic Year Thesis:UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2016), p.

Based on the explanation above, it summarizes that the teacher at the residence of Al-Urwatul Wutsqa applied the concept of the curriculum which. The integration of the Islamic value in the teaching of English at the Islamic residence Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Sidrap Regency. 48 Ekowijayanto Mochlis, "The integration of Islamic values ​​in the implementation of learning English: Islamic education students' perspective", (Universitas Nurul Jadid, 2020).

Because the location of this fortress village is very strategic as the location of Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School. Based on the curriculum, how the teacher viewed English teaching at Al-Urwatul Wutsqa boarding school.

Significance of the research


Some Pertinent Ideas

So, the English teachers should consider what are the considerations of teaching English in the classroom. The success of teaching English depends not only on the four points explained in the previous paragraph, but also on other considerations. There is grammar taught in Islamic boarding schools, such as simple present tense which is taught in the first grade of vocational high school, rund which is explained in the second grade of Islamic boarding school, conditional sentence which is given to the third students, etc.

The term "method" in the direct method can refer to a single aspect of language teaching: presentation of material. Method' in reading method refers to the emphasis of a single language skill: reading, while "method" in grammar refers to the emphasis of the teaching materials. Listening is a means of linguistic communication that is used almost to a large extent in people's everyday lives.

It can therefore be concluded that Aqidah is the belief inherent in the human heart. 28 Zuliati Rohmah, “Incorporating Islamic Messages in The English Teaching in The Indonesian Context”, (International Journal Social Science & Education), Vol.

Conceptual Framework

In the first phase, researchers made observations in schools related to the activities of students in Al-Urwatul Wutsqa, which referred to English learning. In this discussion, the researcher discusses more about Integrating Islamic Value in Teaching English at Islamic Boarding School Al-Urwatul Wutsqa. This discussion explained more about the approach used by the teacher at Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School, which referenced the 2013 curriculum.

Guide and give responsibilities to learners to work closely with groups or teams done by the teacher in the teaching process at the Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa. All these approaches were done by the teacher at the Islamic residence Al-Urwatul Wutsqa, who also put some Islamic aspects in their activities. Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school optimizes the mastery of English by applying English as the language of daily communication.

Religious values ​​should be applied to students at Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School, including aqeedah, social and moral values. The integration of Islamic value in teaching English in Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Sidrap Regency showed that the teacher guides students based on Islamic values; the aqeedah value that guides in the belief of Allah. Fort Village, Baranti District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency as an establishment site of Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School which is a low-lying area that has very fertile soil.

The conditions of the community in Fort Village with a community lifestyle full of recognition is their supporting ability with the existence of Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School in their midst. At the beginning of the development of Al-Urwatul Wutsqa was encouraged by only two teachers, namely the first founder, K.H. Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqa every year receives help from both the government and generous people.

The formal system is characteristic of the Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa, because this system is considered to be perspective to be able to deliver to the previously planned goals. Refers the Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Log Cabin Curriculum to National Education or the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Refers the Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Log Cabin Curriculum to National Education or the Ministry of Religious Affairs.


Location and Time of the research

Subject of the Research

Instrument of the Research

Technique of Data Analysis

From the above statement, it can be concluded that communication skills are the ability of students to communicate and express ideas, in oral, written form, or the use of technologists implemented by the researcher mostly at the Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa. Another approach that the teacher at the Islamic Residence Al-Urwatul Wutsqa did was about cooperation or cooperation skills are skills in the development of collective intelligence through interaction or communication with others through media and technology. Based on the result of the interview with the teacher, the researcher discussed about the progress of English learning at the Islamic residence Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Sidrap regency, the process implemented by the teacher was the grouping of the students into various groups , the learning approach followed 4 approach. ; critical, collaborative, communicative and creativity.

Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school is one of the Islamic boarding schools that seeks to follow the development of a civilization that is not just fixated on traditional learning and accepts educational innovation. Even it was not implemented in Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school, but progress is still being made in students' English proficiency. Pesantren Al-Urwatul wutsqa is one of the institutions that imposes the needs of the community for an educational institution based on religion.

This can be seen very clearly with the very harmonious life of the people of Benteng and its surroundings with the students of The Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School on the other hand the majority of migrants. The secretary of al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Residence explained that Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Residence was established on January 1, 1974.

Table 4.1 English Learning Approach  at Class
Table 4.1 English Learning Approach at Class



This clearly discussed the phases of learning implemented at the Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa, using a critical approach where the teacher instructs students to solve a particular problem so that students can train themselves to seek the truth based on the information obtained. so that students can make wiser and better decisions. While the stages of learning using a communication approach at Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School use different techniques where students are able to enunciate clearly with full meaning, students are basically expected to be determined and speak openly and not complicated, students should also be able to understand who. Stages of learning with a collaborative approach also implemented at Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school for the students observed, where the teacher divides groups of two or more people to achieve the stated learning goals. In this collaboration, students will be trained to get the best solution and can be accepted by all group members in the class.

Al-Urwatul Wutsqa is among devotees of Kementrian Agama, in dept found that the books used are still from Dinas Pendidikan, because according to information from mrs. In fact, this also happened to the teacher at the Islamic boarding school Al-Urwatul Wutsqa who recommends the practical ways of integrating Islamic that can improve teachers' understanding of Islamic values ​​in English learning, and also points to a need to improve the curriculum and teaching materials to develop which includes Islamic values. Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqa or commonly abbreviated as PPUW (Pondok Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqa) is located in the north of Makassar City, the capital of South Sulawesi province with a distance of about 190 KM which by road trip about 4 to can be achieved. 5 hours normally.

Meanwhile, from the district capital, namely the city of Pangkajene Sidenreng Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqa is about 15 km from the north. The potential of this natural resource is what is exploited by the people of the fort, especially those who live around Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Boarding School, depending on their livelihood from the agricultural sector or rice fields. Any effort made by any human being, it is a certain thing that any business that is carried out must have a certain purpose and factors that can encourage the implementation of the business, so in the same way as the effort to establish Al -Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school, this is also inseparable from the factor behind.

Some of the locations that were planned as the location of the Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school, but finally determined in the situation of the area located in the Rappang sengai watershed, namely the Fort village, this area was chosen due to considerations , namely firstly . Every year al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic Residence always holds a reunion, where every alumni gather every year, at the reunion event there are various parties who donate both in terms of funds and in terms of energy to build the Al- Urwatul to continue Wutsqa Islamic boarding school.


Table Number  Name of Tables  Pages
Table 4.1 English Learning Approach  at Class


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