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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

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Judul Jurnal Ilmiah (Artikel) : Changes in the face of cultural heritage buildings due to revitalization: a case study of Fort Willem II Oenarang

Jumlah Penulis : 3 orang (Djoko Indrosaptono, Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan and Tri Susetyo Andadari) Status Pengusul : penulis ke-1

Identitas Jurnal Ilmiah : a. Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

b. Nomor ISSN : 0974-5823

c. Vol, No., Bln Thn : Vol. 7 No. 1 (January, 2022)

d. Penerbit : Kalahari Journals

e. DOI artikel (jika ada) : -

f. Alamat web jurnal : https://kalaharijournals.com/ijme-vol7-issue- jan2022.php

Alamat Artikel : https://kalaharijournals.com/resources/261- 280/IJME_Vol7.1_274.pdf

g. Terindex : Scopus, Q4

Kategori Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah : √ Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional

(beripada kategori yang tepat) Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Tidak Terakreditasi Hasil Penilaian Peer Review :

Komponen Yang Dinilai

Nilai Reviewer

Nilai Rata-rata Reviewer I Reviewer II

a. Kelengkapan unsur isi jurnal (10%) 4,00 3,00 3,50

b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%) 12,00 9,00 10,50

c. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%)

11,00 9,00 10,00

d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan/jurnal (30%) 12,00 9,00 10,50

Total = (100%) 39,00 30,00 34,50

Nilai Pengusul = (60% x 34,50) = 20,70

Semarang, Reviewer 2

Prof. Dr. Ir. Erni Setyowati, M.T.

NIP. 196704041998022001 Unit : Arsitektur FT UNDIP

Reviewer 1

Prof.Dr.Ing.Ir. Gagoek Hardiman NIP. 195308191983031001 Unit : Arsitektur FT UNDIP




Judul Jurnal Ilmiah (Artikel) : Changes in the face of cultural heritage buildings due to revitalization: a case study of Fort Willem II Oenarang

Jumlah Penulis : 3 orang (Djoko Indrosaptono, Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan and Tri Susetyo Andadari) Status Pengusul : penulis ke-1

Identitas Jurnal Ilmiah : a. Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

b. Nomor ISSN : 0974-5823

c. Vol, No., Bln Thn : Vol. 7 No. 1 (January, 2022)

d. Penerbit : Kalahari Journals

e. DOI artikel (jika ada) : -

f. Alamat web jurnal : https://kalaharijournals.com/ijme-vol7-issue- jan2022.php

Alamat Artikel : https://kalaharijournals.com/resources/261- 280/IJME_Vol7.1_274.pdf

g. Terindex : Scopus, Q4

Kategori Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah : √ Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional

(beripada kategori yang tepat) Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Tidak Terakreditasi Hasil Penilaian Peer Review :

Komponen Yang Dinilai

Nilai Maksimal Jurnal Ilmiah

Nilai Akhir Yang Diperoleh Internasional Nasional


Nasional Tidak Terakreditasi

a. Kelengkapan unsur isi jurnal (10%) 4,00 4,00

b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%)

12,00 12,00

c. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%)

12,00 11,00

d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan/jurnal (30%)

12,00 12,00

Total = (100%) 40,00 39,00

Nilai Pengusul = (60% x 39,00) = 23,40 Catatan Penilaian artikel oleh Reviewer :

1. Kesesuaian dan kelengkapan unsur isi jurnal: Artikel telah ditulis sesuai kaidah peulisan ilmiah. Unsur jurnal lengkap. Ada histori mulai : Received; Revised; Accepted sampai Published. (sebagai penulis pertama).

2. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan: Membahas revitalisasi bangunan bersejarah dengan nilai budaya yang signifikan. Studi kasus benteng Willem II . Semarang. Menghasilkan: pertimbangan bahwa revitalisasi harus memperhatikan eksistensi dan keberlanjutan nilai yang terkandung pada benteng willem II .

3. Kecukupan dan kemutakhiran data/informasi dan metodologi:

Data yang dipergunakan merupaka data primer dari survei lapangan dan data literatur, metoda:dikriptif Qualitative dengan pendekatan empiric.

4. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Penerbit: Kalahari Journals: ISSN: 0974-5823. Scopus Q4. Kualitas penerbit: Baik

Semarang, Reviewer 1

Prof.Dr.Ing.Ir. Gagoek Hardiman NIP. 195308191983031001 Unit : Arsitektur FT UNDIP 40




Judul Jurnal Ilmiah (Artikel) : Changes in the face of cultural heritage buildings due to revitalization: a case study of Fort Willem II Oenarang

Jumlah Penulis : 3 orang (Djoko Indrosaptono, Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan and Tri Susetyo Andadari) Status Pengusul : penulis ke-1

Identitas Jurnal Ilmiah : a. Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

b. Nomor ISSN : 0974-5823

c. Vol, No., Bln Thn : Vol. 7 No. 1 (January, 2022)

d. Penerbit : Kalahari Journals

e. DOI artikel (jika ada) : -

f. Alamat web jurnal : https://kalaharijournals.com/ijme-vol7-issue- jan2022.php

Alamat Artikel : https://kalaharijournals.com/resources/261- 280/IJME_Vol7.1_274.pdf

g. Terindex : Scopus, Q4

Kategori Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah : √ Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional

(beripada kategori yang tepat) Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Tidak Terakreditasi Hasil Penilaian Peer Review :

Komponen Yang Dinilai

Nilai Maksimal Jurnal Ilmiah

Nilai Akhir Yang Diperoleh Internasional

Nasional Terakreditasi

Nasional Tidak Terakreditasi

a. Kelengkapan unsur isi jurnal (10%) 4,00 3,00

b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%)

12,00 9,00

c. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%)

12,00 9,00

d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan/jurnal (30%)

12,00 9,00

Total = (100%) 40,00 30,00

Nilai Pengusul = (60% x 30,00) = 18,00 Catatan Penilaian artikel oleh Reviewer :

1. Kesesuaian dan kelengkapan unsur isi jurnal:

Artikel sudah ditulis mengacu pada panduan (guideline for author) dan sesuai dengan tata urutan Abstraxt – Introduction – Method – Result and Discussion – Conclusion. Dalam conclusion belum ditemukan rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya.

2. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan:

Artikel mendiskusikan tentang eksistensi bangunan bersejarah Benteng Willem II Oenarang yang mengalami perubahan fisik karena perkembangan jaman. Dalam analisis telah dibahas variable yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perubahan fisik artefak sejarah tersebut, namun dialog mendalam terkait penelitian sejenis yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya masih dirasa kurang.

3. Kecukupan dan kemutakhiran data/informasi dan metodologi:

Metode yang dipergunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan beberapa parameter kajian bangunan cagar budaya yang disampaikan secara detil dalam metode penelitian. Referensi yang dipergunakan sebagian besar berupa textbook, dengan 3 referensi berupa jurnal dan 3 referensi memiliki tahun terbitan > 10 tahun.

4. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan:

Jurnal merupakan terbitan baru dimulai tahun 2020 dengan H indeks 3 merupakan jurnal dengan ranking Q4. Nilai similaritas 8%

Semarang, 25 Januari 2022 Reviewer 2

Prof. Dr. Ir. Erni Setyowati, M.T.

NIP. 196704041998022001 Unit : Arsitektur FT UNDIP 40


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International Journal of Mechanical EngineeringVolume , Issue , Pages - January

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Changes in the face of cultural heritage buildings due to revitalization: a case study of Fort Willem II Oenarang

Indrosaptono D. , Setiyawan A.A. , Andadari T.S.

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Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia

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Revitalization is an effort to restore the vital value of a building / historic environment by increasing economic, social and cultural activities around it which are solely aimed at conserving the Cultural Heritage building. This Revitalization of Benteng Willem II Oenarang, in addition to improving the physical structure of buildings that began to be damaged also to lift the image of Benteng Willem II Oenarang as a tourist icon of the city of Ungaran. This study aims to get any changes that arise in cultural heritage buildings as an impact of the revitalization of the building, related to make Benteng Willem II Oenarang increase its status as one of the historical buildings that might be included in the World Heritage. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research, with an empirical approach. Literature studies are applied to obtain theories about revitalization of cultural heritage buildings. The analysis is done by comparing the reality obtained from the results of observations on the building, with a theory that has been stated previously. And the result shows that the influence of revitalization due to a change in the physical form of the building, the functions of buildings, materials, building ornaments, contents and content of buildings and utilities in the cultural heritage building. © Kalahari Journals.

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 0974-5823

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Cite Score :  5.2

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study of Fort Willem II Oenarang Djoko Indrosaptono, Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan

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Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 7 No. 1(January, 2022) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering


ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol. 7 No. 1 January, 2022

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Changes in the face of cultural heritage buildings due to revitalization: a case study of Fort Willem II



Djoko Indrosaptono*, Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan, Tri Susetyo Andadari

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275


Revitalization is an effort to restore the vital value of a building / historic environment by increasing economic, social and cultural activities around it which are solely aimed at conserving the Cultural Heritage building. This Revitalization of Benteng Willem II Oenarang, in addition to improving the physical structure of buildings that began to be damaged also to lift the image of Benteng Willem II Oenarang as a tourist icon of the city of Ungaran.

This study aims to get any changes that arise in cultural heritage buildings as an impact of the revitalization of the building, related to make Benteng Willem II Oenarang increase its status as one of the historical buildings that might be included in the World Heritage. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research, with an empirical approach. Literature studies are applied to obtain theories about revitalization of cultural heritage buildings. The analysis is done by comparing the reality obtained from the results of observations on the building, with a theory that has been stated previously. And the result shows that the influence of revitalization due to a change in the physical form of the building, the functions of buildings, materials, building ornaments, contents and content of buildings and utilities in the cultural heritage building.

Keywords: revitalization, building facade, Benteng Willem II Oenarang

1. Introduction

The revitalization of Fort Willem II Oenarang in the city of Ungaran by the local government in 2011 needs to be appreciated as an effort to preserve the existence of historical buildings that had stalled several years earlier. Revitalization is carried out by turning the object into a tourist area as well as becoming an icon for the city of Ungaran. In addition to carrying out physical repairs, the designation of the building which now belongs to the Indonesian National Police has also been repaired from a police dormitory to a public building.

All preservation efforts certainly have an impact, both positive and negative. In this case of preservation, of course, it will change the physical form (façade) of the building, building function, materials, ornaments, content, and utilities that appear as a result of the Revitalization of Fort Willem II Oenarang. The impact of the changes that have emerged will be studied and discussed in this study using descriptive qualitative methods in which a detailed description is needed from the informants' point of view (Setyowati & Setioko, 2013).

Understanding Heritage and Fortress

Before studying specifically about Revitalization, first discuss Cultural Heritage Buildings. According to Burra Charter (1999), a Cultural Heritage Building is a group of historical buildings and their environment. Where the building and its environment contain science, socio-cultural values, as well as historical values, present and past (International Council of Monuments and Sites, 1999). Meanwhile, according to Law no. 11/2010, cultural heritage is a cultural heritage with material


Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 7 No. 1(January, 2022)

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2247

ol. 7 No. 1 January, 2022 V


- ISSN: 0974

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Inhibition Effect of Eucalyptus leaf extract on low carbon steel in dilute H2SO4 acid at room and high


Shafaa M. Abdal-nabi1*, Sahib M. Mahdi 1

1 Dept. of Material Engineering, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah-University, Baghdad-Iraq


Corrosion inhibitors are currently a beneficial technique to maintain or reduce corrosion problems in equipment, therefore the development of all non-toxic, natural, and low-cost inhibitors is in high demand. The extract of eucalyptus leaves was employed as a mild steel corrosion inhibitor in this study at various H2SO4 concentrations (0.5, 1, and 1.5 molarity). The effect of temperature on the corrosion behavior of mild steel was also examined. Electrochemical polarization test methods were used to explore this. The extract inhibition efficiency and mild steel corrosion rate were calculated. The results suggest that the extract could be one of the most effective mild steel corrosion inhibitors. The inhibitor efficiency was also shown to decrease when temperature and H2SO4 concentration increased.

Keywords: Eucalyptus leaves extract , Electrochemical polarization , mild steel , inhibitor efficiency

1. Introduction

Corrosion will always occur since practically, in the Earth's atmosphere, every metal and alloy is unstable. One of the biggest reasons of industry overhead costs is the maintenance and repair of damaged and worn out equipment and parts, which is caused by chemical contact with their environment. In general, proper corrosion control and monitoring can prevent a significant amount of the loss. The addition of inhibitors to metallic surfaces, even at modest quantities, is one of the best ways to limit the rate of metallic corrosion. [1-6]. Due to its unique physical and mechanical features, such as ductility, huge strength, weldability, and the ability to heat treat for diverse mechanical properties, mild steel is one of the most commonly used materials for petroleum pipelines . Mild steel is often constructed in such a way that it can meet the stringent needs and services needed, such as for a petroleum transmission pipeline that is sensitive to a number of parameters such as the content of the petroleum product travelling through it, the temperature and pressure of the contents [7]. Because of the existence of massive corrosive substances in crude oil, which have an emotional impact on pipelines and equipment, petroleum production might be hindered by corrosion [8]. The inclusion of inhibitors, which can be found in even modest amounts, is one of the finest ways to lower the pace of metallic corrosion. However, there are a few factors that can help you choose the right inhibitor. These considerations include the cost and amount of the inhibitor, long-term toxicological impacts on the environment, and the inhibitor's ability to treat corroded surfaces, as well as the availability and stability of the inhibitor under various situations [9]. One of the most effective strategies for shielding metallic surfaces against corrosion is to employ corrosion inhibitors (inorganic & organic).The inorganic inhibitors operate as anodic inhibitors, whereas the organic inhibitors build a protective coating on the metal surface by adsorbing their molecules, resulting in corrosion resistance [10,11]. Organic compounds with heteroatoms in their molecules, such as nitrogen, sulphur, or oxygen, and an aromatic ring in their molecules have a substantial influence on the extent of adsorption on the surface of the metal, and may therefore be employed as corrosion inhibitors [12]. They are poisonous and dangerous to humans and the environment, and their synthesis is frequently costly. As a result, the development of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, green corrosion inhibitors is seen as critical and ongoing. Recently, there has been a surge in interest in using naturally occurring compounds and extracts that meet the criteria for usage as effective corrosion inhibitors [13].

Eucalyptus is an Australian native genus of the Myrtaceae family, with approximately 900 species and subspecies, making it one of the world's most important and widely planted genera. It is grown for its timber, pulp, and medicinal and therapeutic essential oils[14]. Tezeghdenti et al. [15] Using weight loss measures and several electrochemical methods, researchers investigated the corrosion prevention effect of a methanolic extract of Eucalyptus globulus leaves for corrosion control of carbon steel in a 1 M H2SO4 solution. It was discovered that E. The extract of globulus acts as a mixed type inhibitor. They discovered that the Langmuir adsorption isotherm is obeyed by this green inhibitor. The current study investigates the impact of methanolic Eucalyptus leaf extract on mild steel corrosion in sulfuric acid


Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 7 No. 1(January, 2022) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering


ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol. 7 No. 1 January, 2022 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Applying Suitable Techniques to Improve Reading Comprehension in Japanese Language Proficiency

Test of Japanese Language Students

Nguyen Tan Danh1, Huynh Tan Hoi2,*

1,2 FPT University, Viet Nam


Through the learning process of the Japanese language major at FPT University as well as directly with the students to participate in the Japanese language proficiency test, in addition to other necessary skills to take the exam. However, there are still quite a few limitations in training reading comprehension skills of students here. In terms of reading comprehension, this is the part of the test that is always considered by the Japanese community to be relatively difficult and accounts for the most points in the exam, so if there is no clear method and schedule for this part of the test, then there is a very high chance that the contestant will fail the test. This article is completed based on the survey results from 23 Japanese language students from FPT University, from the survey on the article, it shows the importance of giving methods to improve and enhance skills. Reading comprehension in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test is not only for FPT university students but also for those who are studying Japanese.

Keywords: Japanese Language Proficiency Test, methods, reading comprehension, skills


In the current era of globalization cooperation, many Japanese enterprises realize the potential and opportunities when approaching investment in the Vietnamese market, since then human resources who speak Japanese have become an increasingly important factor. Therefore, as the relationship between Vietnam and Japan grows more and more, along with the expansion of recruitment of Vietnamese personnel by Japanese companies, the demand for studying and teaching Japanese in Vietnam will increase. Understanding that need, intensive training in the Japanese language industry is still being interested in many universities, including FPT University. In addition, for Japanese language learners as well as students studying the Japanese language who are aiming to apply to Japanese companies, taking the exam to obtain a certificate of Japanese language ability with a minimum level of Intermediate is a required condition. However, in the process of training and teaching the Japanese language, not only FPT University but many other places still have many limitations, that is, it is too focused on teaching grammar theory rather than training.

skills training for students. In particular, reading comprehension is considered a weak skill for Japanese learners, and this is most clearly shown through the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. The reading comprehension section in this exam is made up of the integration of vocabulary, Kanji, and grammar at a high level of application, taking the most points, so it requires a method to improve and improve skills. reading comprehension. This article is based on the survey results obtained in order to assess the current status of reading comprehension ability and offers clear, practical, and highly effective methods in the process of training reading comprehension (Thesis, 2017).

RESEARCH CONTENT Literature Review

Not only in Japanese but also in all current languages, reading comprehension is a highly manipulative activity, combining the process of reviewing and explaining the content and intentions of the writer by reading the text. Many studies suggest that for Koreans, Chinese, and Taiwanese people, it will not be strange for people from this country to read, understand and learn Japanese faster due to the similarities in terms of letters and words among Sinophere countries. And Vietnamese people have not yet used their Sino-Vietnamese advantages well in the process of reading comprehension (中村かおり et al., 2019). Furthermore, Muroya et al. (2017) also evaluated the relationship between morphological awareness and vocabulary reading skills in hiragana and Kanji, which play an extremely important role in the development of reading comprehension skills.

Therefore, the application of a reading comprehension method that extends from a low level like Japanese children's books to a high level like specialized Japanese books in Japanese language schools not only helps to improve reading ability, understanding but also increase vocabulary, common grammar (Hitosugi et al., 2004). However, for high-level reading comprehension texts, the


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