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Islamic Moral Values In Novel “Salt To The Sea” By Ruta Sepetys


Academic year: 2023

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A special thanks goes to my loving parents, Mujiono and Tursini, who always taught me to keep trying, to pray and to be grateful. Finally, I realize that there are still many limitations of skill and knowledge; therefore I look forward to many constructive suggestions and criticisms from the readers to make this study perfect. I hope this thesis will make a valuable contribution to students and lecturers in the English Language Education Department of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh and to literature enthusiasts.

This study is entitled Islamic moral values ​​in the novel "Sea Salt" by Ruta Sepetys. The purpose of this study was to find the Islamic moral values ​​contained in the novel Salt To The Sea. In this study, the method of qualitative content analysis was used, and the subject of research was the novel Salt To The Sea.

This study focused on the Islamic moral values ​​contained in the statements of the main character in the novel Salt To The Sea. The results showed that there are eight Islamic moral values ​​in the novel Salt To The Sea; kindness to relatives (hablumminannas), intelligence (fathanah), contentment (qana’ah), generosity (as-sakha), tolerance (tasamuh), helpfulness (ta'awun), reliability (amanah) and honesty (shiddiq).

Table 4.1 Islamic Moral Values in Novel Salt To The Sea .............................   32
Table 4.1 Islamic Moral Values in Novel Salt To The Sea ............................. 32


  • Research Question
  • Aims of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Terminology
  • Limitation of the Study

The first study was conducted by Sani (2021), entitled “Moral values ​​reflected in the novel Me Before You” by Jojo Moyes. Her research focused on issues related to the analysis of moral values ​​with a pragmatic approach. The second study was conducted by Pratiwi (2019), entitled “The Analysis of Moral Values ​​in A Walk to Remember,” a novel written by Nicholas Sparks.

Salt to the sea is one of the novels that have moral values ​​for the readers. What Islamic moral values ​​are contained in the novel Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys?”. Based on the research questions above, this research aims to find the Islamic moral values ​​contained in the novel "Salt to the Sea" by Ruta Sepetys.

This study is expected to provide much information about moral values ​​used by students in analyzing the novel Salt To The Sea. This research is limited to the Islamic moral values ​​contained in the statements of the main character; Joana, Florian, Emilia and Alfred.


The Definition of Moral Value

  • Types of moral value
  • Moral value in Islam

Synopsis of Salt To The Sea

In 1945, World War II swept through East Prussia and millions of refugees fled in search of a safe place. Among them there are four people with different stories and secrets, but fate brings them together on the Wilhelm Gustloff, the magnificent ship on which they, together with more than ten, have placed their hopes. The theme of the novel was that they learned how to help each other like a family, trust each other, come together and unite to achieve one goal and focused on the situations they face in the midst of fear, horror , faced cruelty and hardship.

The genre of this novel is historical fiction because Wilhelm Gustloff actually existed in history, but the characters in this novel did not exist in history. The action of the novel was set in East Prussia (later on the ship . "Wilhelm Gustloff") during World War II. Florian, a young East Prussian who was very smart but had a secret mission, which was to make fake identity cards.

Emilia, a fifteen-year-old Polish orphan, spent her last years in the village of Nemmersdorf in Germany with the Kleist family. The setting of the novel was in East Prussia, the Wilhelm Gustloff and in the middle of the Baltic Sea.

Previous Study

The second study was conducted by Sundari (2021) entitled "An Analysis of Moral Values ​​in the Novel 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins. She used Kinnier et.al's theory of universal moral values ​​with four main moral values. She found some categories of moral values, first, commitment to something greater than oneself, second, respect for oneself, but with humility or respect for others, self-discipline and acceptance of personal responsibility, third, respect and care for others. the third was conducted by Prasetio (2020) entitled "An analysis of the moral values ​​reflected by the Little Prince in the novel The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint Exupery".

The results of his research showed that the moral values ​​reflected by the main characters in the novel of The Little Prince are courage, honesty, love and affection. The fourth study was conducted by Susana (2018), entitled 'Moral Value in Charlotte Bronte's Novel Jane Eyre'. The results of her research revealed several moral values, namely patience, sincerity and responsibility, which can also be adhered to by everyone.

The fifth study was conducted by Mulyadi (2016) entitled "The values ​​of moral learning in the novel "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih" written by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The type of research used in his research is library research and content analysis methods used. Second, the value of self-moral learning included the value of patience, persistence, self-authority, high optimism, responsibility, and self-determination. The sixth study was conducted by Fahruddin (2017) titled "An Analysis of Moral Values ​​in "Charlotte's Web" by E.B.

The research method used in his research is descriptive analysis method and the data collection method used is the documentation method. White focuses on various parts of the life experience such as never giving up, perseverance, responsibility, love, loyalty, friendship and the appreciation of diversity. While the meaning of moral values ​​he found in the novel "Charlotte's Web" is hard work pays off, realizing the importance of true friends, staying humble, keeping the promise and being tolerant or diversity to appreciate


Research Instrument

Source of The Data

Techniques of Collecting Data

Techniques of Data Analysis

After conducting an evaluation of the novel "Salt in the Sea", the researcher searched for data related to moral values, then performed an analysis so that the search results were obtained and tabulated. The doctor told me that the port will soon be overrun with nearly a million people. The Gustloff and the other boats will be leaving soon. Omar ibn al-Khattab reports: The Prophet Muhammad said: "The reward of deeds depends on the intentions; and every man shall receive his reward according to what he intended.

Can you go outside and find a big stick?” The girl shook her head and left (p.32, line 16). An analysis of moral values ​​in Kamil Kilani's Jelifer Fii Bilaadi Al-‘Amaaliqah and its application in Diraasah Natsriyah. Morality reflected in the characters through the script of the movie "The Case for Christ" (Thesis, HKBP Nommensen University, Medan, North Sumatra).

Moral Values ​​in Robin Hood Movie by Ben Chandler (Dissertation, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, South Sulawesi). Moral values ​​analysis in the Rainbow Troops novel written by Andrea Hirata (Thesis, State Islamic University Ar-raniry, Banda Aceh). An Analysis of Moral Values ​​in Ahmad Fuadi's Novel Rantau 1 Muara (Unpublished Dissertation, Wijaya Putra University, . Surabaya, East Java).

An Analysis of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes" (Bachelor Thesis, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia). An analysis of moral values ​​in "Looking for Alaska" novel written by Jhon Green (Thesis, Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic. Retrieved from https://www.orchidsinternationalschool.com/blog/social-skills/teach-moral-values/ . 2018).The key to collaboration: Cooperative attitude.

A comparative study of characters from Frank's diary The Diary of a Young Girl (translated by BM Mooyaart-Doubleday) and Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time (Thesis, Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java). An analysis of moral values ​​in the novel “Gulliver's Travel” (Thesis, Islamic State University of Raden Intan, Lampung). Retrieved from http://repository.radenintan.ac.id/6177/. https://www.eng-literature.com/2016/01/different-types-of-novel.html Seiter, C. The Surprising Power of Reading Fiction: 9 Ways It Makes Us.

An Analysis of Moral Values ​​in The Hunger Games Novel by Suzanne Collins (Thesis, Indonesia Technocrat University, Lampung, Bandar Lampung). An Analysis of Moral Values ​​in the Amat Rhang Manyang Legend (Thesis, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Banda Aceh).

Tabel 4.1 Islamic Moral Values in Novel “Salt To The Sea”
Tabel 4.1 Islamic Moral Values in Novel “Salt To The Sea”


Table 4.1 Islamic Moral Values in Novel Salt To The Sea .............................   32
Tabel 4.1 Islamic Moral Values in Novel “Salt To The Sea”


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