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2013 James Henry Wright - Boyce Digital Repository Home

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Academic year: 2023

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I had not understood the needs of the community in the area of ​​communication between the hospital and the local churches. The elders were to anoint the sick with oil in the name of God (James 5:14). God becomes real to the patient and family and the comfort of the Holy Spirit is present in the room.

Figure 1. Minister’s Arena of Interaction with Dying Patient
Figure 1. Minister’s Arena of Interaction with Dying Patient

Orientation to the Pastoral Care Department Care Department

I also informed the group that they would have to come one day a week during this ten week period to apply the material presented in the seminar and to do a verbatim report of a patient meeting and to consult with the pastoral care workers about the meeting. The pre-seminar questionnaire was also used after the seminar to measure response to the seminar's teachings. The pre-seminar survey asked candidates to rate their knowledge and skill level in providing evangelical pastoral care to terminally ill patients.

Due to the nature of the training, hospital policy review has been mentioned in this session and will be discussed further in the next session. There was also a brief discussion about each chaplain's understanding of the biblical context of sharing their faith in a relational rather than an emotionally contentious way with patients in the hospital. Finally, in this session, the eleven chaplains were told that they would study the principles of evangelical pastoral care with the dying patients and the patients.

Training for Evangelistic Pastoral Care Begins Pastoral Care Begins

Patients are also in a very vulnerable position while in hospital and may not want to talk to someone who is a stranger to them. Each week's training was described in the syllabus so that the chaplains could be prepared with reading assignments and be ready to discuss them in class. It is important in the hospital to be invited to share the salvation plan rather than forcing it on the patient.

During the session, the students were reminded of some essential facts about the biblical reasons for evangelism and how it would be done in the hospital with patients and families. We introduced the policy for sharing Christ in the hospital with patients and it will be explained later in this chapter. Chaplains realized that there is a different way to share with patients in the hospital than with people elsewhere in their ministry.

Understanding the Stages of Dying of Dying

Another source of learning was George Bowman's book, Dying, Grieving, Faith, and Family, which provides a pastoral care approach to death and dying.3 This book presented ethnically related issues in death and dying that were particularly useful in the Western Baptist culture with the African American population. Using an example from the Old Testament and a New Testament helped to see how God works in the healing process throughout scripture. I chose the New Testament example on purpose to show how our faith is an instrument in the healing process.

Some chaplains gave examples of how they felt their requests had been denied. This led to a debate about the apostle Paul, who asked for the removal of a "thorn in the flesh" and his request was refused (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). The meeting became emotional for all of us and we saw the compassion we felt as ministers during this time, in the lives of our patients and parishioners.

Grief Issues with the Death and Dying Death and Dying

The overview of the stages of mourning appears to be helpful in their own experiences of mourning. This overview of the stages of grief was another emotional time in the training for all the chaplains. Two of the chaplains talked about the illness of their spouses and how they were in a mourning process for their loved ones who had chronic illnesses.

In this text, anticipatory grief was explained as, "the severe time limitation of life in such an illness commits your loved one and you to a long but. We shifted to the experience of the patient and their family and how these stages resembled the stages of dying. Each member of the group was one of our volunteer chaplains and was familiar with the hospital environment.

Principles for Pastoral Care with the Dying with the Dying

The chaplains were taught to be respectful of other health care providers in the process of their visit. The Advanced Directive is one of the tools we use to help people make their own decisions in the final stages of their own lives. This part of the session was a discussion about how we can use the Advanced Directive to serve patients and to let patients know how they can serve their families as they reach the end stages of life.

Chaplains understood that patients did not have to be in the dying stages to have an advance directive. While this is a new service to our hospital, chaplains are involved in the service and are part of the palliative care team. They were trained to record visits in the appropriate file for good record keeping.

Guidelines for Evangelism of the Patient and Family of the Patient and Family

Listening attentively when the patient speaks can be an example of the pastor's care and, in turn, his or her concern and faith. The pastor should ask God to help them to be conscientious in making the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, an ingrained part of their daily life. One should not make the stories so much about themselves that the patient loses the main point, which should be an illustration of how God has worked in the priest's life and how he blessed others in their need.

It should be kept in mind that many people are biblically illiterate, so the chaplain should use words that a non-Christian can relate to and understand. One should pray that God will help one as a chaplain to share his/her faith effectively, to pray for other people's needs, and to pray with others as well; knowing that the prayers of the chaplain have great power because of the God to whom they pray. It was literally three pages, and at the end of it, the patient had asked the chaplain to pray with them to accept Jesus as their personal Savior.

Death and Dying Issues in a Terminal Disease Terminal Disease

You would have the opportunity to share your faith and be able to cultivate relationships, even in a short period of time. Prayer, daily visits, counselling, communication, grieving processes are beneficial for the patient and his family. Chaplains have been trained in how they can assist staff in bereavement support.

The chaplains were taught that listening to the staff and giving them a chance to talk about the loss was a helpful tool. Chaplains were assigned to read a portion of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' book Death the Final Stage of Growth, “Living until Death: A Program of Service and. From this section, they learned how to help patients and families make choices about advance directives, advanced guidelines, powers of attorney, and encouragement to communicate their wishes to families at this stage of their lives.

Death and Dying Issues in Accidental and Sudden Death Accidental and Sudden Death

Chaplains toured the family waiting room and learned about the process of connecting with families and family outreach staff. They were taught to help the doctor when the news of death needs to be shared with the family. In our hospital, the chaplains do not communicate the death information to the family.

Chaplains were taught to stay and listen as long as the family wanted to talk. Chaplains were taught that these are reactions that can occur during an incident. Chaplains have been taught that they will be important in the hospital process, but that may be the end of their service with these people.

Short-term Effects of Death in a Community Disaster in a Community Disaster

Training involves the pastor of the family and chaplains are taught to assist the pastor in their ministry. The chaplains were asked to talk about the evening's experiences and to raise any concerns about their ability to serve in situations of sudden death. The chaplains were stressed that they would not be asked to serve in this situation if they felt uncomfortable.

The staging of a future disaster event is a pre-planned strategy that places chaplains in strategic locations to assist families, staff and doctors with the event. This session turned out to be one of the longest sessions because of the information and questions asked by the priests. There was a time for sharing at the end of the session because everyone in the group knew someone or was friends with someone who went through the incident at Heath High School.

Short-term Effects of Death in a Community Disaster in a Community Disaster

The budget for the Pastoral Care Department has increased to meet the ministry needs of the program. Aspects of the training provided for this project were used to further the outreach into a guide for the chaplains to use in the event of a community disaster. This goal of the project was (and at the conclusion of this project is) an ongoing process for the.

The recognition of spiritual care is paramount in the hospital's operation. There is less competition with some of the chaplains as they have developed a community of care in the hospital. The project material's receptors were more conversational than they were before the training.

Would Do Differently


Describe your calling to the hospital chaplaincy, especially to people who are dying. Must volunteer chaplains who participate in the hospital's pastoral care be held accountable to the same standards as the paid staff chaplains. God has provided, for Christian pastors, seminaries to be trained in pastoral care for dying people.

You do not need specific training to provide pastoral care to dying people in hospital. I believe that ministers of pastoral care should include training to do the ministry of pastoral care for dying people. Do you feel more equipped to provide pastoral care to the dying than you did before the training?


Figure 1. Minister’s Arena of Interaction with Dying Patient


Dokumen terkait

Fairclough 1995: 1 states that "the power is conceptualized between participants in discourse events, and in terms of capacity to control how texts are henceforth the shapes of texts in