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language learning strategy and speaking achievement

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Esti Dewi Fitissa, Mayuasti, Yelliza

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat estidewifitissa24@gmail.com


Penelitian ini bertujan untuk membandingkan language learning strategy (direct and indirect) siswa dan hasil belajar speaking siswa kelas sembilan di SMPN 1 Sungai Limau tahun ajaran 2017/2018.. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasual- komparative. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas sembilan. Sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 50% siswa dari masing-maing strategy dipilih menggunakan stratified random sampling teknik. Peneliti membagikan angket Strategy Inventory for Language Learning Version 7.0 (SILL) dan melakukan speaking test yang berbentuk percakapan. Dari perhitungan angket diperoleh 32 siswa menggunakan direct strategi dan 99 siswa menggunakan indirect strategi. Hasil penggolahan data diperoleh rata-rata dari setiap strategy adalah M1=68.25, dan M2=66.565, standar deviasiasi direct strategi adalah SD1=10.75 dan indirect strategi adalah SD2= 10.045.

Dengan derajat bebasan yaitu df=60. Taraf signifkan 5% adalah 2.00 dan ttes dari data ini yaitu 0.653. Dari nilai-nilai diatas terlihat bahwa ttes <ttabel, sesuai dengan kriteria pengujian hipotesis bahwa H0 diterima dan H1 ditolak. Artinya, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara language learning strategy yang digunakan siswa dan hasil belajar speaking siswa.

Kata kunci: hasil belajar speaking siswa, language learning strategy


Speaking is one of four basic skills in learning foreign language besides listening, reading, and writing.

Speaking is an important skill in English, because it helps to guide somebody to interact and to communicate with other people.

According to Bryne in Hardianty et.al (2013:2) speaking is a process

between speaker and listener, involving the productive of skill in speaking and the listener have positive function to perform. In addition Heaton in Resha (2015:1) defines that speaking ability as the ability to communicate ideas appropriately. In short, speaking ability is the ability to speak appropriately and effectively in a real communicative situation in


order to communicate ideas to others.

It can be said that speaking is not only about how to speak, it also communicates ability to express their idea directly and effectively to others.

Speaking is a skill that can be known how far the student communicates a language. To improve their speaking achievement, some of students try to practice English with their friends in the class and taking note during the teacher explains the material and so on. It will be affected to their way to using the appropriate language learning strategies.

Language learning strategies is a step taken by students to achieve the goals of learning. It will make the students easier to understand about the material. According to Moreover Rigney in Teh et.al (2009:399) states that language learning strategies (LLS) are specific steps or action taken by learner to facilitate acquisition, retention, retrieval and performance. It can be said, learning strategies are specific steps that used by students to improve their motivation in learning, it can be used to facilitate acquisition retention, retrieval and their

performance. Furthermore, Oxford in Ardiansyah (2015:1) defines language learning strategies are specific action taken by the students to enhance their own learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-indirect, more effective and more transferable to new situation. It can be said learning strategies are strategies that used by students to increase their motivation in learning, so it will more easier, faster to understand about material, and more enjoyable.

From the several definitions above, it can be concluded learning strategies is strategies that used by students to increase their motivation in learning. So, it will be the students to understand and remember learning material easily. Language leaning strategy use as a facilitate acquisition retention, retrieval and their performance.

Oxford in Shas et.al (2013:153) states that there are two types of language learning strategies. Oxford divided the strategy into direct and indirect strategies. Direct strategies are require mental processing of the


language, there are three group of memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. Indirect strategies provide indirect support for language learning by employing different strategies such as focusing arranging, evaluating, seeking opportunities and lowering anxiety Oxford’s (1990). Indirect strategy included metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies.

Achievement is the important thing to measure the knowledge of the students. According to Algarabel and Dasi (2001:4) “achievement is viewed basically as the competence a person has in area of content.” It refers to the result of learning that indicates by changing of students’ behavior in their knowledge, skill and attitude. The students’ knowledge can be seen from their competence of the subject.

Furthermore, Tu’u (2004: 75) proposes that achievement is a result achieved by someone when going tasks or activities. It means that achievement is the result that students obtain after following a teaching learning process. The result influences

all of the things the students have like motivation, behavior, and personality.

Such as, the concept of achievement is critical to effective learning. To sum up, achievement is the result of learning process that indicated by changing of student behavior in their knowledge, skill, attitude, motivation, and personality. It is also an act of achieving or performing and the obtaining by exertion, effort and skill successfully.


This research used non experimental research where one of its types was casual-comparative research. According to Gay and Airasian (2000:349) and Lodico et.al (2010:266) causal-comparative research is research design that comparing group to know cause effect between independet variable and dependent variable. Casual- comparative impossible to manipulate the variable because it condition that already exist. Causal-comparative research supported the researcher to use this design because the researcher wants to compare the different


students’ speaking achievement through language learning strategy.

Population is the total number of students in the research. According to Gay and Airasian (2000:122) population as the group of interest to the research, the group to which researcher would like the results of the study to be generalize in this study.

The researcher chose the third class of SMPN 1 Sungai Limau as population of this research. They are IX.1, IX.2, IX.3, IX.4, IX.5, IX.6 and IX,7.

In this research, the researcher used stratified sampling to selecting the sample. According Ary et.al (2010:153) stratified sampling is when the population consist of number of subgroup, or strata, that may different in the characteristic being studied. It can be said that stratified sampling is a technique of taking sample based on strata, number of subgroup. The sample that researcher got in this research is 16 students used direct strategy and 46 students used indirect strategy.

To college the data the researcher used questionnaire and speaking test as instruments. First, the

questionnaire of this research adopted by Oxford (strategy Inventory for Language Learning version 7.0) that used by students consist of 50 items with five options are SL (always/

selalu), SR (often/ sering), KD (sometimes /kadang-kadang), JR (seldom/jarang), TP (never/ tidak pernah). The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students to know the learning strategy used. The second instrument was speaking test. The researcher used speaking test to know students’ speaking achievement which consist of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation. The topic were chosen based on the curriculum and have been studied by students.

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data to get conclusion whether the hypothesis is answered or not. In this research, there were two hypothesis testing follow : H0 = There is no significant difference

between language learning strategy toward students’

speaking achievement at the third class of SMP N 1 Sungai


Limau academic year 2017/2018.

H1 = There is significant difference between language learning strategy toward students’

speaking achievement at the third class of SMP N 1 Sungai

Limau academic year


In this study, the researcher used formula from Sudijono (2010:346) to count hypothesis testing as follow:

Gay and Ariasian (2000:476) state that the value ttest is higher than value of ttable at level of significant α 0.05, it can be concluded that the direct strategy gives a better students’

speaking achievement than indirect strategy. On the other hand, if ttest is lower than ttable at a level of significant α 0.05, it can concluded that the direct strategy give not effect a better than students’ speaking achievement of indirect strategy at the third class of SMP N 1 Sungai Limau in academic years 2017/2018.


Based on analysis the language learning strategy questionnaire, the researcher found 32 students that used direct and 99 students used indirect strategy in the third class of SMPN 1 Sungai Limau in academic year 2017/2018.

After knowing strategy that used by students, the researcher cont mean of score students used direct strategy was (M1=68.875) and students used indirect strategy was (M2=66.89). The first step was the researcher count the sum of students’

speaking score of each strategy. Direct strategy have (fx’ = 22) with the number students of direct strategy (N1=16). Meanwhile indirect strategy got (fy’=45) with the number students (N1=46). The standard deviation speaking achievement of students used direct strategy was (SD1=9.4) and standard deviation if indirect strategy was (SD2=9.97).

Next, the researcher count of standard error mean of students’

speaking score that used direct was (SEm1 = 2.42) and standard error of


students speaking achievement used indirect strategy was (SEm2 = 1.488).

After the researcher knew standard deviation of direct and indirect strategy, the researcher count the standard error difference mean of students speaking score was (SEm1- m2=1.908). And the last, the researcher count consultation table t students’

speaking sore that used direct and indirect strategy was (ttable = 2.00). It took from the number of students used direct(N1=16) plus indirect strategy (N2=46) and after that minus two. So degree of freedom of students direct and indirect strategy was (df=60).


From the data, the researcher found 32 students who used direct strategy and 99 students who used indirect strategy. Then, the researcher used students’ speaking achievement score to know the students’ speaking achievement. After that, the researcher analyzed students speaking achievement who used direct and who used indirect strategy. The researcher found ttest ) is lower than ttable (2.00) at significance 0,05. The

hypothesis (H0)is accepted and (H1) is rejected. It can be concluded that comparative study between students’

speaking achievement that used direct and indirect strategy, there no is significant differences students speaking achievement that used direct and indirect strategy.


Algarabel, Salvador and Dasi, Carmen.2001. The Definition of Achievement and the Construction or tests for its measurement: a review of the main trends. Spain.

Ardiansyah. 2015. An Analysis of Language Learning Strategies of Speaking used by Successful and Unsuccessful Students of Semester III English Department of IAIN Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Journal English Language Teaching; Jambi vol 1 no 1;

Maret 2015.

Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000.

Educational Research. New Jersey: Prenticehall, inc Hardianty, Nurviana.etal. 2013.

Improving Speaking Skill Trough The Use of Simulation Technique.


English Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) vol 1 no 2

Lodico, Marguerite G. et.al. 2010.

Methods in Educational Research from theory to practice. San Francisco. A Wiley Imprint.

Oxford, Rebecca L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teachers Should Know. Boston: Heinle &

Heinle Publishers

Resha.et.al. 2015. Developing Speaking Skill of Grade VIII Students Through Short Conversation. E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) vol 3 no 1 Shas, Mohamed Ismail Ahmad. et,al.

2013. Language Learning Strategies of English for Specific Purposes Students at a Public University in Malaysia. English Langguage Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education.

Malaysia vol 6 no 1

Teh, Kamarul Shukri mat. et,al. 2009.

Closer Look at Gender and Arabic Langage Learning Strategies Use. European Journal of Social Sciences.

Vol 9 no 3 .


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