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Latihan soal Bahasa inggris Lesson 4 dan 5

Mutia Tanjung

Academic year: 2024

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I. Berilah tanda silang (X) padahuruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang tepat.

1. Earache in Indonesian is ….

a. Sakit gigi c. Sakit kepala b. Sakit telinga d. Sakit mata

2. We .... headache.

a. Have c. Is

b. Has d. Are

3. Sakit tenggorokan in English is ….

a. Sore eyes c. Sore throat b. Toothache d. Cough

4. Mereka sakit mata in English is….

a. We has sore eyes b. They have sore eyes c. We have sore eyes d. They has sore eyes

5. Alika : What's wrong Annisa?

Annisa : ....

Alika : You need to go to the dentist Annisa : Okay, thank you Annisa.

a. I have an earache b. I have a toothache c. I have a fever d. I have a cough

6. I eat a lot of spicy food. I think I have a ….

a. Cough c. Toothache b. Fever d. Stomachache

7. What's the matter with Abi?

a. He has a cold b. He has a runny nose c. He have a fever d. He have a sore nose

8. My body temprature is high. I have a ….

a. Fever c. Earache

b. Broken arm d. Stomachache

9. Kiki : Ugh..

Syifa : …..

Kiki :I have a backache a. I'm fine, thank you b. Get well soon c. I have a sore eyes

d. What’s the matter with you?

10.Hasan has a …. after eating too much candies.

a. Headache c. Broken leg b. Cold d. Sore nose

11. Clothes in Indonesian is ….

c. Sepatu c. Celana pendek

d. Dasi d. Pakaian

12. Sepasang in English is ….

c. A pair of c. A shorts d. A scoop of d. A trousers

13. This is a pair of....

c. Sandals c. socks

d. Shorts d. Skirt

14. Seragam abu-abu dan putih in English is….

e. A grey and white dress f. A grey and white uniform g. A grey and white pair of shirt h. A grey and white skirt and t-shirt

15.Arrange these words into a correct sentence.

Is – a – of – pair – shorts – red – Ali - ? – wearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a. 7 – 1 – 9 - 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 - 8 b. 7 – 1 – 9 - 8 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 - 2 c. 1 – 7 – 9 - 2 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 8 d. 1 – 7 – 2 - 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 8

16. Kemeja abu-abu in English is ….

a. A grey dress c. A grey t-shirt b. A grey shirt d. A grey blouse

17.What is Miss Lia wearing?

a. She is wearing a skirt

b. She is wearing a pair of shorts c. She is wearing a long dress d. She is wearing a pair of trousers

18.Dewi : are they wearing hats?


Cia. : No, ….

a. They are not c. are they b. They are d. are not they

19.Is he wearing a long skirt?

a. Yes, he is b. Yes, he is not c. No, he is d. No, he is not

20.Below are the corrects statements, except ….

a. Mr. Rio is wearing a pair of shoes b. Lisa is wearing a pink skirt c. He is wearing a long dress d. Zahra is wearing a hijab

II. Uraian (Terjemahkanmenjadikalimat yang tepat) 1. Saya sakit tenggorokan


2. Mereka sakit perut karena makan makanan pedas ____________________________________

3. Maryam sakit gigi karena makan banyak permen ____________________________________

4. Apa yang sedang Maya pakai?


5. Kami sedang memakai seragam sekolah berwarna coklat ____________________________________


Vocabuaries (Kosa kata) Dentist : dokter gigi

A lot of : Banyak Think : Fikir Temprature : Suhu

High : Tinggi

Too much : Terlalu banyak Because : Karena

After : Setelah

Stay up late : Begadang


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