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Mauritius' Observer Status in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

Paidi Bohay

Academic year: 2024

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The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a regional intergovernmental organization established in December 1985, comprising eight member countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. SAARC's primary aim is to promote economic and regional integration, improve the quality of life for the peoples of South Asia, and strengthen collective self-reliance among its member states. The organization seeks to foster mutual understanding and cooperation across various fields, including economic, social, cultural, technical, and scientific domains, thereby contributing to mutual trust, good neighborliness, and the development of a peaceful and prosperous South Asia (Ahmed, 2018).

Mauritius attained observer status in SAARC in 2008, which allows it to participate in the organization’s meetings and activities without the right to vote. This status is significant for Mauritius as it aims to strengthen its ties with South Asia, enhance economic and cultural exchanges, and share its expertise in various fields. The observer status is not merely symbolic; it represents Mauritius' commitment to contributing to the regional cooperation and development initiatives promoted by SAARC. Mauritius sees this role as an opportunity to both contribute to and benefit from the collaborative efforts of the member states.

The purpose of this position paper is to outline Mauritius' stance on two key areas of cooperation within the SAARC framework: (1) human resource development and tourism, and (2) education, security, and culture. Mauritius aims to highlight its commitment to regional cooperation, showcase its contributions and aspirations, and propose initiatives that can strengthen the bonds between SAARC member states and observers. By addressing these areas, Mauritius seeks to promote mutual growth and sustainable development in the region.

Mauritius believes that human resource development and tourism are crucial for economic growth and social progress. Similarly, education, security, and culture are fundamental for fostering mutual understanding and regional solidarity. This position paper will delve into these topics, offering insights and proposals that reflect Mauritius’

experience and vision for a more integrated and prosperous South Asia.


B. Human Resource Development

Current State of Human Resource Development in SAARC

The human resource landscape in SAARC member countries is marked by both significant challenges and promising opportunities. With a combined population exceeding 1.8 billion, the region holds a vast potential workforce. However, a significant portion of this population lacks access to quality education and vocational training, which hampers their ability to contribute effectively to the economy. High rates of illiteracy, especially among women, inadequate vocational training infrastructure, and a mismatch between educational outputs and market demands are persistent issues (Bishwakarma, 2022). Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancement demands continuous upskilling and reskilling, which many educational systems in the region are not yet equipped to provide.

Despite these challenges, there are several opportunities for growth and development in human resources within SAARC. The region boasts a young demographic, with a substantial proportion of the population under the age of 30, presenting a significant advantage if effectively harnessed. There is a growing recognition among SAARC governments of the importance of investing in education and vocational training to drive economic growth and social development. Initiatives to enhance digital literacy, technical skills, and soft skills are being introduced across member states, aimed at improving employability and productivity. Moreover, regional cooperation and knowledge-sharing can play a pivotal role in addressing common challenges and leveraging collective strengths (Madhur, 2023).

The regional disparity in human resource development within SAARC countries also offers a unique opportunity for collaboration. Countries with advanced educational systems and vocational training programs can share their expertise and resources with those lagging. For example, India’s burgeoning IT sector and educational institutions can provide training and development models that can be replicated in other member states.

Similarly, Bangladesh’s successful microfinance initiatives and Sri Lanka’s high literacy rates can serve as models for regional best practices. By working together, SAARC countries can create a more balanced and robust human resource base, ultimately fostering regional economic stability and growth.

Mauritius' Contributions

Mauritius has made significant strides in human resource development, which it seeks to share with SAARC countries to enhance regional capabilities. The island nation has


implemented a variety of training programs and capacity-building initiatives aimed at improving the skills and employability of its workforce. For instance, the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) of Mauritius offers numerous training schemes tailored to meet the needs of different sectors, including ICT, tourism, and manufacturing.

These programs focus on both technical skills and soft skills, ensuring a well-rounded development of individuals. By sharing its experience in creating effective training programs, Mauritius can assist SAARC member states in developing their own human resource capacities (Ranasinghe, 2020).

In addition to training programs, Mauritius actively engages in exchange programs and scholarships to foster international collaboration and knowledge transfer. The Mauritian government, in collaboration with various international organizations, offers scholarships to students from SAARC countries, enabling them to pursue higher education in Mauritius. These exchange programs not only provide educational opportunities but also promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding among the youth of the region.

Through such initiatives, Mauritius aims to build a network of skilled professionals who can contribute to the economic and social development of their respective countries and the region as a whole.

Mauritius’ approach to human resource development also includes partnerships with international educational institutions and organizations. By leveraging these partnerships, Mauritius can offer advanced training and development programs that are aligned with global standards. These collaborative efforts ensure that the skills and knowledge imparted to the workforce are current and relevant in a rapidly changing global economy.

Mauritius' strategic location and its multicultural society make it an ideal hub for educational exchanges and professional training in the Indian Ocean region. By positioning itself as a center for excellence in human resource development, Mauritius aims to contribute significantly to the overall development of human resources within the SAARC region.

Strategic Recommendations

To further enhance human resource development within the SAARC framework, Mauritius proposes several strategic recommendations aimed at fostering joint projects and partnerships. Firstly, SAARC member countries can collaborate to establish regional centers of excellence focused on various sectors such as ICT, healthcare, and engineering.

These centers can provide specialized training and conduct research that addresses regional challenges and opportunities. By pooling resources and expertise, SAARC


countries can create high-impact programs that elevate the skills and capabilities of their workforces. Joint projects in areas like digital literacy, vocational training, and entrepreneurial development can be particularly beneficial in addressing the specific needs of the region (Rafiq, 2018).

Leveraging Mauritius' expertise in human resource development, SAARC countries can adopt and adapt successful models and practices. Mauritius' experience in integrating ICT in education and vocational training can serve as a blueprint for similar initiatives across the region. By organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences, Mauritius can share its knowledge and best practices with SAARC member states. Furthermore, Mauritius can offer consultancy services and technical assistance to help design and implement effective human resource development strategies. These collaborative efforts can lead to the creation of a skilled and adaptable workforce, capable of meeting the demands of the modern economy.

To ensure the sustainability and scalability of these initiatives, it is crucial to establish a robust framework for monitoring and evaluation. SAARC countries should adopt a data- driven approach to assess the impact of human resource development programs and identify areas for improvement. Regularly sharing data and insights among member states can facilitate continuous learning and adaptation of strategies. Additionally, securing funding from international donors and development agencies can provide the necessary financial support for large-scale projects. By fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency, and accountability, SAARC can create a conducive environment for the continuous development of human resources, ultimately driving regional prosperity and stability.

C. Tourism

Tourism in SAARC Countries

Tourism plays a vital role in the economies of SAARC member states, contributing significantly to GDP, job creation, and foreign exchange earnings. Countries like India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives have well-established tourism industries that attract millions of visitors each year. India’s rich cultural heritage, including iconic sites such as the Taj Mahal, attracts history enthusiasts, while the diverse landscapes of Nepal offer trekking and adventure sports that appeal to nature lovers. The pristine beaches of the Maldives and the vibrant festivals of Bangladesh also draw tourists from around the globe. As a whole, the tourism sector in SAARC is a major economic driver that fosters economic diversification and inclusive growth (Majee, 2018).


The region's diverse attractions cater to a wide range of tourism preferences. Key tourism trends in the SAARC region include cultural tourism, eco-tourism, and adventure tourism.

Cultural tourism thrives on the historical and architectural marvels found throughout the region, while eco-tourism benefits from the region’s rich biodiversity, encompassing the Himalayas, lush rainforests, and extensive coastlines. Adventure tourism, including trekking, mountaineering, and water sports, leverages the natural landscapes of countries like Nepal, Bhutan, and India. Moreover, wellness tourism is gaining popularity, with destinations offering traditional practices such as yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation, particularly in India and Sri Lanka.

Despite its potential, the tourism sector in SAARC faces several challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, political instability, and environmental concerns. Improving connectivity, both within and between SAARC countries, is essential for facilitating travel and tourism. Additionally, there is a need for sustainable tourism practices to ensure that the natural and cultural assets are preserved for future generations. By addressing these challenges through regional cooperation and strategic planning, SAARC countries can enhance their tourism sectors, making them more resilient and attractive to international tourists.

Role of Mauritius

Mauritius stands out as a success story in the tourism sector, having developed a robust and sustainable tourism industry that significantly contributes to its economy. The island nation is renowned for its luxury resorts, stunning beaches, and diverse cultural heritage, which attract tourists from around the world. Mauritius’ strategic marketing, investment in high-quality infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability have been key factors in its tourism success. The government’s proactive policies, including incentives for hotel development and the promotion of eco-friendly tourism practices, have created a thriving tourism ecosystem that balances economic benefits with environmental preservation.

Mauritius' best practices in tourism offer valuable lessons for SAARC countries. The emphasis on high-quality service, strong branding, and niche marketing has positioned Mauritius as a premier destination in the global tourism market. Mauritius has successfully diversified its tourism offerings beyond beach tourism to include cultural, medical, and adventure tourism. Initiatives such as promoting the island’s unique cultural festivals, historical sites, and natural parks have broadened its appeal. By showcasing its multi-faceted attractions and ensuring a superior visitor experience, Mauritius has


achieved a sustainable tourism model that can be emulated by SAARC nations (Baitha, 2022).

The potential for tourism collaboration between Mauritius and SAARC countries is significant. Mauritius can offer its expertise in tourism management, marketing, and sustainability to help SAARC member states enhance their tourism sectors. Collaborative efforts could include joint promotional campaigns, sharing of best practices, and development of tourism products that combine the unique attractions of each country. For instance, multi-destination travel packages that include Mauritius and SAARC countries can be developed to attract long-haul tourists seeking diverse experiences. By working together, Mauritius and SAARC nations can create a synergistic tourism network that boosts regional tourism and economic growth.

Strategic Recommendations

To maximize the potential of tourism in the SAARC region, the development of regional tourism circuits is a strategic initiative. These circuits can link complementary attractions across different countries, providing a seamless and enriched travel experience for tourists. For example, a cultural heritage circuit could connect the historical sites of India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, while an eco-tourism circuit could include the national parks and wildlife reserves of Bhutan, India, and Bangladesh. By creating these thematic circuits, SAARC countries can offer diverse and comprehensive travel itineraries that appeal to a broad range of tourists, thereby increasing visitor numbers and tourism revenues.

Joint marketing and promotional activities are essential to enhancing the visibility and attractiveness of the SAARC region as a unified tourism destination. SAARC countries can collaborate on international marketing campaigns, leveraging each country's unique attractions to create a compelling regional brand. Participating in global tourism fairs, launching joint promotional videos, and utilizing digital marketing strategies can significantly boost the region’s profile. Additionally, creating a unified SAARC tourism website that provides comprehensive information about travel itineraries, visa policies, and tourism services can facilitate travel planning for international tourists.

Furthermore, establishing regional tourism standards and certifications can ensure quality and consistency across the SAARC region. This includes developing guidelines for sustainable tourism practices, safety protocols, and service quality benchmarks. By adhering to these standards, SAARC countries can enhance the overall tourist experience, build trust with international travelers, and promote sustainable tourism development.

Leveraging Mauritius’ expertise in these areas can provide a strong foundation for these


initiatives. By implementing these strategic recommendations, SAARC countries can create a vibrant, sustainable, and integrated tourism industry that benefits the entire region.

D. Education

Educational Landscape in SAARC

The educational landscape in SAARC countries is diverse, reflecting varying levels of development and access to educational resources. While countries like Sri Lanka and Maldives boast high literacy rates and robust primary education systems, others such as Afghanistan and Nepal face significant challenges in providing universal access to quality education. Across the region, there is a strong emphasis on primary and secondary education, with ongoing efforts to expand access and improve quality. However, disparities in educational attainment, gender gaps, and inadequate infrastructure remain persistent issues that hinder the overall progress of the education sector (Sarangi, 2019).

Challenges in the SAARC education sector are multifaceted. These include insufficient funding, a shortage of qualified teachers, and outdated curricula that do not align with the demands of the modern workforce. Additionally, political instability and socioeconomic factors further exacerbate the difficulties in providing consistent and equitable education.

Despite these challenges, there are numerous opportunities for improvement and growth.

The burgeoning youth population presents a demographic advantage that, if properly educated, can drive economic growth and social development. Furthermore, advancements in technology offer innovative solutions for expanding educational access and enhancing learning outcomes.

Opportunities for advancing education in SAARC are abundant, particularly through regional collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Joint initiatives aimed at improving teacher training, developing modern curricula, and integrating technology in education can significantly elevate educational standards. Additionally, fostering partnerships between educational institutions across SAARC countries can facilitate the exchange of best practices and resources. By leveraging each other’s strengths and addressing common challenges collaboratively, SAARC countries can create a more cohesive and effective educational system that benefits all member states.

Mauritius' Contributions

Mauritius has made substantial contributions to the field of education, particularly through its educational exchange programs and partnerships. The island nation has established numerous exchange programs that allow students and educators from SAARC


countries to study and gain experience in Mauritius. These programs promote cultural exchange, enhance academic cooperation, and build lasting relationships between the participants. Mauritius’ commitment to international education is evident in its partnerships with universities and educational institutions around the world, facilitating joint research projects, faculty exchanges, and collaborative academic programs.

Mauritius’ strengths in higher education and research are notable and can serve as a model for SAARC countries. The country is home to several reputable universities and research institutions that offer high-quality education and cutting-edge research opportunities. Mauritius has developed strong capabilities in areas such as information technology, environmental science, and medical research. By sharing its expertise and resources, Mauritius can help other SAARC countries enhance their higher education systems and research capabilities. Collaborative research initiatives and academic partnerships can lead to significant advancements in knowledge and innovation within the region.

Furthermore, Mauritius’ approach to inclusive and equitable education provides valuable lessons for SAARC countries. The government of Mauritius has implemented policies aimed at ensuring access to education for all, regardless of socioeconomic background.

This includes free primary and secondary education, scholarships for higher education, and support for special education needs. By adopting similar policies and initiatives, SAARC countries can work towards achieving universal access to quality education.

Mauritius’ experience in fostering an inclusive educational environment underscores the importance of equitable access as a foundation for sustainable development.

Strategic Recommendations

To improve educational standards and access within the SAARC region, several strategic initiatives can be undertaken. Firstly, SAARC countries should invest in modernizing their educational infrastructure, including the development of digital learning platforms and the integration of technology in classrooms. This can enhance the quality of education and make learning more accessible, especially in remote and underserved areas.

Additionally, it is crucial to update curricula to align with global standards and market needs, ensuring that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required in the contemporary workforce. Collaborative efforts in curriculum development can help standardize education quality across the region.

Opportunities for collaborative research and innovation are vast and should be actively pursued. Establishing regional research hubs and centers of excellence can facilitate joint


research projects that address common challenges faced by SAARC countries, such as climate change, public health, and sustainable development. These hubs can also serve as platforms for knowledge exchange and capacity building, fostering a culture of innovation and scientific inquiry. Mauritius, with its strengths in research and higher education, can play a pivotal role in spearheading these initiatives, providing expertise and resources to support collaborative efforts.

Moreover, promoting academic mobility and exchanges among SAARC countries can significantly enhance educational outcomes. Scholarships, student exchange programs, and faculty mobility initiatives can foster greater understanding and cooperation among educational institutions in the region. These programs not only enrich the academic experience of participants but also build networks of professionals who can collaborate on regional development projects. By implementing these strategic recommendations, SAARC countries can create a more integrated and dynamic educational environment, driving progress and prosperity throughout the region.

E. Security

Security Concerns in the SAARC Region

The SAARC region faces a complex array of security challenges that impact both national stability and regional cooperation. Key security issues include terrorism, political instability, cross-border crime, and ethnic conflicts, which threaten the peace and stability of member states. Terrorist organizations and extremist groups operate in some SAARC countries, posing significant threats to public safety and socio-economic development.

Additionally, political tensions and territorial disputes have strained relations between certain member states, undermining efforts towards regional integration and collective security (Manoj, 2017).

The security environment in SAARC has profound implications for socio-economic development. Persistent security threats deter foreign investment, hinder trade and commerce, and disrupt social cohesion. In areas affected by conflict or instability, basic services such as education and healthcare suffer, exacerbating poverty and inequality.

Moreover, porous borders and weak law enforcement mechanisms contribute to transnational crime, including human trafficking, drug trafficking, and smuggling, which further destabilize the region. Addressing these security challenges requires comprehensive strategies that prioritize cooperation, dialogue, and collective action among SAARC member states.

Role of Mauritius


Mauritius plays a constructive role in enhancing regional peacekeeping and security efforts within the SAARC framework. Despite being geographically distant from mainland South Asia, Mauritius has actively contributed to peacekeeping missions under the United Nations (UN), demonstrating its commitment to global and regional security.

Mauritius has deployed troops and police personnel to conflict zones, providing valuable support in maintaining peace and stability. This participation reflects Mauritius’

adherence to international norms and its willingness to contribute to collective security initiatives aimed at promoting peace in the SAARC region and beyond (Sarangi, 2019).

In addition to its contributions to traditional peacekeeping operations, Mauritius possesses expertise in maritime security and anti-piracy initiatives. As an island nation with an extensive Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Mauritius has developed robust maritime surveillance capabilities and maritime law enforcement strategies. The country actively participates in regional forums and initiatives aimed at combating piracy, illegal fishing, and other maritime crimes in the Indian Ocean region. Mauritius’ experience in maritime security can serve as a valuable resource for SAARC countries seeking to enhance their maritime domain awareness and strengthen maritime security frameworks.

Strategic Recommendations

Strengthening regional security cooperation is imperative for addressing the diverse security challenges faced by SAARC countries. Firstly, SAARC member states should prioritize dialogue and confidence-building measures to mitigate political tensions and resolve bilateral disputes peacefully. Confidence-building measures can include regular diplomatic dialogues, joint military exercises, and cultural exchanges aimed at fostering mutual trust and understanding. By promoting a culture of cooperation and collaboration, SAARC countries can reduce the risk of conflict and promote regional stability.

Collaborative efforts are essential for addressing non-traditional security threats that transcend national borders. These threats include climate change, natural disasters, pandemics, and cybercrime, which have significant implications for regional security and stability. SAARC countries should develop joint strategies and mechanisms to address these challenges, including sharing information, resources, and best practices. For instance, establishing a regional early warning system for natural disasters can enhance preparedness and response capabilities across the region. Likewise, cooperation in cybersecurity and information sharing can strengthen resilience against cyber threats that pose risks to national and regional security.


Furthermore, enhancing maritime security cooperation is crucial given the strategic importance of maritime trade routes and resources in the Indian Ocean region. SAARC countries should collaborate on maritime domain awareness initiatives, joint patrols, and capacity-building programs to combat maritime threats effectively. Mauritius, with its experience in maritime security, can play a pivotal role in facilitating these initiatives and sharing expertise with other SAARC member states. By promoting inclusive and comprehensive security frameworks, SAARC countries can create a secure and stable environment conducive to sustainable development and prosperity.

F. Culture

Cultural Diversity in SAARC

The SAARC region is renowned for its rich cultural diversity, encompassing a mosaic of traditions, languages, religions, and artistic expressions. Each member state contributes unique cultural heritage that reflects its historical, social, and geographical context. From the ancient civilizations of the Indian subcontinent to the vibrant folk traditions of Nepal and Bhutan, the SAARC region boasts a wealth of intangible cultural heritage. Cultural practices such as music, dance, cuisine, festivals, and craftsmanship are integral to the identity and social fabric of communities across SAARC countries.

Cultural exchange within SAARC is crucial for fostering mutual understanding, preserving heritage, and promoting regional cohesion. Cultural diplomacy serves as a bridge that connects people across borders, facilitating dialogue and cooperation beyond political and economic realms. Through cultural exchange, SAARC member states can celebrate their shared heritage while appreciating and respecting their differences. This intercultural dialogue not only strengthens bonds among member states but also enhances the region's global cultural footprint, attracting tourists and promoting cultural tourism.

Mauritius' Contributions

Mauritius plays an active role in promoting cultural exchange and preserving cultural heritage within the SAARC framework. The island nation’s multicultural society is a testament to its commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Mauritius hosts various cultural exchange programs that bring together artists, performers, and cultural practitioners from SAARC countries to showcase their traditions and collaborate on artistic projects. These programs promote intercultural dialogue and deepen mutual respect among participants, fostering a sense of unity amidst diversity (Rafiq, 2019).

Furthermore, Mauritius has successfully preserved and promoted its own cultural heritage, which includes a blend of African, Indian, Chinese, and European influences.


The island’s vibrant music, dance, cuisine, and religious festivals reflect its multicultural identity and historical evolution. Mauritius has implemented initiatives to safeguard its intangible cultural heritage, including traditional music, storytelling, and craftsmanship.

Through education, cultural events, and heritage tourism, Mauritius ensures that future generations inherit and appreciate their cultural legacy.

Strategic Recommendations

To enhance cultural cooperation within SAARC, several strategic initiatives can be pursued. Firstly, SAARC member states should establish a structured framework for cultural exchange programs that facilitate the mobility of artists, cultural practitioners, and scholars across borders. These programs can include artist residencies, workshops, and joint productions that promote cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. By supporting creative endeavors and cultural entrepreneurship, SAARC countries can harness the power of culture as a catalyst for social cohesion and sustainable development.

Proposals for joint cultural festivals and events can further strengthen cultural ties and promote regional identity. SAARC countries can organize annual cultural festivals that rotate among member states, showcasing their diverse traditions, arts, and cuisines. These festivals can attract international audiences, promote cultural tourism, and stimulate economic growth in host communities. Collaborative cultural events such as film festivals, art exhibitions, and literary exchanges can also serve as platforms for sharing ideas, fostering creativity, and preserving intangible cultural heritage.

Moreover, leveraging digital platforms and technologies can amplify the impact of cultural initiatives across SAARC countries. Virtual museums, online archives, and digital storytelling projects can facilitate access to cultural heritage resources and promote cultural literacy among diverse audiences. By embracing digital innovation, SAARC countries can reach broader audiences, including youth, and promote cross-cultural dialogue in the digital age.

In conclusion, cultural cooperation within SAARC is not only a means of celebrating diversity but also a pathway to fostering mutual respect, promoting peace, and achieving sustainable development goals. By investing in cultural exchange, preserving heritage, and promoting collaborative cultural initiatives, SAARC member states can unlock the full potential of their cultural diversity, enriching the lives of their citizens and enhancing the region's global cultural influence.

G. Conclusion


Summary of Key Points

Throughout this position statement, Mauritius, as an observer of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), has demonstrated its potential contributions across various sectors critical to regional development. In human resource development, Mauritius offers expertise in training programs and capacity-building initiatives that can enhance the skills and employability of SAARC member states' workforces. In tourism, Mauritius exemplifies success in promoting sustainable tourism practices and can collaborate with SAARC countries to develop regional tourism circuits and joint marketing strategies. In education, Mauritius facilitates educational exchange programs and shares its strengths in higher education and research, promoting academic collaboration and enhancing educational standards across the region. Regarding security, Mauritius contributes to regional peacekeeping efforts and offers expertise in maritime security, crucial for safeguarding maritime domains within SAARC. Lastly, in culture, Mauritius promotes cultural exchange and preservation, showcasing its multicultural heritage and advocating for collaborative cultural initiatives among SAARC countries.

Collaborative efforts among SAARC member states and observers like Mauritius are essential for addressing common challenges and harnessing collective strengths in human resource development, tourism, education, security, and culture. By pooling resources, sharing best practices, and fostering regional cooperation, SAARC countries can amplify their impact and achieve sustainable development goals more effectively.

Emphasizing these areas not only strengthens regional integration but also promotes socio-economic prosperity and stability across South Asia.

Call to Action

As Mauritius continues to engage actively as an observer in SAARC, there is a compelling call to action for member states to deepen their collaboration with Mauritius.

Leveraging Mauritius' expertise and experience can accelerate progress towards shared goals of economic growth, social development, and regional integration. SAARC member states are encouraged to explore partnerships with Mauritius in priority areas such as enhancing human capital through joint training programs, developing sustainable tourism initiatives, improving educational standards, strengthening regional security cooperation, and promoting cultural exchange.

Strengthened regional cooperation within SAARC not only enhances resilience against shared challenges but also unlocks new opportunities for innovation and inclusive growth. By working together, SAARC member states and observers like Mauritius can


build a more interconnected and prosperous South Asia, where each country's strengths contribute to a vibrant and sustainable future for the entire region.

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