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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh



Eka Diana1; Siti Wardatus Sholehah2

1,2 Universitas Nurul Jadid, East Java, Indonesia

2 Contributor: wardahe09@gmail.com

Received: March 2022 Accepted: May 2022 Published: May 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33650.pjp.v9i1.3446

Abstract : This article describes parenting through the STIFIn method in building the confidence of students in the Al-Mawaddah area of the Pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton. Self- confidence in this case is more about the students' belief in their ability to deal with something. This is certainly very influential on the development of its potential in the future. This research uses a qualitative case study approach. Sources of data in this study obtained through observation and interviews. Sampling of informants used purposive sampling technique which was then determined to number five of them were administrators as well as guardians of Al-Mawaddah Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid.

This study obtained the results that the application of the STIFIn method in building self-confidence in students through several stages, namely; 1) Genetic potential test; 2) Classification of the relationship between foster guardians and foster children; and 3) Determining Potential Genetic-Based Parenting Patterns.

Keywords : Parenting; Self Affection; STIFIn Intelligence Machine.

Abstrak : Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pola pengasuhan melalui metode STIFIn dalam membangun kepercayaan diri santri di wilayah Al-Mawaddah Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton. Kepercayaan diri dalam hal ini lebih kepada keyakinan santri terhadap kemampuannya dalam menghadapi sesuatu. Hal ini tentu sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan potensinya di masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Pengambilan sample informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang kemudian ditetapkan berjumlah lima orang diantaranya merupakan pengurus sekaligus sebagai wali asuh Al-Mawaddah Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid. Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil bahwasannya penerapan metode STIFIn dalam membangun keyakinan diri pada santri melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu; 1) Genetic potensial test; 2) Klasifikasi hubungan antara wali asuh dan anak asuh; dan 3) Menetapkan Pola Kepengasuhan Berbasis Genetik Potensial.

Kata Kunci : Kepengasuhan; Afeksi Diri; Mesin Kecerdasan STIFIn.


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Self-efficacy is understood as an individual's belief to motivate himself in carrying out specific tasks consisting of self-efficacy considerations and information technology self- confidence. A person's efficacy greatly determines how much effort is expended and how much the individual persists in the face of obstacles and painful experiences. (Mukti &

Tentama, 2019) The stronger the perception of self-efficacy, the more active and persistent the efforts. When faced with difficulties, individuals who have great doubts about their abilities will reduce their efforts or give up altogether. Meanwhile, those with strong feelings of efficacy use greater effort to overcome challenges. In other words, human effort to achieve something and to realize a positive self-existence requires an optimistic sense of personal efficacy. ( Manshur, 2020) This is because social realities are usually fraught with difficulties so that one must have a strong sense of personal superiority to maintain a steadfast effort in the face of adversity and obstacles, so this is where the role of self-confidence is taken into account. Weak perception of efficacy is an internal barrier to progress and hinders the ability to overcome external barriers effectively. (Tanjung et al., 2020) Low self-efficacy can hinder efforts even though individuals have skills and cause easily discouraged. Individuals may know that their actions will produce certain results, but are not sure of their ability to perform these actions.

A person's psychological development will be influenced by the environment and what has been obtained in his daily life. A person will get an increase in himself when there are factors that believe in him. Self-efficacy or self-confidence is a foundation that is basically owned by every individual. Self-efficacy is also related to the belief that one has the ability to do good deeds. (Maimunah, 2020) Self-confidence is defined as a positive attitude that enables a person to develop a positive assessment of oneself, the environment, and the situation at hand, and it is the role of parents that is needed to help children grow their self- confidence.

The role of parents is very influential in the education and upbringing of children.

(Kusdi, 2019) As is the case in education today, there are many children who do have innate talents or abilities (potential) from birth who lack support from the home and school environment. (Hasanah, 2018) One of the error factors that occurs is the lack of understanding, that every human being has a different brain and personality performance system, so it requires different handling according to the performance of each brain in the learning process. With today's modern developments, there have been many learning methods combined with various creations to develop students' potential. (Di Perri et al., 1996).

With a variety of santri characters, of course, there will be various parenting patterns that must be applied by pesantren for the psychological development and potential of students. Pesantren makes several students to help pesantren as administrators who guide students in forming a better character. One of the pesantren in Probolinggo, the pesantren


Nurul Jadid, especially the Al-Mawaddah Paiton Probolinggo area, has now become one of the places where the learning and parenting process uses a method based on the STIFIn concept which is associated with the brain working system or what is said to be a human intelligence machine. This learning and guardianship is based on the intelligence of each child who is different. It is very important for students to know the potential that exists in themselves to optimize their abilities. The STIFIn concept in this case is called simple because it is multi-angel theory. This means that STIFIn can be used to explain theories of intelligence and personality from various other disciplines, such as the concept of the left brain and right brain (Roger W. Sperry) or the division of the neocortex as the upper brain and the limbic as the lower brain (Paul Broca) or the division of the 6 Hexagonal Holland (John Holland) as well as DISC concepts (John Geier and Thomas International) or even the old theories of Hippocrates and Galenus can easily be dissected using the STIFIn method.

This test was formulated by Farid Poniman who scientifically relies on psychological analysis pioneered by Carl Gustav Jung, which was compiled with the theory of The Whole Brain Concept of Ned Herrmann and the theory of Tiune Brain. (Rafianti & Pujiastuti, 2017) The STIFIn concept was developed based on collaborative theories from experts, by compiling various theories of psychology, neuroscience, and HR. The test is carried out by scanning ten fingertips with a fingerprint tool. Fingerprints become a tool of information about the composition of the nervous system which is then analyzed and connected to the dominant hemisphere of the brain which acts as an operating system as well as a type of intelligence. According to Poniman, there are three theories that form the basis for the STIFIn concept, namely; 1) Basic function theory from a Swiss pioneer of analytical psychology named Carl Gustav Jung who said that there are four basic human functions, namely the sensing function (Sensing), the thinking function (Thinking). , the function of feeling (Feeling), and the function of intuition (Intuition). Of the four basic functions, only one of them is dominant; 2) Brain Hemisphere theory from a neuroscientist Ned Hermann which divides the brain into four quadrants namely left and right limbic, and left and right cerebral; 3) Triune brain strata theory (three heads fused) from another neuroscientist who;

and 4) American, Paul MacLean who divides the human brain based on the results of its evolution: the human brain, mammals, and reptiles.

Furthermore, from knowing the five characters above, it is revealed to be a parenting pattern in mapping the learning system for students, namely; 1) sensing, the type of child who is raised with pressing and conditional sentences, to achieve this student achievement is emphasized or targeted, and given a prize after success; 2) thinking, this type of thinking child will be enthusiastic in learning when the advice given to him uses logical and reasonable sentences; 3) intuitive, which is comfortable if the advice given to him uses inspirational sentences, namely those that contain wisdom and future nuances; 4) feeling, will be conditioned well if you are gentle, while being stroked on the shoulder; and 5)


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instinct, this type of child likes to be advised in short sentences, spontaneously, and is channeled in various activities.

In research conducted by Sari et al., (2021) explained that there is a correlation between parenting and the ability of children's self-control. In other words, it is stated that the child's behavior is influenced by the parent's treatment of him. Research result (Muslim et al., 2021)also shows that parenting styles based on high positive affection and acceptance, not being ignored, not being attacked and not being rejected, have a positive effect on children's social behavior and children's emotional intelligence. (Kamar et al., 2020)


This research uses qualitative research method of case study type. This research focuses on the pattern of parenting of students in the Al-Mawaddah pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton in building self-efficacy through the STIFIn intelligence machine. Observations and interviews are a way for researchers to obtain data. The researcher determined the research focus on January 10, 2022, then before going down to the location explained the problem in the research and continued until the research report. The various data obtained by the researcher were then systematically narrated, then reduced, adjusted to the needs of the research so as to make it easier for researchers to draw conclusions. To obtain valid and accountable data, the researchers conducted interviews with several informants using purposive sampling technique. Researchers provide a structured explanation, as well as facts in the field, which can also be measured regarding the existing conditions at the research location, both in the form of the object being studied as well as facts related to these conditions and to draw conclusions late. (Nana & Elin, 2018) This research is expected to be able to fully and comprehensively describe the parenting pattern with the STIFIn intelligence machine as an effort to build the self-efficacy of Al-Mawaddah students at the pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton. Data analysis was carried out with reference to the concept of Milles & Huberman (2014) namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions.


The results of research on parenting self-efficacy based on STIFIn as intelligence machine learning were carried out in several stages based on the use of the STIFIn method.

Based on the results of the study, it was found that the parenting process in growing STIFIn- based self-efficacy in learning at the pesantren Nurul Jadid was carried out by:

1. Genetic Potensial Test

Before being grouped with each foster guardian, students are required to do the STIFIn test by scanning ten fingers from the thumb to the little finger using a finger print, this scanning is done to map which brain is more dominant to find the character and parenting pattern of the students, whether tend to the intelligence of Sensing, Thinking,


Intuiting, Feeling, and or Instinctive. (Ayu, 2021) In about 1-2 minutes the scanning results will display the results of the test, and the mentor will explain the intelligence machine owned by the student about how the brain's operating system is owned, the role that matches his personality, characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, targets, ways of learning, etc. (Alindra, 2018) With this, students and foster caretakers can maximize the role of the brain and combine it with environmental influences so that they find techniques and ways to raise children with their respective intelligences. This is as stated by Rifqiya Afifatin Nasihah as the head of the region and one of the foster guardians in the Al-Mawaddah area of the pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton in his interview as follows:

"In the initial stage, before dividing the guardians and foster children, a genetic test was carried out using the finger scan method. So these ten fingers are scanned using a finger print with the aim of finding or reading the dominant brain. Are you dominant in sensing, thinking, intuition, feeling or instinct?”

From this explanation, it can be understood that before determining the foster guardian and foster children, genetic tests were first carried out to find out which administrators and students in the Al-Mawaddah area of the pesantren Nurul Jadid were more dominant in which brain. There are two things that the STIFIn test will produce, namely, where the dominant hemisphere of the brain will later function as an intelligence machine, (Alindra, 2018) and the dominant layer of the brain that functions as the control of the intelligence machine, and is grouped into 9 types of intelligence machines, namely:

Table 1: Types of Intelligence Machines Based on the Functions of the Layers of the Human Brain

No Types Definition Recommendation

1. Sensing

intertrovert (Si) The intelligence engine controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the lower hemisphere on the left (left limbic) and the intelligence steering is in the left white limbic layer. Si's specialty is Persistent, Detaled, Recorder, Discipline, Careful, Spirited, Encycloped, Workaholic, Timefu, Indifferent.

Directions for education or career in Finance, Language, Transportation, Commerce, Entertainment, Economics, Athletes, Soldiers, Historians, Bankruptcy, Doctors, Land, Journalists, Administration, Librarians, security, photographers, presenters, cameramen, and field workers.

2 Sensing

ektrovert (Se) The intelligence engine controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the lower hemisphere on the left (left limbic) and the intelligence steering is in the gray limbic layer, Se's specialty is adventurous, playful,

Educational or career direction in economics, sports, military, hospitality, history, linguist, financier, merchant, entertainer, banker, defense, doctor, journalist, pilot, salesman, plantation, agriculture,


87 Parenting Self-Efficacy Based on Stifin As Intellegence ....

demonstrative, generous, repetitive, tune in order. , show offs, inoffensive, endurance, experience

administration, secretary, operator, factory worker, security, and field workers in various fields.

3 Thinking

introvert (Ti) The Intelligence Machine controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the upper hemisphere on the left (left brain) and the intelligence steering is in the inner white layer. Ti's specialty is expert, on time, scheduled, independent, focus, through, mechanistic, prudent, responsible, scheme.

research and technology.

Educational or career direction in the main fields of information, technology, mining, construction, health, garment and preferred career direction; Managers, manufacturers, businesses, property, livestock, research, petroleum, programmers, doctors, pharmacists, physicists, engineers, lecturers or teachers, bureaucrats, strategists, football coaches, policy

makers, engineers,

developers, management consultants for athletes.

4 Thinking

ekstrovert (Te) Intelligence machines controlled by the brain's operating system are located in the upper hemisphere of the brain on the left (left brain) and the steering of intelligence is in the outer gray layer. Te characteristics are thoughtful, analytical, competitive, reserved, planner, positive, argumentative, forceful, formal, justice.

The direction of education or career in the main fields of government management, manufacturing, property, animal husbandry. Preferred career direction; IT research and technology, business, mining, construction specialist, healthcare business, garmer, researcher, manufacturer, petroleum, programmer, doctor, pharmacist, economy, manager, lecturer or teacher, property, engineer, physicist, chemist, management consultant, technocrat, bureaucrat, taxes, producers, quality control, auditors, strategists, systems analysts, engineers, developers, athletes.

5 Intuting

introvert (Ii) The Intelligence Machine which is controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the upper right hemisphere of the brain (right brain) and the intelligence steering is in the inner white layer. The peculiarities possessed by Ii are;

learner, assertive, perfectionist,

Main educational or career direction, marketing or advertising, lifestyle, fashion, aviation, agroforesty.

Preferred career direction in

the field of

entrepreneur/investor, business, education or training, literary writer,


scholar, hard to please, proud, optimistic, deep, insistent, capable selling.

cenematrographer, detective, artist, entrepreneur, pure science researcher, physicist, quantum, songwriter, reengineering, projection, fortune teller, business, stock

player, investor

philosophers, learning experts or modules, event organizers, producers, architects, directors, designers, abstract painters, magicians, fortune-tellers, and competition coaches psychic healers, stockbrokers, and athletes.

6 Intuiting

ektrovert (Ie), The Intelligence Machine controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the upper right hemisphere of the brain, (right brain) and the intelligence steering is in the outer gray layer.

The main educational or career directions of type II are; entrepreneurship, investment, education or training, literature, cinematography, espionage or policing. Preferred career field, advertising agency, lifestly fashion, aviation business, agro-forenstry business, artist, entrepreneur, pure science researcher,

quantum physicist,

songwriter, reengineering, projection, business forecaster, stock player, investor, philosopher, learning expert/module, Even Organizer, producer, director, abstract painter, healer, fortune teller, stockbroker.

7 Feeling

Introvert (Fi), The intelligence engine controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the lower hemisphere on the right (right limbic) and the intelligence steering is in the inner white limbic layer, the peculiarity of Fi is idealistic, leader, kindful, reflective, convincing, promoter, diplomatic, friendship appleal.

The main direction of study or career choice is; politics, government, law, artists.

Career direction of choice, psychologist,

communication, diplomat, publicist, promoter, investor, statesman, trainer or public speaker, state administration, artist, humanist, IR, salesmen, inspirational, motivator, psychiatrist,


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counselor, ideologue, personnel, activist, marathon athlete .

8 Feeling

ektrovert (Fe) The intelligence engine controlled by the brain's operating system is located in the lower hemisphere on the right (right limbic) and the intelligence steering is in the outer gray layer.

The peculiarities of Fe are empathetic, tolerant, communicative, listener, sympathetic, persuasive, affectionate, enable, considerate, guiding.

The main direction of study or career choice is;


communications, diplomacy, public relations or promotion. Career direction of choice, politician, executive, lawyer, artist, investor, statesman, trainer/public speaker, state administration, artist, humanist, international relations, salesmen, inspiration, motivator, psychiatrist, counselor, ideologue, personnel, bureaucrat, activist, athlete marator

9 Instinct (In) The intelligence engine is unique and distinctive compared to the 8 previous intelligence engines, because it stands alone and does not have steering from within or from within, because this intelligence engine is in the middle (midbrain). The specialty of In is balanced, compromising, peaceful, resourceful, simple, forgiving, occupied, flowing, smooth, intermediary.

The direction of the main study or career choice,

namely; Music or

Performance, Services, Culinary, Religion or culture or Chairity. The direction of the chosen career field, namely; racer, entertainer, clergyman, activist, music, chef, journalist, activist, general knowledge, Ce performance, spirituality, bureaucrat, community service, mediator, right hand for all positions, versatile center, versatile athlete.

Another thing that is interesting in the STIFIn concept is the relationship between intelligences, which is described by a pentagonal relationship which is in accordance with the STIFIn circulation theory as below:


Figure 1: STIFIn Circulation Theory (Poniman & Hadiyat, 2015)

The five intelligence machines form a pentagon chain, as a mutually supportive circulation. (Albadri et al., 2021) The diligent S type supports a systematic T type, the directed T type supports the flowing In type, the responsive In type supports the idea-rich type I, the conceptual I type supports the visionary F type, the F type who is good at giving encouragement supports the type S tough. In addition to mutually supportive relationships, the five intelligence machines can also form mutually conquering relationships.

(Widyadharma et al., 2020) The stamina S type beats the bearable In type, the responsive In type beats the talkative F type, the empathetic F type beats the distant formal T type, the directional T type beats the I who has too many alternatives, the creative type I defeat the copycat S type. By knowing mutually supportive relationships and mutually defeating relationships can make a map of the ideal social relationship or not.

This genetic test then becomes something that has an influence on the grouping of foster caretakers. Thus, the selection of the right foster guardian according to the suggested genetic type will be able to facilitate foster guardians in helping students build their self- efficacy.

2. Classification of The Relationship Between Foster Care And Foster Children

After conducting a potential genetic test, students will be classified to each STIFIn- based foster guardian. The purpose of this classification is to determine the parent leader and the relationship between the two, so that it will be easier for foster guardians to know how the upbringing of students who are their foster children and can equalize the frequency with the difference in intelligence machines based on STIFIn between foster guardians and students. This was conveyed by Rafika Laura Noviana as the guardian and coordinator of education and cadre in her interview as follows:

"By knowing the dominant brain through the genetic finger print test beforehand, both the students and the administrators will affect the structure of the guardians and foster children. I mean, by knowing this, you can know if this student is compatible with what kind of guardian, Miss.”

From this explanation, it can be understood that the genetic test aims to classify foster guardians and foster children based on the matching of the test results. In STIFIn there is the term parent leader, the term parent leader is the most influential person in the family, parent leader is usually given to father and mother, because of the status of students, the


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roles of father and mother are replaced as foster guardians who take care of students while in pesantren. The task of the parent leader is to direct the students to build their potential, build a team by holding sharing and evaluation, and make strategic decisions according to the student's intelligence engine.

Each foster guardian will follow the monitoring of the STIFIn-based parenting pattern so that when in the field the foster guardian can understand and provide the best service for students. Each student has a different way of learning and communication, for that foster guardians are expected to be able to understand the characteristics of each student who is their foster child. From the explanation, it can be understood that the management appointed as foster guardian will be provided with facilities in the form of mentoring before facing or carrying out their duties as foster guardian. This is so that the services provided to foster children can be maximized. (Widyadharma et al., 2020) The description of foster care services to foster children in accordance with their intelligence machines in the Al-Mawaddah area as conveyed by several foster guardians including foster guardians who have sensing foster children will communicate by doing the following things so that sensing students can understand and can digest well, namely giving a clear theme about what is being discussed together, providing real examples or it could be with real experience, and providing information in a coherent manner. This was conveyed by Faizatul Aliyah as the guardian and coordinator of the infrastructure facilities in his interview as follows:

"Um, for foster children with sensing intelligence, usually the communication with us provides concrete, real explanations, continues systematically sequentially, and continues to provide examples. Because foster children with sensing intelligence prioritize their five senses in processing information, so it must be very clear when talking to sensing children."

From the explanation, it can be understood that in dealing with sensing type foster children by providing clear and detailed information, this is because foster children with sensing intelligence type play their five senses very well. The way of thinking of the sensing type is by using the five senses, by seeing, hearing, feeling, touching and smelling, although other intelligence machines also have this way of thinking, but the sensing type is used more often, therefore the sensing type is more concrete in getting or say something. Because it is more dominant to use sight, the way to learn sensing is by seeing and imitating so that sensing will understand better and understand what to do. (Ayu, 2021) The calibration of the sensing type is by sweating and playing, the love language of the sensing type is a gift, he will give his best when he is rewarded with a gift. The internal preparation carried out by the sensing type to make learning easier is by physical warming up. External preparation for sensing children by facilitating the tools they need such as books, writing instruments, and study desks, because when there is only one facility that is not available, it will affect the concentration of learning.


Furthermore, the Thinking intelligence machine, some communication tips for foster caretakers that must be known when having thinking students are to use the word "think".

From this explanation, it can be understood that communicating with a thinking child should not be too rhyming, logical, consider cause and effect when he does something, give rules for consequences when he violates the rules, don't ask the thinking child what he is feeling, but ask what he is feeling. think, ignorant thinking tends not to like repetition of words in speaking. The learning pattern of the thinking type is by thinking and dominantly using logic and analyzing. (Alindra, 2018) The calibration that the thinking child needs is back to nature (back to nature), inviting him to see the green scenery in the park is already one of the calibration types of thinking children. The love language of the thinking type is to provide the best service. The internal preparation needed by the thinking type is to focus his mind by focusing on what is the goal of learning and putting aside things that make his mind burden, external preparation for the thinking type, namely information support tools such as books and internet media that are in accordance with the theme being studied.

An intuitive intelligence machine, an effective way of communicating with the intuitive type is by using the word "imagine. From the explanation, it can be understood that foster guardians who have intuitive students need to communicate by providing a big picture (main concept) that is not too detailed, intuition has the same nature as thinking, which is cold, and indifferent. Talk using the possibilities that will occur because intuition will think alternatively, support their imagination, and don't burden them with details because intuition will do the outline they understand. The intuitive way of thinking using intuition is by thinking about the future. Intuiting calibration is sleeping and watching movies, intuitive love language is words. Internal and external preparation of the intuitive intelligence machine is an internal factor, by presenting something unique, different and challenging so that it will bring up their desire to learn, external preparation, intuitive children who have a lot of ideas need media to describe their ideas, then external preparation by providing exploration media such as drawing books, paints, and blackboards.

The feeling intelligence machine, for foster guardians who have students feeling the effective way is by using the keyword "feel love" because feeling tends to feel (carried by feelings), this is can be understood that what needs to be known in communicating with the feeling type is to tell him that we agree with him, appreciate the effort, recognize his feelings, communicate about the care of the foster caretaker for feelings, smile and maintain eye contact. The learning pattern that feeling has is to use his feelings (feel). The calibration of the feeling type is telling stories or chatting, the love language of feeling is touch, the foster guardian can use this love language by holding his hand or giving a hug so that the feeling type feels that he is being given enough love by his foster guardian. Internal preparation of feeling intelligence machine by building a good mood, feeling before studying make sure


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that his mood is fine, external factors of feeling type are other people, such as teachers, and people who are considered important to him.

Instinct intelligence machine, an effective communication method from instinct intelligence machine using the keyword "please. From this explanation, it can be understood that there are several ways of effective communication between foster guardians who have instinctive students, to the point, choose easy language and discussion, make the discussion as simple and simple as possible, avoid long-winded conversations, complete sentences conveyed to instinctive children so that they do not miscommunicate and make him confused and angry, respond to the conversation the way he wants. The instinctive way of thinking is more dominant using instinct, the instinctive way of thinking is different from other intelligence machines, if others start from details to general conclusions, instinct starts with general conclusions and then details them. (Albadri et al., 2021) Instinct calibration is to do impromptu friendships without a schedule, in order to increase the friendship they have, because instinct types tend to have lots of access (friends), instinct type love language is to provide peace. Internal preparation for this type of instinct, make sure that his mind, heart and behavior are in a stable state, foster guardians can accompany him so he can adjust himself, external preparation of instincts is with a support system in the form of a conducive learning atmosphere.

From these data, it can be understood that self-efficacy is important in every individual, and genetic factors have an influence in building student self-efficacy. This is in the Al-Mawaddah area optimized through the STIFIn method which tries to read individuals through the intelligence that is reflected in their brains through fingerprints.

(Angelia & Astiti, 2020) For the classification of foster guardians and students in the al mawaddah area using a combination of parent leader and santri relationships, but the exception for foster children conquering foster guardians is less used, because not all foster guardians are ready to be given this position, if the position of conquering is in foster children, Fostering guardians need more effort to direct students, therefore the classification of foster guardians is made to make it easier to increase potential. Successful parenting is based on a combination of parent-leader and child relationships, the relationship that occurs is to multiply potential, provide paths, direct, and facilitate. The classification of foster guardians and foster children in the Al-Mawaddah Pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton area is as follows:

Table 3: Classification of the Relationship between Parent Leader and Santri Al- Mawaddah

No Foster Guardian Foster child

1 Sensing Sensing, thinking, feeling, insting 2 Thinking Sensing, thinking, intuiting, insting 3 Intuiting Sensing, intuiting, feeling, insting 4 Feeling Sensing, thinking, intuiting, feeling 5 Insting Thinking, intuiting, feeling, insting The classification of parent-leader and children is as follows:


Table 4: Exceptions to Classification of Parent Leaders and Children No Parent

Leader Children Reason

1 Sensing Intuiting The intuiting child chemistry conquers the sensing parent leader, in certain circumstances the sensing parent leader is less able to follow the intuiting child's dynamics which is too high. For this reason, the role of the parent leader in sensing the intuitive child is to provide comfort for both of them.

2 Thinking Feeling Parent leader thinking tends to be logical and systematic, while feeling children are children who are more relaxed in thinking, and like work that is fun and relaxed. Parent leader thinking tends to be weak when it comes to dealing with feeling children. Thus, the most suitable successful action taken by the parent leader is to finance everything that is needed by the child.

3 Insting Sensing Parent leader instincts are conquered by sensing children who have high stamina. The most appropriate thing for a parent leader to do is to channel the child's stamina in sensing, the way is by making him carry out many roles that are designed so that it is in line with the role that the child wants to achieve.

4 Intuiting Thingking Intuitive parent leaders tend to be dynamic, have lots of choices and are happy with freedom. This makes it lack of direction for strong thinking children with a stand in the direction of their goals. Intuitive parent leaders tend to be weak in giving strict rules to thinking children. The dynamics of the intuitive parent leader are sometimes inconsistent, which makes the intuitive parent leader appear weak in front of the thinking child who has a strong stance. However, his strong stance makes children with Thinking intelligence engines tend to focus so that they become less flexible, so parenting leaders intuiting are to provide children with various alternatives, so that children can develop.

5 Feeling Insting Parent leader feeling tends to talk more than work, this will often be a source of conflict because instinctive children tend to like things that are quick to act. Instinctive children also want to be responded to quickly, if the parent leader feeling doesn't understand the instinctive child's style, there will likely be a lot of conflict. So, the role of the parent leader to instinctive children is to involve children in various processes towards child success.

3. Potential Genetic-Based Parenting

A foster parent (parent leader), must be able to understand about how the intelligence machine owned by his foster children, such as how to direct foster children in their own way. This potential genetic-based parenting pattern will help foster guardians in directing and realizing their dreams with the potential of students based on a combination of relationships. For this reason, this genetic-based parenting pattern in the Al-Mawaddah


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area of the pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton is divided into 20 types of patterns. It can be understood that in assisting students in building their self-affection, a foster guardian must first understand and understand the pattern of what is going on between them. For this reason, 20 types of parenting patterns were classified in the Al-Mawaddah area of the pesantren Nurul Jadid.


Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that self-efficacy is a belief in an individual to be able to do something. It is closely related to motivation, as well as support from others. For this reason, the Al-Mawaddah area of the pesantren Nurul Jadid seeks the development of self-efficacy through the STIFIn method, which is applied in three steps, namely conducting a genetic test, classifying the suitable relationship between foster guardians and students, then choosing a parenting pattern according to the results of the genetic test. . This research has implications for each individual and group in building self- efficacy. This research is expected to be additional insight and knowledge for individuals and the general public in building self-efficacy. This research is only limited to efforts to build self-efficacy, for that further research is needed on the inhibiting or supporting factors in carrying out these efforts.


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