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Academic year: 2023

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Using Instagram Caption to Improve Students' Descriptive Text Writing Ability SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassaran Experimental Research in Academic Year 2018/2019. Thesis, Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The main problem that the writer discussed in this final project was to find out the improvement of students' skill in writing descriptive text using Instagram caption. The techniques used for the data obtained were: first, students took a pre-test to write descriptive text about their home; second, treated students in four meetings about writing descriptive text through captioning on Instagram; third, gave students a post-test to write descriptive text about their home; the latter, drew the conclusion based on the data.

With regard to the previous results, it can be concluded that the use of Instagram captions in the teaching and learning process significantly improved the students' ability to write descriptive text. Using Instagram caption to improve student writing skills in writing descriptive text SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassaran experimental study in academic year 2018/2019. Skripsi, Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Using Instagram caption to improve students' ability in writing descriptive text (A pre-experimental study on the second grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar in academic year.

Student scores in the pre-exam and post-exam based on aspects of descriptive text writing. Worksheet for calculating the score before and after the test of students' writing skills in descriptive text.


  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the research
  • Scope of the Research

This social media not only provides function to make the user have fun but it is also profitable for education especially in training students to write descriptive text. Based on the researcher's experience, since one can 3 that the students in teaching and learning processes often found it difficult to dig their ideas in writing descriptive text. Considering the problems of writing descriptive text that need a new way in teaching and learning to make students feel free to express their idea and imagination by writing descriptive text, instagram caption was an ideal place to solve that problem.

Captions function on instagram to describe images or videos on instagram related to the purpose of descriptive text to describe a thing, person and place. Referring to the researcher's observation above, the researcher aimed to conduct a research titled "Using Instagram Captions to Improve Students' Descriptive Writing Ability". Based on the above background, the problem statement of this study was "How to improve students' ability to write descriptive text using Instagram caption?".


Some Pertinent Ideas

  • The Concept of Writing
  • Some Concepts of Descriptive Text
  • The Concept of Social Media
  • The Concept of Instagram
  • The Use of Social Media Related to Writing Skill

If it's hard to describe a topic with an overused or worn-out modifier, find more interesting synonyms in the dictionary or thesaurus. Even though good writing conveys the sound of someone talking to someone else, the voice heard through the writing must also suit the purpose and audience of the occasion. Pardiyono (2007:34) states that description paragraph is a type of written text paragraph, in which the specific function is to describe an object (living or nonliving things) and its purpose is to provide the reader with a description of the object. clearly.

You want to create such a vivid impression of the place that the reader sees what you see. You want to describe what makes this person fat, so every detail you include should illustrate a side of the personality. This impression is a kind of miniature sketch that illustrates the main idea of ​​the.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networking sites (SNS) in the world, with over 300 million active users (Instagram Press, 2015). One of the benefits of using Instagram as a social network is that it helps students improve their ability to describe and collect ideas to make a good descriptive paragraph. On the psychological side, the students are more interested and comfortable writing in Instagram captions than in other mediums, for example, on paper.

Samosir Island is the cultural center of the Batak tribe, indigenous people from North Sumatra. Therefore, the lake is placed as the largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Since he was elected as Governor, his popularity continued to grow and he became the center of media attention.

Regarding the activity, most of the participants like using facebook, instagram, etc. to create virtual classroom to cultivate students' brainstorming ability as well as thinking skills.

Conceptual Framework

First, the students need to download instagram app and have their own account and then the researcher will teach the students all about descriptive text. After that, the researcher provided theme for the students in terms of the kind of picture that the students have to describe. After explaining the theme to the students, the researcher asked the students to find a picture related to the theme.

Students describe it based on the researcher's explanation in the first time for the descriptive text. The researcher gave text to the students in measuring the improvement of the descriptive text of the students' writing.

Research Hypothesis


  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Variables and Indicators
  • Data Collecting Method
  • Technique of Data Analysis

The dependent variable in this research was students' writing as measured by their scores. The purpose of administering the post-test in this study was to observe and measure any changes in students' descriptive text writing after learning the Instagram caption. Analysis was used to find the significant difference of students' descriptive text writing ability before and after using Instagram captions as media.

The objective of the formula was to find out whether the caption on instagram is effective or not in improving students' descriptive text writing skills of second grade SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. The improvement in students' average pre-test and post-test writing scores was 52.6%. In order to know the improvement of students' ability in writing descriptive text using Instagram Caption, the researcher calculated the average score of students' writing skill from two tests, namely pre-test and post-test.

Based on the aspect of writing, the researcher corrected the students' mistakes by guiding them. This aspect was also a researcher's guide in evaluating the students' descriptive text test. This meant that the treatment was successful in improving students' ability to write descriptive text.

Before that, the researcher brainstormed first to take the students' focus and their attention. Based on the result of the data analysis and the discussion of the result in the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that there is a significant difference in the students' ability to write descriptive text before and after treatment. From the description of the result above, it can be proven by looking at the mean scores of the students' writing tests in the pre-test and post-test.

The use of instagram caption as media in learning can be applied in English teaching learning process, especially the effort to improve the students. ability to write descriptive text.

Table 3.1 Analytic scoring rubric of writing descriptive text  I
Table 3.1 Analytic scoring rubric of writing descriptive text I



The researcher corrected the students' writing error by focusing on the aspect of writing that is organization. Because the students' score in the pretest before this was 50 and was categorized as poor classification and after the treatment it was 76.3 and was categorized as good classification. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was concluded that the use of Instagram was able to improve students' ability to write descriptive text in the twelfth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar.

In the writing practice, the students used a writing activity based on the organization of the text and the final version. It is similar to the statement in the second chapter that “students need to express their idea and imagination in order to produce vivid and clear writing. Using Instagram Caption in teaching EFL descriptive text writing makes students have fun learning it.

Students have fun expressing their idea in the instagram caption to make a good descriptive text as a statement in chapter two. The use of "Instagram Caption" improved students' ability in writing descriptive text, due to the use of the photo on instagram. Students were taught the descriptive text in the Instagram caption about the photo they posted.

Then the researcher asked the students to write descriptive paragraphs based on their own knowledge, based on the topic they had taught. They then collected their paper for the researcher. The researcher came to a conclusion after checking the students' paper. The researcher then explained to the students what was wrong when the students wrote the descriptive text. In this method, the researcher explained to the students the mistakes they had made so that the students would not make the same mistake the next time they wrote.

In the next step, the students practiced writing descriptive text again by doing the writing activity on the Instagram caption.



The teacher should be active in providing the material to engage the students in the teaching learning process. Thesis on improving student performance in writing descriptive paragraphs through the application of student team performance distribution. The Effect of Using Facebook on Improving Students' Writing Skills in English, An-Najah National University.

Write three short paragraphs of descriptive text about your own home, with each paragraph consisting of five sentences.


Table 3.1 Analytic scoring rubric of writing descriptive text  I
Table 4.1 the mean score of the pre-test and post-test in writing  descriptive text
Table 4.2 the rate percentage of the frequency of the pre-test and post-test  No.  Classification  Score  Frequency  Percentage
Table 4.3 the test of significance


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