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Academic year: 2023



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Judul Skripsi: The effect of using the recitation method to improve students' vocabulary at MTs DDI Mattoanging. Judul Skripsi: The effect of using the recitation method to improve students' vocabulary in MTS DDI Mattoanging. The effect of using the recitation method to improve students' vocabulary at MTs DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng.

Bentuk penelitian adalah pre-eksperimen dengan desain pre-test dan post-test, terdiri dari satu kelas. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimental dengan desain pre-test dan post-test yang terdiri dari satu kelas. Nilai rata-rata post-test juga sebesar 72,20 dibandingkan dengan pre-test yang sebesar 59,40 sehingga post-test lebih tinggi dari pre-test.

Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., as Dean of Teacher Education and Faculty of Education at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Abdul, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the first consultant who has guidance, dedication and support during the writing of this proposal thesis.


  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of Study
  • Significances of Study
  • Scope of Study

This recitation method is a way and effort done by the teacher consciously and deliberately so that the students can remember, remember and improve the vocabulary of the students. So the researcher wants to use the recitation method in this research to improve students' vocabulary in teaching and learning processes. Based on the above research explanation, the researcher wants to do experimental research to know to what extent the use of the recitation method can give an effect in improving students' vocabulary, and also the researcher wants to focus attention on.

In this study, the researcher formulates the problem statement as follows: "Is there an effect of using the recitation method to improve students' vocabulary?". The objective of this study is to find out whether or not the use of the recitation method has an effect on improving students' vocabulary. For students, using the recitation method is expected to provide students with experience to improve their vocabulary in the learning process.

For the Teacher, they can use the material more easily and will get a new method to learn vocabulary through the recitation method and this method can also become an interesting method for other students to improve their vocabulary easily. To limit this research, the researcher focuses only on the application of the recitation method in improving students' vocabulary in noun and verb terms.


Some Pertinent Ideas

  • Concept of Vocabulary
  • Concept of Recitation Method

According to Hiebert and Kamil (2005), vocabulary can be generically defined as knowledge of words or word meanings. Based on the statement above, we can conclude that type of vocabulary can be divided into two categories, that is function words and content words. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning vocabulary is the key for students to understand what they hear and read in school and to communicate successfully with other people.

Based on this statement, it can be concluded that the recitation method is the same as the assignment, where the students are given tasks that can be done anywhere that the teacher has to do, and then take responsibility in the class, so that the students can understand the material related to the assignment. The purpose of using this recitation method is as an effort to ensure that a large and broad subject can be understood by all students with minimal learning hours. Based on the statement above, this method of recitation has stages to be performed in giving tasks to the students so that the tasks given can be solved and explained by the students properly.

Based on the above statement, it can be concluded that the type or form of tasks that the teacher gives the students can be in the form of questions, exercises, both oral or written, and so on. With so many types of assignments that can be given to students, it should also be noted that the assignment type must be consistent with the students' learning material and characteristics so that the desired goals are achieved.

Conceptual Framework

The successful use of the recitation method is greatly influenced by the choice of tasks that the students are assigned. When the task is in line with the students' level of understanding, it is easier for the students to complete the task. Based on this fact, the teacher must choose the best way, method or technique or medium to use in teaching vocabulary.

Recitation method can be used as one of interesting techniques to review students' vocabulary during the lesson. Students can learn how to work as a group and cooperate and also learn how to value each other. This method is the way and effort that teachers deliberately do and memorize so that the students can remember and memorize vocabulary to use in real life.

Therefore, recitation method that serves many benefits is suggested to help students improve vocabulary. Based on the theories and everything about the recitation method and vocabulary mastery, the researcher believes that using the recitation method in the teaching and learning process can have an effect on the students. So finally the student's vocabulary in this case junior high students will be improved.

This can be used as one of the interesting strategies to revise their vocabulary during the lesson. The use of recitation method can give either an effect to improve students or not.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework



Population and Sample

Random sampling is a technique of sampling from members of a population that is done randomly without regard to the strata that exist in that population. In this research, the sample was a class of second grade students of MTs DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng.

Research Variable

Research Instrument

Procedure for Collecting Data

Treatment meant that the researcher applied the method that the researcher chose for this research, and the method that the researcher used in this research was the recitation method. First meeting: in the first meeting the researcher explained about the method of recitation in the learning process. Once the students understood, the researcher gave the students material about the family and the researcher gave them a task related to the given material.

2nd meeting: The researcher gave text about daily activities to the students, and the students translated the text and searched for meaning from new vocabulary or words that were not understood. And then they collected the data and made sure the researcher got an assessment. 3rd Meeting: In this meeting, the researcher asked the students about their memorable experiences and then the researcher asked the students to make an article about their memorable experiences.

4th meeting: The researcher gave the text about education to the students, and then the researcher asked the students to read and summarize the text. And then they collected and took responsibility for the researcher getting an assessment when they have done it.

Technique of Data Analysis

Student improvement X1 = Average pre-test score X2 = Average post-test score. Detection of significant difference between pre-test and post-test score using T-test. In this case, the researcher used statistical calculation using SPSS 25 for the hypothetical test.

Testing Hypothesis

The findings from the study include a description of the effect of using the recitation method to improve students' vocabulary (pre-test and post-test). Pre-test provided insight into students' vocabulary before presenting the recitation method or giving treatment, and post-test provided insight into students' improvement. The investigator has completed the pre-test and post-test results. If the post-test results are higher than the pre-test, it means that the method can have an effect to improve students' vocabulary.

Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1 provide information on the frequency and percentage of students' vocabulary post-test scores. Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2 show the percentage and frequency of students' vocabulary score in the post-test. It meant that the students' vocabulary score on the post-test was better than that on the pre-test, because the percentage of the post-test was higher than the percentage of the pre-test.

The table 4.3 showed 20 students as samples in the pre-test and post-test, then the table also indicated the average score of students' vocabulary test. The mean score of students' vocabulary test was approximately 59.40 in the pre-test with a standard deviation was 16.561 and the post-test was 72.20 with a standard deviation was 15.182, this was provided by the pre-test and post-test mean score where the post-test score was higher and a significant effect in the pretest mean score after treatment was given. The table showed the result was 10.929>2.093, it meant that there was improvement in the students' vocabulary before and after given treatment using recitation method in the second grade students of MTs DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng.

In this part, the discussion covered the interpretation of the research findings derived from the students' vocabulary score using the recitation method. Based on the result of the above findings, the percentage of students' vocabulary scores before using the recitation method was poor. It meant that after giving the treatment using the recitation method, it had a significant effect on improving students' vocabulary.

This can prove with the result of this research that proves that most of the students agree that the recitation method can help them improve students' vocabulary. The use of the recitation method had a significant effect when the teacher used in the learning and teaching process to improve the students' vocabulary. Based on all the results of the data analysis above, the researcher concluded that there was a significant effect of students' vocabulary (in the term noun and verb) using recitation method.

The use of recitation method can give effect to improve students' vocabulary at the second grade of MTs DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng. Improving students' vocabulary mastery through bingo game for grade X of SMAN 4 Purworejo in the academic year of 2014/2015. Rostami, Masoumeh and Siros Izadpanah, 2017. "The study of vocabulary awareness effect on intermediate language learners' depth of vocabulary knowledge in Genuine Persian texts".

Peneliti meminta siswa untuk mentransfer hasil belajar terkait teks laporan dengan topik kegiatan sehari-hari.

Table 4.1 The rate percentage and frequency of pre-test score
Table 4.1 The rate percentage and frequency of pre-test score



Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework
Table 3.2: Score classification
Table 3.1. Criteria for the Hypothesis Testing
Table 4.1 The rate percentage and frequency of pre-test score


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