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Proceedings of the United States National Museum


Academic year: 2023

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Wings below as in male, with a more yellow base and more prominent hairs along the veins. Underwing with ground color as in male with yellow stripes usually darker and more pronounced.


Panakaiwaras: Idiay Chile manipud iti probinsia ti Aconcagua aginggana iti probinsia ti Malleco. Arhentina: Probinsia ti Neuquen, Nailian a Parke ti Lanin, Napintas a Danaw (Nobiembre), Villa Angostura (Disiembre), Pucard (Disiembre), Hua Hun. Disiembre); Teritorio ti BlackRiver, Ti Trono (Pebrero).

BUTTERFLIES TTERRERA AND FIELD 479 Male genitalia not illustrated and not different from the typical

The following differs from both of these subgroups to a greater extent. with dark scaling along the veins with resulting lines twice as wide as they are in the other subspecies. Ushuaia, Territory of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Dec Olrog and Bodin); and 1 cf, Rio Douglas, IslaNavarino, Department.

BUTTERFLIES — HERRERA AND FIELD 481 fuscous spot or streak in middle of interspace Sc+Ri on undersurface

Ground color on the upper side and on the disc and base of the forewing, white below. At the bottom of the hindwing and the top of the forewing very light yellow or white faded with yellow. From the females of the blanchardii it differs in having wedge-shaped markings on the apex of the forewing, extending inwards only to the submarginal black spots, and also in that the ground color of this surface of the hindwing is white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge but not distinctly yellow as in that species.

Ti lokalidad ti tipo: Koleksion ti Hiibner, Museo ti Natural a Pakasaritaan, Vienna, Austria. Tipo a lokalidad, "Rioja. Nailadawan manipud iti maymaysa a kabaian nga espesimen, ti holotipo, a naideposito idiay Museo ti Natural a Pakasaritaan ti Arhentina, Buenos Aires. AiiGENTiiNA: Probinsia ti Juju, Juju (Mayo); Probinsia ti Salta, Cafayate (Marso), Salta ( Marso, Hulio);Probinsia T^icumdn, Tucumdn (Enero, Abril, Hunio, Oktubre), San Genero (Abril, Mayo), Tail Valley (Abril), Lulas Creek (Pebrero);Probinsia ti La Rioja, La Rioja, Ana Ginget (Abril);Probinsia ti Cdrdoba , C6rdoba (Pebrero), Saleng (Marso), Kapilya ti Bantay (Pebrero);Probinsia ti Entre Rios, Nunez;Probinsia ti Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Marso, Disiembre);Purati a Baybay (Nobiembre), Diadem (Oktubre).

Ground color of the forewing above pale yellow to white, usually paler at the base of the wing. Fletcher writes that the dark bar at the end of the cell on the lectotype does not extend to the costal margin.

BUTTERFLIES HERRERA AND FIELD 487 Additional type data: Described from the liolotype, male (locality

The northernmost of these are found in Ecuador and southern Colombia and the southernmost and probably most distinct are found only on the southern coast of Tierradel Fuego Island. Female genitalia: As illustrated (fig. 87), with the anterior lobe of the inner genital plate subtriangular, with its posterior margin strongly toothed and gradually rounded to the ventral margin. Ductus bursae with one or sometimes two very narrow ribbon-like plates opposite opening of ductus seminalis, with the plate anterior to this large and subtriangular or sometimes completely ringing the ductus bursae and fused dorsally; usually with two irregular narrow.


Additional type data and type locality: Described from specimens of both sexes (number of specimens not given) said to be in the Boisdiival collection. Method of identification: By reference to the original description, which is sufficient to distinguish this species from the only other species of the genus known to occur in the Magallanes Province. Chile: Magallanes Province, Departm.entofPuntaArenas, PuntaArenas (January); Department of Ultima Esperanza, Puerto Prat (January-March), Natales (March), Puerto Consuelo (March), Puerto Bories (January), Dos Lagunas (February); Department of Tierra del Fuego, Porvenir (February).

Below with ground color of hindwing and tip of forewing pale yellow; with a coastal edge.

BUTTERFLIES HERRERA AND FIELD 491 Veins on hinchving dii'tj" wliite outlined on both sides by gray with a

SCHINDERVLIEDERS HERRERA AND FIELD 491 Ares on hinchving dii'tj" wliite on both sides with gray outlined with a. Type locality and additional type data: Described from about 50 males and 20 females (presumably allecotypes) of "Huallatani,". Wings above somewhat as in typical microdices but with all dark markings much larger and with a series of dark wedge-shaped markings at the end of veins.

Hind^ving below with a distinct submarginal series of sagittate intervenal marks, and, as is true of T.m. Wings below with ground color darker yellow than in the males and with orange along the long edge of hind wing darker. Wings above and below very similar to that subspecies, differing only in the lack of the submarginai series of dark sagittate markings between veins on both surfaces of hindwings and in with the wedge-shaped markings at the end of veins on the upper surface of hindwing greatly reduced.

A few females appear with this dark coloration, which is almost absent on the hind wing except around the outer edge. Type locality and additional information about the type: Described from two males and one female from Cauca Valley, Colombia; from one female, Rfo Dagua, Department of Valle, Colombia; from one male and one female, Macachi, Picinch^ Province, Ecuador (3000 m);.

BUTTERFLIES HERRERA AND FIELD 495 Location of types: Cotypes in Zoologischen Museum der Hum-

Variable from a pair of dark scales along either side of the tips of the veins in the apex of forewing (the usual form) to a heavy black sagittate, submarginal and subapical band with the markings along the veins extending inwards through this band ( this form) more rare). Wings below white with a light yellow tinge over hindwing, especially in the base and around the outer margin of this wing and in the apex of the forewing. Head as in the male with outer surfaces of palpi white and with scales behind eyes orange.

Illustrated are the dark brown to black markings, different from the male, with the discal band on the forewing usually much larger both above and below and with a submarginal line. Underwings with the ground color of the hindwings and tip of the forewing yellow and with the veins in these white areas completely outlined along both sides with dark brown. Hindwing margined orange, with a brown band in the middle of the cell separated by a thin white or yellow line, and with a large white spot above the lower discocellular vein.

Moreno y probablemente ahora en las colecciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 498 ACTAS DEL MUSEO NACIONAL vol.los Pieris polidice Blanchard, en Gay, Historia fisica y politica de Chile, Zoologia, vol.


499 wings above almost always entirely white. In a very few specimens

Additional type of data: The sex and the number of specimens are not given in the original description; however, the illustrations and description only apply to the woman. Location of iype: According to Horn and Kahle (Ent.. Eesti Rahva Museum, Tartu, Esthonia), and partially by C. Method of identification: Compared to the excellent, colored, original figures of both surfaces of the female and the original.

This was described from a single female taken at Vicuna, Provinceof Coquimbo, Chile, in which the ground color is yellow with violet reflections.

BUTTERFLIES — HERRERA AND FIELD 501 Distribution: Chile from the Province of Atacama south into the

Like Homoeodice, it differs from Orthodice in having the lateral surface of the palpi white to pale yellow, orange in color. It is easily separated from homoeodice in the lack of orange between the veins and below the cell on the lower surfaces of the hind wing, and from orthodice in the insufficient orange in the upper half of the cell. Male genitalia as illustrated (figs. 34, 48), with the aedeagus in lateral view having the central portion relatively thinner than in other Group D species and with the dorsal and ventral margins of this central portion more nearly parallel than in the other. species of this group except orthodics.

It differs from orthodice, in addition to its slenderness, by having a narrower and shorter distal incision on the left side. The forewing above white with dark brown markings on the forewing as shown, is very extensive with a particularly large discocellular bar and large lower edge dark band. The wmgs below do not differ from the male except in having the dark brown scales along the veins stronger, with the discocellular forewing bar more distinct, and with the submarginal row of sagittate markings on this wing distinctly marked.

Femalegenitalia as illustrated (fig. 90), with the anterior lobe of the inner genital plate near l}'^ subcircular, with a small lobe on either side of ventral margin. SCHINDERVLIEDERS — HERRERA AND VELD 503 an even larger discocellular rod than in the ilcysted one (fig. 19).

BUTTERFLIES — HERRERA AND FIELD 503 an even larger discocellular bar than in the one ilkistrated (fig. 19)

Method of identification: By a study of the paratype which was compared with the holotype by Mr. Wings above white with dark brown markings on forewing as illustrated, which is more reduced than in inversa or.


It was described from a single specimen (sex not indicated) taken at Rfo Cochuna, Province of Tucumdn, in which the discocellular baron's upper surface of the forewing is absent.



510 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM vol.lo's original description and colored figure show that it is an unnecessary name representing an individual variety in which the submarginal spots are not located on both sides of both wings. The National Museum and the carefully prepared original description show that this name applies (actually as described) to a fairly common individual variety of the male in which there is a submarginal row of small spots on the upper side of the hindwings. Distribution: Bolivia, from the Department of Cochabamba and the southern part of the Department of La Paz, south to the province of C6rdoba, Argentina.

In this group, the aedeagus is gradually curved and deeply incised at the distal end both dorsally and ventrally, forming large lateral lobes, at least one of which forms a point at the tip. The aedeagus here thus resembles the aedeagi found in the genera Hypsochila, Phulia and Piercolias. The white spot sometimes found on the lower discocellular vein is absent in this group.


Differs from distinctive in that the upper half of the cell and the interstices below the cell are orange and in that there is a submarginal series of orange spots on the hindwing. The anterior lobe of the inner genital plate is subtriangular, with the posterior margin serrate and the ventral margin deeply corrugated, forming five separate lobes. Jean Bourgogne, from the Paris Museum, the two original males come from Colombia and were purchased from a Mr.

Additional type data: Described from two males, cotypes (Colombia, Mr. Parzudaki), and one female, presumed to be a cotype. The original description and colored figure accompanying this name clearly show that it is a synonym of xantodice.

BUTTERFLIES — HERRERA AND FIELD 513 Distribution: The Andes of Colombia south through Ecuador into


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Dark gray, irrorate, the lines of hghter ground color; fore wing blackish at base on inner margin; outer hue bent outward on submedian, broad, edged by dark narrow lines, not waved; a