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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh



Kurniawan Yunus Ariyono

STIE Widya Gama Lumajang Email: ariyonoary45@gmail.com


Indonesian coffee is currently ranked fourth in the world in terms of production. Coffee in Indonesia has a long history and has an important role for the economic growth of the people in Indonesia. Along with the progress and development of the times, there has been an increase in prosperity and lifestyle changes where eventually Indonesian people are pushing for improvement. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the store atmosphere, location and diversity of products on coffee purchasing decisions at the Senduro Lumajang Coffee shop. This study uses quantitative research by looking for associative relationships that are causal. In this study the population is the customer of Coffee Senduro Lumajang coffee shop. The sampling technique used in this study was taken Non Probability Sampling. And the technique chosen is accidental sampling. In accordance with the hypothesis and the objectives to be achieved in the study, multiple linear regression analysis is used. The results of the study said that product diversity had a significant effect on coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Sendajang Coffee Shop. however, store atmosphere and location have a significant effect on coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Senduro Coffee Shop. While there is simultaneously a relationship of store atmosphere, location and product diversity on coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Sendajang Coffee shop. so the coefficient of determination of 41.7% coffee purchasing decisions in Lumuro Coffee Senduro shop can be explained by the variable store atmosphere, location and product diversity. While the remaining 58.3% of coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Coffee Shop Sendajang influenced by other variables not examined in this study.

Keyword: Store Atmosphere, Location, Product Diversity, Purchasing Decisions


Indonesian coffee is currently ranked fourth in the world in terms of production. Coffee in Indonesia has a long history and has an important role for the economic growth of the people in Indonesia. Along with the progress and development of the times, there has been an increase in prosperity and lifestyle changes where eventually Indonesian people are pushing for improvement.

Lumajang City is one of the cities in Indonesia which has the largest organic coffee in East Java.

This makes the proliferation of coffee shops in Lumajang Regency. Many coffee shops in Lumajang in addition to serving a variety of coffee also coffee shop atmosphere. Coffee shops in Lumajang are now in great demand by young people, the decision to buy coffee for young people is reflected in the location, atmosphere and diversity of the coffee products served.

The purchase decision is a consumer decision that is influenced by the financial economy, technology, politics, culture, products, prices, location, promotion, physical evidence, people and, process. Thus forming an attitude on consumers to process all information and draw conclusions in the form of responses that appear what products will be purchased (Alma, 2013). The decision process basically ends at five stages. Decision making includes solving problems beginning with


the need, consumers recognizing the desired place or condition caused by stimulation and attractiveness of the place to be seen from the form of the store atmosphere both inside and outside and types of products that are in accordance with the desires so that it becomes an impetus to make a purchasing decision, besides that in general when wanting to buy coffee consumers compare with other coffee products, by looking at the conditions so that consumers decide to look for information starting from pamphlets or brochures. Even contacting other friends who have already bought coffee by asking what products are sold and prices and how the atmosphere of the coffee shop. Furthermore, consumers use information to evaluate by forming an assessment of the coffee product to be purchased, where the consumer evaluation process by fulfilling a desired need and looking for solutions or alternative places to go if there is another coffee shop.

Besides that each place does have benefits that satisfy the needs so that consumers develop a set of beliefs about where to make purchasing decisions. Thus consumers can decide their purchasing decisions at Coffee Senduro based on the results of information search, after making a purchase decision at Coffee Senduro consumers will experience a level of satisfaction or not can be seen from making a purchase decision at the coffee shop as a process for repurchasing in the future.

One of the factors that influence purchasing decisions is Store Atmosphere. Store Atmosphere is a combination of planned physical messages. Store atmosphere can be described as a change in the planning of the purchasing environment that produces special emotional effects that can cause consumers to make purchases. Elements in the shop's atmosphere are visual communication, lighting, color, music, aroma. Thus the Store Atmosphere is one way to attract consumers or customers owned by the store. Each store has a physical layout that makes it easy or difficult for buyers to spin around in it. Store atmosphere can position the store in the minds of consumers, can be seen from the shape of the restaurant that makes comfort for consumers.

Apart from the store atmosphere and location, it is suspected there are other factors that influence purchasing decisions, which are product diversity. Consumers tend to choose places that offer varied and complete products regarding the depth, breadth, and quality of the diversity of goods offered by sellers. All these things are done by the company so that there is an increase in the level of consumer purchases and because there are various kinds of similar products offered by various companies.

As a coffee shop that wants to serve consumers well. Coffee shops are demanded to be able to provide good service quality, store atmosphere, diversity of coffee products and so on, so consumers who come can be satisfied to enjoy coffee in the shop. To that end, to find out how much influence the store atmosphere, location and product diversity on coffee purchasing decisions at the Coffee Senduro Lumajang shop. So the authors are interested in studying further through research.


This study uses quantitative research by looking for associative relationships that are causal. In this study the population is Lumajang Coffee Senduro customers. The sampling technique used in this study was taken Non Probability Sampling. And the technique chosen is accidental sampling. In accordance with the hypothesis and objectives to be achieved in the study, multiple linear regression analysis is used with the form of causal associative relationships, which are used to determine the effect of independent variables in predicting the dependent variable in this study (Sugiyono, 2013). Before conducting analysis and testing of influence, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire needs to be done. Then an analysis and test of influence will be carried out using the basic assumption of multiple linear regression that the data must be normally distributed.

After multiple linear regression analysis is carried out then testing the hypothesis is the t test (partial test) and F test (simultaneous test) which is used to determine whether there is an influence between the independent variables (store atmosphere, location and product diversity) on the dependent variable (purchasing decision) . And which of the independent variables has a dominant dependent variable. Then the determinant coefficient test (R2) is used to determine the best level


of accuracy in the regression analysis. The level of forwardness in the coefficient of determination is usually expressed as a percentage.


The results of the classic assumption test related to the normality test show that the data used in this study for the store atmosphere, location and product diversity and purchasing decision variables are normal. Thus, the assumption of normality can be fulfilled. Likewise, the multicollinearity assumption, the test results show that all variables used as predictors of the regression model show a fairly small VIF value, where all are below 10 and the tollerance value is more than 0.1. This means that the independent variables used in the study do not show the presence of multicollinearity symptoms, which means that all the independent variables in this study are mutually independent variables. Heteroscedasticity test results with scatterplot showed no clear patterns and points spread above and below the number 0 on the Y axis, so it can be concluded that heterokedasticity does not occur. Thus all classic assumptions can be fulfilled.

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

The results of multiple regression analysis can be seen in table 1 below:

Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Coefficientsa

Model Unstandardized


Standardize d Coefficient


t Sig. Information

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 6.427 3.979 1.615 .116

Store Atmosphere

.095 .100 .135 .952 .348 Not significant

Location -.023 .074 -.045 -.309 .759 Not significant

Product Diversity

.805 .179 .639 4.504 .000 Significant F Hitung = 7.381 Sig. = 0.001

R Square = 0.417

Source: SPSS 2020 Processed Data

From the calculation of multiple linear regression using the SPSS for Windows program, the following results are obtained:

Y= 6.427 + 0,095 X1 - 0,023 X2 + 0,805 X3 From the above equation can be explained:

a. A constant value of 6,427 indicates that a purchasing decision will be equal to 6,427 if the coefficient of the independent variable is equal to 0.

b. Store atmosphere coefficient (X1) of 0, 095 (positive indicates a direct relationship) states that every increase of 1 (one) store atmosphere value will increase purchasing decisions by 0, 095 and vice versa every decrease of 1 (one) store atmosphere value will decrease purchasing decisions equal to 0, 095, assuming other independent variables are constant or fixed.

c. Location coefficient (X2) of 0.023 (negative indicates unidirectional relationship) states that each increase of 1 (one) location value will decrease the purchase decision by 0.023 and vice versa every decrease of 1 (one) location value will increase the purchase decision by 0.023, assuming a variable other independents are constant or fixed.

d. Product diversity coefficient (X3) of 0.805 (positive indicates direct relationship) states that every increase of 1 (one) value of product diversity will increase purchasing decisions by 0.805 and vice versa every decrease of 1 (one) value of product diversity will decrease purchasing decisions by 0.805, with assuming other independent variables are constant or fixed.


T Test Results (Partial)

Based on table 1. it can be concluded as follows:

a. Effect of Store Atmosphere (X1) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)

Obtained t value of 3.805 with a significant level of 0.001 means t arithmetic (0.952) <t table (2.03452) and significant (0.348) <α (0.05) then the hypothesis is rejected and concluded store atmosphere (X1) has no effect on purchasing decisions (Y).

b. Effect of Location (X2) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)

Obtained t value of 0.309 with a significant level of 0, 759 means t arithmetic (0.309)> t table (2.03452) and significant (0.759)> α (0.05) then the hypothesis is rejected and concluded the location (X2) does not affect the decision purchase (Y).

c. Effect of Product Diversity (X3) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)

Obtained t value of 4.504 with a significant level of 0.000 means t arithmetic (4,504)> t table (2.03452) and significant (0,000) <α (0.05) then the hypothesis is accepted and concluded product diversity (X3) influences the purchase decision (X3) Y).

F Test Results (Simultaneous)

Based on table 1. It can be seen that the test results obtained the calculated F value of 7.381 with a significant level of 0.001 means that the F count (7.381)> F table (2.91) and significant (0.001) <α (0.05) then the hypothesis is accepted and concluded there the influence of store atmosphere, location and diversity of products on coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Coffee Shop Senduro.

Results Coefficient of Determination (R2)

Based on table 1. Obtained the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.417. This means that 41.7% of coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Sendajang Coffee Shop can be explained by the variable store atmosphere, location and product diversity. While the remaining 58.3% of coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Coffee Shop Sendajang influenced by other variables not examined in this study.


First Hypothesis

This discussion is related to the results of testing the first hypothesis which states that the store atmosphere, location and diversity of products have a partial effect on coffee purchasing decisions at the Senduro Lumajang Coffee shop. The results showed that the significant influence on coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Senduro Coffee Shop was the diversity of products only, while the variables namely store atmosphere and location did not influence the coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Senduro Coffee shop.

Effect of store atmosphere on purchasing decisions. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it is proven that the store atmosphere does not have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. This means that store atmosphere is not one of the strategies used to attract the attention of consumers and to captivate the hearts of customers. This is not in line with the theory put forward by (Utami, 2006) defines that the atmosphere is a combination of physical characteristics that aim to respond emotionally and customer perceptions to influence customer decisions in buying goods. This also does not support the theory of (Levy & Weitz, 2001) suggesting that

"customer behavior is also influenced by the store atmosphere", which means that consumer buying behavior is also influenced by the atmosphere of the store. These results contradict the research of (Kartika & Syahputra, 2017), (Widyanto et al., 2014), (Usti & Fitriani, 2018) who stated that Store Atmosphere had a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions on Kopi Kopi Ireng and Kopi Selasar Sunaryo. Based on these results it can be stated that the Store Atmosphere aims to attract the attention of consumers to visit, make it easier for them to find the items needed, motivate them to make plans suddenly, influence them to make purchases, and provide satisfaction in shopping (Levy & Weitz, 2001). Thus, it can be concluded that a well- implemented store atmosphere will have a positive influence on consumer purchasing decisions.

store atmosphere has elements to build the store atmosphere that you want to create, (Berman &

Evans, 2010) divides store atmosphere elements into four keys, namely Exterior, General Interior,


Store Layout, and Interior Displays. The combination of several elements of the atmosphere can create a unique and attractive store atmosphere so that consumers feel comfortable and feel happy to choose the store to linger in the store and then consumers will finally make a purchase.

While the influence of location on purchasing decisions. Based on the results of this study there is no influence of location on purchasing decisions. This is not in line with (Lamb et al., 2001) who said that the selection of a good location, is a very important decision. First, because location decisions have a permanent and long-term impact, whether the location has been purchased or only leased. Second, location will affect business growth in the future. The chosen location must be able to experience economic growth so that its business can survive. And finally, if the location value deteriorates due to environmental changes that can occur at any time, it is possible that the business must be moved or closed. So it can be said that location is one of the most important in making purchasing decisions, because location is a factor that determines the success of a business, by choosing a strategic location. the results of this research contradicted previous studies including (Antari et al., 2014), (Senggetang et al., 2019), which said that in marketing a business, of course the main basis for a developer is choosing the location of their business development.

This is because the location is the location of the store or retailer in a strategic area so that it can maximize profits. Today's consumers are certainly very wise in seeing and choosing the location of their purchase destination. A good location will also have a good effect on sales (Ghanimata, 2012).

But the diversity of products on purchasing decisions. Has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. This is because the diversity of products also has the ability to influence consumers to buy, where most consumers prefer stores that have a large selection of products, because the product is a consumer perception described by the producer through its production. A complete shop sells all the diversifications that exist on each brand of products and sells each type of product much chosen by consumers. Consumers choose the store based on their ability to meet customer expectations, one of which is the availability of all products in one place. But as we see now most consumers shop to choose a shopping place where the arrangement of certain products or goods has been determined according to the type and function, such as kitchen utensils, bathrooms, school equipment and others that have been arranged so that it is easily obtained by consumers without having to painstakingly surrounding the shopping center. These results are the same as the results of research (Dewi & Sindarko, 2018), (Tobing & Sihombing, 2016), (Prambudi

& Rachmi, 2015) who stated that product diversity is a collection of all products and goods offered by certain sellers to buyers (Kotler & Amstrong, 2008). The relationship between product diversity and consumer behavior in making purchasing decisions is closely related to the sustainability of a company's sales. Conditions created by the availability of goods in varying quantities and types that cause a lot of choices in the process of consumer spending. Often consumers in the process of shopping, the decision taken to buy an item is not previously listed in the shopping of goods (out of purchase list) (Asep, 2005).

Second Hypothesis

This discussion is related to the results of testing the second hypothesis which states that the store atmosphere, location and diversity of products simultaneously influence the coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Coffee Senduro shop. The results showed that the store atmosphere, location and diversity of products simultaneously affected the coffee purchasing decisions at the Coffee Senduro Lumajang store.

The results of this study are consistent with previous studies conducted by (Mardhikasari, 2014), (Arifianto, 2018), which simultaneously stated that there was a significant positive effect between store atmosphere, location and product diversity on purchasing decisions. Purchasing decisions, according to (Kotler & Amstrong, 2008) are the stages in the decision making process of buyers where consumers actually buy. Decision making is an individual activity that is directly involved in obtaining and using the goods offered. R Square test results in this study obtained a value of 0.417. This shows that the influence of store atmosphere, location and product diversity on consumer purchasing decisions is 41.7% and the remaining 58.3% is influenced by other factors not included in this study.


Why simultaneously store atmosphere, location and diversity of products have a significant positive effect simultaneously on purchasing decisions. Whereas only partially the store atmosphere and location variables have no effect? This can be explained however that in principle the consumer is king. Where decision making is an individual activity that is directly involved in getting and using the goods offered. It is therefore recommended to keep in mind the store atmosphere, location and diversity of products in the Senduro Coffee shop.


Based on the results of the research and discussion described above, a number of conclusions can be drawn as follows: a) Product diversity has a significant effect on coffee purchasing decisions at the Senduro Lumajang Coffee Shop, while other variables namely store atmosphere and location have no effect on coffee purchasing decisions at Lumuro Senduro Coffee shop. b) Store atmosphere, location and product diversity simultaneously influence the coffee purchasing decision at the Coffee Senduro Lumajang shop.


The limitation of this research is that it only examines the store atmosphere, location and diversity of products simultaneously influencing the purchase decision, therefore for further researchers it is recommended to conduct research that examines other variables that can influence purchasing decisions. Considering the respondents studied were different in character from other consumers.


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