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references - Teknokrat Repository


Academic year: 2023

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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia


Afif, R.S. & Amelia, Dina. (2021). Humanistic Hierarchy of Needs on Auggie’s Personality in Wonder Movie. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 2(2).

Ahmadi, H. A. (2009). Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Afrianto. (2018). Poem from Linguistic Point of view. Linguistics, Literature, &

Language Teaching Series: An Overview of Current Issue in Literature, Linguistics, and Language Teaching. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Amelia, Dina. (2016). Indonesian Literature’s Position in World Literature.

Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 14(2).

Amelia, Dina. & Daud, Jefri. (2020). Freudian Tripartile on Detective Fiction:

The Tokyo Zodiac Murders. Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching, 4(2), p: 299-305.

Aras, Goksen. (2014). Personality and Individual Dif erences: Literaturein Psychology-Psychology in Literature. Atilim University.

Aryangga, A., & Nurmaily, E. (2017). Women’s Power and Stereotype Denial in Pocahontas Movie. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal 15(1), 46.

Cenita, L., & Nurmaily, E. (2020). Methaporical Expression in Emily Dicknison's Poems. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 1(1), 46-54.

Connaway, L. S., & Powell, R. R. (2010). Basic Research Method for Librarians.

California: Greenwood.

Creswell. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches. SAGE Publications.

Eklesia, Gigit & Rido, Akhyar. 2020. Representation of People with HIV/AIDS in The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe: A Critical. Discourse Analysis.

Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 18(2), 120-133.

Endraswara, Suwardi. 2011. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: CAPS Farras, P., & Nurmaily, E. (2020). A Semiotic Analysis on Eldorado Poem by

Edgar Allan Poem. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 1(1), 78-84.



Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Fithratullah, M. (2021). Representation of Korean Values Sustainability in American Remake Movies. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 19(1).

Davison, Gerald. Psikologi Abnormal/ Edisi ke-9, Penerjemah: Noermalasari Faja. (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006).

Giller, E. (1999, May). What is psychological trauma. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from: www.sidran.org/resources/for-survivors-and-loved-ones/what- is- psychological-trauma/

Guerin, W. F., Labor, E., Morgan, L., & Willingham, J.R. (2011). A handbook of critical approaches to literature (6th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Kaplan, Harold & Benjamin J. Sadock. Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa Darurat. (Jakarta:

Widya Medika, 1998).

Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. 2nd Revised Ed. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers.

Lianasari, Fita & Samanik. (2016). Antimatter technology: The bridge between science and religion toward universe creation theory illustrated in Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons. Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 14(2), 18-27.

Mahendra & Amelia. (2020). Moral Values Analysis In The Fault In Ours Stars Novel By John Green. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 1 (2), 55-61.

Pervanidou, P., & Chrousos, G. P. (2007). Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: from Sigmund Freud's “trauma” to psychopathology and the (Dys) metabolic syndrome. Hormone and metabolic research, 39(06), 413-419.

Ramadhani, A, & Setiawan, D. B. (2021). Gender Dysphoria As Seen in Normal Movie. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 2(2), 124-133.

Samanik. (2020). Gender Construction in Steinbeck’s of Mice and Men.

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340684933_GENDER_CONST RUCTION_IN_STEINBECK'S_OF_MICE_AND_MEN_Samanik.

Accessed on November 29, 2022.

Samanik, & Lianasari, F. (2016). Antimatter technology: The bridge between science and religion toward universe creation theory illustrated in Dan Brown’s Angles and Demons. Teknosastik: Linguistics and Literature Journal, 14(2), 18-27.



Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Setiawan, Aan, & Puspita, Dian. (2022). Trauma on The Main Character in Get Out Movie by Jordan Peele: Psychological Approach. Linguistics and Literature Journal Teknokrat, Vol. 3, No. 1, 69 -78.

Setri, Teta Irama & Setiawan, Dwi Budi. (2020). Matriarchal Society in The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Linguistic and Literature Journal, 1(1), 28-33.

Siswantoro. (2005). Metode Penelitian Sastra: Analisis Psikologis. Surakarta.



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