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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh




1Khairun Nisa, 2Putri Arisca Sari, 3Eddy Azwar, 4Agustina, 5Maidar

1-5Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh Kampus Muhammadiyah St., Number.93, Batoh, Lueng Bata Aceh, 23245

Email: khairunnisa.runi98@gmail.com


Beberapa keluhan yang dirasakan pasien yaitu tentang Fasilitas Kesehatan yang kurang memadai (Tangibel), kurangnya kehandalan petugas yang memeriksa (Reliability), petugas yang kurang cepat tanggap (Responsiveness), sikap petugas di tempat pendaftaran yang kurang ber empaty (Empathy), prosedur yang berbelit- belit, waktu tunggu yang lama dan pemberian informasi yang sulit dimengerti (Assurance). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Lampaseh Kota Banda Aceh. Jumlah sampel rawat jalan sebanyak 99 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik purpossive sampling. Analisa data dalam bentuk univariat dan bivariat. Pengambilan data ini dilakukan mulai tanggal 25 sampai 31 Januari 2022. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi square, pada taraf kepercayaan 95% (ρ < 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara bukti fisik dengan kepuasan pasien (p = 0.000) dan hubungan yang bermakna antara daya tanggap dengan kepuasan pasien (p = 0.000) selain itu, juga tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kehandalan dengan kepuasan pasien (p = 0.0478), tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara empaty dengan kepuasan pasien (p = 0.113) dan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara jaminan dengan kepuasan pasien (p = 0.076). Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada pihak manajemen puskesmas agar dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pasien terhadap kualitas bukti fisik dan kualitas daya tanggap, serta mempertahankan kualitas kehandalan, kualitas empathy dan kualitas jaminan.

Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Pasien, Kualitas Pelayanan, Daftar Rawat Jalan


Some Complaints felt by patients are about inadequate health facilities (Tangible), lack of reliability of examining officers (Reliability), less responsive officers (responsiveness), lack of empathy of officers in the registration section, complicated procedures, Long waiting time and providing information that is difficult to understand: n Use descriptive-analytic and cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out by interviews using a questionnaire. The population in this study were all patients who visited the Lampaseh Health Care Center in Banda Aceh City. The number of outpatient samples is 99, determined by the purposive sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis. This data collection was carried out from 25 to 31 January 2022. Data were analyzed using the chi-square at the 95% confidence level (ρ < 0.05). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between physical evidence and patient satisfaction (p = 0.000) between responsiveness (p = 0.000) in addition, there was also no significant relationship between reliability (p

= 0.0478), empathy (p = 0.113) and assurance and patient satisfaction (p = 0.076). Based on the findings, it is recommended that the health center management improve physical evidence and responsiveness to improve patient satisfaction and maintain reliability, empathy, and assurance.

Keywords: Patient satisfaction, Quality of Service, Outpatient Register



Health is essential for all humans because, without good health, every human will find it challenging to carry out daily activities. The realization of a healthy state is the will of all parties, be it families, individuals or groups, the government, and society as a whole (UU RI No. 36 of 2009).

According to Alamsyah (2012), health services aim to improve health and prevent disease; the main target is the community. Communities can get health services quickly at health centers, hospitals, maternity clinics, and organizations engaged in health services.

Minister of Health Regulation Number: 43 of 2019 concerning Puskesmas states that the definition of Puskesmas is Health Service Facilities (Faskes). Health Service Facility is a place used to organize the process of health services, whether preventive, promotive, rehabilitative, or curative, by the government, local government, and the community. Puskesmas have the task of implementing health policies to achieve health development goals in their working areas.

Based on Health Profile data from the Ministry of Health, the number of puskesmas in Indonesia was 10,134 in 2019; as the name suggests, puskesmas (Community Health Centers) should be reliable by people in remote parts of Indonesia. The problem of health facilities, which were formed initially to promote promotive and preventive efforts, is still struggling with equity. In 2019 the number of outpatient visits at the Puskesmas

Banda Aceh City is 89.24%; meanwhile, the completeness of facilities at health centers in Aceh Province is 89.25%; it is known that as many as 94.38% of health centers in Banda Aceh City have complete facilities to serve patients (profile Aceh Health, 2019). According to data from the Lampaseh Health Center, outpatient visits in the last 5 years have fluctuated; in 2016, there were 14,289 visits; in 2017, there were 26,804 visits; in 2018, there were 17,180 visits; in 2019, there were 16,537 visits, and in 2020 there were 10,003. Visit.

The number of outpatient visits at the Lampaseh Health Center from year to year has fluctuated because there is a possibility that there is a decrease in the number of visits to health services, namely external and internal factors. External factors are due to the increasing level of public health, and internal factors are caused by the reluctance of the community to return for treatment at the Lampaseh Health Center because the community is not satisfied with the health services they receive. In addition, the health facilities at the Lampaseh Health Center are still inadequate, such as the availability of wheelchairs for patients. In addition, the performance of health workers seems slow and complicated, starting from registration to taking medicine. For example, at the time of registration, it is not based on the serial number of the visitor queue but more often based on the close relationship with the registration counter clerk. Patients who have a closer relationship with the registration counter officer take precedence even though they arrive late over patients who arrive early.


Based on the author's initial observations that the complaints felt by the patients were about inadequate health facilities (Tangible), the lack of reliability of the examining officers (Reliability), the less responsive officers (responsiveness), the attitude of the officers at the registration site who lacked empathy (Empathy). , complicated procedures, long waiting times, and the provision of information that is difficult to understand (Assurance) (Puskesmas Lampaseh, 2021).


The research method is descriptive-analytical research with a cross-sectional approach. This was carried out in the Lampaseh Health Center Work Area, Banda Aceh City, on January 25-31. The population of this study was all patients who visited the Lampaseh Health Center; from the results of the puskesmas report, there were 10,033 visits. The sampling used in this study is purposive. As many as 99 people.


Respondents in this study were patients who received treatment at least 2 (two) times in the Lampaseh Health Center Work Area, Banda Aceh City. From the results of interviews using questionnaires, the results of research with respondent characteristics and univariate analysis and bivariate analysis are described as follows:

Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents Distribution of Respondents' Gender Characteristics

Number Gender Frequency %

1. Male 31 31.3

2. Woman 68 68.7

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The Table of Distribution of Gender Characteristics of Respondents results shows that gender (31.3%) is male and (68.7%) are female.

Table 2. Distribution of Characteristics of Respondents' Education Level

Number Level of education Frequency %

1. SD 2 2.0

2. junior high school 12 12.1

3. high school 40 40.4

4. DIPLOMA 10 10.1

5. BACHELOR 35 35.4

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

Based on the results of the Distribution of Characteristics Table of Respondents with Education Level, it shows that the education level of respondents (2.0%) has an elementary school education,


(12.1%) have a junior high school education, (40.4%) have a high school education, (10.1%) has a diploma and (35.4) %) Bachelor.

Table 3. Distribution of Characteristics of Respondents' Type of Work

Number Type of work Frequency %

1. Doesn't work 7 7.1

2. Self-employed 29 29.3

3. Farmer 1 1.0

4. IRT 35 35.4

5. PNS/TNI/Polri 15 15.2

6. Etc 12 12.1

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

Based on the results of the Table of Characteristics of Respondents by Type of Work, it shows that the level of work of respondents is (7.1%) not working, (29.3%) Self-employed, (1.0%) Farmer, (35.4%) Housewife, (15.2%) PNS/TNI/POLRI and (12.1%) others.

Table 4. Univariate Analysis of Variables Patient Satisfaction Frequency Distribution

Number Patient Satisfaction Frequency %

1. Not satisfied 36 36.4

2. Satisfied 63 63.6

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The results of the univariate analysis in the table above show that of the 99 respondents studied at the Lamapaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City, 36 people (36.4%) were dissatisfied, and 63 people (63.6%) were satisfied with the services at the Lampaseh Health Center, Banda Aceh City.

Table 5. Physical Evidence Frequency Distribution

Number Physical evidence Frequency %

1. Not good 22 22.2

2. Currently 77 77.8

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The results of the univariate analysis in the table show that of the 99 respondents studied at the Lamapaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City, 22 respondents (22.2%) stated that the physical evidence was not good, and 77 respondents (77.8%) stated that they had moderate physical evidence for health services at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City.


Table 6. Frequency Distribution Reliability

Number Reliability Frequency %

1. Not enough 22 22.2

2. Currently 38 38.4

3. Well 39 39.4

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The results of the univariate analysis in the table above show that of the 99 respondents studied at the Lamapaseh Public Health Center, Banda Aceh City, 22 respondents (22.2%) stated that health workers had poor reliability, 38 respondents (38.4%) stated that health workers had moderate reliability and 39 respondents (39.4%) stated that health workers have good reliability of health services at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City.

Table 7. Response Frequency Distribution

Number Responsiveness Frequency %

1. Not good 18 18.2

2. Currently 81 81.8

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The results of the univariate analysis in the table above show that of the 99 respondents studied at the Lamapaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City, 18 respondents (18.2%) stated that the responsiveness of health workers was not good, and 81 respondents (81.8%) stated that the responsiveness of health workers was moderate to health services. at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City.

Table 8. Empathy Frequency Distribution

Number Empathy Frequency %

1. Not enough 19 19.2

2. Currently 34 34.3

3. Well 46 46.5

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The results of the univariate analysis in the table above show that of the 99 respondents studied at the Lamapaseh Health Center, Banda Aceh City, 19 respondents (19.2%) had poor empathy for health workers, 34 respondents (34.3%) had moderate empathy for health workers, and 46 respondents (46.5%) have good empathy for health workers towards health services at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City.


Table 9. Guaranteed Frequency Distribution

Number Guarantee Frequency %

1. Not enough 14 14.1

2. Well 85 85.9

TOTAL 99 100

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The results of the univariate analysis in the table above show that of the 99 respondents studied at the Lamapaseh Public Health Center, Banda Aceh City, 14 respondents (14.1%) had poor assurance, 85 respondents (85.9%) had insufficient guarantees for health services at the Lampaseh health center.

Banda Aceh City.

Table 10. Bivariate Analysis of Variables Relationship of Physical Evidence with Patient Satisfaction

Number Physical Evidence

Patient Satisfaction


P-Value Less satisfied Satisfied

n % n % n %

1. Not enough 0 0.0% 22 100.0% 22 100.0%


2. Currently 36 46.8% 41 53.2% 77 100.0%

Total 36 36.4% 63 63.6% 99 100.0%

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The table above shows that the proportion of dissatisfied patients is more significant in respondents with moderate physical evidence (46.8%) compared to less physical evidence (0.0%). At the same time, the satisfaction of satisfied patients is more significant with less physical evidence (100%) compared to moderate physical evidence (53.2%).

The results of the Chi-square test statistical analysis using the continuity correction test obtained P-Value = 0.000 < 0.05, which means a relationship between physical evidence and patient


Table 11. Relationship between Reliability and Patient Satisfaction

Number Reliability

Patient Satisfaction


P-Value Less satisfied Satisfied

n % n % n %

1. not enough 0 0.0% 22 100.0% 22 100.0%


2. Currently 31 81.6% 7 18.4% 38 100.0%

3. Well 5 12.8% 34 87.2% 39 100.0%

Total 36 36.4% 63 63.6% 99 100.0%

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The table above shows that the proportion of dissatisfied patients is more significant in respondents with moderate reliability (81.6%) compared to good reliability (12.8%) and poor category (0.0%). At the same time, the satisfaction of satisfied patients is more significant, with less reliability (100.0%) compared to good (87.2%) and moderate (18.4%) reliability.


The results of the Chi-square test statistical analysis using the continuity correction test obtained P-Value = 0.0748 > 0.05, meaning there is no relationship between reliability and patient satisfaction.

Table 12. The relationship between responsiveness and patient satisfaction

Number Responsiv eness

Patient Satisfaction


P-Value Less satisfied Satisfied

n % n % n %

1. Not

enough 14 77.8% 4 22.2% 18 100.0%


2. Currently 22 27.2% 59 72.8% 81 100.0%

Total 36 36.4% 63 63.6% 99 100.0%

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The table above shows that the proportion of dissatisfied patients is more significant in respondents with less responsiveness (77.8%) than moderate responsiveness (27.2%). At the same time, the satisfaction of satisfied patients is greater with moderate responsiveness (72.8%) compared to less responsiveness (22.2%).

The results of the Chi-square test statistical analysis using the continuity correction test obtained P-Value = 0.000 < 0.05, meaning there is a relationship between responsiveness and patient


Table 13. Empathy Relationship with Patient Satisfaction

Number Empathy

Patient Satisfaction


P-Value Less satisfied Satisfied

n % n % n %

1. not enough 8 42.1% 11 57.9% 19 100.0%


2. currently 16 47.1% 18 52.9% 34 100.0%

3. Well 12 26.1% 34 73.9% 46 100.0%

Total 36 36.4% 63 63.6% 99 100.0%

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The table above shows that the proportion of dissatisfied patients is more significant in respondents with moderate empathy (47.1%) compared to less empathy (42.1%) and in the excellent category of (26.1%), while the satisfaction of satisfied patients is greater with good empathy (73.9). %) compared to less empathy (57.9%) and moderate (52.9%).

The results of the Chi-square test statistical analysis using the continuity correction test obtained P-Value = 0.113 > 0.05, meaning there is no relationship between empathy and patient satisfaction.

Table 14. The relationship between assurance and patient satisfaction

Number Guarantee Patient Satisfaction Amount P-Value


Less satisfied Satisfied

n % n % n %

1. Not

enough 8 57.1% 6 42.9% 14 100.0%


2. good 28 32.9% 57 67.1% 85 100.0%

Total 36 36.4% 63 63.6% 99 100.0%

Source: Primary Data (processed January 2022)

The table above shows that the proportion of dissatisfied patients is more significant in respondents with less assurance (57.1%) than good guarantees (32.9%). At the same time, the satisfaction of satisfied patients is greater with good guarantees (67.1%) compared to fewer guarantees (42.9%).

The results of the Chi-square test statistical analysis using the continuity correction test obtained P-Value = 0.076 < 0.05, meaning there is no relationship between assurance and patient satisfaction.

Satisfaction compares the quality of services obtained with the needs, desires, and expectations.

Patient satisfaction is the level of one's feelings after comparing the perceived performance with expectations (Tjiptono, 2012).

Through patient satisfaction, we can see whether they get good service or, as expected, patients will feel satisfied if the results of their evaluation show that the service or product used is of quality (Zaidin, 2009).

Health services are every effort carried out individually or together in an organization to maintain and improve health, prevent curing diseases, and restore the health of individuals, groups, and communities. , available (available), integrated (integrated), fair (equity), sustainable (continuous), independent (sustainable), acceptable (acceptable), reasonable (appropriate), accessible (accessible), effective (effective), affordable, efficient, and quality (Marjati, 2014).

From research on respondents at the Lampaseh Health Center, it was found that there was a relationship between physical evidence and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center, Kuta Raja District, Banda Aceh City, in 2021. From the cross-tabulation research data, it was found that there was a relationship between physical evidence and respondent patient satisfaction with a P-Value of 0.000; from 99 respondents studied at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City, 0 respondents (0.0%) stated that the physical evidence was not good, and 36 respondents (46.8%) stated that the physical evidence was moderate.

This study is in line with research conducted by Amolee et al. (2015), also related to Determinants Of Patient Satisfaction On Service Quality Dimensions In Nigerian Teaching Hospitals, showing that patients have an excellent preference for the dimensions of empathy for service quality in Teaching Hospitals with an eigenvector of 16,46%. The last preference is waiting time, with an eigenvector of 6.9%.


Based on the results of P-Value = 0.000, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between Physical Evidence and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. Because basically, patient satisfaction is the main factor that shows whether or not the quality of service in health facilities is good. In this case, some patients seeking treatment at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City still complained about the services they received, such as the treatment room being less comfortable and the bed at the time of the examination not being neat and clean.

From research on respondents at the Lampaseh Health Center, it was found that there was a relationship between reliability and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center, Kuta Raja District, Banda Aceh City, in 2021. From the cross-tabulation research data, it was found that there was no relationship between reliability and patient satisfaction. Respondents with P-Value = 0.748, from 99 respondents who were studied at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City obtained as many as 0 respondents (0.0%) stating that the reliability was not good, 31 respondents (81.6%) stated moderate reliability and five respondents (12.8%) stated that the reliability of the officers was good.

This study is in line with Pangerapan et al. (2018) in the 2018 Clinical Medicine Journal, which was conducted on patients from the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of GMIM Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado. The results of his research found P-Value = 0.103> 0.05, which indicates no significant relationship between reliability and patient satisfaction.

Based on the results of P-Value = 0.748, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between reliability and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. In this case, the patients who visited were satisfied with the services provided by the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. Just as doctors who handle patient complaints explain in detail the complaints suffered by patients, the doctor's readiness to serve patients is also good, and doctors take action quickly.

Research on respondents at the Lampaseh Health Center found a relationship between responsiveness and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City in 2021. The cross-tabulation research data found a relationship between responsiveness and patient satisfaction with a P-Value = 0.000 from 99 respondents. As studied at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City, 14 respondents (77.8%) stated that health workers were less responsive, and 22 respondents (27.2%) stated that the responsiveness of health workers was moderate.

This study is in line with the research conducted by Ardani and Supartiningsih (2017) regarding the effect of service quality on satisfaction at Wangaya Hospital Denpasar, that responsiveness is the main factor in patient satisfaction at Wangaya Hospital Denpasar.

Based on the results of P-Value = 0.000, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between responsiveness and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. In this case, some patients who seek treatment at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City still complain


about the services they receive, such as the lack of attention from nurses to patients. In addition, patients are also excluded from making decisions about health care or treatment.

From research on respondents at the Lampaseh Health Center, it was found that there was a relationship between empathy and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center, Kuta Raja District, Banda Aceh City, in 2021. From the cross-tabulation research data, it was found that there was no relationship between empathy and patient satisfaction with a P-Value = 0.113; from The 99 respondents studied at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City obtained as many as 8 respondents (42.1%) stating that empathy was not good, as many as 16 respondents (47.1%) stated moderate empathy and 12 respondents (26.1%) stated good empathy.

This research is in line with research conducted by Simalango. A (2019) in the 2019 Journal of Public Health & Nutrition was conducted on BPJS Inpatients at Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan in 2019.

The study's results found P-Value = 0.110 > 0.05, which indicates no significant relationship between empathy and patient satisfaction.

Based on the results of P-Value = 0.113, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between empathy and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. In this case, the patients who visited were satisfied with the services provided by the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. Like a doctor who tries to give a sense of calm to the patient's anxiety. In addition, the time for family consultation is also fulfilled, and the doctor also entertains the patient and encourages the patient so that the patient can soon be healthy and free from the disease he is suffering from.

From research on respondents at the Lampaseh Public Health Center, it was found that there was a relationship between assurance and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center, Kuta Raja District, Banda Aceh City, in 2021. From the cross-tabulation research data, it was found that there was no relationship between assurance and patient satisfaction. Respondents with P-Value = 0.076, from The 99 respondents studied at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City obtained as many as 8 respondents (57.1%) stated the guarantee was not good, and 28 respondents (32.9%) said the guarantee was good. This shows that the guarantee at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City is improving so that patients will feel satisfied with the service.

This study is in line with Pangerapan et al. (2018) in the 2018 Clinical Medicine Journal, which was conducted on patients from the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of GMIM Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado. The results of his research found P-Value = 0.195> 0.05, indicating no significant relationship between assurance and patient satisfaction.

Based on the results of P-Value = 0.076, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between guarantees and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City. In this case, the patients who visited were satisfied with the services provided by the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda


Aceh City. As well as affordable medical costs. In addition, doctors and nurses can also keep the patient's illness a secret, and the doctor's behavior always gives the patient a sense of security.


Of the 99 respondents studied at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City, it was found that (63.6%) were satisfied with patient satisfaction at the puskesmas, (22.2%) stated that the physical evidence was not good, (39%) had good reliability, (18.2%) said responsiveness of health workers is less responsive, (46.5%) with good empathy, and has reasonable assurance (14.1%); There is a relationship between physical evidence and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City (P-Value = 0.000); There is no relationship between reliability and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City (P-Value = 0.748); There is a relationship between responsiveness and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City (P-Value = 0.000); There is no relationship between empathy and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City (P-Value = 0.113); There is no significant relationship between insurance and patient satisfaction at the Lampaseh Health Center in Banda Aceh City (P-Value = 0.076). It is recommended that the Lampaseh Health Center, Banda Aceh City can, make improvements and developments in the physical evidence sector, such as the treatment or examination room which must be comfortable and neat, and increase the number of medical equipment needed, improvements and developments in the physical evidence sector such as the treatment or examination room which must be comfortable, improve the responsiveness sector such as Hospitality, Courtesy, Good Communication and better understand patient needs.


I want to thank Allah SWT, who has made it easy for me to complete my research, and my two supervisors, who have guided and directed me while I finished writing this research; I also thank my mother, father, brothers, and friends.


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