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Academic year: 2023



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Countable & Uncountable Nouns Articles



A noun:

a word that names a person, animal,

thing, and idea.


Kinds of Nouns

1.Proper Noun

2.Common Noun

3.Collective Noun

4.Abstract Noun


Proper Nouns

• special words that we use for people, animals, places, and things.

• the words begin with capital letters.


Proper Nouns

Taj Mahal

John Susan



Proper Nouns

Bandung Borobudur

Indonesia Farmer Boy


Common nouns:

words used to name general items.


Common Nouns

students teacher cats

car apples park


Collective nouns:

names for groups of people, animals,

or things.


Collective Nouns

a crowd of people a school of fish

a library of books a family


Abstract nouns


• words that name things that are not concrete.

• our five physical senses cannot detect an abstract noun.

we can’t see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it.

• descibes a quality, a concept, an idea, or an event.


freedom love

Abstract Nouns


Common Nouns

Common nouns classified into:

• Countable Nouns

• Uncountable Nouns


Countable Nouns

Countable nouns:

nouns that can be counted in number.

A countable noun has 2 forms:

1. Singular 2. Plural


Countable Nouns

books pens



Singular & Plural Nouns

Singular nouns:

nouns refer to one person, one animal, one place, and one thing.

Plural nouns:

nouns refer to two or more people, animals, places, and things.


Singular & Plural Nouns

apple apples doors door


singular & Plural Nouns

Spelling Rules Singular → Plural

base noun + -s

computer → computers telephone → telephones key → keys

nouns ending with s, sh, ch, x, add -es

bus → buses brush → brushes branch → branches box → boxes

noun ending with y + a consonant, remove the y, add -ies

dictionary → dictionaries story → stories

change noun in different ways

person → people woman → women man → men

child → children foot → feet


Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns:

nouns that cannot be counted. It has only singular form.


Uncountable Nouns

money coffee

water rice



(a/an, the)


Article: a/an

we use a/an:

• before singular count nouns

• When talking about nouns that are not specific and are b eing mentioned for the first time.

example: I bought a CD player and a TV yesterday.

A penguin is a small black and white bird .

• For talking about jobs

example: I am a teacher.

My father is a bank manager.


Article: a/an

•We use an before words which begin with vowels (a, i, u, e, o)

an apple an interesting film

•We also use an before words that begin with a silent ‘h’

an hour an honest person


Article: a/an

•We use a before words which begin with consonants (b, c, d, f, …)

a doctor a big car a girl

•We also use a before ‘u’ and ‘eu’ when it sounds like the word ‘you’

a university a European city


Article: the

We use the:

• When identifying a specific person, place, or thing. example: The blue umbrella is mine.

• When we talk about a person or thing again

example: I bought a TV yesterday. The TV is cheap eno ugh.

• When the speaker and the listener are talking about the same specific item

example: John don’t forget to close the refrigerator.



a lot of /many / much

We use a lot of :

• plural countable

• uncountable nouns

• in positive statements

example: She has a lot of books.

There is a lot of milk in the fridge.



a lot of / many / much

We use many:

• plural countable nouns

• in negations & questions

example: I don't have many friends here.

Are there many people in that room?

In questions, how many + countable noun is used to ask about the numbers of things.

example: A: How many students are there in the class?

B: twenty students



a lot of / many / much

We use much:

• uncountable nouns

• in negations and questions

example: There isn't much water in the bucket.

Do you have much money?

In questions, how much + uncountable noun is used to ask about the amount of something.

example: A: How much sugar do you need?

B: A kilo.


Practice: many or much?

1. _____ money 11. _____ paper

2. _____ time 12. _____ newspapers 3. _____ people 13. _____ flowers

4. _____ children 14. _____ light

5. _____ information 15. _____ ink 6. _____ books 16. _____ hotels

7. _____ water 17. _____ dust

8. _____ cars 18. _____ houses 9. _____ sugar 19. _____ cats

10._____ meat 20. _____ coffee



a few / a little / some

We use a few with plural countable nouns. A few means not many but enough.

example: There are a few chairs in the room.

We use a little with uncountable nouns. A little means not much but enough.

example: I have a little money.



a few / a little / some

Some means unspecified quantity or amount.

We use some:

• plural countable nouns

• uncountable nouns

example: Susan owns some horses.

There is some rice on the table.

In negations, some becomes any.

example: There isn't any rice on the table.


Practice: a few or a little

1. _____ money 11. _____ paper

2. _____ time 12. _____ newspapers 3. _____ people 13. _____ flowers

4. _____ children 14. _____ light

5. _____ information 15. _____ ink 6. _____ books 16. _____ hotels

7. _____ water 17. _____ dust

8. _____ cars 18. _____ houses 9. _____ sugar 19. _____ cats

10._____ meat 20. _____ coffee


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