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A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd


Academic year: 2023

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An Analysis of Teachers' Strategies in Online Speaking Class (A Case Study on MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta in the Academic Year). The aim of this research was to determine the teacher's strategy when teaching speaking skills through online classes. All teachers of the English Education Department who have given their knowledge, experiences and inspiration during the learning process at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Therefore, the teacher must design and determine teaching strategies that will be used in the teaching and learning process so that students can achieve learning goals. However, these are all efforts of the teacher to meet the needs of students in the learning process by choosing the right learning strategy. With various platforms, it is helpful in the teaching and learning process by providing materials, organizing lessons and assignments with distance learning.

Therefore, it is important to know and evaluate the teacher's strategies in teaching speaking used by English teachers through online learning. Based on the identification of the problem, the researcher limited this research to the strategies teachers use when teaching speaking through online learning. Based on the research wording, the aim of this research was to identify and describe the strategies teachers use when teaching speaking through online learning.

Then this research can also be considered by the teacher as a solution in teaching so that it can help students in the teaching and learning process. This study is also expected to increase readers' understanding of speaking teaching strategies and provide a resource for future study.

  • Background of the Study
  • Identification of the Problem
  • Limitation of the Study
  • Formulation of the Problem
  • Objective of the Study
  • Significance of the Study

The media used is a series of learning activities organized by the teacher in accordance with the learning objectives or the material to be studied. The teacher adapts the teaching strategy to the situation and the state of the class. In order to increase students' oral production, the teacher plays a role in managing the classroom as best as possible so that students' speaking skills can be developed.

In the run-in phase, the teacher can interest the students in the subject. If we are going to play a role in the topic, the teacher can ask the students what they know about a particular topic. The teacher may need to illustrate the actions to be taken at this point.

Students can also be asked to repeat work instructions that the teacher has demonstrated. Once the students start working on the assignments, the teacher can move on to the big work. Also, the teacher can instruct the students to change the tone of the dialogue (whispering, shouting, happy, unhappy, etc.) to make it more pleasant.

To create varied activities when teaching spoken English, the teacher can use games from the TV or radio in the classroom. The teacher should give the students time to discuss with us and with each other what types of media are appropriate to use (audio, video, PowerPoint, etc.). If they do, the teacher can help the students with the design process by involving them as a resource.

Basic Competency is any subject for any grade that is derived from core competencies. The objectives of the curriculum include four competences, namely (1) the competence of students' spiritual attitudes during the learning process, (2) students' social attitudes, (3)) knowledge that students will learn, and (4) skills that control students. Speaking is a skill in learning English. The research aimed to describe the teacher's strategy when teaching speaking to students at the secondary school level and to identify student responses to the strategy. The result revealed that the strategies used by the teacher included collaborative activities, role play, creative tasks and exercises.

The results of this study indicate that the strategy used by the teacher in teaching speaking is to design cooperative learning. The first difference is the purpose of the first previous study, which is to discuss how students respond to the strategies used by the teacher, while in this study the focus is on the teacher's strategies and how they are implemented.

  • Teaching Strategy
    • An Overview of Teaching Strategy
    • The Importance of Teaching Speaking
    • The Procedure of Teaching Speaking
    • The Types of Strategies in Teaching Speaking
  • Speaking for Junior High School
    • The Nature of Speaking
    • Purpose of Speaking for Junior High School
    • Component of Speaking for Junior High School
  • Online Learning
    • Definition of Online Learning
    • Types of Online Learning
  • Previous Study

In this way, the researcher chose the teacher as a subject to discover the strategies used by the teacher in teaching speaking through online classes. The strategy used by the teacher also adapts to the material to be studied. If the object of this research is carried out by more than two teachers and more meetings and classes, the results of this study will describe many of the strategies used by the teacher.

The teacher uses Communication Games as a speaking activity The teacher uses Discussion as a speaking activity. The teacher uses Prepare talks and presentations as a speaking activity The teacher uses Questionnaire as a speaking activity. Closing The teacher gives students the opportunity to ask questions about the material of the subject.

Place and Time of the Research

Method and Design of the Research

In the results of this study, researchers describe the results of the analysis based on the data that has been taken.

Subject and Object of the Research

Instrument of the Research

The Technique of Data Collection

Observation is a technique of obtaining first-hand data by paying attention to the people and environment at the research site. Thus, in this study, observation is the collection of data by observing the teacher's activities in the classroom. The purpose of this observation is to observe teachers' strategies in teaching speaking through online classes and teachers' implementation of strategies in online speaking classes.

In this study, the author acts as a non-participant observer, where a non-participant observer is someone who visits the location and takes notes without being involved in the participant's activities. In addition, the author took notes with an observation checklist during the online learning process. According to Creswell, interviews occur when researchers ask open-ended questions so that participants can respond according to their own experiences without being limited by previous findings.

In this study, the author asks the English teacher what strategies are used in speaking teaching. In this study, the researchers will analyze what teachers use as a learning process, namely lesson plans.

The Technique of Data Analysis

The teacher applied not only one strategy, but also two or three strategies. In addition, the strategy that the teacher will use should take into account the circumstances and situation of the classroom, so that the strategy used can help the students achieve learning goals.

Research Findings

  • The Result of Interview
  • The Result of Observation Checklist
  • The Result of Document Analysis



Based on the research findings and the discussion, the researcher concluded that there are four teacher strategies for teaching speaking. These are strategies that teachers use to teach speaking online at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta to continue the process of learning to speak even though learning is online. The steps implemented started with the opening, then the main activity and ended with the closing.

At the opening, the teacher opened the clock, checked the presence of students, repeated the material of the previous meeting and presented the next material. In the main activity part, the teacher explained the material, mentioned the activities to be done, performed several activities with the mentioned strategies, and monitored and provided feedback. Finally, the teacher ended the lesson, gave the students a chance to ask questions and closed the class.


The Question List of Interview

The Observation Checklist

The Document Analysis

Screenshot of Zoom


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