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Nurulita Hidayati

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh





Management and Human and

Resource administration


Theories and models of organizational Behavior

Organisational Behavior refers to the performance demonstrated by an individual in an organization,

Individuals build up the organization and organization on its own is inanimate. It is the “study of human

Behavior in an organizational setting”. Being an

amalgamation of the fields of Psychology, Business, Sociology and Economics, this is such a field that not only helps in uplifting the productivity of the

organization but also improves the overall efficiency of the individual at a personal level, social and

professional level. In other words, Organisational Behavior is the make or break factor of any



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Models of Organizational Behaviour

Models of Organizational Behaviour

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Theories of

Organizational Behavior

Personality Theories As per Gordon Allport,

Personality is simply termed as “the dynamic organization within the individual of those

psychophysical systems that determine his

characteristic behaviour and thought.”

Process Management Theory by Henri Fayol

Fayol also called this the “Administrative Theory” to emphasize that there is a unity of science and


Theory X and Theory Y by McGregor McGregor devised two theories- X and Y. In X, he read lower level engineers or foreman in an organization or plant and in Y he read the higher ranking

managers in the offices of the organization.

Attitude Another imperative concept under Organisational Behavior Theories is that of Attitudes. These are simply referred to as evaluative

statements on objects, people or events and mainly show how someone feels about something.


Supportive Model

Custodial Model Autocrat

ic Model

Collegial Model

The Supportive Model is focused around aspiring leadership

It motivates staff unlike two approaches above that is based upon control and authority and incentive approach

Everybody working in the

organization, the Collegial Model promotes teamwork.

Everybody is encouraged to build a better organization by actively

participating equally The Autocratic Model is based

upon strength, power, and formal authority.

In this model, management have enormous business expertise whereas employees working under them has relatively low skills

Custodial Model follows the concept of providing economic security through wages and benefits to the employees

Providing health benefits, salary, corporate cars, incentives come under this model to attract and retain quality staff

Models of




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dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Cras nibh

nunc, pharetra ac diam



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Cras nibh

nunc, pharetra ac diam


Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn

Enter Chart Title

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consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nibh nunc, pharetra ac diam vel, sagittis commodo mi. Aenean at interdum tortor. In placerat id justo quis

lobortis. Aliquam luctus metus non erat suscipit, ut tempus arcu

tristique. Nullam hendrerit, risus sit amet rutrum elementum, libero mi suscipit ante, non pharetra metus

diam eu elit. Cras ut maximus massa.

Etiam at massa ac lectus vehicula

facilisis sed in lectus.


Terimakasih Terimakasih



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