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Soal latihan stoikiometri. pdf

Brandon Scientia

Academic year: 2023

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100 mL larutan KCl 0,2 M direaksikan dengan 200 mL larutan AgNO3 0,05 M.

Persamaan reaksinya:

KCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → AgCl(s) + KNO3(aq)

Berapakah massa AgCl yang dihasilkan (Ar Ag = 108, Cl = 35,5)?


Satu sampel suatu zat mengandung 2,4 gram karbon, 3,2 gram oksigen, 5,6 gram nitrogen, dan 0,8 gram hidrogen. Nyatakan komposisi zat tersebut dalam persen massa!


Tentukan kadar C dan N dalam urea (CO(NH2)2)(Ar C = 12, O = 16, N = 14, dan H = 1)?


Sebanyak 2 gram kalsium klorida (CaCl2) menyerap uap air dari udara dan membentuk hidrat dengan massa 3,94 gram. Tentukan rumus hidrat tersebut! (Ar Ca = 40, Cl = 35,5, H = 1, dan O = 16)


Kadar air kristal dalam suatu hidrat dari natrium karbonat (Na2CO3) adalah 14,5%.

Tentukan rumus hidratnya! (Ar Na = 23, C = 12, O = 16, dan H = 1)


Dalam 0,1 mol H2SO4, tentukan:

a. jumlah partikel H2SO4 b. jumlah atom H, S, dan O c. jumlah ion H+ dan ion SO42–


Hitunglah massa dari:

a. 0,5 mol barium (Ar Ba = 137) b. 5 mol belerang (Ar S = 32)

c. 2,5 mol K2SO4 (Ar K = 19, S = 32, dan O = 16) d. 0,3 mol CO2 (Ar C = 12 dan O = 16)

e. 10 mol K2Cr2O7 (Ar K = 39, Cr = 52, dan O = 16)


Tentukan volume dari 0,6 mol gas hidrogen yang diukur pada:

a. keadaan standar (STP) b. keadaan kamar (RTP)

c. suhu 28 °C dan tekanan 1 atm

d. suhu dan tekanan yang sama pada saat 2 mol gas karbon monoksida volumenya 25 liter.


Tentukan molaritas larutan yang dibuat dengan melarutkan:

a. 0,8 mol NaCl dalam 250 mL air b. 0,5 mol KOH dalam 1.000 mL air


Tentukan molaritas larutan yang dibuat dengan melarutkan:

a. 50 gram CaCO3 (Ar Ca = 40, C = 12, dan O = 16) dalam 250 mL air b. 11,6 gram Mg(OH)2 (Ar Mg = 24, O = 16, dan H = 1) dalam 2 liter air


Berapakah volume air yang dibutuhkan untuk melarutkan 2 mol KOH (Ar K = 39, O = 16, dan H = 1) untuk membuat larutan KOH 0,05 M?


Berapakah massa zat terlarut dalam 500 mL larutan Ca(OH)2 0,1 M (Ar Ca = 40,O = 16, dan H = 1)?


Pada suhu dan tekanan tertentu (T, P), 2 mol gas oksigen bervolume 30 liter. Pada suhu dan tekanan yang sama, tentukan volume dari 5 mol gas nitrogen!


Tentukan massa atom relatif (Ar) dari 3,25 gram logam X yang mempunyai jumlah partikel 3,01 × 1022 atom X!


Berapakah massa C6H12O6 yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat 2 liter larutan C6H12O6 0,05 M (Ar C = 12, H = 1, O = 16)?


5,4 gram logam aluminium (Ar Al = 27) direaksikan dengan 24,5 gram H2SO4 (Ar H = 1, S = 32, dan O = 16).

Persamaan reaksinya:

2 Al(s) + 3 H2SO4(aq) → Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3 H2(g) Tentukan:

a. pereaksi pembatas b. mol pereaksi yang sisa

c. volume gas H2 pada keadaan standar (STP)


100 mL larutan KOH 0,1 M direaksikan dengan 100 mL larutan HCl 0,2 M.

Persamaan reaksinya:

KOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → KCl(aq) + H2O(l)

Berapakah massa KCl yang terbentuk? (Ar K = 39 dan Cl = 35,5).


#1: A mixture of Mg and Zn with a

combined mass of 1.0875 g was

burned in oxygen producing MgO

and ZnO with a combined mass of

1.4090 g. How many grams of zinc

was in original mixture?


#2: A metal container of a fixed volume contains water vapor at 200. °C at a pressure of 4.50 atm. The water is then electrolytically split to generate hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gases. What will be the pressure (in atm) of the container at 200. °C after the water has been completely split?


#3: A metal container of fixed volume is filled with 2.50 atm of H2 gas and 2.50 atm of O2 at 200. °C. The gases then react to generate water vapor (H2O gas) through a combustion reaction. What is the total pressure (in atm) in the container at 200. °C when the reaction has progressed to the point where it has produced the maximum amount of H2O gas?


#4: 1 mole of hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n was burned completely in oxygen producing carbon dioxide and water vapour only. It required 192 grams of oxygen.

Determine the formula of the hydrocarbon.


#5: A 13.43 g mixture of CH4 and C2H6 is completely burned in excess oxygen. The mixture of CO2 and H2O that results weighs 64.84 g. Determine the fraction of CH4 in the original mixture.


#6: You are given 1.446 g of a mixture of KClO3 and KCl.

When heated, the KClO3 decomposes to KCl and O2:

2KClO3(s) ---> 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g) and 355 mL of O2 is collected over water at 26.0 °C. The total pressure of the gases in the collection flask is 745.0 torr. What is the weight percentage of KClO3 in the sample?


#7: A mixture of potassium chloride and potassium bromide weighing 3.595 g is heated with chlorine gas, which converts the mixture completely to potassium chloride. The total mass of the KCl after the reaction is 3.129 g. What percent of the original mixture is KBr?


#8: An alloy contain aluminum, copper, and zinc. You take a 12.657 g sample of the alloy and react it with an HCl solution. The reaction converts all of the aluminum and zinc in the alloy to aluminum chloride and zinc chloride in addition to producing hydrogen gas. The copper does not react with the HCl. Upon completion of the reaction, a total of 10.2 L of hydrogen gas was collected at a pressure of 726 torr and a temperature of 27.0 °C. Additionally, 2.642 g of unreacted copper is recovered. What is the percent composition of the alloy?


#9: A sample of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is known to contain some impurities. It is found that Na makes up 18.00% of the entire mass of the sample. All of the Na comes from the NaHCO3. Find the mass percent of NaHCO3 in the sample.


#10: An ore of barium contains BaCO3. A 1.495 g sample of the ore was treated with HCl to dissolve the BaCO3. The resulting solution was filtered to remove insoluble material and then treated with H2SO4 to precipitate BaSO4. The precipitate was filtered, dried, and found to weigh 1.152 g. What is the percentage by mass of barium in the original sample?


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