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In speaking performance the students not only competence use grammatical with appropriate words but also with the expression to make the other students understand about what is talked


Academic year: 2023

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Kristia Amanda, Suharni, Astuti Pratiwi Ramadhani Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi gerakan tubuh yang digunakan siswa dalam penampilan berbicara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Alat pengambilan data dari penelitian ini adalah observasi ceklis, video, dan catatan lapangan. Data penelitian ini didapatkan dari siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. Jumlah siswa yang dianalisa adalah sebanyak 20 orang. Melalui instrument video dapat digambarkan bagaimana gaya gerakan tubuh yang digunakan siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa ada empat jenis gaya gerakan tubuh yang digunakan oleh siswa disaat penampilan berbicara; (1) Descriptive Gestureuntuk mendeskripsikan dengan menggoyangkan tangan, membuat bentuk dengan tangan dan melambaikan tangan, (2) Emphatic Gestureuntuk mengungkapkan rasa empati dengan gerakan menyarankan dan menggenggam tangan, (3) Suggestative Gestureuntuk mensugesti dengan membuka telapak tangan untuk memberikan saran, dan (4) Prompting Gestureuntuk memberikan kode dengan menunjuk dengan jari, mengangkat tangan, dan membuat gerakan yang spesifik.

Kata Kunci; Gerakan, Penampilan, Berbicara


Speaking performance is an action that students do in front of the class by speaking. In speaking performance the students not only competence use grammatical with appropriate words but also with the expression to make the other students understand about what is talked. The

tudents can indicate their competence to express what they think orally and develop their knowledge. Speaking performance is keys to know students comprehension about speaking. The students actually use verbal communication when speaking performance, but it will not complete if the students to deliveringmessage


did not use body language like gesture.

Based on the pre-observation that researcher did at SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang Pesisir Selatan, the researcher found some phenomena during speaking performance. The researcher looked the students used their eyes to look around, and the students used their head and smiling to express their idea when speaking performance, but the students rarely using gesture during their performance. It makes the performance bored and not interested.

Performance is actions that students do in front of the class to other students by speaking.

According to Sheirer (2002:35), performance is involved presenting the students’ competence in speaking.

Beside, Tatham and Katherine (2011:98) state that performance is a dynamic model of the actual use of competence in a real situation involving communication using language.

Gesture is the visible act that speakers use when they convey the message and give information.

According to Toasmasters (2011:8),

gesture is a specific bodily movement that reinforces a verbal message or conveys a particular thought or emotion. Beside, Lewis (2012:12) states that the verbal or nonverbal body movement used to express or emphasize an idea, an emotion, or a state of mind.

When the students perform in front of the class, the students can use type of gesture to help send message or information to other people.

Toastmasters (2011:9) states that there are four types of gesture as follow; descriptive gesture, emphatic gesture, suggestive gesture, prompting gesture.


This research design of the research was descriptive, because the researcher analyzed students’ in body language in speaking performance at class XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. The participant of this research was the twelve grade students in academic year 2017/2018 at SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. In this research, there are three classes of students class XII at SMA Negeri 1


Lengayang. The researcher took 20 students’ speaking performance as participants. Furthermore, in this research, the researcher took the data by using purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling reffered to as judgment sampling to select a sample that is believed to be representative of a given population (Gay and Airasian, 2012:141).

There were some instruments that were used in this research. In this case, the researcher used observation checklist, video recording and field note as the instruments.

There are four steps of analyzing the data; reading/memoing, describing, classifying, interpreting.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data.From the data that the researcher got from geture used by the students in speaking performance.

Table 1. Type of Students’ Gesture Used by the Students

Indicators Sub Indicators


Descriptive gestures

a. Swaying hands b. Moving

the hands c. Waving


1 student 12 students 5 students

Emphatic gestures

Suggestive gestures

Prompting gesture

a. Suggest feelings b. Hands


a. An open the palm suggest s giving

a. Number b. Raised

hand c. Specific


7 students 2 students

1 students

11students 2 students 11 students

The researcher found gesture used by the students in speaking performance. Descriptive, emphatic, suggestive and prompting indicated as types of gesture used by the students.

First, students used descriptive gesture to describe something. It aimed to explain comparisons and contrasts, and visualize the size, shape, movement, location, function and number of objects. Second, students used emphatic gesture to express something. It aimed to express earnestness and conviction.

Third, students used suggestive gesture to suggest something. It aimed to create a desired mood or


express a particular thought. The last, students used prompting gesture to prompt something. It aimed to evoke a desired response from the audience.

Based on the related finding to support the research, the research has conducted by Fridanna (2012) with the title “Hand Gestures in speech:

Studies of Roles in Social Interaction (University of Rome “La Sapienza )”.

The purpose of this research is people move their hands and arms.

Therefore, this research was different from the researched above because in this research the researcher wanted to describe about what are type of students’ gesture in speaking performance of the third grade at SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang Pesisir Selatan.


Based on the finding, there are four things that can be concluded.

First, there were 1 student which used gesture swaying hands to show movement, 12 students which used gesture moving the hands and arms to indicate shape, 5 students which used gesture waving the hands and3 students did not use descriptive

gesture. Second, there were 7 students which usedsuggests feelings gesture, 2 students which used hands clasped gesture and12 students did not use emphatic gesture. Third, there were only one student which usedan open the palm suggests giving gesture and19 students did not use suggestive gesture. The last, there were 11 students which usednumber/finger gesture,2 students which used raised hands gesture, 11 students which used specific actions gesture and 3 students did not use prompting gesture.


Fridanna, Maricchiolo. 2012. Hand Gestures in speech: Studies of Roles in Social Interaction.

Roma, ITALY: uniromal Gay, L. R and Airasian, P. 2012.

Educational Research:

Competencies for

Analysis and Application.

(10𝑡ℎ Edition). New York:

Pearson Education.

Lewis, Hedwig. 2012. Body Language A Guid for Profesionals. London: SAGE.

Sheirer, John. 2002. Shut Up and Speak! Essential Guidelines For Public Speaking In School, Work, and Life.

America: iUniverse, Inc.

Tatham, Mark & Katherine, M. 2011.

Guide to Speech Production


and Perception. Britain:

Edinburgh University Press Ltd.

Toastmasters. 2011. Gestures: Your Body Speaks. New York:

Mission Viejo, CA.



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