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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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A CASE STUDY OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (EFL) ON THE 8TH GRADER OF SLB NEGERA METRO. The purpose of the research is to show the EFL classroom activities for hearing impaired children used by the teacher, the teacher's considerations in designing and implementing the EFL classroom activities, and challenges faced by the teacher in the development of EFL classroom activities. In this research, the researcher observes the teaching process and interviews the English teacher of the hearing impaired children of the eighth graders at SLB Negeri Metro.

The results showed that the teacher used, designed and implemented EFL activities in the classroom based on the characteristics, needs and abilities of the students, such as choosing activities that provide instruments, especially visual support, changing the classroom environment. In addition, the teacher also faced the children's limitations as her own challenges, but she had her own way to overcome the challenges, such as providing a simple and easy activity and giving maximum visual support to the students in the activity.


  • Background of Study
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objectives and benefits of the study
  • Prior Research

What are the teacher's considerations in planning and implementing EFL activities in the classroom for children with hearing impairment. What are the challenges faced by the teacher in designing EFL classroom activities for hearing impaired children. To describe the teacher's attention in planning and implementing EFL activities in the classroom for children with hearing impairment.

To describe the challenges faced by the teacher in developing EFL activities in the classroom for children with hearing impairment. To improve EFL teaching for children with hearing impairment, especially when planning classroom activities.


The Concept of Teaching English for Children

  • The Definition of English Teaching
  • The Definition of English Teaching for Children

The Concept of Hearing impairment

  • The Definition of Hearing Impairment
  • The Understanding of English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

Hearing impairment is a general term used to describe all degrees and types of hearing loss and deafness.19 Hearing impairment does not mean that a person cannot perceive any sound. Another definition of hearing impairment is a general term that refers to all types, causes and degrees of hearing loss.20. A hard of hearing person is someone whose hearing is disabled to some degree (usually 35 to 69 dB ISO).

To outline the impact of hearing loss on the development of English speech, language and literacy, a number of descriptive variables have been identified, including the degree of hearing loss; age at onset; age at identification; etiology; presence of additional disabilities; and hearing status, degree of involvement, mode of communication, socioeconomic status of the parents or guardians. According to Peter Westwood, most hearing loss can be classified as either conductive or sensory-neural. Conductive hearing loss occurs when sounds do not reach the middle or inner ear (cochlear) due to a physical deformity, blockage or damage.

Hearing loss from a middle ear infection is usually temporary and will improve once the infection is successfully treated. If left untreated, infections can damage the middle ear, resulting in permanent hearing loss. Hearing loss is expressed by the amplification required before the individual can hear each sound.

Much of the emphasis in the description of hearing loss has been placed on the degree of hearing loss. There is a rough relationship between hearing loss in decibels and degree of functional difficulty. Many factors, including time of onset, severity, type of hearing loss, and different teaching approaches used, all interact to produce large variations in spoken language performance.


  • The Characteristic and Type of the Research
  • Data Source
  • Data Collection Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Approach

The EFL class activities used by the teacher were contextual, focused on providing new English vocabulary and suitable for children with hearing impaired characteristics, abilities and needs. Outcome lessons and classroom activity summary that the teacher has used with a procedure are available at Appendix. This reduction indicated that the EFL class activities used by the teacher were contextual, used a picture as an instrument to help students understand.

The data about the process of teaching process, the kind of English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom activities, then the challenges that the teacher faces in teaching English to children with hearing impairment. The result of this research indicated that the EFL classroom activities used by the teacher were contextual, focused on providing new English vocabulary, and suitable for children with hearing impairment limitation, characteristics, abilities and needs. Therefore, the classroom activities used by the teacher help the students to reach the target language.

Regarding the design and implementation of activities, the teacher also takes into account the important ways of choosing English language classroom activities, modifying the classroom environment, providing visual support and improving students' communication skills. The purpose of the study was to find out the English language classroom activities for children with hearing impairment used by the teacher, the teacher's considerations and the challenges faced by the teacher in designing the activity. The result of this research showed that the English language classroom activities used by the teacher were contextual, used some pictures to help students understand, focused on giving new vocabulary in English and suitable for children with limitations, characteristics , abilities and needs with hearing impairment.

Regarding the design and implementation of the activities, the teacher also considers the important ways in the selection of activities in the English language classroom, the provision of visual support and the improvement of the students. Anne Royle, "Early Learning of English as a Foreign Language by Children with Hearing Impairment, with Special Reference to Curriculum Modification in Special Needs Schools", 2008. Denzin, Norman K., & Lincoln, Yvonna S., The Landscape of Qualitative Research: Theories and Issues, (California: SAGE Publications, Inc., 1998).


Description of Research

SLB Negeri Metro started operations on 20 June 2004 with 25 students while 7 students were active. The process of teaching and learning is carried out by driving in the student dormitory of Secondary Professional School (SMK) Negeri 2 Metro with minimal condition with the help of parents of students with the slogan "no root cane is made". In the development process, the Metro City SLB PLH, appointed by the Metro City Education Office, Dr. Yatino until 2006, because the director of SLB must have a minimum education of S1 PLB, Dr. Yatino could not be named definitive.

In order to support teachers and students, there are some facilities in SLB Negeri metro namely; teacher's room, officer's room, principal's room, computer lab unit, library and digital library unit, language lab unit, classroom, mosque, skill rooms, badminton court, auditorium. Based on the data above, it can be seen that the facilities of SLB Negeri Metro are complete enough. SLB Negeri Metro has professional teachers and officers from various universities and also from different levels of education.

The total number of teachers and officers was 35 persons and divided into 17 civil servant teachers and 10 honorary teachers.

Description of Data Analysis

  • Data Reduction
  • Data Display
  • Conclusion Drawing/ Verifying

As for the purpose of this research, the research specified her main purpose to the teacher who taught hearing impaired children. Before beginning the learning process of teaching English to children with hearing loss, the teacher should identify the student's characteristics, the children's understanding limitations, the level of degrees of hearing loss and intellectual development of children. The teacher opens the meeting by greeting, reviewing the last material and then explaining the material to recall the last subject who gave.

The teacher then challenged the student to come up in front of their classmates to write the last meeting vocabulary they learned and then translate into English. And then the teacher gave the instruction to match the picture with the vocabulary and put the picture they cut out in their book. The sources in the table are the collection of data that the researcher has used from the observation of the learning process, interviews with the teacher and documentation.

When designing and implementing the activity, the teacher must understand the student's characteristics, taking into account the student's limitation. In the teaching of English, the teacher also found some challenges related to the student's limitation, communication and time to teach the English subject, but the teacher can solve it. In terms of designing and implementing the activities, the teacher also faced some challenges, the biggest challenge that the teacher faced is the limitations of the students, which brings the students language skills and difficult to communicate.

The teacher does not have fundamentals about teaching with sign language, but the teacher has some ways to overcome the challenges by providing a simple and easy activity and maximum visual supports to the students in the activity. In terms of designing and implementing the activities, the teacher also faced some challenges, the biggest challenge that the teacher faced is the limitations of the students, which brings the students language skills and difficult to learn foreign languages, but the teacher has some ways to overcome the challenges of to provide a simple and easy activity and maximum visual support for the students in the activity. The teacher asked the last material and reviews the last material with sign language and continued the material.

Figure 4  Data Display
Figure 4 Data Display



This study was concerned with the teaching of English as a foreign language to children with hearing impairment especially in the classroom activities. There are many ways that are consistent with the existing theories presented in Chapter II. However, this research also found something that needs to be developed in the design and implementation of the activities.

In addition, the arrangement of the students should also be developed so that all students can see each other's faces.


  • Categories of Hearing Loss
  • Categories the degrees of hearing loss
  • The facilities of SLB Negeri Metro
  • Teachers and Officers of SLB Negeri Metro
  • The Number of Students’ of SLB Negeri Metro
  • The Result of Data Reduction
  • Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Modell
  • The organization structure of SLB Negeri Metro
  • The location sketch of SLB Negeri Metro
  • Data display

We hope that this research will increase our knowledge about teaching English to hearing impaired children. There are friendly EFL classroom activities, Picture and Image and CTL that focus on vocabulary. Since the process of handing in the materials takes one hour, the application takes more time for the students.

Selecting activities in the EFL classroom, changing the classroom environment, providing visual support based on the learner's characteristics and limitations. What challenges and problems have you encountered in teaching English to hearing impaired children? A contextual activity used some pictures to help students understand the names of things in the house.


Figure 4  Data Display


Dokumen terkait

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