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In this study the researcher focuses on students learning style and speaking achievement


Academic year: 2023

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Internal factors derived from the students themselves such as mood, self-esteem, motivation and learning style. Every student, especially in the second semester of English department of STAIN Ponorogo in the academic year, has different learning style. Based on the explanation above, the author wants to find out the influence of learning style on student performance.

It relates to the study topic in the second semester of the English department of STAIN Ponorogo in the academic year titled: “The influence of learning style on the speaking skills of second level students. This study focuses on the influence of students' learning style and speaking performance in the second semester of the English Department of STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015. Is there a significant influence of learning style on the speaking performance of the students in the second semester of the English department? of STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015.

To determine the influence of learning style on the speaking achievements of students in the second semester of the English department of STAIN Ponorogo in the academic year 2014/2015. The teacher, students and other elements of education expect this study to improve their discourse about students' learning styles. According to Felder and Silverman, learning style is defined as characteristics, strengths and preferences in the way people receive and process information.13 In addition, learning style refers to an individual's preferred ways of learning.14.

Based on the above statement, it can be concluded that learning style is the way a teacher educator uses in the learning process.

Visual Learning Style

RichardBandler, Jhon Grinder and Michael Grinder, identified three learning styles and different communication:15. They are not easily disturbed by the noise or noisy sound when they are learning.

Auditory Learning Style

Rather than verbal humor or joke book humor or cartoons.26 So auditory learning style is a learning style focus in hearing some information.

Kinesthetic Learning Style


According to Joy M. Reid, “talking is usually a dialogue, a conversation with a collaborating partner with whom we share some background information, whose feedback is immediate, and whose reactions we can predict.”30 David Nunan also states, “Speaking is the most important thing. important aspect of learning a second or foreign language and success is measured in terms of the ability to hold a conversation in the language.”31. Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that speaking is a capacity for interaction or an interactive process of constructing and sharing meaning between the speaker and the listener by performing and conveying the messages or ideas. According to Bygate, there are four sub-skills that come under speaking skills: motor-perceptive skills, interaction skills,. production skills, compensation strategies.

On this scale, examiners look for evidence of the candidate's ability to express ideas and opinions in coherent, connected speech. On this scale, refer to the candidate's ability to produce individual sounds, the appropriate linking of words, the use of stress and intonation to convey the intended meaning. On this scale, refers to the candidate's ability to communicate with the interlocutor and the other candidate by initiating and responding.

A direct speaking test involves a procedure where the learners actually speak the target language, interact with the test administrator or with other students and generate new utterances. An indirect speaking test is one where the test takers do not speak. For example, the students may be given a conversation cloze test and the phoneme discrimination task.

A close key is written text about a paragraph long in which words have been deleted and replaced with blank lines. A conversational cloze test is one where the original text is the transcript of an actual conversation. The phoneme discrimination task, in which the test takers hear a single word spoken and must select the correct picture in the test booklet when presented with a picture.

Testers listen to prompts and tasks given by a recorded voice and also respond by speaking into a recording device. These are relatively easy to set up, especially if there is a room in addition to the classroom where students can be interviewed. These are similar to role-playing, except that students are not asked to take on a role, but simply to play themselves.

Speaking Achievement

Setting standards involves clearly specifying what students should know and be able to do at different levels of oral language skills. Standards can be set by establishing a cutoff point on a scoring rubric that meets a specific level of performance. The students who scored at level 6 would have developed oral language comparable to that of English-speaking classmates.

Students scoring at levels 4 and 5 on the rubric would probably benefit from placement in the highest level of the ESL program. Level 3 students would most likely be placed in the intermediate level of the ESL program, while level 2 and 1 students would be placed in the beginning level of the program. Douglas Brown and George Yule, “An essential step in preparing for oral language assessment is planning how to engage students in self-assessment.

We can involve students in creating assessment criteria by giving them the opportunity to listen to good and bad performances and asking them to describe the characteristics of an influential performance.” In pair or group activities, students can be asked to rate each other and their performance as a group. Ur says: “Oral language assessment is most impactful when it is based on task performance.

This means that students have to do something in response to what they hear, whether it's writing notes, plotting a route on a map, or answering questions.” According to Douglas H. Brown and George Yule, “Oral language assessment has can take different forms depending on your assessment purpose, the level of language proficiency of the students and the purposes for which students use oral language in the classroom. Assessment tasks for oral language vary according to whether they require the use of static relations (for example when describing a picture or giving instructions), dynamic relations (telling a story or taking part in a role-play) or abstract relations (giving an opinion).'

Documentation can take the form of checklists, rubrics, rating scales or anecdotal notes and can be carried out on an individual, pair or group basis. The basic difference between checklists and rating scales is that while checklists only allow the presence or absence of a particular function to be determined, rubrics or rating scales allow for the documentation of the level of oral language proficiency demonstrated by providing different levels of performance. Spencer Kagan says, “Structured cooperative learning tasks that provide positive interdependence and individual accountability will increase opportunities for speaking.

According to Rodhes and Nathenson-Mejia, “Teachers who prefer to keep written notes on their observations may want to use anecdotal data. Anecdotal data has been used mostly to assess progress in literacy in primary school."

PreviousResearch Finding

The second was presented by Sylvia IndarKartika titled "The comparative study between students' learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic students) on English achievement of SMP TerpaduPonorogo in academic year 2011/2012". The focus was the comparative study between students' learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners) on English performance of eighth grade students in SMP TerpaduPonorogo in the academic year 2011/2012. The result of her thesis is that there is a comparative study between students' learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners) on English performance of eighth grade students in SMP TerpaduPonorogo in the academic year 2011/2012.

Based on the above research results, it is assumed that the learning style is very important in the learning process. This shows a difference in learning styles.


One of the themes is the learning style, because if the students do not know their learning style, they will not know how best to absorb the material and the student will have a hard time understanding the material they are learning in the process of learning.



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The results of the study above conclude that interest in learning has a positive influence on increasing English learning achievement of second semester AMAYO students, which means that