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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar guru berpendapat positif tentang penggunaan kerangka TPACK dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di SMK Integal Minjahut Thullab Pekalongan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi guru bahasa Inggris tentang penggunaan Technology Pedagogical Content Framework (TPACK) dalam proses belajar mengajar di SMK Integal Minjahut Thullab Pekalongan.


Question of the Research

  • The Benefits of the Study a. Student

This study is expected to be able to understand the English teacher's lessons, even if they do not conduct the learning process face-to-face, specifically using the TPACK approach. b. This research can help English teachers improve their shortcomings and figure out how to teach effectively using the TPACK approach.

Prior Research

  • Difference
  • Similarity
  • The Competence of Teacher

The objects studied in the third previous research were Skipsi from the English Education Department of IAIN Bengkulu. The similarities between this research and the three previous researches are in the perception of TPACK.

The Concept of TPACK 1. Definition of TPACK

  • The Component of TPACK

According to Shulman, Content Knowledge (CK) refers to knowledge about the subject matter to be taught or taught (Mishra & Koehler). Pedagogical and content technology knowledge is knowledge about the complex interactions between the domains of knowledge principles (content, pedagogy, technology).

The Concept of Perception 1. Definition of Perception

  • The Types of Perception

Social studies learning is to make room for innovation so that social studies learning becomes fun. The essence of integrated social studies learning is intended for students to develop knowledge, values, attitudes and skills in society, the nation and the state. The construction of the social studies learning paradigm must move teacher-centered, textbook-centered and monomedia learning to student-centered Social studies learning must prioritize Social Studies, an integrated study of social and human sciences in social studies competence development. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, teachers quickly changed their courses from traditional to innovative.

Perception is a term commonly used to describe the experience of a thing or event. The process by which a person selects, organizes and interprets input information to create a meaningful picture of the world is called teacher perception. Based on some of the experts' definitions of perception, it is possible to conclude that perception is the process by which information from the external environment is selected, received, organized and interpreted so that it is meaningful to you.

The first step in the perception process is selection, in this step the environmental stimulus becomes meaningful experience. The third step in perception is interpretation, that is, the process of attributing meaning to what is selected by the stimulus. Human perception is actually divided into two, namely the perception of the object (physical environment) and human perception, human perception is often called social perception.


The Characteristic and Types of the Research

Caudle stated that qualitative analysis is the understanding of relevant data collected from various sources such as interviews, observations and documents, and is responsible for presenting what is revealed by the data.22. The research process consists of questions and procedures, general data collection among participants, inductive analysis of data from specific to general topics, and the researcher's interpretations of the meaning of the data. 23 English teacher interview data on the perception of the TPACK approach during the pandemic will be analyzed by the authors.

Data Resource

  • Primary Data
  • Secondary Data

The author will conduct this research to find out how teachers perceive TPACK-based teaching in teaching English as a foreign language and how to use teachers TPACK for teaching and learning process. In this case, the author will collect data from English teachers in SMK Integral Minhajut Thullab Pekalongan and the results of interviews. Secondary sources are useful for starting a review, exploring and determining the range of material on a topic.

As secondary sources, the writer used the major journals of Ali Mustadi, Jewish Van Septriwanto, Falenthino Sampouw and Roeth A.O Najoan, titled "Elementary School Teachers See the Knowledge of Technological Educational Content in Online Learning Due to Covid 19" and Mathew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman, titled Qualitative Data Analysis.

Data Collection Technique

  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • Interview

In this research, the writer collected data from the written assignment documents of the English teacher at SMK Integral Minjatut Thullab Pekalongan, which will be an interview. An interview is a process of obtaining information for research purposes using questions and answers between the interviewer and the person being interviewed. Interview indicators are the English teacher on pedagogical and content technology knowledge Approach to teaching English during the pandemic.

Data Analysis Technique

  • Data Reduction
  • Data Display

Documentation is a way of providing documents using accurate evidence from capturing specific sources of information from essays, wills, books, laws, and so on. Data reduction is the process of selecting, organizing, evaluating, separating and converting data from field notes or transcripts. A data view is a well-organized collection of information that allows for the development of numerous conclusions and graphs.

Research Approach

Description of Research

  • Description of Research Location

Names of principals of SMK Integral Minhajut Thullab Pekalongan and term of office. Achieving education to produce quality achievements and graduates who care about the environment 2. Achieving human resources who care about pollution prevention, environmental damage prevention and environmental conservation.

Description of Research Data

  • Teachers’ Perception Upon Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (Tpack) Approach In Teaching English During
  • How to teachers use TPACK for teaching and learning process

Two teachers said it was easy, one teacher found it difficult that the teacher use zoom whatsapp and so on to make it easy. The teacher indicated during the interview that he could only teach lessons via Whatsapp by sending course material in the form of PDFs, videos or YouTube video links. 4 Able to follow various software developments, download and install programs. delivered by the teacher through appropriate online learning with syllabus.

6 The teacher provides a variety of references for the students to acquire relevant content in EFL subject. 11 The teacher provides a sample of material in the form of a video or image before learning English online. 2 You are diligent in completing the English assignments given by the teacher through online learning during the covid-19 pandemic.

You ask the teacher when you have difficulty learning the English language through online learning. One of the difficulties they experienced was signal limitations, students said the teacher often provided motivation before learning began, students said the teacher used the tpack method. in the learning process during the pandemic. but by using technology students get new challenges in the learning process. Complex learning content can be simplified with the help of technology. Because it is considered easier to remember and difficult than just a direct explanation from the teacher.


Except this; Students can also ask teachers directly if there is material they don't understand, they can ask at any time, via WhatsApp or others, without having trouble finding the teacher.


In fact, English teachers in vocational secondary schools still face some problems related to technology. During the interview, the teacher indicated that he could only use Whatsapp to teach lessons, by sending course materials in the form of PDFs, videos or YouTube video links. Students that learning English online during the Covid-19 pandemic is easier and students can request lessons at any time via whatsapp, students explain that learning English online has a good effect on them, such as being independent in learning English and increasing their motivation to learn the language of English.


An Analysis of Teachers' Pedagogical Competence in Lesson Study of Mgmp Smp Majalengka." ELTIN JOURNAL, Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia 6, no. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) of English Teachers in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6, no. Primary school teachers' perception of technological pedagogical content knowledge in online learning due to Covid 19." Jurnal Prima Edukasia 9, no.

Does Teacher Training Affect the Pedagogical Competence of Mathematics Teachers?” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1097, no. Development of Technology Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Research.” Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 10, no. Pedagogical, personal, social and professional competence correlated with teacher performance (Correlational study of junior high school teachers at SMPN 3 Purwokerto).

Vice President and Assistant Professor Development of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Research (TPACK), Selcuk University, 2011 Yatun, Yatun, Ahmad Munir and Pratiwi Retnaningdyah. Practice of the English blended learning course amid the Covid-19 pandemic.” Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal 5, no. Teacher perceptions when selecting virtual learning platforms: a case of Mexican higher education during the COVID-19 crisis. Sustainability (Switzerland) 14, no.


At the beginning of online learning I was very nervous because I couldn't use my android phone, the students were smarter than me 2. Are you easy to understand. Learning English online is not easy, learning offline is easy because it is easy to understand. 4 What difficulties did you face during the teaching and learning process in the pandemic era.

I recommend several apps for students to learn English, such as my dictionary, hello basic, and English learning videos on YouTube. I think learning English online is not easy because there is no direct interaction with students. For example, I only use YouTube and Whatsapp in the learning process. 4 What problems did you have?

Like whatsapp for discussion and google classroom for assignments 12 Which app do you think it is. My knowledge of the use of technology is limited, during this online lesson I, like Whatsapp and YouTube class groups, before the start of the lesson I usually make YouTube videos related to the topic of the lesson at that time. Yes, I offer many variants in the process of learning English, namely watching English YouTube 8 How to prepare teaching materials.

12 Which application do you think is effective for kick-starting the teaching and learning process of English? 6 You take English language lessons online and are more active so that you get good grades.


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