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Academic year: 2023



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Teaching methods used by teachers to improve students' speaking skills in English Language Teaching (ELT) at SMAN 1 Takalar. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil „Alamin, the researcher wishes to express her deepest gratitude to Almighty Allah Subhanawata'ala, the only provider, the most merciful who has given his guidance, inspiration and health throughout to carry out this research until bottom. Further, the researcher expresses her highest thanks, love and appreciation to her loving parents, the best father ever, Rasulu, who has always given her so much love, support, attention, advice, courage to lived her life and continues to fight to face it all. things, and her beautiful mother, Haima, many thanks for the love and everything she gave in her life.

The researcher found that in the process of making the thesis, many people contributed their valuable suggestions, guidance, help and advice to complete the thesis. All lectures of FKIP UNISMUH, which imparted all the knowledge for the researcher. The researcher's classmate in English department 2015 (EDELWEISS class) and ANABEL,BUNDA (my group friendship) and other best friends who cannot be mentioned one by one.

The researcher realized that writing this thesis is far from perfect and still the simplest. Finally, let the researcher pray, may all our efforts be blessed by Allah Subhanawata'ala.


Students use a certain method of speaking when they want to express themselves, but they have problems because they do not know the elements of language for communication. Since this was not easy to do, we made standard norms using only English and negotiated them with the students. Thus, teaching strategies would direct the implementation of methods and approaches, in which they determine the appropriate methods and tactics that the lecturer will use in conducting activities in the classroom, which in turn affect the success of language teaching and the increase of student achievement (Bin Tahir). , 2012).

Therefore, the researchers were deeply moved to directly observe how English-speaking teachers conduct their lessons, to investigate what technique they used, to reveal how the implementation of the teaching method takes place, and to know how students perceive teachers in ELT. What are the methods used by teachers to improve speaking skills in ELT? To find out how students respond to the teaching and learning process using methods that teachers often use in speaking classes.

The result of the research is to discover information and methods used by teachers for students and teachers in teaching the learning process, especially in language teaching. The problem focuses on the teaching methods used by teachers in the teaching and learning process in teaching English at SMAN 1 Takalar.


His research explained that one of the main concerns of most language teachers is helping language learners develop satisfying language skills. It concluded with an evaluation of the need for a friendly and stimulating environment in the classroom. In fact, the Direct Method derives its name from the fact that meaning must be conveyed directly into the target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, without the need for recourse by the learners.

This method can be done by playing a recording of a conversation in the target language, students listen and repeat what they heard. The "what to learn" aspect of communication emphasized the importance of language functions rather than focusing only on grammar and vocabulary. Suggestopedia is a specific set of instructional recommendations derived from suggestionology, which Lazanov describes as a “science dealing with the systematic study of marked and/or unconscious influences .. to which human beings are constantly reacting.

The most visible features are the decoration, furniture and furnishings and the arrangement of the classroom, the use of music and the authoritative behavior of the teacher. The grammar of a language is a description of the ways in which words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in that language. The more vocabulary a student has, the easier it is to develop his four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

Intensive speaking goes a step further than imitation and includes any speech performance designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of the language. Conversations are a little more difficult for the learner because they can include all of the following factors: casual writing, colloquial language, emotionally charged language, slang, ellipsis, sarcasm, and a hidden "agenda." Muria (2001) stated that discussion is probably the most frequently used activity in skills lessons.

In this way, the teacher not only knows students' speaking ability, but also gets the attention of the class. Then each student will write 4-5 questions on the topic to ask the other people in the group. However, the teacher should start the activity that students are not allowed to have proper yes-no questions, because by saying yes or no, little practice is gained in spoken language production.

Based on the above theories, it can be concluded that micro .. skills and macro skills contain components of difficulty depending on the level and context of the task performer, but macro skills seem to be more complex than micro skills. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively in a second language contributes to a student's success in school and success later in life.


Based on the observation of the results and the above interview, the researchers found that the teaching methods used by the teachers improve the speaking skills of the students. Students' response to teaching methods used by teachers in ELT classes to improve their speaking. When the researcher conducted interviews with students outside the classroom, he found that some students respond when teachers teach in the classroom as follows.

Based on the observation, the students enjoyed the methods used by the teacher in teaching the English language. Because when the researcher observed the class, the researcher saw that the students are very active in using the English language in teaching learning. The purpose of this work is to find out the students' responses about the teaching methods used by teachers in the English language teaching class to improve their speaking at SMAN 1 Takalar, obtained by interviewing 10 students.

The teachers in the teaching of the material and the methods used by the teachers, almost the students agree and motivated to study. Based on the problem statements, the researcher investigated that it is the methods used by the teachers in English teaching to improve the students' speaking class and the students' response to teaching methods that the teachers used in the ELT class to improve their speaking. Based on the results that researcher explained before, there are methods that the teacher uses.

Students' response to teaching methods used by teachers in ELT classes to improve their speaking. The method used by the teachers in teaching English in speaking skills gained positive responses from the students. All the methods used by the teachers received unanimous responses from the students, who were able to get used to the way of the learning process and pleasant learning in the classroom.

The students appreciate the methods used by the teacher as the students can understand the knowledge or material easily. The method used by the teachers also allows students to be more active in the classroom, enjoy the continuous learning process and increase students' confidence in speaking the English language. Finally, further research could focus on the benefits and challenges faced by the teacher in using these methods, and analyze students' fluency.

Since this study focused on the methods used by teachers and students, the answers about the methods used by the teacher. How many methods do you use in teaching to improve students'. It is learned that the methods of yang diyukana dalam mengaban untuk sukukta babarikara?).



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