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the implementation of cooperative learning with time

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Figure 3.1 : Kemmis & Mc Taggart Action Research Design
Figure 3.1 : Kemmis & Mc Taggart Action Research Design

Background ofResearch

3Hayat Rasyid Hamzah Alamri, “Effect of Using Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Technique on Saudi EFL Students' Speaking Skills”, Journal of Education and Practice. Arends-type time-token cooperative learning helped students distribute their participation properly. 9Z.Ulfa, " Improving Students' Speaking Skills Through Cooperative Learning with Time Token Arends Type At the First Grade of Mas Amaliyah Sunggal In Academ Year A Thesis, 2018.

Subject of Action

This means that their friend can help motivate their speaking skills through the time token method. From the description above, speaking skills is a very interesting skill that needs to be investigated because as I saw at the time of observation, the first grade students in IPA 1 at SMAN 1 JONGGAT still need to speak English. Therefore, it is the goal of the researchers to use the cooperative learning strategy with time symbols to improve students' speaking skills, so that students' speaking skills can be fluent, correct pronunciation, and good at composing sentences when they speak.

The Statement ofProblem

Objectives of Research

Significance of Research

Moreover, many students do not enjoy the learning process because they are bored with the method. Therefore, with this research, students can enjoy the learning process more, because they can discuss with each other and not do the task alone. The researchers hope that this research can be used as a reference for future research related to cooperative learning strategies in improving speaking skills.

Review of PreviousResearch

The third research was related to my research conducted by Kristiawan, Riaci and Johari on the effect of time token technique on students' speaking skills in science class at Pariaman School 1. The results of this research show that the effect of using the arend time token technique in their research was successful. 15Kristiawan Muhammad, Bertty Parlian Riaci, Johari “Effect of Arends Time Token Technique on Students' Speaking Skill in Science at 1 Pariaman High School”.


  • Speaking
  • Cooperative LearningStrategy
  • Definition of cooperative learning
  • Basic Elements of Cooperative Learning
  • Types of Cooperative Learning
  • The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model On Learning
  • Time Token Arends

Cooperative learning requires students to work in small groups to help each other improve their own and others' learning.28. Cooperative learning is a strategy that the teacher uses to make students understand the material learning process. 27 Muhammad Kristiawan "The Implementation of Cooperative Learning in English Class at the Favorite School at Secondary High School 5 Batusangkar, West Sumatra".


Using the time signature approach in training high school students to speak has one drawback. The strategy is difficult to implement effectively in a classroom with a large number of students because it makes it difficult for the teacher to keep track of the students in the group, it takes a long time for all students to participate in spoken. activity.43. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The implementation of the cooperative learning strategy with the time indicators strategy can improve the speaking skills of the first grade students in SMAN 1 Jonggat in the academic year 2021/2022.

Null Hypothesis (Ho): The implementation of cooperative learning with timing strategy cannot be effective for teaching learning.

Setting of Research

Object ofResearch

Design of Research

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is closely related to daily learning practice problems faced by the teacher. According to McKeachie, Chickering and Gamson, Weimer, Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom to improve student learning, but every teaching situation is unique in terms of content, level, student skills and learning styles, teacher skills and teaching styles and many other factors.44 The study in this research used both quantitative and qualitative data to identify the problem. According to Kemmis & Mc Taggart, there are four steps in classroom action research: (1) planning, (2) actions, (3) observation and (4) reflection, which result in cycles as indicated in Figure 3.1.45.

Planning of Action

Taking Action

The teacher gives students clear instructions for teaching learning using cooperative learning with the strategy of time indicators d. The teacher instructs the students to discuss in groups and asks them to come to the front of the class to present individually.



Instrument of Research

Observation sheet

The teacher gives more explanation about the materials and gave the example of historical retelling text. The teacher gives the opportunity to ask the question and help the students' difficulties during the learning process 5.

Table 3.2   Student activities 47
Table 3.2 Student activities 47


To determine the percentage of students who meet the minimum mastery criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) or classical mastery:52.

Indicator of Success

In this chapter, the researcher explained three sections, namely description of research design, research results and discussion. This research consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and reflection.

Description of Research Setting

Enhance the experience of piety and noble character based on religious values, a sense of nationality, national culture and the environment. Realize an increase in the quality and quantity of graduates accepted by the best higher education institutions. Realize the implementation of learning with integrated character development in the learning process based on the 2013 curriculum.

Provide facilities and infrastructure with national education standards and apply information and communication technology in the learning process and school management. Improve the quality of education and teaching staff performance in an effort to provide optimal services to students.

Research Results

The results of pre-test

Research Results in Cycle 1

Furthermore, the researcher divided the students into 6 groups consisting of 6 students in each group. The researcher opened the class by greeting and asked the students' condition and the researcher checked the student attendance list. The researcher also reviewed the material in the previous meeting and asked the students problems during the implementation of cooperative learning with time markers strategy.

The researcher who walked around the class to stay checks the activity and guided the students if they feel confused. The researcher gave feedback to the students and summarized the lesson together and then gave them motivation. Finally, the researcher informed the students that the next meeting will focus on tests.

By using cooperative learning with time marking strategy to teach speaking skills, the teacher gave the students an example of how to apply the strategy in the learning process. The teacher gives opportunity to ask the question and help the students' problems during learning process. While the students wait to present the result, the researcher walks around the class to control the student.

Using the cooperative learning strategy with time arguments to teach speaking skills, the teacher gave the students an example of how to apply the strategy in the learning process.



After all the groups were finished, the researcher asked the opinion of one of the students about their opinion about the strategy used. Then they try to adjust the measures so that 85% of the students in the class pass the classical mastery or KKM. As usual, students return to their group and discuss the material that the researcher has prepared.

The students are asked to identify and remember the generic structure of the text. It can be concluded that the students endured the learning process of speaking during the activities very well. From the above findings it can be concluded that the speaking skills of the students are still low.

Next, the researcher asked the students to discuss and memorize the material prepared by the teacher and asked them to practice it directly using timing eagles strategy. As usual, the researcher asked the students to discuss in their own group with the paper prepared by the researcher. In the second meeting, the students did a speaking test of the post-test in cycle 2.

Moreover, the score increased in the post-test cycle 2, where the total score of the students was 3035 with an average score of 84.


Eaton David, 2010, Handbook of Writing and Speaking, Oxford University Press, P. Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Tegang Terhadap Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa SMP N 1 Batanghari Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri dan bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman sebaya. Penyajian teks naratif sejarah sederhana yang mendorong siswa untuk mengidentifikasi dengan benar fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan.

Menghafal teks tulis sederhana dengan ungkapan yang mengundang kesopanan kepada siswa dan jaga komunikasi Anda yang lambat dengan guru dan teman. Menyajikan karangan lisan sederhana dengan kalimat-kalimat yang mendorong siswa untuk percaya diri saat berkomunikasi dengan guru dan teman. Penyajian esai lisan sederhana dari narasi sejarah yang mengajak siswa untuk mengungkapkan rasa percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru dan teman sebaya.

Halo – Halo Bandung untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka bangga dengan apa yang mereka lakukan Komandan Inggris memberikan ultimatum kepada pasukan Indonesia untuk meninggalkan Bandung. Siswa mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan siswa tentang fungsi sosial dan faktor bahasa yang digunakan. Menghafal teks lisan sederhana dengan ungkapan yang mengajak siswa untuk menunjukkan kesantunan dan kepedulian dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru dan teman.

Menyajikan karangan lisan sederhana dengan kalimat-kalimat yang mendorong siswa untuk percaya diri saat berkomunikasi dengan guru dan teman. Memperkenalkan esai lisan sederhana dari narasi biografi yang mengajak siswa untuk mengungkapkan rasa percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru dan teman sebaya. Salah satu siswa dalam setiap kelompok maju ke depan kelas dan memilih satu topik dari kertas yang telah disiapkan oleh guru.


Figure 3.1 : Kemmis & Mc Taggart Action Research Design
Table 2.1 : Rubric Assessments Of Speaking Test  Table 3.1 : Teacher Activities
Tabel 3.1  Teacher’s activities 46
Table 3.2   Student activities 47


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