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the use of reading encoding, annotating, and


Academic year: 2023

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1Elisabeth Astri, 2Iriany Kesuma Wijaya, 3Rita Roswita Duyo

1STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: aselisabeth051@gmail.com

2STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: irianykesumawijaya1959@gmail.com

3STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: ritaduyo@stkip.ypup.ac.id


The researcher applied pre-experimental method with one group pretest- posttest design, and collected the data by giving pre-test and post-test. The sample of the research was the first grade of SMA Bajiminasa Makassar which consisted of 20 students. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. The research findings showed that the tenth grade students of SMA Bajimiasa Makassar had fairly score in pre-test. After treatment, their reading comprehension was significantly increase.

The result of data analysis showed that there was significance difference in students reading comprehension, where the student score in post-test was higher than score in pre-test (76>53) and the result of t-test was higher than t-table (7.20>2.093). Based on the result of this research. It can be concluded that Using REAP Strategy can improve students reading comprehension at the first –grade students of SMA Bajiminasa Makassar.

Keywords: REAP Strategy, Narrative text, and Reading Comprehension.


English was a language used internationally and learned by people around the world.

Many people in the world speak English as a first language, a second language, and a foreign language. It is used as a means of communication, both oral and written. Here, to communicate means to comprehend and convey information, thoughts and feelings by using English. Language is expected to help students knowing themselves and others. English as a foreign language is needed not only in academic field but also in the development of science and technology, many work fields and life activities, such as in the process of getting knowledge, transferring information from the textbooks and mass media.

Marantika (2013) in her Article “The R.E.A.P Strategy for Teaching Reading A Narrative Text to Junior High School Students” Based on the article, it can be concluded that REAP Technique can be used as the alternative strategy in teaching reading, especially in teaching reading narrative text. This strategy make student feel that in reading a text, we do not have to understand the vocabulary one by one in the text. Besides That REAP Technique also develop students’ ability write the Annotation About the Main Ideas of a Text. Jatmiko (2014) in his journal “The Effect of REAP Technique Towards Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text of the Second Year at SMA Bajiminasa”. Therefore, there was significant effect achieved in Reading Narrative text after application of REAP Technique toward reading narrative at SMA Bajiminasa.

The objective of the research was to find out whether Reading, Encoding, Annotating, and Pondering (REAP) strategy can improve the students’ reading comprehension at the First grade of SMA Bajiminasa Makassar.


405 The research has several benefits of both theoretical and practical benefits as follow : 1. The Researcher

a) The result of the research would use as an input in teaching learning process especially in reading comprehension.

b) The result of the research would use as reference for those who want to conduct a researcher in teaching reading.

2. The Teacher

The students’ can be motivated mastering the reading comprehension. This study was used by the teacher to provides a better technique or method for technique reading in SMA Bajiminasa Makassar.

The scope of the researcher was teaching reading comprehension at the students of SMA Bajiminasa Makassar by using REAP strategy to improved student’s Reading comprehension of Narrative text. The researcher would measure the students reading comprehension based there components. They are literal meaning, inferential meaning and evaluative meaning.

Definition of Reading

Many experts have given their definition about what reading really means. Reading is very important skill that the students must be mastered, because the reading cannot be separated in the process of teaching and learning. Reading is the most important activity in any class, not only as a source of information, but also as a means of consolidating and extending one’s idea and knowledge of language. Eufrasia, (2021:7), Reading is an exceedingly complex process that no one can explain satisfactorily. Those who are interested in reading have their fundamental diverse views which result from two different school of psychology: behaviorism and cognitivism. Most model of reading are partial in that they are concerned with specific aspect for example perceptual and cognitive or models oral silent reading.

Reading is as approach in a thinking process-one in which the student interacts with the textual material and sorts, evaluates, and reacts to its organization and content. The other opinion about definition of reading is decoding written words so that the readers can produce them orally.

Definition Reading Comprehension

According to Klingner et al (2007 p.14) “Reading comprehension is a multicomponent, highly complex process that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of the text types) “.

Klinger et al (2007 p.14) “ Reading comprehension is the process of construing meaning by coordinating a number of complex of processes that include word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency”. According to Hill (2008 p.15 ), there are three elements involved in comprehension: the reader, the text, and the activity. The reader consists of those aspects that make us all different: our cultural experiences, knowledge, capabilities, age and gen der. The text can be in print or electronic form and of different genres form comics to information books. The activity has three dimensions; the purpose for reading, the process and the consequences associated with the act of reading.

Types of Reading Comprehension

Wulandari (2013 p.15) state that there four types of reading comprehension :

a. Intensive reading is text reading or passage reading. In this reading the learner read the text to get knowledge or analysis. The goal of reading is to read shorter text. This reading is done carry out to get specific information. Learner reads book to acquire knowledge is the kind of intensive reading,


406 b. Extensive reading has the purpose to train the student to read directly and fluently in target

language for enjoyment, without the aid of the teacher.

c. Reading aloud is also play important role in teaching of English. Teacher should know that the training of reading aloud must be given at primary level because it is the base of words pronunciation.

Silent reading is a very important skill in teaching of English. This reading should be employed to increase reading ability among learners. Silent reading is done to acquire a lot of information.

Definition of Reading, Encoding, Annotating, Pondering (REAP)

Tierney, Readence, & Dishaer (1980) “ REAP is an alternative to the Directed Reading Activity and Guided Reading Procedures”. Eanet & Manzo “ REAP was developed for use in improving students ‘ reading, writing, and thinking, and was also designed as a method to teach students ways of responding differently to a text “. Eanet & Manzo (1976) “REAP is based on the premise that readers have the highest levels of comprehension when asked to communicate ideas they have gleaned from a passage they have read.

Implementation REAP (Reading, Encoding, Annotating, Pondering) Technique

In the Classroom One of the strategies in teaching reading is by using REAP strategies. In this strategy, teachers guide the student to comprehend a narrative text easily. According to Tierney, Readence & Dishmer (1980) REAP is an acronym for Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder. In addition, they also say that this technique' Starts from the premise that readers best when asked to communicate the ideas gleaned from a passage they have read.

The REAP Technique technique consist of:

R : Read to gather the author's ideas;

E : Encode the author's ideas into one's own language;

A : Annotate those ideas in writing for one or for sharing with others;

P : Ponder the significance of the annotation The Advantages of Using the REAP Technique

According to Marantika (2013) the uses of the R. E.A.P strategy in teaching reading in junior high school students have some advantages as follow:

1. By using R.E.A.P. strategy the students can comprehend the text with the new innovation in reading, not just by answering question like before.

2. In R.E.A.P strategy the students can understand narrative text without trying hard to understand the meaning of each word in that text.

3. In this strategy the students can develop their ability in encoding a text in their own language in Encode phase.

4. In this strategy the student also can develop their skill in writing the annotation annotating phase.

By using R.E.A.P. strategy the student can share their idea with their friend in group about the content of text in Ponder activity

Hypothesis :

This research formulated the hypotheses as follows:

1. (H0): The use of the REAP technique did not improve to students’ reading comprehension.

2. (H1): The use of the REAP technique can improve to students’ reading comprehension




In this the researcher used pre-experimental research design. The design of this research adopted by Arikunto (2006:42) as followed:






O1: Pre-test X : Treatment O2: Post-test


research consisted of two variables: they were the independent and dependent variables. The Independent variable is REAP technique. While the dependent variable is students’

reading comprehension.

The population of this research was the first-grade students of SMA Bajiminasa Makassar in the academic years 2022/2023. It consisted of two classes namely IPA Class which consist of 20 students, and IPS class which consisted of 20 students . So the total number of population was 40 students.

The researcher used the total sampling technique, where the researcher used the whole population. Therefore, the total number of sample was 20 students.

In order to collect the data, this research applied reading test as research instrument, there were two kinds of test to measure students reading comprehension, namely pre-test and post-test.

This test was an essay test. This research chose essay because the students could comprehend the material while the post-test was intended to know the students reading comprehension. This research l used test consisting of pre-test and post-test. The test used to know whether the treatment is effective or not. This research also could see the student progress after they were given the treatment.


The findings of the research was dealing with the students score of pre-test and post-test, the mean score of the students of pre-test and post-test. Scoring classification of the students’

score and hypothesis testing of paired sample. To find out answer of question in problem statement in the previous chapter the researcher administrated two kind of test they were pre-test and post-test.

The researcher gave the students pre-test to the students’ before having treatment by REAP Strategy. In pre-test the students were asked to answer the question that had seen given which aimed to know the students ’Reading comprehension. Post-test was given to the students after having the treatment which aimed to know the achievement of the students’ reading comprehension after they got the treatments.

To find the answer to the research question in the previous chapter, the researcher administrated a test given twice. Before giving treatment, the researcher gave a pre-test to identify the students’ prior knowledge, achievement real competence, understanding, and problems in learning Reading comprehension. In this case, the researcher gave 90 minutes for students to do the test. The test is about the Narrative Text test with 8 number of multiple-choice questions of the main idea and conclusion of the reading comprehension.



Calculating The Mean Score of the Students’ Pre-test, Post-test and Gain

After calculating the students’ score in pre-test and post-test, the researcher used this formula (𝑋̅= ∑



) to get the mean of the students’ scores. The mean is the sum of all scores of the tests is divided by the number of subjects (sample) and in order to find out the mean score of pre-test and post-test, the calculation of them are presented as in the following:

a. The mean score of the students’ pre-test N

X =X

𝑋̅ = 1.060


𝑋̅ = 53

The mean score of the students’ pre-test was 53.

b. The mean score of the students’ post-test : N

X =X

𝑋̅ = 1520


𝑋̅ = 76

The mean score of the students’ post-test was 76.

c. The mean score of gain N

D =D D = 490 20 D = 24.5

In order to know whether the score of pre-test and post-test were significantly difference . Following the table 4.4 the students mean score of pre-test was low than score of post-test.

Table 1 The mean score of the students in pre-test, post-test and Gain

Test Mean Score

Pre-test 53

Post-test 76

Gain 24.5

Based on the table 4.8. above, the mean score of students’ pre-test was 53 from the

total score of 1.060 and the mean score of post-test was 76 from the total score 1.520. The

mean score of gain was 24.5 from the total score was 490. It was revealed an increasing

score it is proved by the students’ post- test showed that there was a slight improvement

from pre-test and post-test. It could be conclude that the mean score of post-test was

greater than the mean score of pre-test. This means that using REAP Strategy could



improve the students’ reading comprehension ability at the first grade of SMA Bajiminasa Makassar.

Finding out the significance difference between pre-test and post-test were significantly difference at the level significance 0,05, with the degree of is 19 (df =N-1

=20-1=19). The result of pre-test was 53 and post-test was 76 ,gain/ different between matched pair was 24.5 and the number of students were 20 took by the sample of the research which was the independent variable was REAP Strategy and dependent variable was narrative test. In order to find out the t-test = statistical analysis between pre-test and post-test , the calculation of them presented as in the following:

t =


∑ 𝑫𝟐 __( ∑ 𝑫 )𝟐𝑵 𝑵 (𝑵−𝟏)

Where :

∑ 𝐷 is the total score of different namely 490

∑ 2𝐷 is the total score of the square of different namely 13.300

N is the total number of samples namely 20




= 24.5

t =


∑ 𝑫𝟐 __( ∑ 𝑫 )𝟐𝑵 𝑵 (𝑵−𝟏)

t =


∑ 13.300−(490)2𝟐𝟎 𝟐𝟎 (𝟐𝟎−𝟏)

t =


∑ 13.300−240.100𝟐𝟎 𝟐𝟎 (𝟏𝟗)

t =


13.300−12.005 𝟑𝟖𝟎

t =


1.295 380

t =



t =





t = 7.2

Table 2. The t-test of students reading comprehension achievement

Variable t-test value t-table

X2-X1 7.20 2.093

Based on the table above showed that t-table was smaller than t-test value of the students reading where the value of t-test was 7.20 and t-table was 2.093. It showed the students t-test was higher than t -table . It can be concluded that there is significant different between the result of students’ pre-test and post-test.

Following the statistical analysis of t-test and the result showed that the students reading achievement is better than before. The data which obtained from the statistical analysis indicate that there is significant difference between students reading before applying the treatment and after applied it.

Beside that we can see the result of the t-test, the researcher found that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test. The difference was seen after comparing it with the value of t-table. This means that there was a significant difference result of the t-test before after teaching and learning process.

Hypothesis Testing

To find out degree of freedom (df) , the formula used is as in the following:

Df = N-1, Where (N=20) Df =20-1

Df =19

For level of significance p= 0,05 and df = N-1(19)

For the level significant (p) = 0,05 and the degree of freedom (df) =19, the value of t-table is 2.093. The value of t-test is 7.20. The value of t-test is greater than the value of t-table (2.093) . Comparing with the t-test value, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference between the result of pre-test and the post-test score of students’ reading achievement after learning writing by using REAP Strategy. It means that the use of REAP Strategy could increase the students’

reading ability . It means that the null hypothesis ( 𝐻𝑂) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (𝐻1) is accepted


The data descriptions were collected through the narrative text. The sample of this research is the first -grade students at SMA Bajiminasa. The researcher was collected in pretest and post- test. The type of test used is multiple-choice tests with a total of twenty numbers For each test, the researcher assigns the same test and test item. In improving the students’ reading comprehension , the researcher used REAP as strategy to make the students interest and easier memorize reading comprehension. The students’ score improved because the researcher in learning refers the narrative text about animal and legend. Moreover, the students should identify the words related to topic, grouping the words into subcategories, and labeling the groups with appropriate titles in front of the class.


Based on the finding and discussion of the data analysis in the previous chapter, it could


411 be concluded that the result of the test that the students were taught using Reading Encoding Annotating and Pondering (REAP) strategy has successfully improved the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text, and they got higher score in post-test than in pre-test. The total score in pre-test was 1.060 and the total score in post-test was 1.520. The mean score of the students pre-test was 53, while in post-test was 76. For the level significance 24.5 and the degree of freedom (df) =19 and t-test value (13.300) was higher than t-table value (2,093). So the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected. It can be concluded that there were significance differences between the result of pre-test and post-test which indicated that using REAP strategy could help the students to improve their reading comprehension.


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