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Presented to State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana in

English Language Teaching Department











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: Silvia Agustin 204190142

Tarbiah dan Ilmu Keguruan Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Presupposition Analysis of President Joko Widodo's Speeches

23 November 2023

Silvia Agustin November 2023




AGUSTIN, SILVIA. 2023. Presupposition Analysis Of President Joko Widodo’s Speeches. Thesis, English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo.

Advisor Ahmad Nadhif, M.Pd.

Keywords: Presupposition, Speech, Pragmatics

This thesis is the product of research into presupposition studies, namely the study of presuppositions utilized by President Joko Widodo in numerous of his speeches. The president made a number of suggestions and consequences in his speech that affected the larger community. The approach utilized by President is interesting for researchers to study further. Presuppositions are studied because this field of study explores language from the speaker's point of view.

The first purpose of this research is to examine the types of presuppositions contained in Mr. Joko Widodo's speech with George Yule’s theory. The second purpose of this research is to examine the dominant of presupposition used in Mr.

Joko Widodo’s speech.

This study employs qualitative descriptive research methods. Where the information gathered via documentation and make a note. During the documentation stage, the researcher examined study data in the form of a video of Joko Widodo's speech regarding the Kanjuruhan tragedy and police briefing, which is available on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube page. Researcher analyzed data through three processes. The first, data collection, data is analyzed according to the type of presupposition. Second, the data arranged. Third, write a brief conclusion.

According to the study's findings, Mr. Joko Widodo's two speeches contained a total of 95 presuppositions. There were 12 presuppositions identified in his Kanjuruhan speech. In the speech related to the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, there are three types of presuppositions including 10 existential presuppositions, 1 factive presupposition, and 1 non-factive presupposition. Then, 83 presuppositions detected in his speech concerning the direction of the one Indonesian police officer.

In the speech related to the Indonesian Polive briefing, there are four types of presuppositions including 68 existential presuppositions, 2 factive presupposition, 1 non-factive presupposition, and 12 lexical presupposition. According to the findings, the dominant type of presupposition found in President Joko Widodo's two speeches turned out existential presuppositions, with 10.5% or 10 existential presuppositions in the Kanjuruhan tragedy speech and 71.5% or 68 existential presuppositions in the police briefing speech.



A. Background of The Study

Presuppositions concerning the study of the similarity of language meaning amongst language speakers2. In addition to these studies, pragmatics can be classified into two types: "weak" pragmatics and "strong" pragmatics3. Weak pragmatics proponents demand that semantic constraints be placed on the pragmatic supplementation. As a result, the pragmatic effects are "weak," yet they nevertheless have a significant and positive impact on compositionality.

Strong pragmatics proponents are more liberal, enabling pragmatic processes that are not linguistically bound to intrude into what is spoken. This helps to bridge the gap between what we say and what a phrase means in certain cases, but in other cases, when what we mean goes way beyond what the words signify, it may be necessary to enlist the help of specific implicatures4.

Presupposition is a subfield of pragmatics. In the beginning, Presupposition was a part of the linguistic issue. It is used in the philosophy of logic refers to a certain kind of inexplicit information. Information that is directly mentioned is indicated as "confirmation". Thus, all types of information

2 Yendra. Mengenal Ilmu Bahasa (Linguistik). Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2018.

3 Thomas C Scott-Phillips. Pragmatics and the Aims of Language Evolution. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24, no. 1 (February 1, 2017): 186–89. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-016-1061- 2.

4 Mihaela Popa-Wyatt. Embedding Irony and the Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction.

Inquiry 62, no. 6 (July 3, 2019): 674–99. https://doi.org/10.1080/0020174X.2018.1446048.



may be deduced from a sentence. A text involves explicit meanings and implicit meanings. Recently, pragmatics has concentrated on the role of presupposition in elaborating discourse and the use of presupposition to accomplish some impacts in communication. Presuppositions are one of the main elements of meaning that should be assumed, understood and accepted as a matter of course5. When two or more individuals communicate, each of them has their own assumptions about the topic of the conversation. When a speaker says anything, one of three things can happen. To begin, if the context implies the presupposition before the utterance time, it is said to be satisfied, and the context can be updated with the assertive component of the utterance. Presupposition failure occurs when the presupposition is not part of the common ground6.

Many experts have undertaken study on presuppositions. First, Asep Anwar Siddig, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Alek, and Adrefiza have conducted a study entitled A Text Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Indonesia Independence Day7. The purpose of this research is to provide a critical discourse analysis of the President's address, as delivered by Ir. Joko Widodo in his capacity as the seventh president of the Republic of Indonesia, as it appears on the Indonesian Republic Secretariat Cabinet website. The researchers employed a qualitative descriptive approach as their technique. The study unit section is separated into three sections using Van Dijk's design, which

5 Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) Vol.8 No.1. Vol. 8. Lulu Press, Incorporated, 2019.

6 Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) Vol.8 No.1. Vol. 8. Lulu Press, Incorporated, 2019.

7 Asep Anwar Siddiq, et all. “A Text Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Indonesia Independence Day.” Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal 4, no. 2 (January 31, 2021): 270–84. https://doi.org/10.31539/leea.v4i2.1708.


serves as the foundation for this textual content analysis: macro-structure, suprastructure, and microstructure. According to Jokowi's information, this term indicates that the general structure of the speech included the start, middle, and end of all of his addresses. Jokowi's use of simple language has emerged as a distinctive characteristic that sets him apart from many other foreign public leaders.

Second, Cecep Agus, Rindy Kartika Lapian, and Aisah conducted research entitled Presidential Speech: Exploring Joko Widodo in Handling Covid-19 Cases8. The approach used in this study is content analysis. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how President Jokowi's virtual speech describes the Corona Virus Handling Problem using presuppositions. The study's data consisted of quotes from President Jokowi's speech that were obtained from stories on Bisnis.com. President Jokowi only used three of the six categories of presuppositions that were covered in the preceding section in his speech specifically, factual, lexical, and relational terms.

The third study was performed by Sarah Balogun and Muniru Oladayo Murana conducted research entitled Language In Politcal Discourse: A Pragmatic Study Of Presupposition and Politeness in the Inaugural Speech of President Donald Trump9. In his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump used a number of pragmatic presuppositions and politeness techniques, which

8 Cecep Agus, Rindy Kartika Lapian, and Aisah Aisah. “PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH:

EXPLORING JOKO WIDODO IN HANDLING COVID-19 CASES.” JOEL: Journal of Educational and Language Research 2, no. 12 (July 29, 2023): 1313–18.


9 Balogun Sarah, and Murana Oladayo Muniru. “Language In Political Discourse: A Pragmatic Study Of Presupposition And Politeness In The Inaugural Speech Of President Donald Trump.” Bulletin of Advanced English Studies 1, no. 1 (2018): 64–76.




are the subjects of this research. According to the study, Trump presupposes a number of things, including the singularity of the ivent, the socioeconomic crisis afflicting America, and the necessity and urgency of saving her. In terms of etiquette, the study dissects the many tactics used by the speakers as well as their varied face-saving and face-threatening actions.

Fourth, Dinarsih Egya Pratiwi's research is titled Analisis Presuposisi Wacana Dialog Pada Novel ‘Kau, aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah’ Karya Tereliye dan Relevansinya dalam Pembelajaran Interpretasi Makna Penggalan Novel di SMA10. The purpose of this research is to determine the kinds of presuppositions and the meanings of the presuppositions utilized in the novel entitled Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah. Furthermore, this research studies the relationship between the novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah presuppositions and learning the interpretation of novel fragments in senior high school.

The fifth study was conducted by Asti Damayanti Lubis and was titled Analisis Presuposisi Novel ‘Bidadari Bermata Bening’ Karya Habibburrahman El Shirazy11. The purpose of this research is to analyze the presuppositional meaning in the novel Bidadari Bermata Bening. This study is based on Yule's view that there are six categories of presuppositions: existential presuppositions,

10 Dinarsih Egya Pratiwi. "Analisis Presuposisi Wacana Dialog Pada Novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya dalam Pembelajaran Interpretasi Makna Penggalan Novel di SMA." Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (2018).

11 Asti Damayanti Lubis. "Analisis Presuposisi Novel Bidadari Bermata Bening Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy." PhD diss., 2018.


factive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, non-factive presuppositions, structural presuppositions, and counterfactual presuppositions.

Speech is the act of speaking in public to convey one's views or to present an overview of a subject12. Speech is a one-way type of public communication. The role of speech is to facilitate communication between individuals as well as between individuals and the general public13. Based on its purpose, speeches have several types including informative speeches, persuasive speeches, recreational speeches, and action speeches14. The speech that will be used as the object of this research is the speech of President Joko Widodo. More precisely, the two speeches of Mr. Joko Widodo where both were delivered at the State Palace on 2 October and 14 October 2022.

President Joko Widodo's first speech addressed the incidence of the right football tragedy. On October 1, 2022, immediately after the end of the football match between Arema FC and Persebaya, disaster happened. Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated in an interview on October 6, 2022, that the tragedy occurred as a result of supporters who came and filled the field. The police then set up a roadblock and sprayed tear gas to prevent further supporters from approaching the field. Panicky crowds hurried towards the exit, however one of the doors that should have been open was locked, causing a pushing action that

12 Arif Yosodipuro. Pintar Pidato: Kiat Menjadi Orator Hebat. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2020.

13 Ummul Faida and Deasy Asdini. Bilingual Thematic Speech (BTS) Pidato Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris. GUEPEDIA, 2022.

14 Taufik Hidayat. Tips Menguasai Seni Bicara. GUEPEDIA, 2021.



resulted in many supporters being pinned and trodden on. It claimed the lives of 129 individuals 15.

The second speech presented was about the Indonesian people's waning faith in Polri. The erosion in public trust caused by big instances that tarnished the reputation of the Police. Starting with the Ferdi Sambo case and on to the most current at the moment, the Kanjuruhan tragedy. Apart from evaluating the work of the National Police Chief, the President shared numerous views on how to improve the public's perception of state security services in this speech.

President Joko Widodo also highlighted certain aspects in order to attain better Polri objectives.

Researchers picked the two presidential speeches because they are contained in two extremely viral topics and have always been issues of discussion in the national media that are of interest to the public. Another reason is because in this incident, President Jokowi delivered his two speeches as a form of follow-up to the problems that occurred. The president made a number of suggestions and consequences in his speech that affected the larger community. The approach utilized by President is interesting for researchers to study further in this study utilizing Yule's perspective on the categories of presuppositions. Presuppositions are studied because this field of study explores language from the speaker's point of view.

In this study, researchers used a video speech by Mr. Joko Widodo that was posted on Sekretariat Presiden YouTube page. Unlike other research stated

15 Juli Hantoro. Kronologi Tragedi Kanjuruhan Malang Yang Dipaparkan Kapolri. Tempo, October 6, 2022. https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1642553/kronologi-tragedi-kanjuruhan-malang- yang-dipaparkan-kapolri. Accessed 14 January 2023


by the researcher, this study employs speech as an object rather than films, novels, short stories, or conversations. As a result, that researcher is interested in performing research titled “Presupposition Analysis of President Joko Widodo’s Speeches.”

B. Research Focus

The purpose of this research is to look at the presuppositions made in President Joko Widodo's speeches. The first speech dealt briefly with the Kanjuruhan tragedy, while the second addressed high-ranking officials at the National Police Headquarters, Regional Police, and Chiefs of Police around Indonesia. The main theory of presuppositions in this study is George Yule's theory.

C. Statement of the Problem

Based on the backround of the problem described above, the purpose of this research is to examine speech by presupposition. Based on this, it can be determined that the research question is:

1. What are the types of presupposition used in Joko Widodo’s speeches?

2. What is the dominant type of presupposition in Joko Widodo’s speeches?

D. Objectives of The Study

This research objectives based on the research questions mentioned above. The objectives of this research is:

1. To identify the types of presupposition used in Joko Widodo’s speeches.



2. To identify the dominant type of presupposition in Joko Widodo’s speeches.

E. Significances of The Study

The three advantages of this study include pedagogical, practical, and theoretical advantages, the three advantages of this study are:

1. The theoretical advantages of this research are contributions to other fields of pragmatics, including presuppositions and their kinds.

2. Practical applications for this study exist in daily life. Readers will have a better understanding of what phrases, clauses, or sentence structures comprise presuppositions and what these presuppositions imply while communicating.

3. The Pedagogical advantage is that it may be utilized pedagogically by academics for language learning, research, and educational concerns including presuppositions.

F. Organization of The Thesis

The researcher bases the systematics in this proposal on the instructions provided. There are five chapters in this proposal.

The first chapter, introduction contains of background of the study, research focus, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, and organization of the thesis.


The second chapter is literature review. This chapter is divided into three sections: the theoretical background, previous research findings, and theoretical framework.

The third chapter discusses research design, data source, data collection technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

The fourth chapter is about the findings and discussion. The results of the researchers are described in this chapter. This chapter is divided into two sections: data description and discussion.

The fifth chapter is the conclusion and suggestions. The conclusions drawn from the research are presented in this chapter, along with suggestions.



A. Theoretical Background 1. Presupposition

Around 1892, the idea of 'presupposition' was introduced by the famous German logician Frege. Since then, presuppositions have piqued the interest of several disciplines, particularly linguistic and philosophical fields, in terms of their formation, meaning, and application16. The information shared in a discussion between a speaker and a listener always flows naturally. This occurs as a result of the speaker's presumption that the listener is familiar with the conversation's subject. Speakers won't convey it in communication because of presumptions about this understanding. This is what is studied in presupposition.

Presuppositions, according to Nababan, are basic conclusions about context and the use of language that build sentences and provide meaning to the listener or recipient of the sentence. These utterances, and vice versa, assist speakers in determining the form of language that can be utilized to

16 Hameed Yahya A. Al-Zubeiry, “Presupposition Triggers in British and Saudi English Newspaper Opinions.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies 10, no. 7 (July 1, 2020): 734.



represent the meaning that speakers intend 17 . In simple terms, a presupposition is a speaker's initial assumption before making an utterance with the goal that the statement delivered would be understood in accordance with the speaker's intention.

Presupposition is defined by Cui as "what is taken for granted regarding the target context and the information provided but not expressed"

in a context. Cui claims that presupposition has two level18:

a. The first level of presupposition is assumption about how the target audience may anticipate or receive;

b. The second level is implied statements that are supposed to persuade consumers to draw specific conclusions.

According to Yule's definition of a presupposition in his book Pragmatics, “A presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance”19. Presupposition is typically understood to be an examination of the speaker's purpose while expressing a statement, rather than an analysis of the meaning of a sentences. According to a well- known perspective in the Stalnaker-Karttunen paradigm, presuppositions have a distinctive significance since they serve as the foundation for establishing assertions 20 . Stalnaker-Karttunen represent "admittance

17 Suryanti. PRAGMATIK. Jawa Tengah: Penerbit Lakeisha, 2020.

18 Wang Min, and Mansour Amini. “Pragmatic Presuppositions in Chinese Skin-Whitening Advertisements.” The Journal of Social Sciences Research, January 30, 2019, 1105–10.

https://doi.org/10.32861/jssr.spi6.1105.1110. Page 1106.

19 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 25

20 Athulya Aravind, Danny Fox, and Martin Hackl. “Principles of Presupposition in Development.” Linguistics and Philosophy, October 5, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10988-022- 09364-z.



conditions," or requirements that must be satisfied in a conversational context for a claim to be felicitous against that context. Another definition is offered by Frege, who describes presupposition as "implicit information from a proposition embedded in a sentence or utterance"21.

Presuppositions are often distinguished by two characteristics: (i) they have a distinct epistemic status, in that they are commonly assumed by discussion participants; and (ii) they exhibit distinctive projection behavior, in that they interact in certain ways with logical operators22. Because there are multiple situations of informative presuppositions, the epistemic state of presuppositions is a challenging diagnostic to utilize. In contrast, projection behavior is widely accepted as the standard diagnostic for identifying presuppositions.

Usage of certain lexical elements and/or language constructions is often what causes presuppositions to be created. Presupposition triggers are language elements and lexical objects that cause presuppositions to form23. This trigger manifests as a projection of the implied meaning of the phrase, leading readers to accept the referent's existence24.

21 Abbas Lutfi Hussien and Hiba Ibrahim Mohammed. Presupposition Triggers: Iraqi EFL Students’ Strategies in Approaching Presupposition. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 7, no. 5 (October 10, 2022). https://ijels.com/detail/presupposition-triggers-iraqi- efl-students-strategies-in-approaching-presupposition/. Page 114.

22 Philippe Schlenker. Triggering Presuppositions. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6 (April 5, 2021): 35. https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1352.

23 Yan Huang. Pragmatics. Oxford University Press (2014).

24 Vikas Lathar, et all. An Analysis of Presuppositions in the Victory Speech of President Joe Biden. World Journal of English Language 13, no. 5 (April 7, 2023): 299.



Presupposition triggers come at two levels, according to Levinson.

The Lexical level is the first. Verbs, Restrictive Expressions, Iterative Particles, Other Particles, Temporal Clauses, and Restrictive Expressions are the categories found at this level25. The Syntactic level is the following level. This level includes multiple categories, including comparison and contrast categories, counterfactual conditionals, non-restrictive relative clauses, cleft sentences, and inquiries26.

In the other hand, George Yule categorizes presuppositions into six types: existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, non-factive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, structural presuppositions, and counterfactual presuppositions 27 . Existential Presupposition is a presupposition with definite noun phrases and possessive constructions28. More specifically, this type of presupposition is considered to exist not just in sentences demonstrating ownership, but also in the presence of statements in these utterances. For example, “the cat”29. This example can be understood as acknowledging that a cat-like existence exists.

25 Vikas Lathar, et all. An Analysis of Presuppositions in the Victory Speech of President Joe Biden. World Journal of English Language 13, no. 5 (April 7, 2023): 299.


26 Ruiqing Liang and Liu Yabin. An Analysis of Presupposition Triggers in Hilary Clinton’s First Campaign Speech. International Journal of English Linguistics 6, no. 5 (September 23, 2016): 68. https://doi.org/10.5539/ijel.v6n5p68.

27 Siming Li. Functions of Pragmatic Presuppositions in Advertisements: Promoting Cosmetics on Instagram. International Journal of English and Cultural Studies 6 (January 27, 2023):

10. https://doi.org/10.11114/ijecs.v6i1.5897.

28 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.

29 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 27.



The use of some verbs and adjectives like realize, regret, be glad, sorry, proud, and be aware is indicative of factive presupposition30. For example: “She didn’t realize he was ill”31. The example is taken to mean that He is really ill. One of the main characteristics of this form of presupposition is that the statement that is a presupposition is already known or has been experienced as a reality.

A non-factive presupposition is an assumption that refers to something that is not true32. Because of the usage of unclear or ambiguous terms, such as think, dream, imagine, pretend, hope, assume, believe, fear, and intend, this presupposition still allows for misunderstanding33. For example, “I dreamed that I was rich”34. The statement uses the word dreamed which can be recognized as something that has not happened, therefore the presupposition is interpreted that I is not rich.

Lexical refers to a word's basic meaning35. In his work, Yule claims that “in lexical presupposition, the use of one form with its asserted meaning is conventionally interpreted with the presupposition that another (non- asserted) meaning is understood”36. In this quotation, according to Yule,

30 Arik Sanjaya. 2021. Presuppositions Used in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech at The Opening of The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. LANGUAGE HORIZON 9 (2), 7-11.


31 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 28.

32 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.

33 Dwi Pebriana Sinaga and Nurul Husnah Harahap. Praanggapan Dalam Pidato Obama Pada APEC CEO SUMMIT 2014. JURNAL ILMIAH KOHESI 4, no. 4 (2020): 1-7.

34 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 29.

35 Arik Sanjaya. 2021. Presuppositions Used in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech at The Opening of The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. LANGUAGE HORIZON 9 (2), 7-11.


36 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.


lexical refers to a different meaning or a meaning that is not stressed in the phrase. This type is characterized by the presence of implicative verbs (to avoid, manage, forget, happened to, ought to, intend to), change of state verbs/aspectual verbs (stop, resume, continue, begin, given up, finish, take, leave, enter, come, go, arrive, change, cease), verbs of judging (criticize, praise, accuse), conventional items(not restricted to verbs only; lexical items with conventional meaning; nouns that carry conventional meaning) , focal adverbs (even, too, only), and iteratives (to, again, to return, another time, to repeat, for the ninth time, anymore; to come back, restore, repeal, reestablish)37. For example: “He stopped smoking”38. The line indicates that He had smoked before.

According to Yule, structural presupposition refers to the usage of particular structured words and phrases in certain sentences that have been analyzed as regular and conventional presuppositions that part of the structure is expected to be true39. This type uses specific grammatical constructions to convey additional assumptions in an utterance, like the usage of Wh inquiry forms. The Wh-form gives the impression that the information being provided must be real. Such constructions can be used by speakers to treat the information provided as presumptive knowledge that

37 Mary Murillo and Aiden Yeh. The Failed Rhetoric: Presupposition Analysis on Duterte’s 5th State of the Nation Address. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies 3 (June 29, 2021): 1–20. https://doi.org/10.36892/ijlls.v3i2.587.

38 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 28.

39 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.



listeners will ultimately accept as true40. For example, “When did he leave?”41. The example is understood as He has left.

Counterfactual presupposition is indicated by complex or compound sentences produced with the connectives or or if42. George Yule defined counterfactual presupposition as a presupposition that asserts untruth or the exact opposite of a reality43. For example: “if you were my friend, you would have helped me”44. This statement means that "you" are not my friend.

2. Speech

Speech is the act of expressing one's thoughts or opinions aloud to an audience45. According to KBBI, speech has two meanings: the first meaning is an expression of thoughts through words directed at a large audience, and the second meaning is discourse prepared for public speaking46. According to Syalabi, speech is the skill of speaking directly to a large audience while persuading and enticing them. Meanwhile, the ability to persuade and astound an audience via both voice and writing is a skill

40 Sabah Haji and Fakhir Mohammed. The Use of Presuppositions in the Short Story of Zilkê Şixatê (Matchstick). UKH Journal of Social Sciences 3 (December 28, 2019): 45–55.


41 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 29.


43 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.

44 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996. Page 30.

45 Arif Yosodipuro. Pintar Pidato: Kiat Menjadi Orator Hebat. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2020.

46 Arif Yosodipuro. Pintar Pidato: Kiat Menjadi Orator Hebat. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2020.


connected to public speaking47. While public speaking is defined as a communication tool with major human aspects, it is also an effective medium for speakers to transmit information, express emotions, and create atmosphere for their listeners48.

Aristotle defined that speech having three genres. The first is forensic; the second is deliberative; and the third is epideictic49. Thus, Aristotle's genres corresponded to these circumstances: "forensic speech"

occurred in law courts, dealt with the past, and addressed matters of the just and unjust; "deliberative speech" occurred in assemblies, dealt with the future, and addressed matters of the expedient and inexpedient; and

"epideictic speech" occurred at ceremonial events, dealt with the present (or eternal), and addressed matters of praise and blame (including the playful praise and blame)50. The speech can be delivered in a variety of ways. These techniques are51:

a. The script approach means reading from a prepared text or script while making a speech;

b. Memorization/memorization is a technique for giving a prepared speech by memorizing its contents;

47 Ummul Faida and Deasy Asdini. Bilingual Thematic Speech (BTS) Pidato Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris. GUEPEDIA, 2022.

48 Ying Gao. On English Ceremonial Speeches from the Perspective of Identification Theory: A Case Study of British Prime Ministers’ New Year Speeches. BCP Social Sciences &

Humanities 18 (June 30, 2022): 296–305. https://doi.org/10.54691/bcpssh.v18i.999.

49 Nathan Crick. Rhetorical Public Speaking: Civic Engagement in the Digital Age. Taylor

& Francis, 2017.

50 Vadim V Dementyev. Speech genres and discourse: Genres study in discourse analysis paradigm. Russian Journal of Linguistics 20, no. 4 (2016): 103-121.

51 Arif Yosodipuro. Pintar Pidato: Kiat Menjadi Orator Hebat. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2020.



c. Impromptu; this technique is presented without having a script prepared or memorized;

d. Extemporaneous, which is delivered by writing down the speech's outline on a tiny piece of paper.

In terms of writing, the speech is customized to the aim of the speech being delivered. Speech can be divided into eight kinds based on its nature and purpose52.

a. The first form of speech is an accountability speech, which is one that is given to account for a work or obligation completed within a specific amount of time.

b. The second is the opening statement, which is made to begin an activity.

c. The third speech, which serves to wrap up a sequence of activities, is the closing address.

d. The fourth sort of speech is a briefing speech, which is presented to inform the audience of what will happen next.

e. The fifth speech is the inauguration address, which was given to officially open events, monuments, shops, offices, and facilities.

f. The sixth form of speech is a religious speech, which is delivered to either preach for or against certain religious doctrines.

52 Arif Yosodipuro. Pintar Pidato: Kiat Menjadi Orator Hebat. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2020.


g. The seventh speech is a report speech, given with the intention of reporting to or providing a report to specific interested individuals.

h. The eighth form is the welcoming speech, which is presented to announce when the activity or event will occur.

B. Previous Research Findings

Asep Anwar Siddig, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Alek, and Adrefiza have conducted a study entitled A Text Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Indonesia Independence Day53. The purpose of this research is to provide a critical discourse analysis of the President's address, as delivered by Ir. Joko Widodo in his capacity as the seventh president of the Republic of Indonesia, as it appears on the Indonesian Republic Secretariat Cabinet website. The researchers employed a qualitative descriptive approach as their technique. The study unit section is separated into three sections using Van Dijk's design, which serves as the foundation for this textual content analysis: macro-structure, suprastructure, and microstructure. According to the study, the macro-structure of the text was examined thematically or according to the topic of the discussions. Jokowi's speech has greatness of Indonesia as its central subject. It is evident that practically every paragraph in the statement addresses the same basic topic—namely, Indonesia's dominance. Next, Jokowi's speech text's supra-structure is broken down into three primary sections: the opening. The

53 Asep Anwar Siddiq, et all. “A Text Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Indonesia Independence Day.” Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal 4, no. 2 (January 31, 2021): 270–84. https://doi.org/10.31539/leea.v4i2.1708.



content, and the closure. These sections comprised of two paragraphs for the opening, eighteen paragraphs for the content, and two paragraphs for the close.

The microstructure came last. Semantic analysis was employed to examine the social significance of the text as well as the language modes it uses. Jokowi's speech's content was examined semantically, taking into account its setting, details, goal, and underlying presuppositions According to Jokowi's information, this term indicates that the general structure of the speech included the start, middle, and end of all of his addresses. Jokowi's use of simple language has emerged as a distinctive characteristic that sets him apart from many other foreign public leaders. The things that Jokowi has brought can be an excellent lesson for people when speaking in front of the audience.

Cecep Agus, Rindy Kartika Lapian, and Aisah conducted research entitled Presidential Speech: Exploring Joko Widodo in Handling Covid-19 Cases54. The approach used in this study is content analysis. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how President Jokowi's virtual speech describes the Corona Virus Handling Problem using presuppositions. The study's data consisted of quotes from President Jokowi's speech that were obtained from stories on Bisnis.com. The data is then broken down and classified using presuppositions into six different categories. President Jokowi only used three of the six categories of presuppositions that were covered in the preceding section in his speech—specifically, factual, lexical, and relational terms. Throughout his

54 Cecep Agus, Rindy Kartika Lapian, and Aisah Aisah. “PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH:

EXPLORING JOKO WIDODO IN HANDLING COVID-19 CASES.” JOEL: Journal of Educational and Language Research 2, no. 12 (July 29, 2023): 1313–18.



speech, President Jokowi frequently relied on this factive presupposition.

President Jokowi frequently uses the pretense of resistance to the facts in his talks.

Sarah Balogun and Muniru Oladayo Murana conducted research entitled Language In Politcal Discourse: A Pragmatic Study Of Presupposition and Politeness in the Inaugural Speech of President Donald Trump55. In his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump used a number of pragmatic presuppositions and politeness techniques, which are the subjects of this research. According to the study, Trump presupposes a number of things, including the singularity of the ivent, the socioeconomic crisis afflicting America, and the necessity and urgency of saving her. In terms of etiquette, the study dissects the many tactics used by the speakers as well as their varied face- saving and face-threatening actions. It finds that despite Trump's best efforts to lessen the threats to the reputations of former American presidents and others, the gravity and intensity of the threat make it painfully unforgettable.

Dinarsih Egya Pratiwi's research is titled Analisis Presuposisi Wacana Dialog Pada Novel ‘Kau, aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah’ Karya Tereliye dan Relevansinya dalam Pembelajaran Interpretasi Makna Penggalan Novel di SMA56. The purpose of this research is to determine the kinds of presuppositions and the meanings of the presuppositions utilized in the novel entitled Kau, Aku,

55 Balogun Sarah, and Murana Oladayo Muniru. “Language In Political Discourse: A Pragmatic Study Of Presupposition And Politeness In The Inaugural Speech Of President Donald Trump.” Bulletin of Advanced English Studies 1, no. 1 (2018): 64–76.


56 Dinarsih Egya Pratiwi. "Analisis Presuposisi Wacana Dialog Pada Novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya dalam Pembelajaran Interpretasi Makna Penggalan Novel di SMA." Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (2018).



dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah. Furthermore, this research studies the relationship between the novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah presuppositions and learning the interpretation of novel fragments in senior high school. This study discovered six categories of presuppositions in the novel Kau, Aku, and Sepucuk Angpau Merah: existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, non-factive presuppositions, structural presuppositions, and counterfactual presuppositions. Knowing about the participants, knowledge, and the context of the situation in which the speech is used is utilized to collect presupposition data. This leads to the conclusion that this novel can be utilized as teaching material in high school for students how to interpret the meaning of novel fragments.

This research was conducted by Asti Damayanti Lubis and was titled Analisis Presuposisi Novel ‘Bidadari Bermata Bening’ Karya Habibburrahman El Shirazy57. The purpose of this research is to analyze the presuppositional meaning in the novel Bidadari Bermata Bening. This study is based on Yule's view that there are six categories of presuppositions: existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, non-factive presuppositions, structural presuppositions, and counterfactual presuppositions. Based on the findings of this study, there are only three categories of presuppositions in the dialogue contained in the novel Bidadari Bermata Bening, out of a total of six types of presuppositions. Existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, and lexical presuppositions are the three kinds of presuppositions.

57 Asti Damayanti Lubis. "Analisis Presuposisi Novel Bidadari Bermata Bening Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy." PhD diss., 2018.


There are several similarities and differences between this study and earlier ones. Both the research that the authors describe and the research that the researcher will do focus on the same subject matter, namely presuppositions.

Similar to previous studies, researchers here also analyze at the many kinds of presuppositions and what they mean. But there are some differences in this study, specifically in the topic of the research. Research that will be conducted utilizing speech-based objects. This research looks at speech in news programs.

C. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework is a diagram that illustrates the orderly progression of a study. A set of concepts and their connections are represented by the theoretical framework, which is based on the research question58. The theoretical framework is developed prior to the research stages. The depth of the research can also be maintained through the research theoretical framework.

According to Widayat and Amirullah, a theoretical framework is a conceptual representation of how theory connects to many elements that have been recognized as significant topics59. Purnomo et all, agree with this viewpoint.

They believe that the theoretical framework serves to briefly describe the symptoms that are the cause of our problems60. The theoretical framework can

58 Vivi Candra, et al. Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian. Medan: Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2021.

59 Ismail Nurdin and Sri Hartati. METODOLOGI PENELITIAN SOSIAL. Surabaya: Media Sahabat Cendekia, 2019.

60 Ismail Nurdin and Sri Hartati. METODOLOGI PENELITIAN SOSIAL. Surabaya: Media Sahabat Cendekia, 2019.



be organized in the form of a chart that illustrates the researcher's flow of thought and the relationship of the study variables.

This study was carried out to determine the presuppositions made by President Joko Widodo in his address. Data for the study was collected from a speech by President Joko Widodo that was posted to the presidential secretariat's YouTube account. The data is then analyzed by the researcher to seek for existing presuppositions. The research was conducted using Yule's definition of the field of presupposition studies. Where Yule categorizes Presuppositions into six categories. Here is a framework that has been compiled in detail:

Figure 1 Theoretical Framework



A. Research Design

This study uses a qualitative research design in the form of presupposition analysis. Based on George Yule's theory, this study method will include presupposition analysis. The researcher examines the sorts of presuppositions present in Mr. Joko Widodo's speech using Yule's point of view, which categorizes presuppositions into six types.

B. Data Source

Data source is a crucial part of study. Data sources are the resources that are utilized for collecting data. This study relied on data sources including as speech transcripts and recordings of President Joko Widodo's speeches on 2 October 2022 and 14 October 2022. Data on the president's speech about the Kanjuruhan tragedy were obtained from YouTube videos on the official channel of the Sekretariat Presiden, while speech transcripts were obtained from the official website of the Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia. Similarly, data on the president's speech regarding police briefings was obtained via YouTube videos on the official channel of the Sekretariat Presiden (https://www.youtube.com/@SekretariatPresiden/videos), while the second data in the form of speech transcripts was obtained via the official website of

the Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia




C. Data Collection Technique

Techniques for gathering data were utilized, including documentation and notes. Sorting presuppositional statements in the voice of Joko Widodo video using documentation techniques. Taking notes is another technique that is employed, and it is utilized to gather data by documenting the outcomes of sentence-level categorization. These techniques are employed to aid in the examination of language depending on the types of presuppositions.

D. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, presuppositions in Mr. Joko Widodo's video speech were analyzed to see what types of presuppositions they included. Data collection, data validation, and drawing conclusion are the steps taken in the analysis of the data.

1. The first step is to collect data, which is then analyzed and classified depending on the types of assumptions. It is consistent with Yule's theory that presupposition contains existential presupposition, factive presupposition, non-factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, structural presupposition, and counterfactual presupposition.

2. When the data contains numbers, it is shown in table format, and it is also in the form of brief, basic data. Long, complicated data is shown in a form described in word paragraphs.

3. The final step is to write a conclusion that briefly summarizes the study findings and responses to the research questions.


E. Research Procedure

There are two key steps to this research. The first step is the description or orientation step, and the second step is the selection step.

1. Description step or orientation

At this point, the researcher explains the data gathered by briefly describing what was heard, seen, and felt. The author gives a quick overview of the facts related to the topic at this early stage.

2. Selection step

Researchers first provide a more thorough description of the problem as a predefined focus, followed by a detailed investigation of the focus of the problem. The results are presented as themes that are built using the data gathered to create new knowledge.




A. Data Description

President Joko Widodo made two statements, the first of which talked about the incident at Kanjuruhan Stadium. The second focus on dealt with the direction of the Indonesian police. The researcher watched both speeches on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account. Aside from YouTube videos, the researcher analyzed the two speeches using speech transcripts obtained from the official website of the Sekretariat Kabinet Repulik Indonesia. According to Yule's statement, researchers discovered three of the six total categories of presuppositions. The four presuppositions are Existential presupposition, Factive presupposition, Non-factive presupposition, and Lexical presuppositions.

B. Discussion

The research findings will be described in the discussion section, which will address the researcher's questions, which are the emphasis of this study.

1. Types of Presuppositions in Speeches About the Kanjuruhan Tragedy and Indonesian Police Briefing

President Joko Widodo made a speech in response to the tragedy at Malang's Kanjuruhan Stadium, which resulted in fatalities. Soon after, the President gave another speech about Indonesian Police briefing.


The two speeches were evaluated to determine President Joko Widodo's presuppositions. The findings revealed a total of 96 presuppositions in the two speeches, including 12 in the speech on the Kanjuruhan tragedy and 84 in the speech regarding Indonesian Police briefing.

1) Type presupposition in speech about tragedy Kanjuruhan

Researcher discovered 12 presuppositions in President Joko Widodo's speech on the Kanjururhan incident. This speech contains four types of presuppositions: existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, and non-factive presuppositions.

a. Existential presuppositions

This is a presupposition that indicates the presence of an existence by utilizing a definite noun. Existential presupposition can also be identified by the existence of a possessive pronoun61. The following are the existential presuppositions discovered by researcher in the Kanjuruhan tragedy speech:

Data 1

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:19 to 00:36. “Saya menyampaikan dukacita yang mendalam atas meninggalnya 129 orang saudara-saudara kita dalam tragedi sepak bola di Kanjuruhan, Malang, Jawa Timur.” (My deepest condolences for the passing of 129 people in the football tragedy in Kanjuruhan, Malang, East Java province) >> I have condolences.

61 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.



The presence of an existential presupposition is stated by the statement "my deepest condolences" in the data above, which is understood to mean that the orator expresses sorrow for the tragedy that occurred. The usage of the possessive pronoun "My,"

which is the possessive form of "I" or firstperson singular, causes it to be classified as an existential presupposition.

Data 2

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:19 to 00:36. “Saya menyampaikan dukacita yang mendalam atas meninggalnya 129 orang saudara-saudara kita dalam tragedi sepak bola di Kanjuruhan, Malang, Jawa Timur.” (My deepest condolences for the passing of 129 people in the football tragedy in Kanjuruhan, Malang, East Java province) >> the existence of many people who died.

The statement "the passing of 129 people in the football tragedy in Kanjuruhan" in the data above expresses existential presuppositions since it indicates that there were victims who lost their lives in the incident at the Kanjuruhan stadium. The usage of the definite article "the" in the statement "the passing"

classifies it as an existential presupposition.


Data 3

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:19 to 00:36. “Saya menyampaikan dukacita yang mendalam atas meninggalnya 129 orang saudara-saudara kita dalam tragedi sepak bola di Kanjuruhan, Malang, Jawa Timur.” (My deepest condolences for the passing of 129 people in the football tragedy in Kanjuruhan, Malang, East Java province) >> the existence of football tragedy.

The statement "the passing of 129 people in the football tragedy in Kanjuruhan" in the data above contains a second presupposition, which is taken and indicates that a tragedy happened at the Kanjuruhan stadium. The usage of the definite article "the" in the sentence "the football tragedy" classifies it as an existential presupposition.

Data 4

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:52 to 01:09. “Saya juga telah perintahkan kepada Menpora, Kapolri, dan Ketua Umum PSSI untuk melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan pertandingan sepak bola, dan juga prosedur pengamanan penyelenggaraannya.” (I have also ordered Minister Youth and Sports, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief, and Chairperson of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of



the football match, as well as the security procedures for its implementation.) >> the existence of Indonesia National Police Chief.

In the data above, the statement "I have also ordered Minister Youth and Sports, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief, and Chairperson of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match" expresses existential presuppositions because it mentions the existence of an Indonesian Police Chief. The use of the definite article "the" in the statement "the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief" qualifies it as an existential presupposition.

Data 5

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:52 to 01:09. “Saya juga telah perintahkan kepada Menpora, Kapolri, dan Ketua Umum PSSI untuk melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan pertandingan sepak bola, dan juga prosedur pengamanan penyelenggaraannya.” (I have also ordered Minister Youth and Sports, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief, and Chairperson of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match, as well as the security procedures for its


implementation.) >> the existence of Indonesian Football Association chairperson.

The statement "I have also ordered Minister Youth and Sports, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief, and Chairperson of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match" in the data above contains a second presupposition, which indicates the existence of an Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) chairperson. The usage of the definite article "the" in the sentence

"the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI)" classifies it as an existential presupposition.

Data 6

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:52 to 01:09. “Saya juga telah perintahkan kepada Menpora, Kapolri, dan Ketua Umum PSSI untuk melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan pertandingan sepak bola, dan juga prosedur pengamanan penyelenggaraannya.” (I have also ordered Minister Youth and Sports, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief, and Chairperson of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match, as well as the security procedures for its implementation.) >> the existence of football match.



The statement "conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match, as well as the security procedures for its implementation" in the data above expresses existential presuppositions since it indicates the existence of a football match. The usage of the definite article "the" in the statement "the football match" classifies it as an existential presupposition.

Data 7

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 00:52 to 01:09. “Saya juga telah perintahkan kepada Menpora, Kapolri, dan Ketua Umum PSSI untuk melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan pertandingan sepak bola, dan juga prosedur pengamanan penyelenggaraannya.” (I have also ordered Minister Youth and Sports, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief, and Chairperson of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match, as well as the security procedures for its implementation.) >> the existence of security procedures.

The statement "conduct a thorough evaluation regarding the implementation of the football match, as well as the security procedures for its implementation" in the data above contains a


second presupposition, which indicates the existence of security procedures. The usage of the definite article "the" in the sentence

"the security procedures" classifies it as an existential presupposition.

Data 8

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 01:10 to 01:17. “Khusus kepada Kapolri, saya minta melakukan investigasi dan mengusut tuntas kasus ini.” (Especially to the Polri Chief, I ask to conduct an investigation and thoroughly investigate this case.) >> the existence of Polri Chief.

The statement "Especially to the Polri Chief, I ask to conduct an investigation and thoroughly investigate this case" in the data above expresses existential presuppositions since it indicates the existence of the Polri Chief. The usage of the definite article "the"

in the statement "the Polri Chief" classifies it as an existential presupposition.

Data 9

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 01:32 to 01:41. “Saya menyesalkan terjadinya tragedi ini dan saya berharap ini adalah tragedi terakhir sepak bola di tanah air.” (I deeply regret this



tragedy and I hope this is the last tragedy of football in the country) >> the existence of a country.

The statement "I deeply regret this tragedy and I hope this is the last tragedy of football in the country" in the data above expresses existential presuppositions since it indicates the existence of a country. The usage of the definite article "the" in the statement

"the country" classifies it as an existential presupposition

Data 10

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 01:47 to 01:56.

Sportivitas, rasa kemanusiaan, dan rasa persaudaraan bangsa Indonesia harus terus kita jaga bersama.” (We must continue to maintain sportsmanship, a sense of humanity, and a sense of brotherhood of the Indonesian nation) >> the existence of Indonesian nation.

The statement "We must continue to maintain sportsmanship, a sense of humanity, and a sense of brotherhood of the Indonesian nation" in the data above expresses existential presuppositions since it indicates the existence of the Indonesian nation. The usage of the definite article "the" in the statement "the Indonesian nation" classifies it as an existential presupposition.


b. Factive presuppositions

Factive presupposition is defined by Yule as presupposition that can be identified by the use of many words such as know, realize, regret, as well as phrases that employ tobe followed by aware, odd, glad62. The following are the factive presuppositions discovered by researcher in the Kanjuruhan tragedy speech:

Data 11

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 01:32 to 01:41. “Saya menyesalkan terjadinya tragedi ini dan saya berharap ini adalah tragedi terakhir sepak bola di tanah air.” (I deeply regret this tragedy and I hope this is the last tragedy of football in the country)

>> the tragedy occured.

The statement "I deeply regret this tragedy and I hope this is the last tragedy of football in the country" the data above expresses factive presupposition since it indicates that a tragedy has occurred. The information after the word "regret" is intended as a fact that happened, causing it to be classified as a factive presupposition.

c. Non-factive presuppositions

A non-factive presupposition, according to Yule, is a presupposition that is expected to be untrue63. The following are the

62 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.

63 George Yule. Pragmatics. England: OUP Oxford, 1996.



non-factive presuppositions discovered by researcher in the Kanjuruhan tragedy speech:

Data 12

President Joko Widodo stated in minutes 01:32 to 01:41. “Saya menyesalkan terjadinya tragedi ini dan saya berharap ini adalah tragedi terakhir sepak bola di tanah air” (I deeply regret this tragedy and I hope this is the last tragedy of football in the country) >> this is not the last tragedy.

The statement "I deeply regret this tragedy and I hope this is the last tragedy of football in the country" the data above expresses a non-factive presupposition since it indicates that there is a possibility that a similar incident will happen again. Because the word "hope" is part of an ambiguous term or usage unclear, there is still the possibility of misunderstanding, causing it to be classified as a non-factive presupposition.

2) Type presupposition in speech about Indonesian police briefing

Researcher discovered 84 presuppositions in President Joko Widodo's speech about Indonesian police. There are four types of presuppositions in this speech: existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, non-factive presuppositions, and lexical presuppositions.


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