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Level of Back Pain In City Transport Driver Before and After Given William Flexion Exercise at Landungsari Terminal Malang


Academic year: 2023

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Anisa Nurkholifah (2018). Level of Back Pain In City Transport Driver Before and After Given William Flexion Exercise at Landungsari Terminal Malang. Scientific Paper Case Study, Study Program DIII Keperawatan Malang, Malang Nursing Department, Ministry of Health Malang Health Polytechnic. Supervisor Lenni Saragih, SKM, M. Kes.

Keywords: Back Pain, William flexion Exercise

Lower back pain due to long sitting in a static position will cause continuous muscle contraction and narrowing of blood vessels. In narrowing of blood vessels, blood flow is inhibited and occurs systemically, so that the tissue lacks oxygen and nutrients. While the old muscle contraction will cause the buildup of lactic acid, which both cause back pain. One of the nonpharmacological actions that can be used to reduce back pain is William flexion's exercise. Until now there has been no research data about back pain in angkot drivers in Indonesia, especially in Malang, but research has been much research on complaints of back pain in other workers. The purpose of this study to determine the level of back pain in the city transport driver before and after the William Flexion exercise. The research design used is Descriptive Case Study with subject of one person that is Tn A. The research was conducted in 6 meeting for 2 weeks on 31 May to 13 June 2018. The result of the research on the subjects got the level of back pain scale before the exercise of William Flexion is 6 (being) and after the exercise of William Flexion decreased to 2 (Light), the decrease of back pain because the subjects did the exercises of William Flexion according to SOP performed once a day routinely for 2 weeks. Researchers concluded that back pain can be reduced by doing flexion wilillam training on city transport drivers from pain being mild pain. It is recommended for further researchers to conduct research on the level of back pain with the method of correlation between William Flexion's training and the level of pain


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