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Undiksha Institutional Repository System - Undiksha Repository


Academic year: 2023

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Take a two-way emotional approach to students, especially when doing online learning. This study aims to clarify the role of EFL students' pedagogical practices and judgments in the implementation of online learning in addition to gaining an understanding of the affective components, advantages and disadvantages. This study helps teachers, professors and students to recognize the importance of the elements that influence student performance during the online learning process.

Due to insufficient teacher preparation and experience with online and distance education, the introduction of online learning poses problems for both teachers and students. In two undergraduate business programs where students complete online learning modules before class discussion, this study aims to investigate how students experience the adoption of online learning. 34;What are the elements that contribute to the success/failure of online learning?" as its focus, this study intends to examine many aspects of online learning.

Attitudes, influences, motivations and views of students towards the use of online learning tools are the variables investigated in this study. This study illustrates how the transition from face-to-face to online learning has changed the learning process. This study attempts to use quantitative approaches to determine distance learning teachers' and students' perceptions of online learning readiness, attitudes, and competencies.

Students' attitudes, influences, motivations, and perspectives on using online learning tools are the variables that this study examined.

2 Blueprint Interview Guide A. Interview Guide for Teacher

3 Interview Result

INTERVIEW RESPONSES TEACHERS Name of teacher 1: Mrs. Wardani

Translate: "Okay miss, the next question, what about the professionalism of the teacher's performance during the implementation of distance learning miss?". Translate: "Okay miss, so what do you think about the advantages of distance learning miss. Translate: "Efficiency is clearly more effective face to face, but the advantage is that remotely we are pushed more out of our comfort zone to help students.

Translate: “When it comes to time, students have a schedule, so even if they are far away, they still have a study schedule. Translate: “So it means that for class hours it is the same as offline, but the difference is that you don't meet in person, right?”. Translate: “Okay ma'am, so I think all my questions have been answered, and I listened and made a note.

Translate: “Om swatiastu madam, good morning, so here I would like to ask you for an interview. Translate: “There are certainly many challenges, first we need to know which method to use because of the long distance, what the media will be like, managing the students is also difficult because it happens behind the scenes. Translate: “The response shows that students who are active are certainly active, but those who are not are certainly sleeping while learning.

Translate: “From the supporting factors, I understand more about IT, I am also more aware of using LMS because I had implemented Schoology before the pandemic, so there were no problems. Translate: “OK, ma'am, do you think distance learning is more effective than face-to-face learning?”. Translate: “In my opinion it is clearly not effective because it will certainly cause learning to be lost. The character of the children if they are not invited to go offline is certainly a mess behind the scenes.

Translated : “The benefits are clearly flexible, children can learn anywhere and teachers can teach anywhere and anytime in a free situation. Translate : "Okay ma'am, so you always use Google Meet or Zoom Meeting during learning, ma'am?". Translate : "If there is special material that you want and need to deliver synchronously, you will teach online through Google Meet or Google Jamboard.


Translate: “I feel the same as my friends, but here I also feel that there is another challenge in the cell phone memory that students must have. Translate: “Okay, so I want to make sure that this means that you often learns with WhatsApp or Google Classroom. Translate: “Okay, let's move on to the second question: what, in your opinion, are the supporting factors in implementing distance learning?”.

Translation : "In my opinion, the supporting factor is that we can learn more independently and that we can find information related to learning materials on Google or YouTube. Translation : "In my opinion, the supporting factor is definitely due to the aids we use during studies. Translate: "It's the same for me, maybe the teacher's support is different in my opinion.

Translate: "It's the same as before, the most important thing is the signal and the quota, because it's not possible for all students to have Wi-Fi at home, for example, I always have to buy the quota to be able to participate in learning. Translate : "In my opinion, because distance learning requires sophisticated tools or technology, so if students can't facilitate and provide it, it will be difficult when studying online." orang tua selama belajan jarak jauh apakah belajar?”.

Translate :"Okay, thanks for the answers, I also agree with all the factors mentioned. Translate : "For the next question, I would like to ask you to explain your answer during distance education, can you explain everything or just some ". Translate : "To be honest, from me, the distance learning process is very boring, firstly, the reason is that teachers rarely use Google Meet or Zoom, then many teachers just give assignments and materials without explaining and also give ' some games while you study.

Translate: "Talking about the answer, of course, distance learning is boring, moreover, many teachers only give assignments with short deadlines and sometimes they also give assignments in Google Classroom suddenly, so if we are not sensitive enough to checked, we will miss the deadline. Translate: "Okay, so this is the last question, so do you think that distance learning gives you the freedom to study both in terms of space and time?". Translate: "Yes, in my opinion, studying online gives you the freedom to study, where I usually study too, not necessarily at home, but I can be anywhere."

4 Blueprint Questionnaire

Menurut saya pembelajaran jarak jauh bisa dikatakan fleksibel karena bisa dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Menurut saya pembelajaran jarak jauh meningkatkan produktivitas saya dalam mengajar karena ada fleksibilitas waktu mengajar. Saya merasa bantuan pelatihan pemanfaatan teknologi dari pihak sekolah sangat penting dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan jarak jauh.

Berdasarkan pengamatan saya, pembelajaran jarak jauh mampu meningkatkan kolaborasi siswa untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran. Saya merasa guru yang menggunakan gambar, video atau permainan dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh membuat pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik. Menurut saya, pembelajaran jarak jauh merupakan sesuatu yang baru, sehingga guru dan teman-teman masih perlu membiasakan diri.

Sepertinya saya tidak memahami platform seperti Google Meet, Zoom, dan Google Classroom yang mendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh. Saya merasa cemas dan frustasi karena saya tidak memahami cara memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Menurut pengamatan saya, pembelajaran jarak jauh membutuhkan teknologi yang mahal dan canggih dalam belajar dan mengajar.

Saya merasa peralatan pendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh menghambat saya dalam melakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Menurut pendapat saya, pembelajaran jarak jauh membatasi interaksi dan kinerja saya pada kontrol langsung terhadap keterampilan siswa. Menurut pengamatan saya, dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh, dukungan orang tua sangat penting sebagai motivasi belajar siswa.

Menurut saya, dukungan orang tua dalam pendidikan jarak jauh sangat penting sebagai motivasi saya untuk belajar. Saya perlu mengeluarkan uang lebih untuk membeli kuota internet untuk mengajar pembelajaran jarak jauh. Guru saya memberikan konsekuensi kepada siswa apabila mereka tidak memberikan respon yang baik kepada guru pada saat pembelajaran jarak jauh.

5 Questionnaire Result

Teacher’s Questionnaire Resutls of Supporting Factors

Teacher’s Questionnaire Results of Limiting factors

Students’ Questionnaire Results of Supporting Factors

Student’s Questionnaire Result of Limiting Factors

6 Expert Judgement Sheet for Student

Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh sebaiknya dibantu dengan media dan alat teknologi pendukung seperti komputer, laptop, dan telepon pintar. Saya bisa menggunakan banyak platform seperti Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet dan lainnya untuk membantu proses pembelajaran jarak jauh. Saya merasa percaya diri menggunakan internet (google Translate, YouTube dan aplikasi pembelajaran lainnya) untuk mengakses materi dan menyerahkan tugas dalam bahasa Inggris selama pembelajaran online.

Saya merasa yakin dapat menggunakan media online (email, platform chatting) untuk berkomunikasi dan berdiskusi secara efektif dengan teman/guru. Guru saya menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang menarik dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh sehingga mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran. Saya merasa dihargai ketika guru memberikan dukungan dan tanggapan positif atas usaha yang saya lakukan.

Menurut saya guru yang mendesain materi lebih kreatif, singkat, padat dan jelas sehingga membuat saya lebih tertarik untuk belajar. Menurut pengamatan saya, banyak orang tua yang sibuk bekerja sehingga tidak memperdulikan anaknya selama pendidikan jarak jauh. Kemampuan guru dalam menciptakan situasi pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan menarik selama pembelajaran jarak jauh meningkatkan minat belajar saya.

Dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, guru saya mampu memberikan video pembelajaran sebagai media pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh, selain mengadakan pertemuan konferensi. Saat menerapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh, sangat penting bagi siswa untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tentang penggunaan teknologi dan juga akses terhadap materi.

7 Expert Judgement Sheet for Teachers

Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh sebaiknya dibantu dengan media dan alat teknologi pendukung seperti komputer, laptop dan smartphone, dan saya merasa percaya diri dalam menggunakan internet (Google Translate, YouTube dan aplikasi pembelajaran lainnya). Saya menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang menarik dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh sehingga mempengaruhi proses belajar siswa.

Menurut saya, pemberian materi yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan kemampuan siswa akan menghindarkan siswa dari kesulitan belajar pada pembelajaran jarak jauh. Menurut saya pembelajaran jarak jauh lebih menarik jika menggunakan gambar, video atau permainan. Selama proses pembelajaran, saya melihat kurangnya partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh.

Menurut saya siswa pembelajaran jarak jauh lebih pasif dalam pembelajaran karena kurang memahami materi. Saya yakin saat belajar menggunakan konferensi video, banyak siswa yang kurang disiplin dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh.


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