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the use of listen - read - discuss method to improve

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "the use of listen - read - discuss method to improve"


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Therefore, firstly, the writer would like to thank the Rector of Bosowa Makassar University, Prof. Secondly, the writer would like to thank the Dean of Faculty Teacher Training and Education at Bosowa University of Makassar, Dr. The writer would like to thank the two supervisors: Rampeng, S.Pd., M.Pd as the first supervisor and Ulfah Syam, S.S., M.Pd as the second supervisor for spending a lot of time in guiding the writer from start to finish. of the manuscript, providing useful comments and corrections, suggestions, and facilitating the writer in completing this research.

Finally, the writer hopes that all the support, encouragement and facilities from all the people who make it easy to complete his skripsi are noted as devotion by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.


  • Background
  • Research Question
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
  • Scope of the Research
  • Some Previous Related Research Findings
  • Some Theories of Reading 1. Definition of Reading
    • Technique of Reading
    • Types of Reading
    • Levels of Reading Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
    • Definition of Reading comprehension
    • The Process of Reading Comprehension
    • Levels of Reading Comprehension
  • Listen-Read Discuss Method
    • The Definition of Listen-Read Discuss Method?
    • Steps In The Listen-Read Discuss Method
    • Benefit of Listen-Read-Discuss Method
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Hypothesis

Based on explanation above, the author was interesting in carrying out the title “The use of listening-reading-discussing method to improve students' reading comprehension research at the ninth grade of SMPN 34 Makassar. Based on the background above, the author formulates research questions as follows "Does the students' reading comprehension improve through the Listening-Reading-Discussion Method?". The aim of the research is to find out the improved reading comprehension through the Listening-Reading-Discussion method.

This research focuses on students' performance in learning reading comprehension using Listen-Read-Discuss method to ninth grade students at SMPN 34 Makassar. According to Handayani in Krismayani (2015) in her research Improving students' reading comprehension by using Listen-Read-Discuss method at The SMPN 34 Makassar. The conceptual framework above shows the process of the research to increase students' reading comprehension.


Location of the Research

Research Design

Variable of the Research

Subject of the Research

Research Instrument

The Procedure of Collecting Data

  • Data Source
  • Cycle 1 a. Planning
  • Cycle II
  • Kinds of Data
  • Procedure

In addition, the writer will provide students with prior knowledge of reading comprehension in the text. In this phase, the writer observed the students' activity in the teaching learning process using the observation sheet and at the end of the first cycle, the writer taught the students using the Listen-Read-Discuss method. The second cycle in this classroom action research is basically the same as the procedure in the first cycle and the stage in the second cycle is the review from the first cycle. a.

The author analyzed the students' test score in the second cycle to see the improvement in the students' reading skills after implementing the Listen-Read-Discuss method. Types of data in this study are quantitative data, which consists of the students' reading performance, students' participation and activity in teaching reading.

Technique of Data Analysis

  • Calculating The Students’ Score
  • Calculating the Means Score

In this case, it discusses the way to develop students' reading comprehension of narrative text by using the Listening-Reading-Discussion method at IX of SMPN 34 Makassar academic year 2017/2018. This is before the implementation of the action, the implementation of the action, and discussion of all data after the implementation of the action.


  • The Result of Pre Observation
  • The Result of Diagnostic Test

In other words, they could not finish the work on time, and the teacher often ignored that behavior. Furthermore, when the teacher explained the generic structure and linguistic features of the narrative text, most students did not care about the teacher. Therefore, the students could not analyze the schematic structure of the story because of their difficulties in understanding the text.

There were actually 5 questions on the essay test form in which students completed the test in 30 minutes. Based on the Diagnostic Test score, the data showed that the mean Diagnostic Test score was 54. From that analysis, it can be seen that the reading comprehension of class IX students was still very low.


  • Action
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

And the writer also asked some students to read the text aloud to know how well they can pronounce the reading text in English. At this stage, the writer also discussed the result of implementing the modified action and decided whether the action should continue or not. From the writer's observation, it can be seen that some students still had difficulty processing the main idea of.

However, regarding the first cycle, the author felt satisfied enough because their efforts to improve students' reading comprehension of narrative text were developed although not all the goals could be achieved yet. Next, the teacher and the writer still had to reflect the improper implementation of the use of Listen-Read-Discuss Method. Here the author gave her perceptions of the teaching learning process related to the last observation phase.

In this case, the writer suggested the teacher walk around the classroom to check on the students." In this case, the writer modified the previous lesson plan based on the result of the reflection phase in the first cycle. However, there were some modifications in the second cycle, which required the writer to give more time to the students in doing the exercises of the Listen-Read-Discussion Method.

In addition, the writer also prepared an unstructured observation sheet to record classroom activities. In the second action of the second cycle, the writer was held in the second cycle test regarding the students' understanding of the narrative text.

The Discussion of the Data After Classroom Action Research (CAR)

To compare the test result between the Diagnostic Test and each cycle test, the writer uses several steps. They are the calculation of the students' average test scores, the calculation of the class percentage and the calculation of the improvement score of the students from the Diagnostic Test to the Cycle 1 and 2 test in percentage. Based on the table above, it shows that the lowest Diagnostic Test score is 40 and the highest Diagnostic Test score is .

The diagnostic test was conducted as a preliminary study to identify the students' abilities in reading the narrative text. From the above calculation, it is known that the percentage of students' results in the diagnostic test is 20%. Then, in Classroom Action Research (CAR) cycle 1, the writer calculates the cycle 1 test score to know the improvement in student scores from the diagnostic test to the cycle 1 test score.

The second step is to obtain the students' percentage improvement score from the diagnostic test to the cycle 1 test. It shows that the result in cycle 1 has improved 16% from the diagnostic test result. In Classroom Action Research (CAR) cycle 2 the writer also calculates the test score to further know the score improvement from either the diagnostic test score or cycle 2 test.

Based on that calculation, it could be seen that the cycle 2 test improves 47% from the diagnostic test. The cycle 2 test class percentage shows some improvement from the previous test, the improvement is 92% from the diagnostic test (20%) or from the cycle 2 test class percentage (60%).

The Interpretation of Test Result

The last step is for the writer to try to get the percentage of the class whose score passes the KKM. It means that in cycle 2 there are 23 students who pass the KKM and there are 2 students whose result is below the KKM. It means that there is some improvement of the students' results from the previous test (diagnostic test), so 16% (Not enough to achieve the research objective and still needs to be developed).

It shows that there are 15 students who pass the KKM and there are 10 students whose result is still below the KKM. This means that it still needed more improvement because it could not reach the CAR success target, which is 70% (or at least 10 students) of the class percentage. It shows the improvement of students' scores from the cycle test 1 (64) or the 60% improvement of the students in the percentage of the result from the diagnostic test or the 20% improvement of the students from the diagnostic test 1.

This means there are 23 students whose score passes the KKM and there are 2 students who are still below the KKM target. This class percentage shows some improvements 92% of the diagnostic test (20%) of the test of cycle 1 (60%) in the class percentage. The test of cycle 2 achieved the goal of Classroom Action Research (KAR) success, i.e. more than 70% students can pass the KKM.

In the end, all the above calculations prove that there is a significant improvement in the understanding of the narrative text by the students. It means that the Listen-Read-Discuss method is effective to be used in improving the comprehension of narrative text in ninth grade students of SMPN 34 Makassar.



Once upon a time the prince and his best friend, lived a kind young prince named Jonathan. Franklin was terrified and asked the prince to surrender immediately, but Peter was not afraid. When they got to the room where the prince was to sleep, no one was there.

Finally Tiger ran to the river, jumped into it so that the bees left him. The hare was a good shot and the bear, being very clumsy, could not use an arrow to good advantage. Every morning the bear called to the hare and asked the hare to take his bow and arrows and come with the bear to the other side of the hill.

The rabbit, fearing to incur the bear's wrath by refusing, consented and went with the bear. In fact, he shot and killed so many that there was still plenty of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home. But the bear was so greedy and evil that he did not allow the rabbit to have any of the meat.

The poor rabbit could not even taste the blood of the slaughter because the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. Instead of eating this extra meat, the youngest bear took the meat outside and pretended to play ball with it, kicking it to the rabbit's house, and when. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

Read the text and answer the question to complete The Prince and His Best Friend.


The Students were answering the question in diagnostic test

The Students were answering the question in cycle 1

The Students were answering the question in cycle 2

The Researcher was explaining about the content of the text


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