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Zulfikar, S.Ag., M.Ed Mulia, M.Ed Member, Member, Suherman, S.Ag., S.I.P., M.Ec Azizah, M.Pd Certified by: The Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Dr

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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "Zulfikar, S.Ag., M.Ed Mulia, M.Ed Member, Member, Suherman, S.Ag., S.I.P., M.Ec Azizah, M.Pd Certified by: The Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Dr"


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Submitted to Faculty of Teacher Education and Training, Ar-Raniry Islamic State University, Darussalam Banda Aceh In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for Sarjana Degree (S-1). JlnSyeikhAbdurRaufKopelma Darussalam Banda Aceh Email:pbi.ftk@ar-raniry.ac.id, Website: http://pbi.ar-raniry.ac.id/. The sample of the study consisted of 43 students in the 8th semester of English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Education and Training, Ar-raniry Islamic State University.

Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 43 mahasiswa semester 8 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.

Background of Study

Based on the previous studies that I found, which are about the use of educational media in the Classroom. Instructional media is a tool useful in teaching a learning process that has been widely discussed in the world. The instructional media thus have a good perception of the teaching-learning process, and in this research I want to explore the EFL students' perception of using media in the classroom.

Based on the above explanation, I was interested in carrying out a research entitled Perception of students on the use of learning media in the classroom by their lecturers.

Research Question

These facilities are expected to help the department produce the best EFL teachers in the future. This research was conducted in the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in UIN Ar-Raniry.

Research Aim

Significance of The study

It may be a consideration for educators to enhance their creativity in the learning process by using media.


Does the use of teaching media have a good impact on the progress of the teaching-learning process? Most of the students agreed (76.7%) that they feel that instructional media can help them solve the problems during teaching-learning process, while 6 students (14%) strongly agreed. So that the result above indicates that most of the students gave the positive response to the statement "Instructional media motivated and encouraged me in the teaching learning process".

Then, they added that "the use of instructional media makes the teaching and learning process more focused and coordinated." From the table above, the result shows that most of the students in this study agreed that the use of teaching media gives a good impact on the smooth running of the teaching-learning process. It shows that learning media can make the teaching-learning process more efficient and time-saving.

In conclusion, the use of instructional media is effective and efficient in the teaching learning process. The result above indicates that all the students gave a positive response to the statement "students' abilities improved during the use of teaching media used in the classroom". The result above clearly shows that most of the students perceived that educational media trained them to become more independent in the classroom.

Thus, the above result shows that the majority of students gave a positive answer to the statement "Learning medium is important in the transfer of material". They added that "the teaching and learning process will continue, albeit without the use of learning media". From the above table, the result can be seen that most of the students prefer to study using learning media.

Most of the students (65.1%) agreed that they think that the learning medium could help them solve the problem during the learning process, and 12 students (27.9%) strongly agreed.

Brief Description of Research Location

Research Design

According to Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2008) cited in cameron (2015), mixed methods represent research that involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or in a series of studies investigating the same underlying phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to investigate how many students enjoy learning while using learning media and how they perceive learning media. The quantitative method is used to find out the percentage of students who enjoy using learning media in the classroom, and the qualitative method is used to explore the students' perceptions in depth based on their opinion.


Language education at the faculty of education and teacher training at Ar-Raniry Islamic state university. The champion of this study is the student in the 8th semester of English Language Education. 8th semester students were selected because they have passed the middle period of the faculty and also used some kind of learning media, at least audio media, after taking the listening class.

The number of participants in this study is 42 students, selected from 280 students in the English Education department in the eighth semester or 15% of the population. I decided based on the statement of Arikunto (2010) which revealed if the subject is less than 100 people; the population will automatically be sampled. In addition, the student to be interviewed is selected through purposive sampling to obtain qualitative data.

Purposive sampling is a method of selecting a sample chosen based on specific criteria set by researchers (Kuntjojo, 2009).

Technique of Data Collection

The questionnaire is designed to help the writer learn more about students' views on research subject matter (Exploring EFL Students'. Perception on the Use of Instructional Media in Classroom). Questions that the respondents did not understand well were explained to them to ensure that they answered correctly. Based on the purpose of this study, it is good to use purposive sampling as a method to select 8 participants from 42 students for an interview.

The purposive sampling does not need to underpin theories or number of participants, which means non-random technique. In this technique, I decided what needed to be known and set out to find people who could and were willing to provide the information based on knowledge or experience in using instructional media in the classroom. It is typically used in qualitative research to identify and select information from available resources.

The interview sample was selected through purposive sampling which will be selected based on their response to the questionnaire required. The criterion of the sample was students who know how to answer the questionnaire seriously, differently and responsibly. An interview is a process of answering a series of questions that are asked directly (Fraenkel & wallen, 2009).

The methods make sense to get information about things that cannot be observed directly.

Technique of Data Analysis

First, I examined students' perceptions of the use of educational media in the classroom and descriptively analyzed the data from the questionnaire. Furthermore, closed questions were used to obtain information about EFL students' perceptions of the use of educational media in the classroom. This was designed to find details of specific information about EFL students' perceptions of the use of educational media in the classroom.

Most students agreed (65.1%) that instructional media always have a positive influence on the development of the teaching-learning process, while 4 students (9.3%) strongly agreed. So that the largest number of students who responded positively to the statement shows that most of them feel that educational media helps them solve the problem by accepting the material in the classroom. Most students agreed (62.8%) that the instructional media are very helpful in the teaching and learning process, while 13 students (30.2%) strongly agreed.

However, according to the above explanation, the writer can conclude that the use of educational media has a good influence on the progress of the teaching learning process. The percentage of responses from these students shows that most students agreed that using educational media can train their English proficiency. Subsequently, the second statement also shows that almost all students responded positively to the statement that instructional media trained them to become more independent.

The previous study revealed that Instructional media is considered very important in the teaching-learning process (Kadzera, 2006). The students in this study agreed that the use of teaching media helps them to develop their understanding of the subject material. The purpose of this study is to find out the EFL students' perception about the use of instructional media in the classroom.

Based on the results of the questionnaire and interview, it can be understood that educational media have a positive influence on the students.



In conclusion, the majority of students agreed that the use of instructional media has a good impact on students in the teaching learning process, and the preferred media for students depends on their own learning style, which way is comfortable for them. Using questionnaires to obtain information on public perception of natural hazards and risk mitigation - an overview of current knowledge and practice. Improving the process of teaching and learning to speak through acromedia flash animation in eighth grade.

Cameron (2015). Blended Methods Research, Deakin University, Melbourne Eisner, EW The kind of schools we need. Phi Delta Kappan. Use of Educational Media for Quality Training in Kindergarten Teacher Education in Nairobi County, Kenya. Effects of the use of instructional materials on the cognitive performance of agricultural science students. Journal of Educational and Social Research.3(5).

Teachers' and students' perceptions of the use of educational media in the teaching and learning of history and government in secondary schools in Kenya. Scaffolding an EFL 'effective writing' class in a hybrid learning community. submitted to fulfill the requirements for the educational doctorate). Instructional media as a tool to ensure quality in teaching and learning for students in secondary schools (selected schools in Kumasi metropolis).

Turkish Educational Technology Online Journal. Your Research Project: A Step-by-Step Guide for the First-Time Researcher, 2nd Edition. London: Sage. Learning media make students more active in the classroom. learning media are of great help in the teaching and learning process.


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