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SATHI- Animation Music Video


Academic year: 2023

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I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and may also result in criminal action from sources that are not properly cited, or from which proper permission is not obtained where necessary. The story is about an introverted boy and his love for music that helps him express his emotions. Music is also a very important part of this project, because when I came up with this idea to show my story in the form of animation, music was the main word for the work.

In the process of making this project, I explored many treatments and mediums to construct a good story. The story begins with the fear of an introverted boy and his secret love for music. Sathi is a short animated music video that not only has animated storytelling but also includes music to express the emotions of the character.

But one day he started learning the guitar and the instrument became his friend and a guy who is like a support for him to express his thoughts and feelings in the form of music. While making this film, I faced many challenges like how to get the feel of the story, what should be the medium of the film to suit the story, character design that does justice to the nature of the character, the color of the film for the feel, from the perfect story building to execution of the story. We need to check the pivot point before applying classic tween for auto animation and if we made any mistake in pivot point position and moved then it is very hard to fix the mistake so better you.

The animated puppet film we made in the second semester was a very important film for us.

Figure 1: Exploring stop motion
Figure 1: Exploring stop motion

This is a full paper cut animation film made from working with puppets. This cut paper film gives the feel of puppet animation. While shooting the film, the camera position must be fixed and this is a big task in a stop motion film. Just like this movie was shot frame by frame is very impressive and the timing in the animation is perfect.

Figure 6: A scene from the music video “The raven that refused to sing"
Figure 6: A scene from the music video “The raven that refused to sing"


Music as a mode of expression

Music as therapy is the way to use music for the comfort and treatment of the person. It can be used to improve the health of the patient and also for the meditation. Like when a ring from the temple makes the sound, we can understand that there is a pooja going on when azan sound comes from the mosque which also expresses the same thing.

A musician who plays something and if he is not in a good mood at that time, he will definitely play a sad tune and the same will do for the happy state. It is beneficial to any person, both physically and mentally, through improved speed, reduced anxiety, stimulation of the brain and improved learning.

Figure 12: Music as a medium of expression
Figure 12: Music as a medium of expression


  • Idea
  • Story Building
  • Script
  • Translation of the lyrics
  • Story visualization and thumbnails

This support gave him confidence not only in music but also in talking to people. The song that was written for the film is the narration of the whole story. I have some enjoyment in music, but I still get scared if I see someone in front.

Then someone came into my life and it was my guitar. It gave me the confidence and companionship to fight my fears and express myself in music. The first pictures are just rough thumbnails, they are just to see the position of the scenes and figures as it will be in the final movie with the correct camera angle and all. These thumbnails are just doodles to get an idea of ​​the visuals of the story.

Figure 14: Thumbnails for the storyboard
Figure 14: Thumbnails for the storyboard

Character design


After getting the character, another task was to choose the color tone and color palette for the character.so different colors have been tried on the same character. After getting a proper story with the entire script, the next step was to design the characters. The boy will be on the screen from the beginning to the end, but the guitar will climax.

Since the story is about a boy who is very introverted and shy, the character should reflect this quality. After using different colors for the character, finally watercolor in dark black and white tones. When deciding on a color palette, she kept in mind that it should be in line with the mood of the film.

Figure 18: Initial sketches
Figure 18: Initial sketches


Final look and feel of the movie

Because this is an animated music video, when we started working on the film we had to finish a lot of it and it was good. As we have the story of the film, there is a boy who is extra introverted and shy, cannot express himself and always lives alone. It was a big challenge to do this sound design work because it is the basis of the film and the image.

First a song was written about the situation of the film and which expresses the feelings and situation of the protagonist. Then started writing scene by scene selection of words very important and that too in a rhythm of a poetry so that it will be easy to compose the song. Composing the song according to the lyrics we have is very important and learning part of the music for the film.

When it came to composing the song, the first thing was to get the seriousness of the situation into the melody. After getting the kickstart, the main responsibility was to maintain that mood until the end of the film. Keeping the mood of the melody in the song is the greatest success of the composition.

Music arrangement is a big task in creating a song or any kind of background music. Before we start making music arrangement, we need to decide which instruments we should use in the song. The choice of instrument is important because while choosing the instrument we have to consider the mood of the scenario.

While arranging music, we have to keep the music in the right place, as if we were doing that. 26 add a guitar sample so it should be in the right place in the song where it can be more effective and enhance the melody. The right arrangement of any type of sound and music is very important and forms the basis of the perfect sound design and music arrangement for a song.

Figure 25: Sound design
Figure 25: Sound design

Music and Sound design


Figure 1: Exploring stop motion
Figure 2: Set design for a stop motion film
Figure 3: A scene from the film
Figure 4: Time shadows


Dokumen terkait

As the author happily admits, this is a book about work and its history as well as music and its origins, and so interwoven are the two that in some societies there is no separate word